Sitecore installation wizard freeze - installation

I need to install a package on my sitecore instance but for some reason when I click on upload button in the Intallation wizard the whole UI greys out and I can't even upload my package.
Its blocking me from moving forward

Your problem is this:
Sorry for the link-only answer, but this is a known issue with a known resolution path - and it's all summed up there.


How to change Azure Analysis Services project from readonly to read-write?

I downloaded the deployed model from Azure Portal and I was trying to modify some measures and redeploy the solution. Everything is greyed out and I can change nothing, even when I want to save the model I get the following error (see picture below):
Click here
Thanks in advance!
Sharing the answer as per the original poster on the Microsoft Q&A platform.
The problem was fixed by itself I kept closing and reopening Visual Studio until it allowed me to process the cube and re allowed me to modify my measures.

Joomla Content Editor not displaying helper lines around table cells on some computers

I recently installed the latest version of JCE (2.6.33) on top of Joomla 3.9.0 and discovered that the guidelines you get around table cells when creating K2 and Acymailing articles to show their outlines were gone. I'm referring to the "Visual Guidelines" as described at:
I then just happened to look on a different computer and they were still present. Both computers are Windows 7, both are running Firefox 63.0. The one with guidelines missing is a laptop, the other a desktop. I tried clicking the "Toggle guidelines/invisible elements" button and it did nothing.
I couldn't figure out a solution so I decided to revert to my old JCE version, 2.6.30, and that fixed the problem on my laptop but then CAUSED the problem on my desktop.
I've been reading forums, googling, trying everything I can imagine and just cannot figure out what might be causing this. Has anyone come across anything like this and, if so, how do you fix it?
Try installing the Web Developer Toolbar and delete some cookies. Seems like it might just be a change in how that setting is stored:

Silverstripe 3.1.2 Issue saving FocusPoint when module used with Gallery module

I'm using two great modules for Silverstripe 3 but there is a conflict somewhere which I can't work out. I've asked the developers but they have not found the solution yet.
FocusPoint which allows you to choose where the image crops from. Great!
Gallery, popular gallery module.
Both work fine. But Focus points do not "save" within the gallery section of a Gallery page. You can edit and choose the focus point but after saving it snaps back to the previous position. You can alter the focus point in the Files tab of the CMS so it must be how Gallery saves each image.
I have updated the template to CroppedFocusedImage but this is not a template issue.
It would be a very helpful addition.
Can you please provide some details of failure? Do you see any warning or error messages if you run in dev mode? Any small black error box on left-top when you save?
If FocusPoint module does not work, you can have a look at folder permissions or maybe any PHP libraries like ImageMagick, GD support etc. Maybe you you changed something during upgrade?
If both modules work individually, but the problem is cropped image is not saved in correct directory, it is another issue although it could still be permission issue.
You can set which folder it needs to save into, same as how you set in normal UploadField. But it wouldn't change just because of your upgrade.
For anyone looking for the answer it has been resolved here:

Joomla 2.5 save, save & close, save & new, cancel buttons do not work

When I try to create or edit an article, category, or module, I am unable to save or cancel the changes. When I click on the Admin buttons, nothing happens. The URL gets a "#" added to the end of it, and I get this error (examples from 2 different editors):
ReferenceError: WFEditor is not defined
Line 250
ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined
Line 247
I have Joomla 2.5.11, no other updates pending. JCE editor, TinyMCE, default, and RokPad all throw errors and don't do anything when I press the buttons. CodeMirror and None are the only editors that I can use to save the article. I have tried uninstalling JCE and reinstalling it, and no changes.
I don't remember the last time it was working, possibly January sometime, if not before then. I don't know if this has anything to do with settings in my php.ini file or not. That was the only thing that changed from the time it was working until now, but it should be back to the "default" settings.
I've tried reuploading the admin folder, but no change. I reuploaded all the Joomla files (except installation) this morning from the stable 2.5.11 package freshly downloaded from today, and still having this problem. I've also tried purging cache from the updates manager as well as maintenance area. I've tried 2 different computers, Fire Fox, Chrome, and IE (this was the suggestion in one of the posts I found similar to this issue).
I have been searching for a resolution for months. Any topics I find that sound like my issue end up either not having a resolution, or it's something else that the person is having a problem with. I use both JCE and RokPad on dozens of other websites with no problems.
Thank you for your help.
Do you have extra plugins or modules published on all administrator pages? There could be an extra
Open your console (ctrl+shift+J) and you should be able to locate the error, once you do just try to locate the origin in your code, it's most likely not originating from Joomla core, rather from an extension / template.
Also bear in mind that plugins are active by default on both the frontend and the backend and very often they are not intended to run in the backend, nor tested in the backend.
I JUST FIXED IT!! :) : ) :)
I just switched my hosting's PHP version from 5.4 to 5.3 and voila! It functions as it should. I hope this helps someone! I'm not sure when/why I may be required to go back to 5.4 but for now this solves my problem. Any idea as to why these two versions of PHP behave so differently?

Adding ajaxControlToolKit to visual studio 2010

When trying to add the AjaxControlToolkit.dll file I am getting this message:
"Security Warning: This file is possibly downloaded from a network location, and it can potentially harm your computer. Only load assemblies from publisher you trust.
Do you want to load it anyway ?
I chose YES, and although the ajax controlls do not add to my tab.
What should I do ?
I just download the Ajax. So you might downloading it form not trusted site. Try, and you go there go to downloads and choose either the first one which is Ajax Control Toolkit 4 or whatever you need. Let me know if you need any help or if you face any thing.
Try to add the AjaxControlToolkit using NuGet. See the official Codeplex page for instructions.
Adding a DLL does not necessary result in adding Controls to the toolbar. You can specificy in the settings dialog of the toolbar if controls from perticular assembly should be shown.
