Use already uploaded picture in ezpublish Article - image

In my article datatype, I've an ezimage field which look like that:
I can upload/drag and drop pictures, set a description, it's work fine.
But I can't figured out how to use already uploaded pictures, ma Media Library is full of pictures but I don't know how to use them in my field.. I think and hope there is a way to add this functionality without overriding ezimage datatype.
Do you have any idea ?

If you have Image objects in your Media Library, you should use an Object Relation field in the Content Classes you want to use this object from. You would then be able to browse for images when editing the content.
Multiple images would also work, by using an Object Relation List instead of a single Object Relation.
Which version of eZ are you dealing with here ?


How to overlap Label and Data fields over an image in BIRT

Using BIRT. Added Image in a Grid. Unable to put label and data fields over image in certain region. Please advise if you achieved it.
I think all you can do is use the image as background-url. AFAIK this only works for images that actually come from an URL, but not for images that come from e.g. a database BLOB (but you might download the BLOB to a temporary file and use the file name as URL).

Viewing unused images in Strapi

I have users who add images to a Strapi Media Library. I can't tell if images are actively used or not. I would love to clean out images taking up space that aren't being used. Is there a way to tell which images are used on the site and which images aren't?
in images objects in strapi there is a field "related".
it's an array of data that uses the file. returns undefined if not used.
if you can't see the "related" field populate your request.

Thumbnail different from actual image

Here is a scenerio, on my products page I want to add an image of the product dimensions but for this image I want to use thumbnail which is different from the actual image which will say Dimensions. This will be applied to all the products across the store. So there will be one thumnail image for all the products that will be associated with it’s dimensional image. I want to show it on the gallery page as last image.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you just want every product to have a thumbnail that can be set to be one of several images.
You will need to create a custom attribute for your products, and then programmatically set your current inventory to your defaults. (Or manually change them) There is a knowledgebase article that will assist you with custom options (if applicable), or another article I found via Google to assist in custom attributes.
It's likely not the best way of doing it, but an example of the JavaScript method I was talking about is simply to add the following into a JS file on your server.
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
$$('.catalog-product-view .image-thumb:last img').each(function(item){item.src = ''});

Unifying image management (ImageField vs. TinyMCE) in Plone

Does there exist anything akin "UberSelectionWidget for images?" I'd like to get rid of direct-upload image fields and make all images to be managed through an image bank folder.
1) In all use cases upload image to image-bank folder first
2) Pick image from the folder by using some sort of image friendly selection widget (both Archetypes, Dexterity)
This way adding images would be unified within TinyMCE editor and news content items.
The problem, however, is that I cannot find any examples for reference picker for images solution.
Please see also Making TinyMCE image pick dialog point to a default folder on Plone
I am willing to replace News Item with my own content type just to get around this problem.
This product helped me in a Plone 3 project:
I had to customize it a little but I think it's a good base to start with.
No Dexterity support IIRC.
Use ReferenceField instead of ImageField in your content types, it make the job done.
You can extend 'News Item' type by using schemaextender.
But asking for people to first add image before adding a news is weird. As widget you must use uploadreference widgets for archetypes as mentionned by marcosfromero . It works and let you add an images without going away of your addform.
I'm not sure but there is no z3cform widget at the moment to achieve this (upload & create ref), may be someone can create it or get me wrong ?

any tutorials/blogs regarding uploading more than one db images

I have exhausting goggle looking for a way to upload more than one db images.
I had a look at or or or and so on. I no luck.
Does anyone has a tutorial or recommend a book that demostrate how to upload more than one db images. I am using vs 2010, mvc3 in C# with SQL Server 2008R2. All I am trying to do is to have couple db images for each product.
The first link you provided is a good start for what you need.
Store all images for a product change....
It shows how to upload multiple files. From this you could modify the table where the images are inserted to add a key for the record relation back to your product.
Retrieve all images for a product change...
To pull them back from the database you would call the code in the same article (GetFile), modifying the select statement to include your product key INSTEAD of the ID of the individual image.
Display all images for a product change...
This is where it changes quite a bit. The author of the first article still returns one file as a FileContentResult. Obviously, this won't work for your situation.
Have a look at this article. It uses an XML file to load up multiple images BUT you would replace this code with the code in GetFiles to create the Image List. It shows how to create a controller, model and view for this. You could create a partial view to have the images on the same page as the product view.
This sample shows how to get an image list out of the DB into a view. (To help with modifying GetFiles to better work for this...)
