Master and Slaves in Hadoop - hadoop

I know that Hadoop divides the work into independent chuncks. But imagine if one mapper finished handling its tasks before other mappers, can the master program give this mapper a work (i.e. some tasks) that was already associated to another mapper? if yes, how?

Read up on speculative execution Yahoo Tutorial-
One problem with the Hadoop system is that by dividing the tasks across many nodes, it is possible for a few slow nodes to rate-limit the rest of the program. For example if one node has a slow disk controller, then it may be reading its input at only 10% the speed of all the other nodes. So when 99 map tasks are already complete, the system is still waiting for the final map task to check in, which takes much longer than all the other nodes.
By forcing tasks to run in isolation from one another, individual tasks do not know where their inputs come from. Tasks trust the Hadoop platform to just deliver the appropriate input. Therefore, the same input can be processed multiple times in parallel, to exploit differences in machine capabilities. As most of the tasks in a job are coming to a close, the Hadoop platform will schedule redundant copies of the remaining tasks across several nodes which do not have other work to perform. This process is known as speculative execution. When tasks complete, they announce this fact to the JobTracker. Whichever copy of a task finishes first becomes the definitive copy. If other copies were executing speculatively, Hadoop tells the TaskTrackers to abandon the tasks and discard their outputs. The Reducers then receive their inputs from whichever Mapper completed successfully, first.
Speculative execution is enabled by default. You can disable speculative execution for the mappers and reducers by setting the and mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution JobConf options to false, respectively.

The Yahoo Tutorial information, which only covers MapReduce v1, is a little out of date, though the concepts are the same. The new options for MR v2 are now:


How many reducers can simultaneously run?

Learning Big Data at Uni and I'm kind of confused on the topic of MapReduce. I was wondering how many reducers can run simultaneously. For example lets say if we had 864 reducers, how many could run simultaneously?
All of them can run simultaneously depending upon what is the state(health, i.e. no rouge/bad node) of cluster is, what is the capacity of the cluster is and also how free the cluster is. If there are other MR jobs running on the same cluster then out of your 864 reducers only few will go in running state, and once the capacity is free then another set of reducer will start running.
Also there is one case which happens sometimes is when your reducer/mapper keep on preempting each other and takes up the whole memory. Job fails in majority of this case. To avoid this we generally set less number of reducer.
One line answer is - all of them can run simultaneously; as each of the reducer performs an independent unit of task in map reduce framework.
Now, how many would actually run in parallel, or more precisely when each of them would be scheduled to run depends on many factors including but not limited to resource availability, scheduling mechanism, cluster configuration etc.

Big Data File Processing in Map Reduce

I am trying to understand how does the Map Reduce work in general. So what I know is that there are Mappers that run in parallel over several computers and create a resultset which is then used by Reducers running in parallel over several machines to create the intended data set.
My questions are:
Does one job run on a fixed number of files? So, at the start of
a Job, there is a fixed number of files that need to be processed to
process and produce some data.
If no, then how can we process a
stream of Data that may be coming from different sources maybe
Twitter feeds etc?
If Yes, Please explain how the Map Reduce find
out when all the Mappers have finished and Reducing task should
begin because possibly there is no point of reference.
Yes. Basically a job starts, process files and ends. No running forever.
Stream processing can be handled by Storm or similar
technologies but not Hadoop alone, since it's a batch processing system. You can also look for how Hadoop Yarn and Storm can work together.
The should be a point of reference, because tasktracker running in
different nodes sends status info of different tasks (Map tasks /Reduce tasks) being run
periodically to the jobtracker, which co-ordinates the job run.

In which part/class of mapreduce is the logic of stopping reduce tasks implemented

In Hadoop MapReduce no reducer starts before all mappers are finished. Can someone please explain me at which part/class/codeline is this logic implemented? I am talking about Hadoop MapReduce version 1 (NOT Yarn). I have searched the map reduce framework but there are so many classes and i don't understand much the method calls and their ordering.
In other words i need (first for test purposes) to let the reducers start reducing even if there are still working mappers. I know that this way i am getting false results for the job but for know this is the start of some work for changing parts of the framework. So where should i start to look and make changes?
This is done in the shuffle phase. For Hadoop 1.x, take a look at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ReduceTask.ReduceCopier, which implements ShuffleConsumerPlugin. You may also want to read the "Breaking the MapReduce Stage Barrier" research paper by Verma et al.
After reading #chris-white 's answer, I realized that my answer needed an extra explanation. In the MapReduce model, you need to wait for all mappers to finish, since the keys need to be grouped and sorted; plus, you may have some speculative mappers running and you do not know yet which of the duplicate mappers will finish first. However, as the "Breaking the MapReduce Stage Barrier" paper indicates, for some applications, it may make sense not to wait for all of the output of the mappers. If you would want to implement this sort of behavior (most likely for research purposes), then you should take a look at the classes I mentioned above.
Some points for clarification:
A reducer cannot start reducing until all mappers have finished, their partitions copied to the node where the reducer task is running, and finally sorted.
What you may see is a reducer pre-empting the copy of map outputs while other map tasks are still running. This is controlled via a configuration property known as slowstart ( This value represents a ratio (0.0 - 1.0) of the number of map tasks that need to have completed before the reducer tasks will start up (copying over the map outputs from those map tasks that have completed). The default value is usually around 0.9, meaning that if you have 100 map tasks for your job, 90 of them would need to finish before the job tracker can start to launch the reduce tasks.
This is all controlled by the job tracker, in the JobInProgress class, lines 775, 1610, 1664.

Duplicated tasks get killed

After I submit job to Hadoop cluster, and job input is split between nodes, I can see that some tasks get two attempts running in parallel.
E.g. at node 39 task attempt attempt_201305230321_0019_m_000073_0 is started and in 3 minutes attempt_201305230321_0019_m_000073_1 is started at node 25. In additional 4 minutes first attempt (attempt_201305230321_0019_m_000073_0) gets killed (without any notice, logs contain no information) and second attempt is successfully completed in half an hour.
What is it happening? How do I prevent creating of duplicate attempts? Is this possible that these duplicated attempts cause mysterious kills?
Did you open the speculative execution? You can use the following code to prevent it:
"", false);
"mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution", false);
Here are the definition about speculative execution from Hadoop document:
Speculative execution: One problem with the Hadoop system is that by dividing the tasks across many nodes, it is possible for a few slow nodes to rate-limit the rest of the program. For example if one node has a slow disk controller, then it may be reading its input at only 10% the speed of all the other nodes. So when 99 map tasks are already complete, the system is still waiting for the final map task to check in, which takes much longer than all the other nodes.
By forcing tasks to run in isolation from one another, individual tasks do not know where their inputs come from. Tasks trust the Hadoop platform to just deliver the appropriate input. Therefore, the same input can be processed multiple times in parallel, to exploit differences in machine capabilities. As most of the tasks in a job are coming to a close, the Hadoop platform will schedule redundant copies of the remaining tasks across several nodes which do not have other work to perform. This process is known as speculative execution. When tasks complete, they announce this fact to the JobTracker. Whichever copy of a task finishes first becomes the definitive copy. If other copies were executing speculatively, Hadoop tells the TaskTrackers to abandon the tasks and discard their outputs. The Reducers then receive their inputs from whichever Mapper completed successfully, first.
Speculative execution is enabled by default. You can disable speculative execution for the mappers and reducers by setting the and mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution JobConf options to false, respectively.

when is it a good idea to increase/decrease the number of nodes interactively on a hadoop mapreduce job?

I have an intuition that increasing/decreasing
number of nodes interactively on running job can speed up map-heavy
jobs, but won't help wth reduce heavy jobs, where most of work is done
by reduce.
There's an faq about this but it doesn't really explain very well
This question was answered by Christopher Smith, who gave me permission to post here.
As always... "it depends". One thing you can pretty much always count
on: adding nodes later on is not going to help you as much as having
the nodes from the get go.
When you create a Hadoop job, it gets split up in to tasks. These
tasks are effectively "atoms of work". Hadoop lets you tweak the # of
mapper and # of reducer tasks during job creation, but once the job is
created, it is static. Tasks are assigned to "slots". Traditionally,
each node is configured to have a certain number of slots for map
tasks, and a certain number of slots for reduce tasks, but you can
tweak that. Some newer versions of Hadoop don't require you to
designate the slots as being for map or reduce tasks. Anyway, the
JobTracker periodically assigns tasks to slots. Because this is done
dynamically, new nodes coming online can speed up the processing of a
job by providing more slots to execute the tasks.
This sets the stage for understanding the reality of adding new nodes.
There's obviously an Amdahl's law issue where having more slots than
pending tasks accomplishes little (if you have speculative execution
enabled, it does help somewhat, as Hadoop will schedule the same task
to run on many different nodes, so that a slow node's tasks can be
completed by faster nodes if there are spare resources). So, if you
didn't define your job with many map or reduce tasks, adding more
nodes isn't going to help much. Of course, each task imposes some
overhead, so you don't want to go crazy high either. That's why I
suggest a guideline for task size should be "something which takes
~2-5 minutes to execute".
Of course, when you add nodes dynamically, they have one other
disadvantage: they don't have any data local. Obviously, if you are at
the start of a EMR pipeline, none of the nodes have data in them, so
doesn't matter, but if you have an EMR pipeline made of many jobs,
with earlier jobs persisting their results to HDFS, you get a huge
performance boost because the JobTracker will favour shaping and
assigning tasks so nodes have that lovely locality of data (this is a
core trick of the whole MapReduce design to maximize performance). On
the reducer side, data is coming from other map tasks, so dynamically
added nodes are really at no disadvantage as compared to other nodes.
So, in principle, dynamically adding new nodes is actually less likely
to help with IO bound map tasks that are reading from HDFS.
Hadoop has a variety of cheats under the covers to optimize
performance. Once is that it starts transmitting map output data to
the reducers before the map task completes/the reducer starts. This
obviously is a critical optimization for jobs where the mappers
generate a lot of data. You can tweak when Hadoop starts to kick off
the transfers. Anyway, this means that a newly spun up node might be
at a disadvantage, because the existing nodes might already have such
a huge data advantage. Obviously, the more output that the mappers
have transmitted, the larger the disadvantage.
That's how it all really works. In practice though, a lot of Hadoop
jobs have mappers processing tons of data in a CPU intensive fashion,
but outputting comparatively little data to the reducers (or they
might send a lot of data to the reducers, but the reducers are still
very simple, so not CPU bound at all). Often jobs will have few
(sometimes even 0) reducer tasks, so even extra nodes could help, if
you already have a reduce slot available for every outstanding reduce
task, new nodes can't help. New nodes also disproportionately help out
with CPU bound work, for obvious reasons, so because that tends to
be map tasks more than reduce tasks, that's where people typically see
the win. If your mappers are I/O bound and pulling data from the
network, adding new nodes obviously increases the aggregate bandwidth
of the cluster, so it helps there, but if your map tasks are I/O bound
reading HDFS, the best thing is to have more initial nodes, with data
already spread over HDFS. It's not unusual to see reducers get I/O
bound because of poorly structured jobs, in which case adding more
nodes can help a lot, because it splits up the bandwidth again.
There's a caveat there too of course: with a really small cluster,
reducers get to read a lot of their data from the mappers running on
the local node, and adding more nodes shifts more of the data to being
pulled over the much slower network. You can also have cases where
reducers spend most of their time just multiplexing data processing
from all the mappers sending them data (although that is tunable as
If you are asking questions like this, I'd highly recommend profiling
your job using something like Amazon's offering of KarmaSphere. It
will give you a better picture of where your bottlenecks are and what
are your best strategies for improving performance.
