Deployment of application to device failed Visual Studio 2013 - visual-studio-2013

I'm trying to develope my first Windows Phone 8.1 app in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate (Update 2). I've registered developer account and my phone, Lumia 635, is also activated. My OS is Windows 8.1 Pro x64. Both OS and Visual Studio are clean installed just few days ago. My phone is plugged into USB-port and I can see it in file explorer.
I've tried different USB-ports, not different USB-cable tho, also tried to google for solutions, no help.
I've followed exactly these orders to point where I am now:
Code builds fine but when I try to deploy it comes this:
1>------ Deploy started: Project: firstapp, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>Deployment of application to device failed.
1>Error: Value cannot be null.
I cannot emulate project either, it just shows Start in menu with green arrow, nothing more.
Is my best guess to reinstall everything and try again?

Okay, I got it solved already. I'm not sure what actually fixed it, creating new WP 8.1 app project or installing some SDKs. Only thing matters is that its now working. :)


Visual Studio 2015 Windows Phone Emulator not deploying 6

I have been facing the same issue as asked in this other post
Visual Studio 2015 Windows Phone Emulator not deploying
but the solution worked here is not working for me.
Windows 10 pro upgraded from home version
Visual Studio 2015
Apache Cordova "Sample" app.
In Emulator it is showing as "Starting
in the behind "Hyper-V" "Summary" it is visible but if double click the the Hyper-V "instance" it is not visible there but only in "Summary"
What am I missing here?
For the developer sake and investment, MS must make sure that the solutions are tested everywhere before releasing them.
This link will direct you to print screen of the error.
in the VS output we get the following last message.
My OS is 64 bit.
2>The build configuration was changed to x86 for x86-based emulator deployment.
could this be impact of 64 to 86 bit version difference or anything else?
I have Norton antivirus
I am getting
Hyper-v administrator pop up every time I try to run the app.
This case is resolved by Microsoft Support Team over a Ticket and Rohit, support engg from MS did really helped me a lot.
The reason why it was not coming up.....
My machine has a AdWareAntiVirus from Lavasoft by Name WebCompanion that was not allowing it work.
I removed it then it started working.
if any body have any problem with VS 2015 Emulator definitely focus on the Antivirus and include the Emulator XDE into exception list and also include in Firewall.

Visual Studio Cordova App, can't run debugger - Could not locate the appxrecipe file

If I create a brand new Cordova project (JavaScript or TypeScript) and try to debug on Ripple or on the local machine I get an error during build that says "Could not locate the appxrecipe file."
I googled it and nothing comes up. What is this file and how does it get generated? Shouldn't it be generated when I create the project?
I've already lost an entire day to this, running repairs on visual studio and trying things that had no effect. Frustrating!
This took a while to figure out but it seems that the version of node.js that would get installed with Visual Studio was too old (0.10.x). When I installed the x64 version of node.js from the node website, it installed a 64 bit version which also wouldn't work with Cordova in Visual Studio.
The answer was to install the 32bit version of node.js (node-v5.1.0-x86.msi) available from their website. Now everything compiles correctly!
I was also stucked with the issue but my problem was little bit different. I wanted to build a project for Windows 10 Mobile platform.
It was really weird because everytime when I tried to build a project from CLI with ionic build windows, the build was successul. But it had been throwing the error about appxrecipe file while building with Visual Studio again and again.
Then I noticed that everytime I open a project in Visual Studio (2015, Community Edition) there is one change when you open your confix.xml file in Visual Studio editor - the change was that Windows Target Version was set to 8.1 again. I tried to change it to Windows 10 again, save it and build but the error was still there.
I have solved it with installation of Microsoft Emulator for Windows 10 Mobile and it works like a charm now. Maybe this information could be helpful for somebody...

Deploying to Windows Phone 10 fails on Visual Studio

So many things happened that I don't know where to start. Seriously, shouldn't this be simpler?
Edit: Someone here knows how can I contact Microsoft to tell this? Or even, can someone tell them about this problem?
I have the last Windows 10 desktop and also have Windows Phone 10.0.10512.1000. I installed Visual Studio 2015 with tools for Universal Apps development (and also 8.1). I have a Lumia 730.
So I connected my phone with my USB cable. Everything fine, the phone gets recognized and I can navigate through the folders.
Then I started Visual Studio 2015 and created a blank universal app. Compiled and tried to deploy. Now this is happening to me: Visual Studio hangs for some moments. Eventually I get an error telling that the device was not found (DEP6200).
I already tried dozens of solutions:
disconnecting from wifi in my laptop and my phone
restarting the IpOverUsbSvc service
rebooting the computer and the phone
deleting the devices in the Device Manager
Registering and Unregistering the phone (it sometimes works)
All of the above with the phone screen unlocked
disabling Hyper-V
disabling firewall
Other solutions that failed miserably
I also tried to use that Windows Phone Developer Power Tools. When I try to use it, it asks me to install some "Phone Tools Update Pack", but when I try, it says that the operation didn't succeed, and also shows the NRE message string (object reference not set to an instance of an object).
I can go through the phone's folders without any problem. I tried to reinstall the drivers... i tried everything.
It's quite sad.
Do you guys can think of some more thing to check?
EDIT: I tested this app before doing all this:
And it worked. If that's the case, is Windows Phone 10 deployment over Visual Studio working already or we have to wait some more time?
Edit2: After making some changes to my app manifest and choosing "ARM" config, now I get this:
1>Deploying to SD Card...
1>Updating the layout...
1>Copying files: Total <1 mb to layout...
1>Checking whether required frameworks are installed...
1>Framework: Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0/ARM, app package version 1.0.23117.0 is not currently installed.
1>Framework: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug/ARM, app package version 14.0.23019.0 is not currently installed.
1>Installing missing frameworks...
But it just stays there. It's stuck, and it stays there forever. At least I got some info... Its more or less the same steps that WinAppDeployCmd does, but the command line app does it successfully.
Somehow the problem got solved. I created a brand new project and did this:
1 - In your phone, try disabling the developer mode on your phone. What an unexpected development!
2 - Disable the "phone discovery" thingy. I don't know the name of this configuration in english (as my phone is in Portuguese). Just in case.
3 - Choose the correct architecture. This is obvious, right? In my case, ARM. If you try deploying with x86 or x64, it should give you an error. For me, it didn't.
From now on, you should be able to deploy your apps in both developer mode and non-developer mode. It just works, somehow. And it might NOT work for you, sorry. I think I got lucky.
It worked even after a reboot. So the solution is "pretty solid" (in an universe where gelatine is pretty solid).
I had the same problem. I tried the fix of the comment and went to devices manager.
Under USB-Devices there were three Lumia 920s listed.
I selected the second one and clicked on uninstall.
At the end it asked me to restart the Computer. I clicked on NO.
(When I uninstalled the first or third one, it didn't ask me that).
Then the error disappeared (now another common one appears (HRESULT: 0x80073CF6))
I have a Lumia 950 xl, with windows 10 installed, anniversary version. I had the same problem, and my solution was to turn on 'Device discovery' and 'Device Portal', and also keep the 'Developer mode' on.
I believe the only necessary option was the 'Device discovery' though!
Just in case someone still runs into this issue, I had something very similar with my Visual Studio 2015 professional update 1 but I couldn't even deploy to an emulator.
The issue has gone after I upgraded to Visual Studio 2013 update 3.
I had the same issues on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2015. I updated the the UWP SDK to Anniversary Edition Build 14393, set the target framework to this and it worked. I guess the incompatibility between the device version and sdk version was not allowing the device to be discovered by Visual Studio.

Can't create a UWP app

I recently, upgraded to Windows 10 and got Visual Studio 2015 Community hoping to build UWP apps and ASP.Net 5 apps. At first, I installed everything, but ended up skipping / canceling the Windows 8.1 / 10 mobile emulators (my PC can't even run them). After everything was installed, I went to create a new UWP app (C#), and got this error:
Next, I try the same thing, but with JavaScript. It works perfectly! on the same UAP that is supposedly missing. The link it provides is completely useless (it sends me to http:/ -_-. Oddly, this only happens when I try to use C# or VB.Net, JavaScript UWP apps seem to work fine. What is going on here? Where can I find the real link to the SDK I need?
JavaScript UWP apps will be create just fine, but when I attempt to build, I get:
Error "" is not a supported value forTargetPlatformVersion.
Please change it on the Project Property page. Test
C:\Program Files (x86) \MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.\JavaScript\Microsoft.VisualStudio.JavaScript.UAP.targets
This is the download link for the standalone SDK, maybe reinstalling the sdk will fix the problem.
Normally you don't always have to reinstall visual studio when something goes wrong because it takes a lot of time to reinstall again. From your question you skipped/cancel that feature, the first thing to do is go to the control panel and double click on visual studio under programs to Modify the software and enable those features.
In the case, visual studio was working properly before but due to some updates it stopped, go to control panel right click the visual studio version you have under programs to repair.
If the above doesn't work try to reinstall it again. I hope this helps.

Unable to debug a Windows 8.1 store apps from Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Update 4

When I try to debug even a simple template project from Windows App store 8.1 in VS2013. Ii can't have the application. I have no proble with ressources in my computer. It still giving me the text in the output Registration of the application to run from the disposal .... And no launch for the apps.
Should I repair my VS2013? Where am I wrong?
I repaired but it doesn't launch the windows store apps.
I finally came accross this bug. I don't what was the proble but I spent like one day reapairing VS 2013 but it didn't helped me.
The solution was to REPAIR my Windows 8.1 which took like less than 10 minutes. An advice from my colleague
