Upgrade from Windows Phone 8.0 Development to Windows Phone 8.1 Development - visual-studio

I am Developing Apps on "Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 For Windows Phone". I develop Windows Phone 8.0 Apps.
Now I need to develop Windows Phone 8.1 Apps free. Which Visual Studio to use for this purpose.? and What about windows Phone 8.1 Emulator.
If possible share both download links.

You Should use Visual Studio 2013. here is a download link for Express 2013 for Windows
that can be used for windows and windows phone as well as Universal Apps. for windows phone 8.1 emulators, you can download them from here Windows Phone 8.1 Emulators

To develop Windows Phone 8.1 App, You should use Visual Studio 2013.
And here is the download link: Visual Studio Downloads

On the Dev Center of Microsoft you can find all information, samples and tools you need to develop Windows and Windows Phone apps.
Info from the site regarding to WP development:
Windows Phone 8.1 development tools:
The Windows Phone 8.1 development tools are installed with Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows with Update 2 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
Windows Phone 8.1 Emulators:
This package requires Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2 or later, Windows 8.1 (x64) Professional edition or higher, and a processor that supports Client Hyper-V and Second Level Address Translation (SLAT).
Here are several links to useful parts of the site:
Downloads (scroll to Windows Phone section)
Note: with these tools, you can still develop Windows Phone 8.0 apps as well.

You have to use Option in visual studio 2013 express from here.
After Installation open your windows phone 8.0 project in visual studio 2013 fallow the process described here. As same as windows phone 8 emulators will comes under windows phone Sdk
Check this link about Documention.
I suggest you to back up of your windows phone 8.0 project to separate Folder to continue the development of windows phone 8.0.
You cannot downgrade a upgraded app with version 8.1 to version 8 or 7.1.
All the Best.


Visual Studio 2013 no emulators appear

I am using Windows 7 and Visual Studio Express 2013. I have installed Windows Phone 7.1 SDK and Windows Phone 8.1 SDK. When i go to VS menu under DEBUG->Other Debug Targets->Debug Windows phone internet Explorer nothing appear under Target Device Dropdown list in order to choose emulator. Any ideas how to configure them?.
The Windows Phone 8.0 SDK include the ability to create apps for 7.1 and 8.0 so there should be no need to install the 7.1 SDK.
Developing apps for 7.x is not supported in Visual Studio 2013. If you must target 7.x devices you'll need to use VS2010 or VS2012.
If you want o build for Windows Phone 7.x you should use Visual Studio 2012. You can install this AND Visual Studio 2013 on the same machine.
Again one more thing is you can not build Windows Phone 8.1 apps on Windows 7 OS. So it is advisable to install windows 8.1 / 10 OS and install both VS2012 and VS2013.

Which windows phone SDK can I use in Windows 8.1 + Visual Studio 2012 Premium?

I need to develop a windows mobile application. I have Windows 8.1 (Enterprise) PC with Visual Studio 2012 Premium. Which version of windows phone SDK can I use?
I searched in net and found here(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2864215) that SDK 8.0 can not be used with Win8.1+VS2012. Everybody suggesting that I have to use VS2013 with SDK8.1. Is there anyway to use SDK8.1 in VS2012?
Is Win8.1+VS2012 useless for windows mobile development?!
I can not change the OS(8.1) and VS2012; those are fixed. Apart from those, I am free to install/update anything in my PC. Could anyone please let me know a way to make my PC to usable for windows mobile development?

Windows phone developement error

I want to develop apps for windows phone. For this, I have installed visual studio 2010 in windows 8 machine. After that, I opened visual studio and created new project. But in silverlight option, I did not find "Windows Phone Application" template.
I searched on google and installed visual studio 2012 express for windows phone by which windows phone 8 sdk is installed. But still I am not getting "Windows Phone Application" template. So what should I do now?
To create Windows Phone 7 applications in VS2010, I believe you need to install the Windows Phone 7 SDK. Because you're running Windows 8, I recommend downloading the update for it, too, from here.
The template should be visible in VS2012, though, if you've installed the WP8 SDK, so I'm not sure why you can't see them in that.

Develop for Windows Phone 7 (or 7.1) using Visual Studio 2012 (RTM,Premium)

Is it possible to get the WindowsPhone 7.1.1 sdk to work with Visual Studio 2012?
Edit: As stated in the title of my question: I wanted to know whether its possible to develop windows phone 7.1.1 apps using Visual Studio 2012.
I already tried installing the SDK and the hotfix but I still can't open Windows Phone 7.1 projects with VS2012. Hence, my question: Am I missing something obvious or is it simply not possbile?
There we go :) --> Windows Phone SDK 8.0
I have both Visual studio 2012 RTM (for Windows 8 store application development) and Windows phone 7.1.1 SDK in my Windows 8 Release Preview and they are working fine.
And like you, I am also waiting for the Windows Phone 8 SDK.(btw, there is no windows phone 7.8 sdk)
UPDATE: This Windows Phone 8.0 SDK link states that "you can install Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (and the WPSDK 7.1.1 Update) and continue to build apps and games that target Windows Phone 7.5. The existing Windows Phone SDK installs side by side with Visual Studio 2012, and you can feel confident that the code you write today will work on Windows Phone 8 devices."

Windows Phone development in Visual Studio 2012 RC

Today Microsoft released Windows 8 Release Preview and visual studio 2012 rc. I'm a Windows phone developer. What dev tool I have to use for create my apps in Windows 8 rp?
In Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 express download page, it is mentioned like
"A Visual Studio 2012 Express product for Windows Phone will be available in conjunction with the next Windows Phone release. Until then, you can continue to use Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone to create Windows Phone apps."
The Windows Phone 8 SDK is out now, for those that are still reading this. It includes the 7.1 and 7.1.1 as well, and all runs within Visual Studio 2012. You can get it here:
For Windows 8, install VS2010, the Windows Phone SDK, and don't forget the 7.1.1 SDK update that fixes problems with Windows 8.
