Why I can't see .rc files in Qt Creator? - qt-creator

I have an open-source project successfully compiled using Qt Creator on a Ubuntu (Trusty) OS which I am trying to customize.
The problem is that even if in the project itself (on my machine) I can see .rc files, in the Qt tree view those files doesn't appear.
Why is this happening and how can I modify / add those .rc files to my project ? There are probably more than 100 resource files so adding them manually (if possible) is not a solution.
I can't seem to find it
As an important note, you should know that this is just an imported project which is compiled / built & runned using QT Creator.

Make sure your .pro includes something like
OTHER_FILES += your_file_name.rc
as with any other file, you must reference those files in the project file to include them. Of course, this will only show your_file_name.rc in the tree view.


How to Add a Static Library to a VS 2015 Fortran Project?

How do I add a Static Library to a VS 2015 Fortran Project?
I've searched for the answer to this question online, but the solutions I've found (linked below) don't seem to work for me.
How to link a .LIB in a MS Visual Studio / Intel Fortran project?
I'm using VS 2015 and Intel Fortran 2017.
I have created a static library from my Utilities project and I would like to be able to use the 'Utilities.lib' file in a different project (PhysicsCore) without having all of the source included.
I've tried dragging and dropping the 'Utilities.lib' file into the PhysicsCore Project. I've tried adding existing file and adding 'Utilities.lib'. I've tried adding the lib file and all of the '.mod' and '.obj' files. I've tried going under properties -> librarian -> additional dependencies. All of these end with the PhysicsCore project failing to compile due to missing procedures and modules.
I have gotten it to work one way that isn't very helpful. I have added a new project to the solution and then added in all of the '.obj' and '.mod' files and the '.lib' file. Changed the solution settings to not rebuild that project. And then finally added that non-building project as a dependency of the PhysicsCore project.
I feel like I must just be missing something small.
EDIT: years later. I finally came across the issue. If the library were all in .f90 files everything would work fine, but I'm using modules which require the .mod files. Everything was doing what it was supposed to as far as I can tell; however, it didn't behave the way I expected it to.
There are several ways:
Drag the .lib into the project as a source file. You say this didn't work, but it always has when I have done it.
In the Linker project properties, add the full path to the .lib to Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies, or just add the .lib name there and add the directory path to Linker > General > Additional Library Directories.
If the parent project is also Fortran, right click on the parent project, select Build Dependencies > Project Dependencies. Check the box for the library project. (This does not work if the parent project is not Fortran.)
I would generally recommend #3, as this will also make the .mod files from the library project visible to the parent project. If you choose one of the other methods, you then also have to make any include or .mod files visible by adding the directory path to the project property Fortran > General > Additional Include Directories.
If you need more help with this, I suggest asking in https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-visual-fortran-compiler-for-windows

ATMEL Studio adding own library

I tried to add my USART library to my project but I am still failing to properly add it so it will be recognized.
I created an USART.c and USART.h file, which I want to add. This is what I tried:
1) Right Click on the Solution / Properties / Toolchain / Directories
2) Adding the Path where I got these two files
When I try to build the project, it did not work. I get the message undefined reference to 'initUSART'.
How do I add my own libraries to projects then?
The screenshot in your question shows that you arranged for the compiler to find the header files for your library. But you also need to use the compiler to compile your library functions (e.g. initUSART) and create a static library file (with a lib prefix and a .a extension). You would need a separate Atmel Studio project for that, or learn how to use the AVR GCC toolchain outside of the IDE to compile libraries. Then you need to put that file in a directory that is in the linker's search path for libraries, and then you need to pass the appropriate -l argument to the linker. For example, if your library is called libuart.a, you need to pass -luart to the linker. The Project Properties for an Atmel Studio project has the relevant settings you need to configure.
GCC has a standard way to compile, create, and link to static libraries, which I outlined above. You can learn about that from any tutorial on GCC static libraries. You then would need to apply that knowledge to the AVR GCC toolchain, and find the appopriate options inside Atmel Studio that you need to set.
Aside: Atmel Studio does not make it easy to use libraries at all. The Arduino IDE does a much better job because you just put the source files for the library in the right place and it compiles them for you. There are a huge number of Arduino libraries too; you wouldn't have to write your own UART driver if you could use the Arduino platform.
The simple alternative: If you don't know much about compiling and linking to C libraries and configuring your IDE, you would have a much easier time just copying the library files into your project, adding them as source files, and letting Atmel Studio compile them just like any other source file in your project.
Another simple way of adding folders to your project is to copy/paste the folder into your project and then open Atmel Studio.
On the right side (where is by default Solution Explorer) you'll see all your files except the ones that you just added. Now press the Show all files and search for you folder which should appear grayed out. Right click on it and Include in project. That should be all!
This image should help
I got another solution that might help . i found Include Directories in this path for MegaAvr(8bit) :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\packs\atmel\ATmega_DFP\1.6.364\include
Just Puts All your Library in one Folder And Copy All of It in this path , then include it like another library . For example I created a folder named "ali" in that path , then i copied all my libraries in this folder (like alcd.h , usart.h) and then included in my programes with this :
#include <ali/usart.h>
and done ! just remember to backup your folder before Windows Installation (Drive Format) . Also you can find your libraries (.h and .c) in Solution Explorer -> Dependencies after Code Compilation .
GoodLuck ...
inside Folder
including xio.h in folder ali
xio.h in dependencies after compilation
my folder in specified path

Where does QtCreator store data about Kits?

For a particular project, QtCreator stores information about the build configurations for each kit that project uses in its *.creator.user file. Some kits are automatically detected; kits can also be manually defined by going to Options-->Build & Run-->Kits and selecting Add. However, I can't figure out where QtCreator actually stores information about available kits. Deleting all *.creator.user files that make use of a particular kit does not remove the kit from the list of kits, and I can't find the names of any custom kits I've defined anywhere in the Qt folder on my computer (I'm using Qt5 RC2, so I'm looking in Qt5/QtCommercial5.0.0-rc2/Tools/QtCreator/share and subdirectories thereof). Any suggestions?
The SDK stores a set of files in $CREATOR_INSTALL_DIR/share/QtProject/qtcreator. These are used by everybody using this instance of creator.
The user-specific files are in your home directory in ~/.config/QtProject/qtcreator (or %APPDATA%/QtProject/qtcreator on windows, don't know about Mac).
The kits are in a file called profiles.xml (I first called this whole thing profiles, but since that conflicts with the .pro-files qmake uses it got renamed). Toolchains are in toolchains.xml, Qt versions in qtversions.xml.
The .user-files only contain data for the project it is related to. Basically everything set in "Projects" mode ends up in the .user file.

How to use third party SDKs/Libraries in Visual Studio (2010) projects? (OpenGL/FreeGLUT/GLEW)

For the last two years I have been using Java and NetBeans, where all I need to do to add a new third party library to my project is throw in the .jar file and NetBeans does the rest.
Recently I have switch to C++ and Visual Studio and I am having a really hard time getting a project to compile using OpenGL, GLUT and GLEW due to 'Missing reference' errors.
Some tutorials tell me I need to download the projects for GLUT/GLEW and run them (that didn't work), some tutorials tell me I need to add a .dll file to my Win32 folder, others say just put the header files in the same directory as your project and some say I need to install these libraries in to Visual Studio itself, not just to my project.
None of these approaches have worked thus far.
All I want is for this one project to use these libraries. This is throwing a major spanner in the works for me at the moment, any help would be appreciated.
Sorry, I don't have an easy answer for you. I've been using OpenGL on Windows for years, and it can be a pain.
MS doesn't even (really) support OpenGL, the headers that come with Windows are the old 1.x ones - and they have no plans on changing that (they want to you use DX).
So, I would start small.
First, get a basically empty Win32 console "Hello World" app running.
Then, just add one component, like Glut.
Then, do the same - keeping it compiling / linking - incrementally add other components.
Wherever they tell you to put headers, libraries, DLLs, etc, it needs to be reflected in your project file. So:
add the location of the header files to "C/C++->Additional Include Directories"
add the .lib files to the "Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies"
(it still won't find them so) add the location of the .lib files to "Linker->General->Additional Library Directories"
With all that in place it should compile and link, but may not run still because it can't find the DLLs (that go along with the .lib files).
The shortest path to getting running might just be to dump the DLLs in the Windows/System32 folder. But in the long run that can be problematic as other apps may overwrite it (or see you as overwriting theirs).
What I do with specific DLLs is just load them explicitly in my application so I know for sure what DLL I'm getting (I don't do much Windows-specific GL, but when I did, I had my own \OpenGL directory with the versions of .h files, libs and DLLs I wanted).
Good Luck!
Oh, LoadLibrary() will load a DLL, etc.

Xcode source code directory

ToDo: compile the files from a directory that is outside of my Xcode project.
How to tell Xcode the path to look for source codes to compile (like the VPATH in a makefile)?
Note1: Right-click the target and it is easy to add the search path for header files or lib, but there I havent found any option to add a new source code directory.
Note2: I havnt found an answer in the xcode build documentation for this issue.
P.S.: I hope that I can do it without copying all the files to the xcode explicitly.
Thank you!
Drag the directory containing the files into your Xcode project. The only way Xcode knows it needs to compile the files is if they are contained in the project and a part of the target.
You indicated that you wanted to use at least some of the source files in a project and intend on using some set of the same source files for other future projects.
Create a new static or dynamic library using the external collection of source files and then just link this project to it and future projects to it
The design of most build environments encourages the use of code in reusable libraries.
By the way (for those who are still searching and have problems with this issue), i have Xcode 4.5.2 and when i drag the items they are not linked! It seems that xcode's getting worse with each new version.
In case of xcode 4.5.2 if i copied class files into the separate folder i had to do right click to the group and choose 'add files to ""'
