How to check that value stored in register is a valid address in the code segment - windows

I'm writing a small x86 Assembly program on a Windows machine. At one point I want to check if the value stored in the EDX register is a valid address pointing to the code segment of the same program. Can anyone please tell me how and if this can be done?

At the start of your program, put a label like this...
At the end of your program, put a label like this...
In your section where you want to question the validity of that address, do something like this...
Cmp Edx, The_Code_Starts_Here ; Is it in the code segment ?
Jb Bombs_Away ; No, bomb out
Cmp Edx, The_Code_Ends_Here ; Is it in the code segment ?
Jae Bombs_Away ; No, bomb out
; Else, good stuff, go on
If I screwed up on the Jb and Ja nomenclature, then just switch them.


Visual Studio (MASM) assembly - why does code in labels automatically execute, even if label not called

So I have this code and both labels are being executed, even though I was under the impression they would only execute if called with a jmp instruction
In other words, the output of this code is 15 - i.e. 5 + 7 + 3, while I thought it should be 5, since the labels aren't being called via the jmp instruction
TestNew proc
mov rax, 5
add rax, 7
add rax, 3
TestNew endp
It seems the jmp instruction is working, since if I call it e.g. here, I get an infinite loop:
TestNew proc
mov rax, 5
add rax, 7
add rax, 3
jmp lbl1 ;causes infinite at least jmp is working
TestNew endp
If anyone could give me any tips on how to get this working, I'd appreciate it.
even though I was under the impression they would only execute if called with a jmp instruction
Sorry, your impression is mistaken. Labels are not analogous to functions or subroutines in a higher-level language. They are just, well, labels: they give a human-readable name to a particular address in memory, but do not have any effect on what is actually in that memory.
Labels can be used to mark the beginning of a subroutine or block of code, so that you can call or jump to it by name from elsewhere. But whatever code immediately precedes your subroutine will by default fall through into it, so you normally have to put a jump or return or some similar instruction there if fall-through is not what you want. Likewise, in order to get your subroutine to return, you code an actual ret instruction; merely inserting a label to start the next subroutine would again result in fall-through.
Execution in assembly always flows from one instruction to the next one that follows it in memory, unless the instruction is a jump or call or some other whose purpose is to redirect execution flow. Putting labels between two instructions does not alter that principle in any way.
So yes, your code is always going to execute the mov and then the two adds, since you have not coded any jump instruction that would alter this.

How can I print numbers in my assembly program

I have a problem with my assembly program. My assembly compiler is NASM. The source and the outputs are in this picture:
The problem is that I can't print numbers from calculations with the extern C function printf(). How can I do it?
The output should be "Ergebnis: 8" but it isn't correct.
In NASM documentation it is pointed that NASM Requires Square Brackets For Memory References. When you write label name without bracket NASM gives its memory address (or offset as it is called sometimes). So, mov eax, val_1 it means that eax register gets val_1's offset. When you add eax, val_2, val_2 offset is added to val_1 offset and you get the result you see.
Write instead:
mov eax, [val_1]
add eax, [val_2]
And you shoul get 8 in eax.
P.S. It seems that you have just switched to NASM from MASM or TASM.
There are a lot of guides for switchers like you. See for example nice tutorials here and here.

Windbg, how to show more code?

I am new to using windbg, I normally use debuggers such as ollydbg or dissassemblers such as ida pro. However, I am wanting to debug 64 bit assembly code.
In ollydbg and ida pro's interface, it will show several instructions are once i.e.
push esi
push ecx
mov esi, [esp + 0Ch]
xor ecx, ecx
sub eax, 2
add ecx, 2
mov word ax, [esi + ecx]
test ax, ax
jnz #b
mov eax, ecx
pop ecx
pop esi
retn 4
However, my problem with windbg is when I set a breakpoint on $exentry and start debugging it, it will only show one instruction at a time.
Such as
push esi
Then I will step over it and it will show
push ecx
Is there any way I can make it have an ollydbg like interface, so that it will actually show all the code and let me step over it, maybe with some kind of syntax highlighting?
If it doesn't do this, is there any debugger which can debug 64 bit applications that has an ollydbg-like interface?
You have the following options:
If you are using the command console, use the u (unassemble) command. It accept arguments. u . will print from the current EIP. u will continue the listing. uf will unassemble a function, u . l300 will unassemble from current EIP 300 assembly instructions. etc.
You can open the disassemble window (View -> Disassembly).
By the way, you can also see assembly instructions with Visual Studio.
You can see several instrucions at once using the disassembly window which you can open like this: View | Disassembly
if for some reason you find using dis-assembly window an annoyance but would still want to see some commands in both sides you can try this method
first execute ub eip l4;u eip l4;p;r
and then single step by hitting enter instead of using p
the above command will show 4 instructions prior to eip and 4 instructions after eip
using enter repeats the earlier command

Having problems with GdiGradientFill in FASM

I'm trying to write an ASM version of a Java app I developed recently, as a project in Win32 ASM, but as the title states, I'm having problems with GdiGradientFill; I'd prefer, for the moment, to use FASM, and avoid higher level ASM constructs, such as INVOKE and the use of the WIN32 includes.
What I have, atm:
PUSH [hWnd]
CALL [User32.GetWindowDC]
PUSH rectClient
PUSH [hWnd]
CALL [User32.GetClientRect]
PUSH [rectClient.left]
POP [colorOne.xPos]
POP [colorOne.yPos]
MOV [], 0xC000
MOV [], 0xC000
MOV [], 0xC000
MOV [colorOne.alpha], 0x0000
PUSH [rectClient.right]
POP [colorTwo.xPos]
PUSH [rectClient.bottom]
POP [colorTwo.yPos]
MOV [], 0x0000
MOV [], 0x2800
MOV [], 0x7700
MOV [colorTwo.alpha], 0x0C00
MOV [gRect.UpperLeft], 0
MOV [gRect.LowerRight], 1
PUSH gRect
PUSH colorOne
CALL [GDI32.GdiGradientFill]
However, the code returns only a FALSE, and after going through both MSDN
and some other examples (, I still can't see what I am doing wrong, can anyone see the flaw here?
An additional problem has been with my attempts to use Msimg32's GradientFill, as this always leads to a crash, however, I have seen some reports that Win2K+ OS's simply pass the parameters from Msimg32 to GDI32; is this accurate, or has anyone else experienced problems with this form?
Pastebin link for whole code:
Thanks for any help, SS
Code is now working, honestly, I have no idea what has changed, I can't see anything different between the previous and now working data, other than changing the PUSH / POP sequence to MOV EAX, [rectClient.left], ect (The PUSH / POP method works, also) - Many thanks to those who offered assistance!
You're passing what looks like a RECT as the 4th parameter to GdiGradientFill. The function expects a GRADIENT_TRIANGLE.
Also, PUSH/POP is a very weird way to copy from one memory location to another. You're doing 4 memory accesses instead of two. Copy via a register; this is not Java.
Are you sure GetWindowDC is what you need? That one returns the DC for the whole window, title and border and all. For just the client area, people normally use GetDC(). When done, call ReleaseDC().

How can I view what is happening in the lower parts of the EAX register in VS2008?

I am doing some assembly homework and thought the best way to get my head around what is going on is to watch what happens in the registers as the program runs. In Visual Studio You can view the registers but I am doing an operation that only changes things in the lower 8-bits of one of my registers so im not sure what I should be looking at. Can anyone help me out?
Here's the question and the code I'm running:
What will be the hexadecimal value of the destination operand after each of the following instructions execute in sequence?
TITLE MASM Template (main.asm)
.data var1 SBYTE -4, -2, 3, 1
.code main PROC
call Clrscr
mov al, var1 mov ah, [var1+3]
exit main ENDP
END main
Im pretty sure the answer is -4 after the first statement and 1 after the second statement but I want to see it in the registers.
and the register window i have to look as in VS:
The ah and al registers are just aliases for the lower two bytes of eax, and so you can just monitor the eax entry in the register window. In your example, ah is 0x36 and al is 0x65. You might also need mov al, [var1] to get the value at that address, but I am not sure about that.
