selenium firefox webdriver triggers uninstaller helper.exe to open - firefox

OS: Windows 7
Firefox: 37
Selenium-java: 2.45.0
I am able to control firefox with code using selenium library. However, for some reason, besides opening the firefox browser, it always opens firefox unsinstaller (helper.exe) as well, with the message "Installer corrupted: invalid opcode".
Does any one know why firefox uninstaller is even triggered in the first place?


After using Selenium on macOS, Chrome isn't the same

I installed selenium and used a python program to run chrome using selenium on my MacBook Air. Before there was an error on selenium, and after installing googlechrome drivers for selenium and creating a PATH using terminal, it opened a separate google chrome page that showed Chrome is being controlled by automated test software.
After around 30 minutes of running python and using selenium, I saved and closed out of everything.
In the next 2 minutes, I reopened Google Chrome to search something about web scraping, and the browser was the same one used by selenium. It still showed the Chrome is being controlled by automated test software notice, and there was a Chrome Automation Extension.
I tried:
logging in and syncing, but syncing was not available.
opening Google Chrome from application folder and dock, but nothing changed
deleting Google Chrome and reinstalling, but nothing changed
I don't know how to fix this. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so I found out that the chromedriver was still running in the background. After I closed it using activity monitor, the problem was solved.

Safari dialoge box is not opening in automaton browser instance

I am automating an application on safari browser using Selenium and Java.
For uploading a file on safari browser, I need to click on upload button.
But the dialog box for selecting a file is not showing in Automation browser instance.
While in regular safari browser (other than automation instance), I can see the dialog box for the same page.
What's the reason for dialog box not opening in safari automation instance?
Its Apple webkit's issue. Reference -
Solution is to either downgrade Safari version and use Selenium's safari driver or wait for Apple webkit to fix this issue.

UI automation using selenium - firefox not launching

I am new to automation and trying to launch firefox using selenium webdriver with dont net and C# for my test cases. Last week it worked fine and suddenly today firefox is not launching at all.
Unable to bind to locking port 7054 within 45000 ms
I updated the selenium webdriver from 2.43 to 2.45 and firefox version is 36. I still do not see the browser launching. Earlier I saw the webdriver extension in firefox, but after upgrading the webdriver, I do not see it.
I also tried downgrading the firefox to verison 34, but still see the same error. Any suggestions would help me a lot.
I rolled back the selenium update and tried with older version of firefox. it worked. Thanks

Selenium IDE no longer compatible with Firefox 18?

I've been using the Selenium IDE for a while now in Firefox, but lately Firefox has 'upgraded' itself to V18 - and now I can't find the IDE anywhere in the menu system. I tried installing the Selenium IDE Button which should show up on the toolbar but that is conspicuous by its absence too.
I know I have selenium installed on this machine because my existing tests work (exported to C# and using MSTest), but I can no longer conveniently create new ones using the IDE as a recorder, which is a drag.
Has the latest Firefox broken Selenium IDE?
I've experienced the same thing when trying to run Selenium tests in Java with the WebDriver, so I had to downgrade Firefox to an older version.
Based on their release note I guess the IDE would only support up to version 17 as of now:
I have Selenium IDE working in FF 19 !
I did not see the IDE button in FF 19 to launch it, even though it was indeed enabled (perhaps it was there and I did not notice it)
I downloaded and installed FF 17 (to another directory on disk) and then I happen to see it under FireFox--> Web Developer --> Selenium IDE ...
I closed the FF 17 and opened FF 19 , and it was there as well, not sure if it was there all along or not.
To launch it , just do Ctrl + Alt + S as this shortcut works in FF 19 too.
update: FF 19.0.2 is working as well. Just in case, I did also grab the:
"Download version under development unreleased"
I've noticed that the icon appears when the toolbar is set to 'icons and text' or when the 'small icons' box is ticked, but the icon is blank when 'icons only' is selected and 'small icons' is not.
This is firefox 24.0 and selenium 2.4.0, on Windows 7, but I suspect it happens for most people.
Here's the issue in the Selenium support database:

Selenium Server on CentOS 6.2 has no keyboard input while testing

We currently have a problem with SeleniumServer which is troubling me for 2 days, now...hope you can help me.
The Selenium Server is running on a CentOS 6.2, Selenium Server is 2.21 and Firefox is 10.0.4.
When a test is starting up, SeleniumServer launches Firefox but he can not type anything in the form fields or press "Enter" to submit.
Even better, no one (not even me with VNC-Server) can write something in the form field, url bar, menus, press a key like "Enter", is as the keyboard is not present... It´s like Firefox is locked somehow.
If a start Firefox with Interactive-Mode : selenium-server.jar -interactive & cmd=getNewBrowserSession&1=*firefox&2= everything is working fine, I can do all the tests manually.
I can also start firefox manually with just typing firefox in the shell and that is working fine, too.
So what is going on in Selenium and how does Selenium starts Firefox? Why is no Keyboard-Input available when running a Selenium-Test with SeleniumServer?
We tested with MacOS and Windows, too and both working fine with the same test.
Any idea would be appreciated.
Greetings from Berlin
Fixed it myself with an older version of Firefox. Firefox 7 worked for me.
