Using #Value to inject property to constructor, SpelEvaluationException: EL1008E (4.1.6) - spring

I read a post about authentication with facebook,
he use autowired to inject 3 arguments to the constructor. which gives me SpelEvaluationException.
My project, I add a under /src/
and the constructor
public class FacebookSpringSocialAuthenticator {
public static final String STATE = "state";
private String applicationHost;
private FacebookConnectionFactory facebookConnectionFactory;
public FacebookSpringSocialAuthenticator(
String clientId,
String clientSecret,
String applicationHost) {
this.applicationHost = applicationHost;
facebookConnectionFactory =
new FacebookConnectionFactory(clientId, clientSecret);
after search and reading discussions and docs, I still don't figure out what to do.
the #{} is spring EL support, don't know how to use it, and don't know the difference to ${}
if I change to #Value("${facebook.clientId}"), there will be no exception, then I use debug mode to read the value of clientId, it does not show 237473571343, it shows ${facebook.clientId}, is that working correctly?

In your #Value annotation you are using a SpEL expression. In your case it is going to look for a Map or Properties object named properties and try to find a property with the key facebook.clientId.
To make it work you need to add the following
<util:properties id="properties" location="" />
Although this works I would strongly suggest to use a *PlaceHolderConfigurer instead of using SpEL.First add atag to your configuration, next change your#Value` to simply use properties.
<context:property-placeholder location="" />
Then your #Value can be like
The added advantage of this is that you could also use system or environment properties to do some configuration (or override parts of your configuration).


Using #Value annotation with Spring and SPeL

I am trying to find a way to do the following in my spring boot 1.5 application.
I have a variable who's value is dynamic meaning it comes in from an external system.
String name = "abc"; //gets set externally
I want to try and use the name's value to lookup my property file and see if there is a matching property defined. something like..
String propertyValue;
Now my file has the following property set
assume name has the value "abc"
property file contents:
Now, when i try to access the value of the variable propertyValue it gets set to the value abc.something and not abcValue.
I probably think I cannot use #Value with #{} to get to that, I was wondering if there was a way to to use #{} inside ${} so that I goes and fetches the property value after calculating the name of the property using #{}.
Let me know if you need more details please.
A bean life-cycle requires properties to be resolved at compile time. So, #Value requires constant parameter.
You can use Environment bean to access your properties programmatically.
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
public class Serivce {
private Environment environment;
public String getProperty(final String keyPart) {
String key = "build.your." + keyPart;
return environment.getProperty(key)
By the way you can use #('${}') in SpEL to access placeholder.
// This is valid access to property
private String property;

Prefix properties of multiple PropertyPlaceholderConfigurers

I want to use Spring's PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to read two property files. I can load each of them by using one of the following tags:
<context:property-placeholder location="class path:com/myapp/"/>
<context:property-placeholder location="file://${settings.location}/"/>
I am not allowed to change the keys in those two files. Both files may contain entries with the same key.
I need to inject the value of a specific file.
//Pseudocode of injecting a property of a specific file
String internalValue;
String externalValue;
So how to specify the file, and not only the key?
you will have to translate it to xml if needed:
public class InternalPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer extends PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer{
public UploaderPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
setLocations(new ClassPathResource[]{
new ClassPathResource("com/myapp/"),
and register it in spring ( or use #Component in above class ):
public InternalPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new InternalPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
this way you should be able to inject properties with this rather ugly syntax:
private String value;
If it works, then just add 2nd bean for external :)

Spring Boot property in #Preauthorize

I'm setting up a Spring Boot (v1.2.6) web project and using Spring Security (v3.2.8). I've found the #PreAuthorize annotation so handy, but I don't know if there's a way to read Boot's properties from the SpEL in the annotation. I'm trying to do it this way:
With the property declared in application.yml:
permit: true
But I'm getting
Failed to evaluate expression 'mysecurity.permit'
I've made an attempt with #mysecurity.permit and ${mysecurity.permit} too, with the same result. It seems possible to declare a method in a service and access it in #service.isMySecurityPermited() way, however I would be pleased to know if I'm able to access the property directly.
The values used in an annotation must be constants. They are evaluated at compile time, and while they may be retained for use at runtime they aren't re-evaluated. So you can use an expression that's evaluated by SpEL, or you can write a helper method that is referenced within the annotation value.
If you look at the OnExpressionCondition implementation, you will notice that it gets the value passed to the annotation, which in the case linked in your comment would be something like #ConditionalOnExpression("${} or ${server.port==8080} ") The annotation simply gets the text value, it has no idea what the text represents, it just knows it's a string. It's in the processing of the annotation value within OnExpressionCondition that the String value takes meaning. They take the String value and pass it to a BeanExpressionResolver for resolution.
So, in your PreAuthorize solution, which based on also passes it to an expression processor, you should be able to use spring's expression language to reference any bean property.
I'm not in a situation to test it currently, but from that thread it seems like you could do something like
public class MyBean {
private Boolean permit;
public boolean isPermitted() { return permit; }
#PreAuthorize( "#myBean.isPermitted()" )
public blah myMethod() {
// do stuff
This maybe a generic way to evaluate expressions which i want to share with you:
public final class AuthorizationComponent {
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AuthenticationUtils.class.getName());
private static SpelExpressionParser parser;
static {
parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
private Environment environment;
public boolean evaluateExpression(final String propertyKey) {
return checkExpression(environment.getProperty(propertyKey));
public static boolean checkExpression(String securityExpression) {"Checking security expression [" + securityExpression + "]...");
SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
Authentication authentication = securityContext.getAuthentication();
Expression exp = parser.parseExpression(securityExpression);
SecurityExpressionRoot context = new CustomMethodSecurityExpressionRoot(authentication);
boolean result = exp.getValue(context, Boolean.class);"Check result: " + result);
return result;
And in yaml config file you can configure the path and authorization expression, something like that:
post: hasRole('MY_ROLE') OR hasAuthority('MY_AUTHORITY')
Then you could use it like that over your method:
#RequestMapping(value = "", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Void> addQuestion(#Valid #RequestBody BodyRestDTO bodyRestDTO){
//Code implementation
return new ResponseEntity<Void>(HttpStatus.CREATED);
This should work:
private Boolean permit;
Then use:
But you need to properly set configuration file, to allow Spring access it. Read here:
Did you configure bean for a property placeholder?
For example:
<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="locations">

What configuration enables the evaluation of #Value annotations?

I'm tying to do a very minimal programmatic/annotation based configuration of Spring, to do some command line stuff and I want to be able to inject value of some bean values from System properties.
I'm using the #Value like this:
private String task;
It's sort of working, but it's not evaluating the value definition, I'm just getting "${MigrateDb.task:default}" in the actual field, instead of Spring evaluating it and giving me the value of the Migrate.db.task system property (or default).
What do I need to add to my Configuration class to enable this behaviour?
try using it this way:
private String task;
XML Config:
location="" />`
Java Config :
public static PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
propertyPlaceholderConfigurer.setLocation(new ClassPathResource(""));
return propertyPlaceholderConfigurer;
From ShadowRay's answer, the minimum code to enable the requested behaviour is:
public static PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer(){
return new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
Method should be static as per:

How do #value annotations work in Spring?

I've never worked with Spring before, and I've run into a configuration object that looks somewhat like this
public class Config {
private String config1;
private String config2
public String getConfig1() {
return config1;
Can anyone explain what is happening here? I'm assuming this is some type of code injection, but I can't find where these values are coming from!
They allow you to direct inject a Value from a properties file (system or declared property) in the variable. Using the util:properties tag you can add something like this in your applicationContext.xml
<util:properties id="message" location="classpath:com/your/program/resources/" />
Pointing for a properties file named "" with some content:
application.hello.message = Hello World!
And then, in your java source file, inject a direct value from this properties file using the #Value annotation:
private String helloWorldMessage;
This is part of the spring expression language where the spring framework would look for app.module.config1 JVM property from System.getProperties() and injects the value of that property into config1 attribute in that class. Please see this reference for more details in Spring 3.0.x and this reference for the current docs.
