How to overlap Label and Data fields over an image in BIRT - birt

Using BIRT. Added Image in a Grid. Unable to put label and data fields over image in certain region. Please advise if you achieved it.

I think all you can do is use the image as background-url. AFAIK this only works for images that actually come from an URL, but not for images that come from e.g. a database BLOB (but you might download the BLOB to a temporary file and use the file name as URL).


fetch two images in cloudinary and overlay each on the other

I found how to overlay two already uploaded cloudinary images through the below query,h_250,c_fill,g_south/l_nice_couple,w_90,g_center,y_18,x_-20/coffee_cup.jpg
this is image
if we stripdown the above query the format is
in the above nice_couple is the one which going to overlay on top of the coffee_cup.jpg.
What i want is that both images which i am using overlaying mechanism has to be fetched from another url.
i was able successfully fetched one image in the overlaying mechanism through the above query. But if i try to change the nice_couple image to another fetching url it's not working
That is an already pending feature request at Cloudinary.
At the meantime you can try to use auto-upload to have the overlay image lazily uploaded to your account when used within the transformation. For example:
mapping the "remote_media/" folder to " wikipedia/commons/" will allow you to use the following URL:ésars_2014.jpg,w_30/remote_media/4/46/Jennifer_Lawrence_at_the_83rd_Academy_Awards.jpg
Currently the "fetch" feature is supported for the main image only, not for overlays/underlays.

How to automatically place image from node to Image field? (Drupal)

It's useful to use Image field from Drupal Views module blocks.
But it's very unuseful to place pictures into this field.
The more convinient way for me is to insert images right in node Body.
How to make first image from Body to place to Image field automatically?
Or from Summary?
Or learn Views module to access first image directly from node?
Or... maybe I misunderstand some simple things?
UPD: I'm using WYSIWYG editor. All images are uploaded.

In Reporting services, how do I add an image from a string or cell in the table?

What I'm trying to do is this: I have a string with the full path to the image. I tried to add an external image to my report and set the image source to my string. but every time I load the report, it doesn't load the image. How do I do this, or is there a better way of doing this?
Thank you
For an External image, the image source needs to be a URL for the image. Reporting Services will try to get the image using anonymous access.
Ok, I got it figured out. What I did was in the image properties, in the General Tab, I selected the image source as External, I then created a report parameter Called "#ImageURL", and selected it in the "Use this image:".
On the form I added this line of code:
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(New Parameter("ImageURL", string.concat("file:\","C:\ImagesFolder\ImageName.jpg")))
this brings up the image correctly.

How can I reuse the uploaded images in Magento for another product?

Using Magento, is there a way to reuse the uploaded image for a product so that I can assign the same image to a different product?
You could assign the same image to the file using the export import. But this only works well if you are using one image. What you could do is export your products, set the image to be the same file on them all and reimport. That would set the image to be the same file.
Since the values are ultimately just stored as string paths in the database, the solution to this would center around changing that database value rather than using the Magento uploader (since we know that will duplicate the image).
There's a magento extension extension that makes this very easy

RDLC + ReportViewer Control - how to display images from the database?

I am storing GIF images (I can switch to BMP if necessary) in a varbinary column in SQL 2008. I want to display these images in a PDF rendered by the ReportViewer control from my RDLC.
How do I have to reference the image data in the report to make that work?
=First(Fields!sh_lot_num_barcode_image.Value, "DataSet1"))
A simple field reference does not seem to do the trick.
So it turns out my question was already asked before and self-answered. Give Tina your vote!
Together with Kevin's answer it got me on the right trail. I ended up adding a property to my Linq stored procedure results class that invokes the image HTML Handler. I changed the MIME type to BMP and it works like a charm - I can drop the database column now and don't need to jump through hoops to compose the URL for the image service. This property below I can directly assign to the image control.
public byte[] NDCLabel {
get {
Have you considered writing an HTTP Handler to read the image from the database and write it to the response stream? Then you can set the image control in your report to use the URL as the source and it should render in the output.
I don't have any actual images as blobs in a database to test with, but I did something sorta similar when I needed to render rich text on a report.
