Record Not Found rails 5 ActiveRecord Error - ruby

I am trying to use a vanity URL that uses the SecureRandom issued ident to a culvert, and then display that culvert via the show page.
This is a screenshot of the error message:
This is a screenshot of the browser url:
My Culvert Controller is:
I have tried Both:
#culvert = Culvert.find_by_culvert_ident(params[:id])
#culvert = Culvert.find_by_id(params[:culvert_ident])
In my culvert controller show action, both yield the same result (screenshot)
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_culvert
#culvert = Culvert.find_by_culvert_ident(params[:id])
# Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
def culvert_params
params.require(:culvert).permit(:culvert_ident, :latitude, :longitude, :address, :user_id)
This is my Culvert Model ident generator and vanity url methods:
before_create :generate_culvert_ident
# Relationships
belongs_to :user
# Model Validations
validates_uniqueness_of :culvert_ident
# Ident Generator
def generate_culvert_ident
self.culvert_ident = SecureRandom.hex(3).upcase
other_culvert = Culvert.find_by(culvert_ident: self.culvert_ident)
end while other_culvert
# Url Direction
def to_param
So my goal is to create the culvert, auto assign a unique identifier, save it and display the culvert using the custom identifier as opposed to the standard 1,2,3,4 id's
this works in another web app i have used, is setup exactly the same but i am getting this error here and cant figure out why. Please let me knwo if you require further info!
EDIT # 1 - Adds Screenshot of Console output

So the issue here was that I removed the culverts controller
before_action :set_culvert
as soon as I re-added the set_user action the issue was resolved.
thanks for your assistance!


Ruby on Rails: Getting a route with Devise

TL;DR How can I achieve this to always return routes with Devise User model ID in custom controllers (i.e. redirecting to localhost:3000/profiles/504026426) with Mongoid?
I have a project that has a social profile controller that returns of a user id with Devise but it will always complain that Mongoid needs a valid ID number in order to work with this route: localhost:3000/profiles/.
# Let's say I want to return a route with id (Devise) without having
# Rails to complain that Mongoid needs to a id of some number.
# So, I have controller containing profiles in the files.
# It goes like..
class ProfilesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user!
# GET /profile/
def index
#user = User.find(params[:id])
# .. Snipped for brevity.
Is this the right way to do it?
Firstly, the 'params[:id]' you're trying to find the user by won't work in the index view, because you're not passing in any parameter via the url ('profiles/:id' or: localhost:3000/profiles/504026426). If you want to store a user to be available in the index view, use sessions and the current user helper method. See here.
If you want your GET method to work with the 'params[:id]' it would look like:
get 'profile/:id' => 'profiles#show'
make sure it matches a show function in your controller
def show
# this would work with: localhost:3000/profiles/504026426
#user = User.find(params[:id])

Ruby on Rails: Having problems selecting correct parameters for a method depending on context the is method used

I am working on a application where Users can list their in-game items to trade with other Users. A user's profile url would be something like this:
And their user listings profile would be something like
All other resources nested under users would be the same as the latter.
I am trying to implement a method that is called by a before_filter callback that checks to see if a user has blocked or is blocked by the user who owns the profile and respective nested resources such as ability to message them, view their listings etc. If either has blocked each other, then they redirected to the root page of the application. This is the method that I use for the before_filter:
def blocked_relationships
if blocked?
redirect_to :root
I used another method that checks the state of the relationships between the two users.
This is the method I found and worked on after some research courtesy of the Rails Recipes book:
def blocked?
Relationship.exists?(user_id:, other_user_id: params[:user_id], status: "blocked") ||
Relationship.exists?(user_id: params[:user_id], other_user_id:, status: "blocked")
The problem I have is that this method only works, for example, when User 1 is looking at User 2's items, messages, listings etc. because the url:
/users/2/listings [or items or etc]
will contain a params that makes reference to the user as params[:user_id]. params[:id] in this case and context will refer to the listings id.
BUT, if I am User 1 and I have blocked User 2 and visit User 2's profile, this method will not work because the url /users/2/index will use params[:id] to instead of params[:user_id].
I've been thinking about how to implement this in a DRY way but I can't seem to solve my problem other than doing something like this:
def blocked?
if params[:user_id].blank?
Relationship.exists?(user_id:, other_user_id: params[:id], status: "blocked") ||
Relationship.exists?(user_id: params[:id], other_user_id:, status: "blocked")
Relationship.exists?(user_id:, other_user_id: params[:user_id], status: "blocked") ||
Relationship.exists?(user_id: params[:user_id], other_user_id:, status: "blocked")
I also considered the possibility that I'm not even implementing my blocking feature correctly, but before I address that issue, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to solve this problem. Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated and I would be happy to add anymore information for clarification. Thanks!
Why not other_id = params[:user_id] || params[:id]? This is a way to override :id when :user_id is present.
About your blocking feature though, to me I'd like to see a user even if I've blocked them. I'd create a blocked_by_user_id field on the Relationship to see who did the blocking and only disallow the blocked party from seeing the user's profile.
You'd probably want to checkout authorization gems for rails like cancan or related (it's not my favorite but the most popular). However, you could handle it like this:
class User
has_many :relationships,
scope :accessible_by,
->(user) { where.not id: user.relationships.where(status: :blocked).pluck(:other_user_id) }
Then use the relationship User.accessible_by(current_user) on your controller instead of plainly User to retrieve resources. For example:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
#users = User.accessible_by(current_user)
# bleh
def show
#user = User.accessible_by(current_user).find(params[:id])
# etc
When the resource is nested under a user you could do this:
class Users::PicturesController < UsersController
def index
#pictures = User.accessible_by(current_user)
def show
#picture = User.accessible_by(current_user)
When a user tries to access a resource that can't view, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound will be raised, so you should handle it:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNorFound, with: :rescue_not_found
def rescue_not_found
redirect_to root_path,
notice: 'You can\'t access that with your current priveleges. '

Strong parameters and Nested Routes - Rails 4.0

I have no idea how this works in rails but I set up routes like this:
resources :users do
resources :api_keys
(User has_many: api_keys, api_key belongs_to: user)
So I then (since I only care about API Keys), created the following controller:
class ApiKeysController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def index
#user = User.find(params[:user_id])
#api_key = User.apikeys
def create
#user = User.find(params[:user_id])
#api_key =
create_api_key(#api_key, #user)
def destroy
def create_new_api_key
params.require(:api_key).permit(user_attributes: [:id], :api_key)
Which states, authenticate user before every action, index fetches all api keys based on a user id. create is suppose to create an api key based on a user id, (note: create_api_key(#api_key, #user) just an abstracted method that states - if we saved, redirect to user_path with a message, if we failed, back to user path with a error message)
And destroy, well that just finds an api key, destroys it and redirects (again with the abstraction).
Whats the issue?
the create_new_api_key method. Its freaking out and saying:
syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting => (SyntaxError)
I thought this is how I pass in the user id ??
You need to change the order of the arguments passed in to permit to fix the syntax error:
def create_new_api_key
params.require(:api_key).permit(:api_key, user_attributes: [:id])

Showing users unique info when facebook authenticate , with Sinatra/ Ruby

Super beginner here.
Here's what I am trying to do:
Build a basic to do list app, where User X logs in with facebook, adds some items, sees them, logs out. User Y/Z/M/etc, should be able to log in see their OWN list, add their OWN items, etc.
AKA: a standard web app where you log in to your account and see your own info.
What I have so far:
Ability to build a list, log in with Facebook and having it know your name.
However, the list stays the same whether I log in or whether my friend logs in with her account.
What I need to do, and don't know how:
I need each user to be able to create and see their own list, and be able to come back to it and still see it/ add to it, etc.
I don't even know how this is called, would this be a database of users each with their own set of data? Would the lists need to be set up so they could be stored as a chunk of data?
Does it have something to do with this :Sessions in Sinatra using Facebook authentication If so, what?
If anyone could be give me some really really basic directions as to where to go from here, any tutorials or what I should be googling for, that'd be awesome.
Here's my main piece of code (warning: it's really messy) :
require 'sinatra'
require 'data_mapper'
require 'time'
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'omniauth'
require 'omniauth-facebook'
#TODO require 'omniauth-att'
SCOPE = 'email,read_stream'
DataMapper::setup(:default, "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/queue.db")
class SinatraApp < Sinatra::Base
configure do
set :sessions, true
set :inline_templates, true
set :protection, :except => :frame_options
class Note
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :content, Text, :required => true
property :complete, Boolean, :required => true, :default => false
property :created_at, DateTime
property :updated_at, DateTime
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :uid, String
property :name, String
property :created_at, DateTime
###### no clue what this does ##############
enable :session
use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :facebook, '464630283595639','5e4c7ad43bf111c10287c981d51127a3',:scope => SCOPE, :display => "popup"
#provider :att, 'client_id', 'client_secret', :callback_url => (ENV['BASE_DOMAIN']
###### root ##############
get '/' do
if current_user
#notes = Note.all :order => :id.desc
#title = 'Movie Queue'
erb :home
' sign in with Facebook'
###### authentication ##############
["/sign_in/?", "/signup/?"].each do |path|
get path do
redirect '/auth/facebook'
get '/auth/:name/callback' do
auth = request.env["omniauth.auth"]
user = User.first_or_create({ :uid => auth["uid"]}, {
:uid => auth["uid"],
:name => auth["first_name"],
:created_at => })
session[:user_id] =
redirect '/'
helpers do
def current_user
#current_user ||= User.get(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]
##list making part###
post '/' do
n =
n.content = params[:content]
redirect '/'
get '/:id/delete' do
n = Note.get params[:id]
if n.destroy
redirect '/', :notice => 'Note deleted successfully.'
redirect '/', :error => 'Error deleting note.'
get '/:id/complete' do
n = Note.get params[:id]
n.complete = n.complete ? 0 : 1 # flip it
redirect '/'
########## logout and error handlers #############
get '/logout' do
session[:user_id] = nil
redirect '/'
get '/auth/failure' do
erb "<h1>Authentication Failed:</h1><h3>message:<h3> <pre>#{params}</pre>"
get '/auth/:provider/deauthorized' do
erb "#{params[:provider]} has deauthorized this app."
get '/protected' do
throw(:halt, [401, "Not authorized\n"]) unless session[:authenticated]
erb "<pre>#{request.env['omniauth.auth'].to_json}</pre><hr>
<a href='/logout'>Logout</a>"
########## don't know what this is #############! if __FILE__ == $0
Disclaimer: I don't know Datamapper, but this should get you going.
There needs to be a way to associate a note with a user. This needs a table in the database, some would call it users_notes, personally I prefer users_rel_notes, (perhaps Datamapper has a convention for this… YMMV). Anyway, the table will have a minimum of 2 columns - the user's id, and the note id. You don't need a separate table as I wrote before (I'm lacking a bit of sleep, sorry!), that would be for a many to many relationship where a user could have several notes and a note could be associated with several users. For what you have, where only the owner of a note has access to it, it requires a one to many relationship. You could add a column to the notes table to store the user id.
Then, in the User class, add an association to the Note class, it's a one to many association and in Datamapper that's a has n, e.g.
has n, :notes
Now when you have a user instance, you can (probably) call the notes for that user via:
I see you have the helper current_user defined, so if someone is logged on you could call current_user.notes to get back all the notes for the logged in user.
Remember, when you add a note to make sure you add a record to the association table, (probably, read the link) via user.notes << my_new_note.
The session is the information you keep around to identify the user and any other little bits of info that you may recurrently need. The likelyhood is, you're just storing an id for the user, or the facebook token that identifies them, and then during a request, if it's needed then you'll look inside the cookie, grab the id, look up that user by the id and get a user instance. Session info can be stored in several ways, most often cookies but you can use anything you would use to store any other data.

Troublesome Wice::WiceGridArgumentError

I am working on a Rails 3.1.1 app that is using WICE_GRID and I am stuck on this error.
I want to show a grid of Roles on the User show page. I am setting up the data in the controller like this.
User and Role are related by has_many through user_role.
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#roles = initialize_grid(#user.roles)
When I run the site I get this error
Wice::WiceGridArgumentError in UsersController#show
WiceGrid: ActiveRecord model class (second argument) must be a Class derived from ActiveRecord::Base
The error is pointing to #roles = init.... line. initialize_grid does take a record arguent but that is a hash of options, not an activerecord model collection.
When I run the code in the console I see that #user.roles is
[#<Role id: 1, title: "Role1>, #<Role id: 2, title: "Role2">]
Looks like an ActiveRecord collection to me.
Any help gratefully accepted!
initialize_grid takes a class. You're passing in an array of objects. It appears you want to display a user's roles in the grid. You want something like this:
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#roles = initialize_grid(Role, :conditions => ['user_id = ?',])
However, I'm guessing your roles table doesn't have user_id in it. You likely have a mapping table called user_roles. In which case, you will want to refactor the code above. Try just running this code instead to make sure you can view Roles in a grid (unscoped).
def show
#user = User.find(params[:id])
#roles = initialize_grid(Role)
