Ruby on Rails: Getting a route with Devise - ruby

TL;DR How can I achieve this to always return routes with Devise User model ID in custom controllers (i.e. redirecting to localhost:3000/profiles/504026426) with Mongoid?
I have a project that has a social profile controller that returns of a user id with Devise but it will always complain that Mongoid needs a valid ID number in order to work with this route: localhost:3000/profiles/.
# Let's say I want to return a route with id (Devise) without having
# Rails to complain that Mongoid needs to a id of some number.
# So, I have controller containing profiles in the files.
# It goes like..
class ProfilesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user!
# GET /profile/
def index
#user = User.find(params[:id])
# .. Snipped for brevity.
Is this the right way to do it?

Firstly, the 'params[:id]' you're trying to find the user by won't work in the index view, because you're not passing in any parameter via the url ('profiles/:id' or: localhost:3000/profiles/504026426). If you want to store a user to be available in the index view, use sessions and the current user helper method. See here.
If you want your GET method to work with the 'params[:id]' it would look like:
get 'profile/:id' => 'profiles#show'
make sure it matches a show function in your controller
def show
# this would work with: localhost:3000/profiles/504026426
#user = User.find(params[:id])


Record Not Found rails 5 ActiveRecord Error

I am trying to use a vanity URL that uses the SecureRandom issued ident to a culvert, and then display that culvert via the show page.
This is a screenshot of the error message:
This is a screenshot of the browser url:
My Culvert Controller is:
I have tried Both:
#culvert = Culvert.find_by_culvert_ident(params[:id])
#culvert = Culvert.find_by_id(params[:culvert_ident])
In my culvert controller show action, both yield the same result (screenshot)
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_culvert
#culvert = Culvert.find_by_culvert_ident(params[:id])
# Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
def culvert_params
params.require(:culvert).permit(:culvert_ident, :latitude, :longitude, :address, :user_id)
This is my Culvert Model ident generator and vanity url methods:
before_create :generate_culvert_ident
# Relationships
belongs_to :user
# Model Validations
validates_uniqueness_of :culvert_ident
# Ident Generator
def generate_culvert_ident
self.culvert_ident = SecureRandom.hex(3).upcase
other_culvert = Culvert.find_by(culvert_ident: self.culvert_ident)
end while other_culvert
# Url Direction
def to_param
So my goal is to create the culvert, auto assign a unique identifier, save it and display the culvert using the custom identifier as opposed to the standard 1,2,3,4 id's
this works in another web app i have used, is setup exactly the same but i am getting this error here and cant figure out why. Please let me knwo if you require further info!
EDIT # 1 - Adds Screenshot of Console output
So the issue here was that I removed the culverts controller
before_action :set_culvert
as soon as I re-added the set_user action the issue was resolved.
thanks for your assistance!

Have a token/unique url in order to destroy resource

I would like to add following functionality to one of my models:
Once it's created, a token of some sort will be created and this token allows one to destroy the object e.g. http://localhost:3000/items/7AEaC6Nhq946.
Is there a gem or similiar that offers this functionality already?
You could make a 'Tokenable' concern and include it in the models you want to:
In app/models/concerns/tokenable.rb
module Tokenable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
before_create :generate_token
def generate_token
self.random_token = loop do
random_token = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false)
break random_token unless self.class.exists?(random_token: random_token)
In your model:
include Tokenable
Be sure to add the random_token column in the database for the model where you include the concern.
Now in your controller you would do something like Item.find_by(random_token: params[:random_token]) and perform the actions you wish to do with the object.

Caching active record associations with fresh_when

What's the best way to cache ActiveRecord associations? Here's what I am trying to do in the controller:
def all_posts
#posts = User.find(params[:id]).posts
fresh_when #posts
Whenever a new post is added to the user model I need to clear the cache.
You're solution works perfect.
In case you are just adding posts there is a more performant solution: You'll have to had a touch: true to the belongs_to :user part of your Post model. ActiveRecord will touch the User object every time a post gets changed and a new post gets created. When you have that implemented you can use this controller code:
def all_posts
user = User.find(params[:id])
#posts = user.posts
fresh_when user
It is much faster to generate a cache key from one user than from many posts.
Have a look at to get an introduction to caching in Rails.

Strong parameters and Nested Routes - Rails 4.0

I have no idea how this works in rails but I set up routes like this:
resources :users do
resources :api_keys
(User has_many: api_keys, api_key belongs_to: user)
So I then (since I only care about API Keys), created the following controller:
class ApiKeysController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def index
#user = User.find(params[:user_id])
#api_key = User.apikeys
def create
#user = User.find(params[:user_id])
#api_key =
create_api_key(#api_key, #user)
def destroy
def create_new_api_key
params.require(:api_key).permit(user_attributes: [:id], :api_key)
Which states, authenticate user before every action, index fetches all api keys based on a user id. create is suppose to create an api key based on a user id, (note: create_api_key(#api_key, #user) just an abstracted method that states - if we saved, redirect to user_path with a message, if we failed, back to user path with a error message)
And destroy, well that just finds an api key, destroys it and redirects (again with the abstraction).
Whats the issue?
the create_new_api_key method. Its freaking out and saying:
syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting => (SyntaxError)
I thought this is how I pass in the user id ??
You need to change the order of the arguments passed in to permit to fix the syntax error:
def create_new_api_key
params.require(:api_key).permit(:api_key, user_attributes: [:id])

Troublesome Wice::WiceGridArgumentError

I am working on a Rails 3.1.1 app that is using WICE_GRID and I am stuck on this error.
I want to show a grid of Roles on the User show page. I am setting up the data in the controller like this.
User and Role are related by has_many through user_role.
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#roles = initialize_grid(#user.roles)
When I run the site I get this error
Wice::WiceGridArgumentError in UsersController#show
WiceGrid: ActiveRecord model class (second argument) must be a Class derived from ActiveRecord::Base
The error is pointing to #roles = init.... line. initialize_grid does take a record arguent but that is a hash of options, not an activerecord model collection.
When I run the code in the console I see that #user.roles is
[#<Role id: 1, title: "Role1>, #<Role id: 2, title: "Role2">]
Looks like an ActiveRecord collection to me.
Any help gratefully accepted!
initialize_grid takes a class. You're passing in an array of objects. It appears you want to display a user's roles in the grid. You want something like this:
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#roles = initialize_grid(Role, :conditions => ['user_id = ?',])
However, I'm guessing your roles table doesn't have user_id in it. You likely have a mapping table called user_roles. In which case, you will want to refactor the code above. Try just running this code instead to make sure you can view Roles in a grid (unscoped).
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#roles = initialize_grid(Role)
