OSGI bundle (or service)- how to register for a given time period? - time

Search did not give me a hint, how can i behave with the following situation:
I'd love to have 2 OSGI implementations of the same interface: one is regular, the other should work (be active/present/whatever) on the given time period (f.e for Christmas weeks :))
The main goal is to call the same interface without specifying any flags/properties/without manual switching of ranking. Application should somehow switch implementation for this special period, doing another/regular job before and after :)
I'm a newbie, maybe i do not completely understand OSGI concept somewhere, sorry for that of give me a hint or link, sorry for my English.
Using Felix/Equinox with Apache Aries.

The publisher of a service can register and unregister that service whenever it likes using the normal API. If it chooses then it can do so according to some regular schedule.
If there is another service instance that is available continuously, then the consumer of the service will sometimes see two instances of the service and sometimes see one. When there is only one instance available then it is trivial to get only that instance. When there are two instances then you need a way to ensure you get your "preferred" instance. The SERVICE_RANKING property is a way to do this. The getService method of a normal ServiceTracker will always return the higher ranked service, so this would appear to satisfy your requirement.

I have yet to see an OSGI container that at a framework level supports date/time based availability of services.
If I were you I would simply drop a proxy service in front of the two interface implementations and put the service invocation based on date logic in there.

I don't believe there is any framework support for what you are asking for.
If you are intent on avoiding service filters, you might try this.
Implement a PolicyService. This service is in charge of deciding which instance of your service should be registered at a given point in time. When its time for the policy service to switch implementations, it just uses the register/unregister apis as usual. You policy service implementation can read in a config file that specifies the date range to service implementation mapping. This will allow you to add new behavior by modifying your config file and installing a new bundle with the new service.

I agree with Neil that a service should only publish itself if it can actually be invoked. My solution to this problem would be to have all service producers be dependent on a "time constraint dependency". Whilst such a dependency is not available in the standard dependency frameworks (like Declarative Services, Blueprint, iPOJO) it is easily implemented with the Apache Felix Dependency Manager, which allows you to create your own types of dependencies. Note that writing such a new dependency once is some work, but if this is a core piece of your application I think it's worth it. Service consumers would not require any special logic, they would simply invoke the service that was there.

Ok, what i have finally done...
Implemented a common dispatcher bundle - and call any of services only thru it (therefore cron is not needed, when call is on-demand)
When dispatcher obtains request - it searches for interface in its own cache and -
When there are >1 service with the same ranking and both are equal (registered) - then
Dispatcher resolves needed service via own written #TimigPolicy annotation with "from" and "to" fields
For the given server new datetime() - dispatcher returns proper service instance
Much work, i should say :) But works nearly perfect :)
Thanks everybody for giving me hints, it was really helpful!!!


Create A Service And Allow Only One Bundle To Hold That Service At any Time

I'm trying to create a service such that once it is created it only allows itself to be held by a single consumer/bundle at any one time. (If this is against the philosophy/specification of OSGi then that obviously provides a quick answer but reference to the OSGi specs. stating this would be appreciated.)
To implement such a requirement I implemented the ServiceFactory interface thinking that whenever there was a requirement for the service the getService(Bundle bundle, ServiceRegistration<S> registration) method would be called and it would be where I could determine if the Bundle was a new consumer or not and act accordingly.
It appears that this is not the case in the scenario I have tested this in.
Using a Apache Karaf and instantiating a consumer of the Service via Blueprint it would seem that the getService method is never called. Instead the consumer's binding method for the service is called directly but injecting a proxy service object.
While I understand that Blueprint uses proxies surely there is still the obligation of the ServiceFactory contract to fulfil even if it's a proxy object consuming the service?
Why do I want to do this?
I am attempting to wrap JavaFX and the Stage class and because JavaFX isn't OSGi friendly I am attempting to co-ordinate access to the Stage object. I'm aware that there are frameworks such as Drombler but a brief look at them made me think that it doesn't suit my use case. They appear too restrictive for my needs e.g. I don't necessarily wish to layout an application in the manner Drombler uses.
It depends what you mean by a consumer. ServiceFactory does give you the chance to create a separate instance of a service per bundle that calls getService on your service. It's not clear from your question but I suspect you weren't seeing the getService invoked multiple times because you were fetching the service from the same consumer bundle. In this case, ServiceFactory simply returns the same object repeatedly.
As for your general question about restricting access to a single consumer, no that really goes against the OSGi philosophy. I'm sorry I don't have a spec reference for you but the clue is in the name: it's a service that is available to all.
I'm aware that there are frameworks such as Drombler but a brief look at them made me think that it doesn't suit my use case. They appear too restrictive for my needs e.g. I don't necessarily wish to layout an application in the manner Drombler uses.
Please note that the layout of Drombler FX applications is pluggable so you can provide your own implementation tailored to your needs. This allows you to get the most out of Drombler FX and JavaFX.
While this feature is available for some time, there is now a new tutorial trail explaining it in more detail.

How do i reconnect when an OSGI service with an higher ranking comes availible?

I have two osgi service which implements the same interface with a different quality-of-service. One has a default ranking of 0 and the other one has a ranking of 3.
I am searching for a blueprint configuration where the default service acts as a fallback. So every other bundle should use the best available service (highest ranking) and must fallback to the default one if the better service disappears.
That is working right now.
The missing part is to automatically reconnect to the better service, when it comes online again. Is there a way to do it by configuring just the services without changing the consumers (implement ServiceTrackers an so on)?
Declarative Services supports this with the greedy policy option. I don't know that it is possible in Blueprint.
I think this is not directly possible as a simple blueprint <reference>.
You can use the <reference-listener> element though.
<reference-listener bind-method=”bind” unbind-method=”unbind”>
<bean class=“MyListenerClass”/>
It allows to be called back when references change and react on these. So you can for example create a proxy for your service that makes sure the right service is called. This is not very pretty code though. So like BJ suggested declarative services may provide a cleaner solution for this case.

OSGI Service reference

Before I call service from another bundle I would like to search for this service availability because I will get NPE.
What is the proper way to search for a service?
ServiceReference serviceReference = bc.getServiceReference(someclass.class.getName());
if (serviceReference == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Missing service someclass, please start bundle <name>");
kernelsManager = (someclass) bc.getService(serviceReference);
I would like to shutdown the framework if the service is not found. What is the proper to to do this? Can I improve somehow the above example?
This is not as easy as that in OSGi. As the bundle containing the service could be started after the bundle using the service you should account for that dynamic. Simply checking if the service is present at a single point in time is not good enough.
You can achieve this by using a ServiceTracker. If the service is added you initialize your own class that depends on it. If it goes down you stop it. If you have more than one service dependency this is quite complicated though.
So in bigger cases better use a framework like Declarative Services or blueprint that automates this for you.
As an addition to the answer by Christian, note that shutting down the framework simply because a service is unavailable, is bad practice. OSGi is dynamic by design, meaning that services may come and go, so your bundle should be able to deal with the situation that a service is not (yet) available or disappears and re-appears. Otherwise, I really don't see the purpose of using OSGi in the first place.

OSGi Services: Requesting a Bundle's/Component's Referenced Services

I’m currently “struggling” with OSGi services, or to be more specific, with the wiring between the services. I’m aware of the basics of DS, SCR and the general strategies for a component instance to acquire services. Anyway, here is my problem:
Following DS, components declare e.g. their provided and consumed services in a XML-file. In my case, I’m interested in the “consumed/referenced” services of a particular component (which are declared by the “Reference” tag in the component’s XML-file).
E.g. consider a running OSGi-application: a bunch of bundles collaborating with each other based on services (DS). Now, I want to pick a particular bundle and query all its references to the services it (may) consume - no matter if these services are currently available or not.
Referring to Apache Felix GoGo shell commands, like inspect requirements *, I do get information about the imported packages etc. but not a complete overview about the consumed services (-> both currently consumed services and services the component is waiting for).
I’ve read about the Framework API which provides insight in the registration, modification and deregistration of service but apparently, it does not provide the information about what services bundles are waiting for. Following the OSGi core specification, this could be achieved by a Listener Hook.
Isn’t there a way, where I just can query e.g. the SCR to get all referenced services of a specific bundle? Obviously, the SCR is supposed to read the bundle’s Service-Component-XML-file and to “register” some kind of “Service Tracker” to track the consumed/referenced services – hence the information of a bundle’s consumed/referenced services should somehow be available, shouldn’t it?
It would be great if you could help me with this.
Checkout xray, http://softwaresimplexity.blogspot.com/2012/07/xray-again.html, from Peter Kriens.

How to dynamically manage project dependancies

We are writing a new set of services and have decided to make them share a common interface... calling it a BaseService. The idea is that whenever anyone wants to develop a new service in our organization, they should be just able to extend and use this BaseService.
We have written a few other classes which also form a part of this base jar, it does things like handle transactions and connect to database using hibernate etc.
Right now all the services that extend the BaseService are a part of the same project (Eclipse + Maven), and some of the services are dependent on each other, but because they are in the same project we don't have a problem with dependencies.However, we expect 40-50 services to be written which would extend base service and would also be interdependent.
I am worried that the size of the base project would be huge and that just because when someone has to use one service they might have to depend on my base jar which has 50 services.
Is there a way that we can make some projects dynamically dependent on others?
Lets say I have a service A which depends on service B, when I build/compile Service A,it should be able to realize that it has a dependency on service B and automatically use the Service B jar.
I have heard of OSGi, will it solve my problem or is there a way I can do it with Maven or is there a simpler solution ?
Sorry about the long post !
Thanks in advance for your suggestions
It doesn't make any sense to "dynamically" manage project dependencies, since build dependencies are by definition not dynamic.
Your question, at least for the moment, seems to be entirely about how to build your code rather than about how to run it. If you are interested in creating a runtime system in which new service implementations can be dynamically added then OSGi may be the solution to look at. An extra advantage here would be that you could enforce the separation of API from implementation, and prevent the implementing services from invalidly depending on parts of your core module that you do not want them to have visibility of.
You could also use OSGi to manage evolution of your core service API through versioning; for example how do you communicate the fact that a non-breaking change has been made to the API versus a breaking change etc.
I would say there are two options depending if i understand your question correct. First one. You have already defined an interface (java term) and now you have different implementations of that. The simple solution for Maven would be to a have a module which is called for example: service-api and than this will be released and can be used by others as dependencies. On their side they simply implement the interface. No problem with the dependencies. If you are more talking about OSGi than you should take a look to maven-tycho.
