How to enter commands in heroku? - heroku

I have been struggling to host a strapi for development use. I have deployed the app using strapi's Heroku template link= Everything worked fine it got deployed. But my issue is that i wanna stop the server and enter yarn develop because it's running in production mode and i can't build amy collection in strapi. Please tell me how to do that . This is my first deployement on heroku that's why i am asking for help .
MY link to the app is
Please tell me. And thanks
Strapi one click heroku deploy template


Why is my server not live after deploying to Heroku?

I'm new to all of this and I finally managed to get a full deploy to Heroku from Github without it crashing. Everything says its ready to go live. I tried to start the server but it fails. It gives me an H10. Do I have to let heroku see EVERYTHING in github even when the project doesn't require such?

Deploying Laravel on Heroku through github getting forbidded 403 page

I am deploying a Laravel application to Heroku. I just installed a Laravel project. But did not make any changes because I installed it just to try out the Laravel deployment on the Heroku. Then I created repository. Then I created a pipeline and a production app within it on the Heroku. Then I synced the production app to the master branch of my Github repo.
This is the screenshot
Then I configured the env variables in the Heroku like this.
When I open or view the app on the browser, it says 403 forbidden. What is wrong with and how can I fix it?
To deploy your application to Heroku, you must first create a Procfile, which tells Heroku what command to use to launch the web server with the correct settings. After you’ve done that, you’re going to create an application instance on Heroku, configure some Laravel environment variables, and then simply git push to deploy your code!

heroku-app not running after deployment

hey, developers, I am new to Heroku and I am deploying my first app on Heroku and I am getting this error on my logs. can anyone help me out here and how do I make this thing work
I think you are not in the right account!
Type heroku login and put the user name and the password the heroku restart!

How to run my Slack chatbot on Heroku?

I recently built a Slack chatbot using this tutorial:
It worked great.
Now, I'm trying to run my bot on Heroku instead (so it works 24/7) but can't find anywhere online on how to do it.
The specific questions I need answered are:
What PORT do I add to my .env file now? (since I want it on a remote server public, I guess the answer isn't 3000 anymore)
Where (on Heroku) do I find the redirect URL for Oauth & Permissions?
Where (on Heroku) do I find the request URL for Event Subscriptions?
Will I still need to use ngrok or npm install? If I want the app to run 24/7, is Heroku enough?
Thanks for any help.
I just recently deployed a chatbot on heroku. The answers to your questions will be:
1. I kept the port same at 3000 and that will work on heroku as well.
2. I don't think you need to do anything on the heroku.
3. I don't think you need to do anything on the heroku.
4. ngrok wont work now but instead of ngrok url you will have add the url given by heroku (e.g. on your slack interactive elements and slash commands if you use them.
I hope this should fix your problem. One more thing there will be a proc file in heroku where you will have to give the entry path of your app.

Laravel won't route on production server

Just getting started with laravel and have run into some trouble.
Before committing to using laravel I wanted to build a very basic web app to test the waters via homestead and then move that web app to a remote server in order to see how easy the process was.
So I've got homestead up and running and have built a very basic web app and it works perfectly locally.
However when I moved the laravel project onto the remote server the routing stopped working.
For example locally takes me through to a mock 'contact us' view. However when I try that on I'm greeted by a 403 'you do not have permission to access contact on this server'.
Am I missing something in laravel here or is this an issue with the sever setup?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Update -> This turned out to be an issue with another piece of software running on the server. Thanks for all the help.
