How i can develop windows phone 8.0 app in visual studio 2013 Comunity? - visual-studio

I have windows 8.1 OS. and when I choose Windows Phone App in VS it create Windows Phone 8.1 App without choice

In the Windows Phone templates in Visual Studio, you'll find two types of templates: Windows Phone and Windows Phone Silverlight (see the image below).
The Windows Phone templates refer to the XAML OS platform, which is only available for Windows Phone 8.1.
The Windows Phone Silverlight templates refer to the Silverlight OS platform, which is available for both 8.0 and 8.1. So if you want to create Windows Phone 8.0 app, you'll need to use one of these templates.

You need to install SDK. I would highly suggest to develop new apps as 8.1 XAML (not silverlight) apps for future portability.
You can download SDK's here:


Visual studio 2013 Store menu items are disabled for targeted application from 8.0 to 8.1

first I have an application for windows mobile 8.0, then I want to upgrade it for windows 8.1
I used Visual studio 2013 to oarget windows phone to windows phone 8.1 , result windows sliverlight 8.1.
the problem all the item in Store Menu are disabled, such as Create App Package... etc
You are confusing Windows Phone 8.1 runtime and Silverlight applications.
Windows Phone 8.1 runtime will have those menus, Silverlight won't.
See Rob's detailed explanation here: MSDN blog: Why can’t I create an app package?
To build on Chubosaurus's answer, the following project types in Visual Studio use the following runtimes.
"Windows Phone 8.0" - Silverlight
"Windows Phone 8.1" - WinRT
"Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1" - Silverlight
For this reason Visual Studio currently has no upgrade path from "Windows Phone 8.0" to "Windows Phone 8.1", which causes a lot of dev confusion.

Upgrade from Windows Phone 8.0 Development to Windows Phone 8.1 Development

I am Developing Apps on "Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 For Windows Phone". I develop Windows Phone 8.0 Apps.
Now I need to develop Windows Phone 8.1 Apps free. Which Visual Studio to use for this purpose.? and What about windows Phone 8.1 Emulator.
If possible share both download links.
You Should use Visual Studio 2013. here is a download link for Express 2013 for Windows
that can be used for windows and windows phone as well as Universal Apps. for windows phone 8.1 emulators, you can download them from here Windows Phone 8.1 Emulators
To develop Windows Phone 8.1 App, You should use Visual Studio 2013.
And here is the download link: Visual Studio Downloads
On the Dev Center of Microsoft you can find all information, samples and tools you need to develop Windows and Windows Phone apps.
Info from the site regarding to WP development:
Windows Phone 8.1 development tools:
The Windows Phone 8.1 development tools are installed with Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows with Update 2 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
Windows Phone 8.1 Emulators:
This package requires Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2 or later, Windows 8.1 (x64) Professional edition or higher, and a processor that supports Client Hyper-V and Second Level Address Translation (SLAT).
Here are several links to useful parts of the site:
Downloads (scroll to Windows Phone section)
Note: with these tools, you can still develop Windows Phone 8.0 apps as well.
You have to use Option in visual studio 2013 express from here.
After Installation open your windows phone 8.0 project in visual studio 2013 fallow the process described here. As same as windows phone 8 emulators will comes under windows phone Sdk
Check this link about Documention.
I suggest you to back up of your windows phone 8.0 project to separate Folder to continue the development of windows phone 8.0.
You cannot downgrade a upgraded app with version 8.1 to version 8 or 7.1.
All the Best.

How to run windows phone app from visual studio?

I am developing phone gap application for windows phone.I am using visual studio 2010 & windows phone sdk 7.0.
How to run my application on windows phone 8?Or I have to run it on windows phone 7.
I am unable to connect my windows phone os 8 to visual studio.
Please help
If you have a windows phone 8 device which you want to use for app debugging purpose, you NEED the Windows Phone SDK 8.0 installed, which needs at least a 64-bit Windows 8 Pro or better.
If i haven't forgotten something, then Phonegap has 2 project templates - 1 for WP7 and 1 for WP8. Which allows to think that WP7 project won't run on WP8.

App development in Windows mobile, windows phone 7 and windows phone 8

Is there any difference in the development of apps in windows phone 7 and windows phone 8 ?
In windows mobile, its like developing a form based application, but in windows phone 7 everything changed other than c# coding. In wp7 we use xaml based design instead of forms. Only c# is same for both.
Is there any this kind of difference in developing app in windows phone 7 and 8 ?. Both using same style of coding and same tools and technologies ?. Do I need to study any other other things for windows phone 8 app development ?
According to the coding style both Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 are same. But you need "Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Phone" which comes along with the WP8 SDK. Using WP8 you can develop apps for both WP 7.5 and WP 8.
Windows Phone 8 is an upgrade for Windows Phone 7/7.5. WP8 contains almost everything that WP7 has and adds some additional features to it. Check this link for What's new in Windows Phone 8
Both WP7 and WP8 needs Visual Studio with proper Windows Phone SDK. For WP7 it's VS2010 and WP7 SDK and for WP8 it's VS2012 with WP8 SDK. There is Visual Studio Express free edition for both. For WP8 development you need Windows 8 (Windows 7 is enough for WP7). There is also one further requirement for WP8 emulator - your processor has to support SLAT.
Both WP7 and WP8 uses XAML+C# (or XAML+VB.NET) for app development. There are couple differences in details between both, however you shouldn't really bother about that.
Both are same. I agree! but the thing is how we can make it better to work with both windows phone 7 and windows phone 8 matters. The Windows Phone 8 SDK already supports developing
applications for both versions of Windows Phone, and applications targeting Windows Phone 7 will run without modification on Windows Phone 8.
With the conditional coding functionality and its re usability, the windows 8 app development is being working out well. Integration of two separate projects for different platforms of windows phone can be linked using base code. To get the features function on windows phone 8.
Below link is will help you

Windows phone app development in WP8 SDK

I am a Windows Phone 7 app developer. Now I am using Visual Studio 2010 and WP7 SDK and Windows 7 OS. But I am planning to install Windows 8 OS and Windows Phone 8 SDK and Visual Studio 2012 in my system. If I do so, can I develop windows phone 7.0 and windows phone 7.1 apps with WP8 SDK and Visual studio 2012 ?
And also I developed some apps in WP7, So if any bug fix needs, Can I do it using WP8 SDK ?
You can develop 7.1 Apps and 8.0 apps but NOT 7.0 apps with the 8.0 SDK... Although I think devices with system version prior to 7.1 don't have access to the store so you don't need to maintain a 7.0 version of your app....
Of course any wp7.1 project can be opened with the new SDK 8.0 without problems.
Yes, Windows 8 and visual studio 2012 support WP7 development. There's a WP7 emulator and you can also connect and use your own WP7 test device.
