I tried to use Distinct() to filter my collection to prevent duplication but my linq query still adds the same values to list.
thanks in advance.
public ObservableCollection<string> CollectTopicsFromXml()
ObservableCollection<string> oc = new ObservableCollection<string>();
XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(path);
var topicColl = xDoc.Descendants("topic").Distinct();
foreach (var topic in topicColl)
return oc;
Distinct by default uses reference equality unless Equals (and GetHashCode) are overridden on the item type. Since Equals is not overridden for XElement each element is "distinct" regardless of its contents.
If you want distinct elements by Name or some other property (or combination of properties) you have a few options:
Project the elements to an anonymous type which does implement value equality by default:
var topicColl = xDoc.Descendants("topic")
.Select(e => new {e.Name, e.Value})
Use GroupBy, which allows an expression to be passed in
Create a class that implements IEqualityComparer<XElement> in the way that you want and pass that to Distinct
Use DistinctBy from MoreLinq which also allows an equality expression to be passed in
I am using the repository pattern with Entity Framework as described in this article: repository pattern with Entity Framework
In the part where the GenericRepository is described (Generic Repository) there is a method which is used to get entities from the database set called Get. It has an orderBy but no groupBy. I am wondering how one might implement a groupBy in the same manner as the orderBy so that you can specify which field to group by dynamically on the entity.
What I have come up with is this:
Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IGrouping<string, TEntity>> groupBy = null
and then in the method code it should be used something like this:
if(groupBy != null)
query = groupBy(query).ToList();
But this is not compiling since the IGrouping is not queryable. Does someone know how to point me in the right direction or has a solution to this?
Edit: The reason for doing this instead of using groupby on the returned list is for performance reasons. I want the groupby to be sent as an sql statement to the database and resolved there.
Grouping has no sense without projection. So you have to define new method which returns IEnumerable with new type.
I have added sample of such method. Also removed includeProperties because EF Core ignores Includes during grouping.
Usage sample:
.GetGrouped(e => e.UserId, g => new { UserId = g.Key, Count = g.Count()});
And implementation:
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
... // other code
public virtual IEnumerable<TResult> GetGrouped<TKey, TResult>(
Expression<Func<TEntity, TKey>> groupingKey,
Expression<Func<IGrouping<TKey, TEntity>, TResult>> resultSelector,
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>>? filter = null)
var query = dbSet.AsQueryable();
if (filter != null)
query = query.Where(filter);
return query.GroupBy(groupingKey).Select(resultSelector);
I have a Linq (Entity Framework) Query as
function getData(string col_to_sort , bool IsAscending , int pageNo , int pageSize)
What i want is that if i pass the name of the column as a parameter to the function
and the order it will sort my query too.
Since my column name will be a string so we might need to convert it to ObjectQuery.
How can i achieve this?
Any help is appreciated
You can use Dynamic Linq:
string direction = IsAscending ? " ASC" : " DESC";
context.table_name.OrderBy(col_to_sort + direction).Skip(pageNo*pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToArray();
If you are using Dynamic Linq, then the accepted answer will work.
But If you don't want to add an extra library (Dynamic Linq), then you can pick my first approach. I will explain both the approaches where you have or don't have Dynamic Linq. You can select based on your preferences and choice.
First Approach: When you don't have Dynamic Linq:
If you are using using System.Linq; instead of using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core, then you can use this approach:
orderBy is the string and Student is the T (The Entity, in which we want to search).
Create a Utility class, something like this: (you can anytime covert to extension method If you wish.)
public static class LinqUtility
public static Expression<Func<T, object>> ToLambda<T>(string propertyName)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, propertyName);
var propAsObject = Expression.Convert(property, typeof(object));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, object>>(propAsObject, parameter);
And you can use like this:
public async Task<IList<Student>> GetStudents(long groupId, string orderBy, Filter filter)
return await _context.Students.Where(x => x.StudentGroupId == groupId)
Second Approach: When you have Dynamic Linq:
The Dynamic LINQ library exposes a set of extension methods on IQueryable corresponding to the standard LINQ methods at Queryable, and which accept strings in a special syntax instead of expression trees.
You need to include the Library separately. Include System.Linq.Dynamic.Core. The Author of this Library is not Microsoft.. As such no harm in using it.
So, this Library, provides you a method, that accepts the string.
You can pass comma separated values as well in string, this can be achieved by above code as well, but some changes would be required.
In the same example, just pass orderBy:
public async Task<IList<Student>> GetStudents(long groupId, string orderBy, Filter filter)
return await _context.Students.Where(x => x.StudentGroupId == groupId)
I have a function inside a class that will run a Linq to Entities query (or any type of Linq query actually), and it's gonna return 2 columns in the resultset. I would like to return an object to whoever is calling my function that will allow Intellisense to know what I have returned.
Let me explain. If I have a function like this:
public static IQueryable GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
var query =
(from t in oEntityModel.Table1
from u in t.Table2
where t.Status == true &&
u.Status == true
select new
return query;
What can (should) I put instead of IQueryable so that whoever calls my GetInfo function, will get Intellisense from the resultset, and show that it has a Column1 and Column2?
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
if (linqresult.Column1 == 1)
foreach (var oItem in linqresult)
.. do stuff...
You cannot return an anonymous type from a function, they are strictly "inline" classes. When you return it, the foreach loop will only be able to interpret the result as an plain object. I guess you could use reflection to query the property names and values, however it seems much more straight forward to define a data transfer type to hold the results.
See this question, and this blog post.
So you could create a simple struct or class:
public class MyDataResult
public object Column1 { get; set; }
public object Column2 { get; set; }
Then modify your query in the function:
public static IQueryable<MyDataResult> GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
var query =
(from t in oEntityModel.Table1
from u in t.Table2
where t.Status == true &&
u.Status == true
select new MyDataResult
Column1 = t.Column1,
Column2 = u.Column2
return query;
Something like that should work. Note that I used "object" for the properties in MyDataResult. I don't know the types of the columns you are returning, you should use the actual types in order to get full intellisense.
You are returning a collection of anonymous types, they will be casted to objects, so when you try to iterate over them, altough they will be your objects (and they will contain your properties) at compile time they will be casted to objects:
foreach (var x in ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel))
//x is an Object
You can read more about it here.
If you want to have intellisense, I suggest you create a custom class they will hold your properties and return not an anonymous type (using new {}) but object of your class (new MyClass(prop1, prop2)). You also need to change signature of your method, so it returns IQueryable<YourClass> and not just plain non-generic IQueryable.
As others have said, creating a new type to hold the two columns is usually the best option.
But if, for some reason, you don't want to do that and you are using .Net 4.0, you can use Tuple:
public static IQueryable<Tuple<Column1Type, Column2Type>>
GetInfo(MyEntityModel oEntityModel)
return from …
select Tuple.Create(t.Column1, u.Column2);
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
foreach (var oItem in linqresult)
Console.WriteLIne(oItem.Item1, oItem.Item2);
When you return your resultset AsQueryable, the app is already able to give you intellisense, however in your example, you must specify either .FirstOrDefault if you know your collection will only have a single row, or iterate over your collection to get the items from it, like so:
This is what you're doing:
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
if (linqresult.Column1 == 1)
..do stuff...
This is how you should do it:
var linqresult = ClsLinqTeste.GetInfo(oEntityModel);
foreach(var item in linqresult)
if (item.Column1 == 1)
..do stuff...
You must iterate over linqresult because when you query with link, it returns a result set, even if it just has one column. As with any collection, your data columns aren't available on the whole result set, only with individual items.
If you want to strongly typed enumerate a non-generic IEnumerable (IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() instead of IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator<T>()) you can use the Cast<>() extension, like so
var myquery = GetQueryable();
for (var item in myquery.Cast<MyDataType>())
// use item.Column1 directly and strongly typed with intellisense
Am testing out MvcContrib's grid for sorting.
Am using LightSpeed as my ORM
Problem: getting compile error on: listOfRfidTags = ...
The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderBy(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Func, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
public ActionResult Index(GridSortOptions sort)
IEnumerable<RfidTag> listOfRfidTags = uow.RfidTags;
if(sort.Column != null) {
listOfRfidTags = listOfRfidTags.OrderBy(sort.Column, sort.Direction);
ViewData["sort"] = sort;
return View(listOfRfidTags);
#Html.Grid(Model).Columns(column =>{
column.For(a => Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = a.Id })).Named("Edit");
column.For(a => a.TagCode).Named("TagCode").Sortable(true);
column.For(a => a.Number);
You are getting this compiling error because you are trying to use an OrderBy extension method that is only defined in MvcContrib and not in System.Linq.
In order to fix it, you just need to use the following line:
using MvcContrib.Sorting;
And then you can use the OrderBy method as in your original code:
listOfRfidTags = listOfRfidTags.OrderBy(sort.Column, sort.Direction);
Although itowlson answer works, he just reimplements what the OrderBy extension method in MvcContrib already does (see SortExtensions.cs).
The OrderBy extension method takes a delegate for getting the sort key, not a column and direction. So this line:
listOfRfidTags = listOfRfidTags.OrderBy(sort.Column, sort.Direction);
needs to look something like this:
listOfRfidTags = listOfRfidTags.OrderBy(r => r.SomeProperty);
(or OrderByDescending depending on the sort.Direction). The trouble is that SomeProperty can't be determined at compile time because you want it to come from sort.Column. This means that if you want to use LINQ then you'll probably need to use Dynamic LINQ or Reflection to extract the property you want to sort on e.g.
PropertyInfo property = typeof(RfidTag).GetProperty(sort.Column);
listOfRfidTags = listOfRfidTags.OrderBy(r => property.GetValue(r));
However, since you are using LightSpeed as your ORM, you can bypass LINQ and use the core API, which does allow dynamic column names:
Order order = Order.By(sort.Column);
if (sort.Direction == SortDirection.Descending))
order = order.Descending();
IList<RfidTag> listOfRfidTags = uow.Find<RfidTag>(new Query { Order = order });
This has the side benefit that the sorting will happen on the database instead of in the Web application.
I am using Linq.Dynamic. I have already added another SelectMany extension to all for creating a new anonymous object with the data. But, I have ran into another issue that I can not seem to solve.
I want to have extension method chaining as follows, but using the dynamic methods:
var customerandorderflat = db.Customers
.SelectMany(c => c.Orders.SelectMany(o => o.Order_Details,
(ord, orddetail) => new
OrderID = ord.OrderID,
UnitPrice = orddetail.UnitPrice
(cus, ord) => new
CustomerId = cus.CustomerID,
CompanyName = cus.CompanyName,
OrderId = ord.OrderID == null ? -1 : ord.OrderID,
UnitPrice = ord.UnitPrice
Ideally I would like to chain the dynamic SelectMany as follows:
db.Customers.SelectMany(c => c.Orders.SelectMany("Order_Details", "new(outer.OrderID, inner.UnitPrice)"), "new(outer.CustomerID, inner.OrderID)");
Or something to that affect. The problem is that I can not get a signature to match.
I have tried many different options to get it to allow chaining. But it just doesn't work. I am thinking ideally it would look like this:
public static IQueryable SelectMany(this IQueryable source, IQueryable innerExpression, string resultsSelector, params object[] values)
But, it doesn't recognize c => c.Orders as IQueriable. I also need to figure out how to do DefaultIfEmpty on the results to allow for LEFT JOINs.
Please help.
c.Orders is an EntitySet. EntitySet doesn't implement IQueryable. Try c.Orders.AsQueryable()
It was getting the wrong definition. Actual error when on right definition: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' because it is not a delegate type