UI automation using selenium - firefox not launching - firefox

I am new to automation and trying to launch firefox using selenium webdriver with dont net and C# for my test cases. Last week it worked fine and suddenly today firefox is not launching at all.
Unable to bind to locking port 7054 within 45000 ms
I updated the selenium webdriver from 2.43 to 2.45 and firefox version is 36. I still do not see the browser launching. Earlier I saw the webdriver extension in firefox, but after upgrading the webdriver, I do not see it.
I also tried downgrading the firefox to verison 34, but still see the same error. Any suggestions would help me a lot.

I rolled back the selenium update and tried with older version of firefox. it worked. Thanks


After using Selenium on macOS, Chrome isn't the same

I installed selenium and used a python program to run chrome using selenium on my MacBook Air. Before there was an error on selenium, and after installing googlechrome drivers for selenium and creating a PATH using terminal, it opened a separate google chrome page that showed Chrome is being controlled by automated test software.
After around 30 minutes of running python and using selenium, I saved and closed out of everything.
In the next 2 minutes, I reopened Google Chrome to search something about web scraping, and the browser was the same one used by selenium. It still showed the Chrome is being controlled by automated test software notice, and there was a Chrome Automation Extension.
I tried:
logging in and syncing, but syncing was not available.
opening Google Chrome from application folder and dock, but nothing changed
deleting Google Chrome and reinstalling, but nothing changed
I don't know how to fix this. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so I found out that the chromedriver was still running in the background. After I closed it using activity monitor, the problem was solved.

"Firefox webdriver could not be verified for use in Firefox and has been disabled"

Since Firefox updated to version 43, I get the following message when trying to run an application using Webdriver: "Firefox webdriver could not be verified for use in Firefox and has been disabled". I have already toggled xpinstall.signatures.required to false to deal with the problem with unsigned extensions so this may not be the issue. Any suggestions for making webdriver work with Firefox?
I had same problem and it got fixed when updated selenium to 2.48.2 .
You need to use latest selenium to work with Firefox 43.0.3.

Unable to open firefox 35 using selenium web driver 2.45.0

I am unable to run my selenium webdriver script on Mozilla 35.0.1 , based on suggestions and comments on stackoverflow. I downgraded firefox to firefox 28.0.1 but still facing the same problem . Browser is getting loaded but it does not write url link in address bar. Same script is running on firefox 17.0.1
I have faced the same issue when upgrading Firefox.
Please try
driver.get(""); method
before the line
It worked for me.
Sometimes this problem arises in the case of Mozilla Firefox. Try Google Chrome.
I tried several methods and it didn't helped me. So I choose Chrome.
Chrome can be opened up bu using the below code.
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "ChromeDriver Location in your PC");
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
Please add this Library also.
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

Selenium IDE doesn't record once I stop and click record again

Hi I met a strange issue which didn't show before when I use Selenium IDE to record some tests.
It doesn't get the url automatically when Selenium IDE is opened.
Which is the critical problem: once I stop the recording or play the test case which would stop the recording as well, it no longer records any additional action when I click again the recording button.
I'm not sure whether this is the problem of Selenium IDE or some problem with my Firefox. What I use is Selenium IDE 1.9.1, and Firefox 17, and there's no such problem when the first time I used it a couple of days ago.
Many thanks for the help.
Check this link.
Firefox 17 will be supported in upcoming selenium ide 1.10.0. So, better downgrade your firefox to 15 for better functioning of selenium ide 1.9.1
Just for record, I have fixed the issue in Selenium IDE v2.3.0, which should be released soon. See http://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=5820

Selenium Server on CentOS 6.2 has no keyboard input while testing

We currently have a problem with SeleniumServer which is troubling me for 2 days, now...hope you can help me.
The Selenium Server is running on a CentOS 6.2, Selenium Server is 2.21 and Firefox is 10.0.4.
When a test is starting up, SeleniumServer launches Firefox but he can not type anything in the form fields or press "Enter" to submit.
Even better, no one (not even me with VNC-Server) can write something in the form field, url bar, menus, press a key like "Enter", etc....it is as the keyboard is not present... It´s like Firefox is locked somehow.
If a start Firefox with Interactive-Mode : selenium-server.jar -interactive & cmd=getNewBrowserSession&1=*firefox&2=http://www.google.com everything is working fine, I can do all the tests manually.
I can also start firefox manually with just typing firefox in the shell and that is working fine, too.
So what is going on in Selenium and how does Selenium starts Firefox? Why is no Keyboard-Input available when running a Selenium-Test with SeleniumServer?
We tested with MacOS and Windows, too and both working fine with the same test.
Any idea would be appreciated.
Greetings from Berlin
Fixed it myself with an older version of Firefox. Firefox 7 worked for me.
