ML algorithm Representation, Evaluation & Optimization - algorithm

I was reading through a paper published by the University of Washington with tips about Machine Learning algorithms.
The way they break down an ML algorithm is into 3 parts. A representation, evaluation and optimization. I would like to understand how these three parts work together, so what is the process like throughout a typical machine learning algorithm.
I understand that my question is very abstract and each algorithm will be different, but if you know of a way to explain it abstractly please do. If not feel free to use a specific algorithm to explain.
Paper: ~
See Table 1.

Sebastian Raschka has provided a very nice flowchart of the (supervised) machine learning process.
(I am familiar with text classification, so I will use this as an example)
In short :
Representation: Your data needs to be brought into a suitable algorithmic form. For Text classification you would for example extract features from your full text documents (input data) and bring them into a bag-of-words representation.
Application of the respective algorithm: Here your algorithm is executed. After training you have to do some kind of evaluation to measure your success (the criteria for evaluation is depending on the task). (The Evaluation is the final part of this step)
Optimization: The learning algorithms usually have one or more parameters to tune. Having reference pairs of parameter configuration / evaluation (from the previous step) you can now tweak the paramaters and evaluate the effect on your results.
(In the flowchart this is the edge, where we go back to the step "Learning algorithm training")


some confusions in machine learning

I have two confusions when I use machine learning algorithm. At first, I have to say that I just use it.
There are two categories A and B, if I want to pick as many as A from their mixture, what kind of algorithm should I use ( no need to consider the number of samples) . At first I thought it should be a classification algorithm. And I use for example boost decision tree in a package TMVA, but someone told me that BDT is a regression algorithm indeed.
I find when I have coarse data. If I analysis it ( do some combinations ...) before I throw it to BDT, the result is better than I throw the coarse data into BDT. Since the coarse data contains every information, why do I need analysis it myself?
Is you are not clear, please just add a comment. And hope you can give me any advise.
For 2, you have to perform some manipulation on data and feed it to perform better because from it is not built into algorithm to analyze. It only looks at data and classifies. The problem of analysis as you put it is called feature selection or feature engineering and it has to be done by hand (of course unless you are using some kind of technique that learns features eg. deep learning). In machine learning, it has been seen a lot of times that manipulated/engineered features perform better than raw features.
For 1, I think BDT can be used for regression as well as classification. This looks like a classification problem (to choose or not to choose). Hence you should use a classification algorithm
Are you sure ML is the approach for your problem? In case it is, some classification algorithms would be:
logistic regression, neural networks, support vector machines,desicion trees just to name a few.

How to use custom loss function (PU Learning)

I am currently exploring PU learning. This is learning from positive and unlabeled data only. One of the publications [Zhang, 2009] asserts that it is possible to learn by modifying the loss function of an algorithm of a binary classifier with probabilistic output (for example Logistic Regression). Paper states that one should optimize Balanced Accuracy.
Vowpal Wabbit currently supports five loss functions [listed here]. I would like to add a custom loss function where I optimize for AUC (ROC), or equivalently, following the paper: 1 - Balanced_Accuracy.
I am unsure where to start. Looking at the code reveals that I need to provide 1st, 2nd derivatives and some other info. I could also run the standard algorithm with Logistic loss but trying to adjust l1 and l2 according to my objective (not sure if this is good). I would be glad to get any pointers or advices on how to proceed.
More search revealed that it is impossible/difficult to optimize for AUC in online learning: answer
I found two software suites that are immediately ready to do PU learning:
(1) SVM perf from Joachims
Use the ``-l 10'' option here!
(2) Sofia-ml
Use ``--loop_type roc'' option here!
In general you set +1'' labels to your positive examples and-1'' to all unlabeled ones. Then you launch the training procedure followed by prediction.
Both softwares give you some performance metrics. I would suggest to use standardized and well established binary from KDD`04 cup: ``perf''. Get it here.
Hope it helps for those wondering how this works in practice. Perhaps I prevented the case XKCD

Finding an optimum learning rule for an ANN

How do you find an optimum learning rule for a given problem, say a multiple category classification?
I was thinking of using Genetic Algorithms, but I know there are issues surrounding performance. I am looking for real world examples where you have not used the textbook learning rules, and how you found those learning rules.
Nice question BTW.
classification algorithms can be classified using many Characteristics like:
What does the algorithm strongly prefer (or what type of data that is most suitable for this algorithm).
training overhead. (does it take a lot of time to be trained)
When is it effective. ( large data - medium data - small amount of data ).
the complexity of analyses it can deliver.
Therefore, for your problem classifying multiple categories I will use Online Logistic Regression (FROM SGD) because it's perfect with small to medium data size (less than tens of millions of training examples) and it's really fast.
Another Example:
let's say that you have to classify a large amount of text data. then Naive Bayes is your baby. because it strongly prefers text analysis. even that SVM and SGD are faster, and as I experienced easier to train. but these rules "SVM and SGD" can be applied when the data size is considered as medium or small and not large.
In general any data mining person will ask him self the four afomentioned points when he wants to start any ML or Simple mining project.
After that you have to measure its AUC, or any relevant, to see what have you done. because you might use more than just one classifier in one project. or sometimes when you think that you have found your perfect classifier, the results appear to be not good using some measurement techniques. so you'll start to check your questions again to find where you went wrong.
Hope that I helped.
When you input a vector x to the net, the net will give an output depend on all the weights (vector w). There would be an error between the output and the true answer. The average error (e) is a function of the w, let's say e = F(w). Suppose you have one-layer-two-dimension network, then the image of F may look like this:
When we talk about training, we are actually talking about finding the w which makes the minimal e. In another word, we are searching the minimum of a function. To train is to search.
So, you question is how to choose the method to search. My suggestion would be: It depends on how the surface of F(w) looks like. The wavier it is, the more randomized method should be used, because the simple method based on gradient descending would have bigger chance to guide you trapped by a local minimum - so you lose the chance to find the global minimum. On the another side, if the suface of F(w) looks like a big pit, then forget the genetic algorithm. A simple back propagation or anything based on gradient descending would be very good in this case.
You may ask that how can I know how the surface look like? That's a skill of experience. Or you might want to randomly sample some w, and calculate F(w) to get an intuitive view of the surface.

Methods to identify duplicate questions on Twitter?

As stated in the title, I'm simply looking for algorithms or solutions one might use to take in the twitter firehose (or a portion of it) and
a) identify questions in general
b) for a question, identify questions that could be the same, with some degree of confidence
I would try to identify questions using machine learning and the Bag of Words model.
Create a labeled set of twits, and label each of them with a binary
flag: question or not question.
Extract the features from the training set. The features are traditionally words, but at least for any time I tried it - using bi-grams significantly improved the results. (3-grams were not helpful for my cases).
Build a classifier from the data. I usually found out SVM gives better performance then other classifiers, but you can use others as well - such as Naive Bayes or KNN (But you will probably need feature selection algorithm for these).
Now you can use your classifier to classify a tweet.1
This issue is referred in the world of Information-Retrieval as "duplicate detection" or "near-duplicate detection".
You can at least find questions which are very similar to each other using Semantic Interpretation, as described by Markovitch and Gabrilovich in their wonderful article Wikipedia-based Semantic Interpretation for Natural Language Processing. At the very least, it will help you identify if two questions are discussing the same issues (even though not identical).
The idea goes like this:
Use wikipedia to build a vector that represents its semantics, for a term t, the entry vector_t[i] is the tf-idf score of the term i as it co-appeared with the term t. The idea is described in details in the article. Reading the 3-4 first pages are enough to understand it. No need to read it all.2
For each tweet, construct a vector which is a function of the vectors of its terms. Compare between two vectors - and you can identify if two questions are discussing the same issues.
On 2nd thought, the BoW model is not a good fit here, since it ignores the position of terms. However, I believe if you add NLP processing for extracting feature (for examples, for each term, also denote if it is pre-subject or post-subject, and this was determined using NLP procssing), combining with Machine Learning will yield pretty good results.
(1) For evaluation of your classifier, you can use cross-validation, and check the expected accuracy.
(2) I know Evgeny Gabrilovich published the implemented algorithm they created as an open source project, just need to look for it.

Probability transition matrix

I'm working on Markov Chains and I would like to know of efficient algorithms for constructing probabilistic transition matrices (of order n), given a text file as input.
I am not after one algorithm, but I'd rather like to build a list of such algorithms. Papers on such algorithms are also more than welcome, as any tips on terminology, etc. Notice that this topic bears a strong resemblance with n-gram identification algorithms.
Any help would be much appreciated.
It sounds like there are two possible questions, you should clarify which one:
The 'text file' contains probability values and "n" and you build the matrix directly, but how to code it? This question is trivial, so let's disregard it
The 'text file' contains something like signal data and you want to model it as a Markov Chain.
'Markov Chain' generally refers to a first order stochastic process, so I'm not sure then what you mean by "order", probably the size of the matrix, but that is not typical terminology. Anyway, for 1st-order, n x n matrix, discrete time random process, you should look at Viterbi Algorithm:
Whenever dealing with Markov Models, I tend to end up looking at crm114 Discriminator. One, he goes into great detail about what different models there actually are (Markov isn't always the best, depending on what the application is) and provides general links and lots of background information on how probabilistic models work. While crm114 is generally used as some sort of SPAM identification tool, it is actually a more generic probability engine that I have used in other applications.
