Hadoop combiner execution on reducers - hadoop

I have a long running MapReduce job with some mappers taking considerably more time than others.
Checking the stats on the web interface, I saw that my combiner also kicked in on the reducers (which where mostly idle as just 2 mappers were still running).
Although it seems reasonable to not waste time and do some pre-aggregation until all mappers have finished, I cannot find any documentation for this behaviour. Can anyone confirm that this is indeed a feature of Hadoop or just displayed wrong on the web interface?

The combiner starts when a reasonable amount of data has been emitted by the mapper. Note that a combiner runs as an aggregation (typically) of a mapper's output (and not on the reduce side). More details can be found here.
Also, the reducers can start gathering (only) the data that are emitted by the mappers, before all the mappers have finished. That is called the shuffling phase of the reducer. You can change the time when the reducers will start gathering data, by changing the mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps property (or mapreduce.job.reduce.slowstart.completedmaps in newer versions). More details on this SO post.


Running Mappers and Reducers on different Groups of machines

We have a nice, big, complicated elastic-mapreduce job that has wildly different constraints on hardware for the Mapper vs Collector vs Reducer.
The issue is: for the Mappers, we need tonnes of lightweight machines to run several mappers in parallel (all good there); the collectors are more memory hungry, but it should still be OK to give them about 6GB of peak heap each . . . but, the problem is the Reducers. When one of those kicks off, it will grab up about 32-64GB for processing.
The result it that we get a round-robbin type of task death because the full memory of a box is consumed, which causes that one mapper and reducer to both be restarted elsewhere.
The simplest approach would be if we could somehow specify a way to have the reducer run on a different "group" (a handful of ginormous boxes) while having the mappers/collectors running on smaller boxes. This could also lead to significant cost-savings as well, as we really shouldn't be sizing the nodes mappers are running on to the demands of the reducers.
An alternative would be to "break up" the job so that there's a 2nd cluster that can be spun up to process the mappers collector's output--but, that's obviously "sub-optimal".
So, the question are:
Is there a way do specify what "groups" a mapper or a reducer will
run upon Elastic MapReduce and/or Hadoop?
Is there a way to prevent the reducers from starting until all the mappers are done?
Does anyone have other ideas on how to approach this?
During a Hadoop MapReduce job, Reducers start running after all the Mappers are done. The output from the Map phase is shuffled and sorted before partitioning takes place to decide which Reducer receives which data. So, Reducers start running after the Shuffle/Sort phase has ended (after the mappers are done).

Master and Slaves in Hadoop

I know that Hadoop divides the work into independent chuncks. But imagine if one mapper finished handling its tasks before other mappers, can the master program give this mapper a work (i.e. some tasks) that was already associated to another mapper? if yes, how?
Read up on speculative execution Yahoo Tutorial-
One problem with the Hadoop system is that by dividing the tasks across many nodes, it is possible for a few slow nodes to rate-limit the rest of the program. For example if one node has a slow disk controller, then it may be reading its input at only 10% the speed of all the other nodes. So when 99 map tasks are already complete, the system is still waiting for the final map task to check in, which takes much longer than all the other nodes.
By forcing tasks to run in isolation from one another, individual tasks do not know where their inputs come from. Tasks trust the Hadoop platform to just deliver the appropriate input. Therefore, the same input can be processed multiple times in parallel, to exploit differences in machine capabilities. As most of the tasks in a job are coming to a close, the Hadoop platform will schedule redundant copies of the remaining tasks across several nodes which do not have other work to perform. This process is known as speculative execution. When tasks complete, they announce this fact to the JobTracker. Whichever copy of a task finishes first becomes the definitive copy. If other copies were executing speculatively, Hadoop tells the TaskTrackers to abandon the tasks and discard their outputs. The Reducers then receive their inputs from whichever Mapper completed successfully, first.
Speculative execution is enabled by default. You can disable speculative execution for the mappers and reducers by setting the mapred.map.tasks.speculative.execution and mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution JobConf options to false, respectively.
The Yahoo Tutorial information, which only covers MapReduce v1, is a little out of date, though the concepts are the same. The new options for MR v2 are now:

why Hadoop shuffling time takes longer than expected

I am trying to figure out which steps takes how much time in simple hadoop wordcount example.
In this example 3 maps and 1 reducer is used where each map generates ~7MB shuffle data. I have a cluster which is connected via 1Gb switches. When I look at the job details, realized that shuffling takes ~7 sec after all map tasks are completed wich is more than expected to transfer such a small data. What could be the reason behind this? Thanks
Hadoop uses heartbeats to communicate with nodes. By default hadoop uses minimal heartbeat interval equals to 3seconds. Consequently hadoop completes your task within two heartbeats (roughly 6 seconds).
More details: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAPREDUCE-1906
The transfer is not the only thing to complete after the map step. Each mapper outputs their part of a given split locally and sorts it. The reducer that is tasked with a particular split then gathers the parts from each mapper output, each requiring a transfer of 7 MB. The reducer then has to merge these segments into a final sorted file.
Honestly though, the scale you are testing on is absolutely tiny. I don't know all the parts of the Hadoop shuffle step, which I understand has some involved details, but you shouldn't expect performance of such small files to be indicative of actual performance on larger files.
I think the shuffling started after first mapper started. But waited for the next two mappers.
There is option to start reduce phase (begins with shuffling) after all the mappers were finished. But that's not really speed up anything.
(BTW. 7 seconds is considered fast in Hadoop. Hadoop is poor in performance. Especially for small files. Unless somebody else is paying for this. Don't use Hadoop.)

In which part/class of mapreduce is the logic of stopping reduce tasks implemented

In Hadoop MapReduce no reducer starts before all mappers are finished. Can someone please explain me at which part/class/codeline is this logic implemented? I am talking about Hadoop MapReduce version 1 (NOT Yarn). I have searched the map reduce framework but there are so many classes and i don't understand much the method calls and their ordering.
In other words i need (first for test purposes) to let the reducers start reducing even if there are still working mappers. I know that this way i am getting false results for the job but for know this is the start of some work for changing parts of the framework. So where should i start to look and make changes?
This is done in the shuffle phase. For Hadoop 1.x, take a look at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ReduceTask.ReduceCopier, which implements ShuffleConsumerPlugin. You may also want to read the "Breaking the MapReduce Stage Barrier" research paper by Verma et al.
After reading #chris-white 's answer, I realized that my answer needed an extra explanation. In the MapReduce model, you need to wait for all mappers to finish, since the keys need to be grouped and sorted; plus, you may have some speculative mappers running and you do not know yet which of the duplicate mappers will finish first. However, as the "Breaking the MapReduce Stage Barrier" paper indicates, for some applications, it may make sense not to wait for all of the output of the mappers. If you would want to implement this sort of behavior (most likely for research purposes), then you should take a look at the classes I mentioned above.
Some points for clarification:
A reducer cannot start reducing until all mappers have finished, their partitions copied to the node where the reducer task is running, and finally sorted.
What you may see is a reducer pre-empting the copy of map outputs while other map tasks are still running. This is controlled via a configuration property known as slowstart (mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.map). This value represents a ratio (0.0 - 1.0) of the number of map tasks that need to have completed before the reducer tasks will start up (copying over the map outputs from those map tasks that have completed). The default value is usually around 0.9, meaning that if you have 100 map tasks for your job, 90 of them would need to finish before the job tracker can start to launch the reduce tasks.
This is all controlled by the job tracker, in the JobInProgress class, lines 775, 1610, 1664.

When do reduce tasks start in Hadoop?

In Hadoop when do reduce tasks start? Do they start after a certain percentage (threshold) of mappers complete? If so, is this threshold fixed? What kind of threshold is typically used?
The reduce phase has 3 steps: shuffle, sort, reduce. Shuffle is where the data is collected by the reducer from each mapper. This can happen while mappers are generating data since it is only a data transfer. On the other hand, sort and reduce can only start once all the mappers are done. You can tell which one MapReduce is doing by looking at the reducer completion percentage: 0-33% means its doing shuffle, 34-66% is sort, 67%-100% is reduce. This is why your reducers will sometimes seem "stuck" at 33%-- it's waiting for mappers to finish.
Reducers start shuffling based on a threshold of percentage of mappers that have finished. You can change the parameter to get reducers to start sooner or later.
Why is starting the reducers early a good thing? Because it spreads out the data transfer from the mappers to the reducers over time, which is a good thing if your network is the bottleneck.
Why is starting the reducers early a bad thing? Because they "hog up" reduce slots while only copying data and waiting for mappers to finish. Another job that starts later that will actually use the reduce slots now can't use them.
You can customize when the reducers startup by changing the default value of mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps in mapred-site.xml. A value of 1.00 will wait for all the mappers to finish before starting the reducers. A value of 0.0 will start the reducers right away. A value of 0.5 will start the reducers when half of the mappers are complete. You can also change mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps on a job-by-job basis. In new versions of Hadoop (at least 2.4.1) the parameter is called is mapreduce.job.reduce.slowstart.completedmaps (thanks user yegor256).
Typically, I like to keep mapred.reduce.slowstart.completed.maps above 0.9 if the system ever has multiple jobs running at once. This way the job doesn't hog up reducers when they aren't doing anything but copying data. If you only ever have one job running at a time, doing 0.1 would probably be appropriate.
The reduce phase can start long before a reducer is called. As soon as "a" mapper finishes the job, the generated data undergoes some sorting and shuffling (which includes call to combiner and partitioner). The reducer "phase" kicks in the moment post mapper data processing is started. As these processing is done, you will see progress in reducers percentage. However, none of the reducers have been called in yet. Depending on number of processors available/used, nature of data and number of expected reducers, you may want to change the parameter as described by #Donald-miner above.
As much I understand Reduce phase start with the map phase and keep consuming the record from maps. However since there is sort and shuffle phase after the map phase all the outputs have to be sorted and sent to the reducer. So logically you can imagine that reduce phase starts only after map phase but actually for performance reason reducers are also initialized with the mappers.
The percentage shown for the reduce phase is actually about the amount of the data copied from the maps output to the reducers input directories.
To know when does this copying start? It is a configuration you can set as Donald showed above. Once all the data is copied to reducers (ie. 100% reduce) that's when the reducers start working and hence might freeze in "100% reduce" if your reducers code is I/O or CPU intensive.
Reduce starts only after all the mapper have fished there task, Reducer have to communicate with all the mappers so it has to wait till the last mapper finished its task.however mapper starts transferring data to the moment it has completed its task.
Consider a WordCount example in order to understand better how the map reduce task works.Suppose we have a large file, say a novel and our task is to find the number of times each word occurs in the file. Since the file is large, it might be divided into different blocks and replicated in different worker nodes. The word count job is composed of map and reduce tasks. The map task takes as input each block and produces an intermediate key-value pair. In this example, since we are counting the number of occurences of words, the mapper while processing a block would result in intermediate results of the form (word1,count1), (word2,count2) etc. The intermediate results of all the mappers is passed through a shuffle phase which will reorder the intermediate result.
Assume that our map output from different mappers is of the following form:
Map 1:-
Map2 :-
The map outputs are sorted in such a manner that the same key values are given to the same reducer. Here it would mean that the keys corresponding to is,was etc go the same reducer.It is the reducer which produces the final output,which in this case would be:-
Reducer tasks starts only after the completion of all the mappers.
But the data transfer happens after each Map.
Actually it is a pull operation.
That means, each time reducer will be asking every maptask if they have some data to retrive from Map.If they find any mapper completed their task , Reducer pull the intermediate data.
The intermediate data from Mapper is stored in disk.
And the data transfer from Mapper to Reduce happens through Network (Data Locality is not preserved in Reduce phase)
When Mapper finishes its task then Reducer starts its job to Reduce the Data this is Mapreduce job.
