Joomla 2.5 save, save & close, save & new, cancel buttons do not work - joomla

When I try to create or edit an article, category, or module, I am unable to save or cancel the changes. When I click on the Admin buttons, nothing happens. The URL gets a "#" added to the end of it, and I get this error (examples from 2 different editors):
ReferenceError: WFEditor is not defined
Line 250
ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined
Line 247
I have Joomla 2.5.11, no other updates pending. JCE editor, TinyMCE, default, and RokPad all throw errors and don't do anything when I press the buttons. CodeMirror and None are the only editors that I can use to save the article. I have tried uninstalling JCE and reinstalling it, and no changes.
I don't remember the last time it was working, possibly January sometime, if not before then. I don't know if this has anything to do with settings in my php.ini file or not. That was the only thing that changed from the time it was working until now, but it should be back to the "default" settings.
I've tried reuploading the admin folder, but no change. I reuploaded all the Joomla files (except installation) this morning from the stable 2.5.11 package freshly downloaded from today, and still having this problem. I've also tried purging cache from the updates manager as well as maintenance area. I've tried 2 different computers, Fire Fox, Chrome, and IE (this was the suggestion in one of the posts I found similar to this issue).
I have been searching for a resolution for months. Any topics I find that sound like my issue end up either not having a resolution, or it's something else that the person is having a problem with. I use both JCE and RokPad on dozens of other websites with no problems.
Thank you for your help.

Do you have extra plugins or modules published on all administrator pages? There could be an extra
Open your console (ctrl+shift+J) and you should be able to locate the error, once you do just try to locate the origin in your code, it's most likely not originating from Joomla core, rather from an extension / template.
Also bear in mind that plugins are active by default on both the frontend and the backend and very often they are not intended to run in the backend, nor tested in the backend.

I JUST FIXED IT!! :) : ) :)
I just switched my hosting's PHP version from 5.4 to 5.3 and voila! It functions as it should. I hope this helps someone! I'm not sure when/why I may be required to go back to 5.4 but for now this solves my problem. Any idea as to why these two versions of PHP behave so differently?


Joomla 3.3.6 admin panel not working

The buttons on the admin panel of my joomla site suddenly wont work anymore,
The dropdown works but when i hit a button it doesnt work.
Almost all buttons, i cant view my articles, categories or menus anymore and a lot of components.
Please help me!
There are two reasons for this problem to happen:
One (or more) core JavaScript files was (were) hacked.
You have recently installed an extension (typically a global system plugin) that created a conflict between JavaScript libraries
Try disabling, from phpMyAdmin, the recently installed plugin(s). Also try overriding all your core Joomla files with a fresh copy of Joomla.
Also make sure you delete your browser cache!
1- Go to yoursite/administrator/index.php
2- In the left side menu, most probably in Maintenance part ... checking joomla is stuck (probably some files damaged)
3- Select reinstall joomla core files.

Joomla 3.3.1 - Can't edit and create new menus in Menu Manager

I would like to add two new menus to my website, but when I create, or even edit a menu and click Save, Save & Close and Save & New nothing happens.
With Firebug I get
ReferenceError: Hash is not defined
What should I do?
There's a thread here where people have the same problem, and it suggests just clearing your browser's cache fixes it.
That would make sense if you have recently upgraded it and Joomla have updated a javascript file from the previous version.
If not, might be worth seeing if it works in other browsers, to see if it is a Joomla or a similar browser issue.
Failing that, re-install the latest version to make sure you haven't overridden any core files.

Wrong URL used when accessing article through a module

I have an annoying problem and am hoping someone will be able to help.
We use quite a few extensions on our Joomla site (Roksprocket mainly but also Global News Filter for instance).
The modules themselves are working fine however when I click on an article in one of these modules the article opens but it doesn't use the nice URL that should be displayed (we have Search Engine Friendly URLs set to Yes and Use URL rewriting set to Yes). This happens for all modules that draw off a category (so I don't think its linked to a specific extension).
For instance on our Case Studies page if you click on Read More on the RSA Case Study you get this URL
but what you should get is the menu item URL associated with this article which is this
I don't think there is anything wrong with our .htaccess as I reverted back to the default Joomla one and it still occured.
Also this used to work perfectly. I first noticed it around October or November last year.
If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it, I've googled the problem many times and not found any help.
Due to a Joomla bug. Fixed by overwriting the route.php file as described in this post:

Joomla! 1.5 Category Blog Layout parameters update in database but not when displayed

I apologize if this is an easy question and I was just googling the wrong keywords. It's been a few years since I've used Joomla! but got handed a site to make some changes to, that someone else originally developed and can't seem to figure out what's going on. I'm running Joomla! v1.5.26.
I'm trying to add a blog section to the site, so I created a blog section and category and then I created a new "Category Blog Layout" in my menu and set the Columns value to 3:
However, whenever I view the page, it keeps showing 2 columns. So I went to phpMyAdmin and found the menu in jos_menu and confirmed that the database did in fact get updated:
So next I opened up /components/com_content/views/category/tmpl/blog.php and added this to to the top of the PHP file to see what values were being loaded:
print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';
Which produced the following results on the front end:
[num_leading_articles] => 1
[num_intro_articles] => 4
[num_columns] => 2
[num_links] => 4
So for some reason, even though I've set the values to update, and they do in fact update in the database, they are not updating on the front end. I've tried clearing the cache and all that fun stuff, without much luck. If it was just "num_columns" having an issue I could probably just override that functionality. However, it appears to be doing the same thing with all of the parameters, not just number of columns. I'm just using that as an example.
I haven't ruled out the possibility that it's a conflict with some third-party plugin yet, but am trying to see if maybe I'm missing something obvious and someone can point me in the right direction.
--UPDATE: 12/4/12--
So it appears to be a conflict with the sh404sef plugin. I'm not exactly sure what the deal is quite yet, but when I disable the plugin it works fine, but it happens again once I re-enable it. Now to see if I can figure out what's wrong with the plugin.
In Joomla! 1.5 while the parameters are being saved the implementation is effected/affected(?) by the template in use at the time.
Check your templates index.php, or if present the override for com_content's Blog layout (usually found in yourSite/templates/yourtempalte/html/com_content/category/blog.php
You will probably find the override either doesn't handle the columns or has a bug in it.
Okay so I figured out my own problem. As I stated above, I discovered the problem was with the sh404sef plugin. Apparently anytime you make changes to the menu layout settings, you have to purge your entire SEF URL list and then rebuild it. It seems quite strange that we'd have to do that every time, but I guess that was intentional for some reason. Anyway, it's working now. I just wanted to make sure I posted a solution for anybody else who may stumble across this.

WYSIWYG buttons don't show in IE for CKEditor

I have a fresh installation of Liferay on Tomcat and in IE7 it doesn't show the buttons for visual editing in the editor when I try to edit content.
It works on in Firefox or Chrome.
Does anyone have an idea why would that happen? I am not sure where to dig, I don't see javascript exceptions and it doesn't look like the buttons are even populated in IE. It is hard to debug IE problems since I don't have a tool like Firebug there.
I downloaded the 6.1 and still have the same problem, adding the URLs of what I see. Looks like IE only has the text box and in the DOM I don't see the same things that I see in FF.
Update on this:
I checked with some people in our organization and they have the buttons on their browser.
I checked the version of the IE browser and it's the same down to the last digit. Properties are the same as well. The only difference is that I have some plugins installed that the other browser doesn't. I tried disabling all the plugins but it didn't help.
The suspect plugin is Google Chrome Frame (ChromeFrame BHO). Can someone please try to add this plugin and see if it messes things up? The disabling it doesn't help.
Liferay CE 6.0 contains few bugs within the WYSIWYG editor integration.
One issue with IE is LPS-16004 (solution included). This might be the same problem as you are experiencing.
I remember we had also problem with javascript race condition in editor initialization, which sometimes loads the editor incorrectly.
But I strongly suggest you to move to Liferay CE 6.1 as it is much more stable.
Ok, I finally figured it out, so if someone has the same problem, here is the reason - we have Google Chrome Frame plugin installed in our organization, but it only works on white-listed domain names. In this case the domain the site was on wasn't whitelisted, but the portal looked at the agent string and saw chromeframe there and assumed it can use it as chrome browser, which broke things.
Right now I will try to white-list the domain and see if it works. Another solution would be to try and find a place where we look for the agent string and fix it there, not sure where this place is.
