How do I replace a comma to "\," in a string using sed - shell

I have a string in which I need to replace "," with "\," using shell script. I thought I can use sed to do this but no luck.

You can do that without sed:
To replace all occurrences of "," use this:
echo "$string"

You need to escape the back slash \/
I'm not sure what your input is but this will work:
echo "teste,test" |sed 's/,/\\/g'
If the string is on a file, you can use:
sed -i 's/,/\//g' myfile.txt


Replace the matched string in the comma separated string pattern

I have a comma separated strings inside brackets and I need to replace the string in matches the pattern.
And we have unknown string at the start and at the end. In the below example I need to replace c++ string with c if the row has string ruby.
I tried below sed command but it didnt work.
sed -e "s/(\(.*\),\("ruby"\),\(.*\),"c++",\(.*\))/(\1,\2,\3,"c",\4)/g"
{m,n,g}awk '/\42ruby\42/ ? NF = NF : NF' FS='"c[+][+]"' OFS='"c"'
it seems like your sed command is not escaping double quotes
sed -e "s/(\(.*\),\("ruby"\),\(.*\),"c++",\(.*\))/(\1,\2,\3,"c",\4)/g"
change it to single quotes.
sed -e 's/(\(.*\),\("ruby"\),\(.*\),"c++",\(.*\))/(\1,\2,\3,"c",\4)/g' file.txt
or more simply use the below one...
sed -e 's/\("ruby"\),\(.*\),"c++"/\1,\2,"c"/g' my_file.txt
which will output

BASH - replace with variable contain double quotes inside

I have an text file, with line inside...
line: <version="AAA" email="...ANY..." file="BBB">
new desired line in text file to be: <version="AAA" email="NEW_TEXT" file="BBB">
I want to replace the ...ANY... expression with variable (replace entire line)
I have this script text-file script in #!/bin/bash, but I have problem when expanding double quotes in variables.
LINE_NUMBER="$(grep -nr 'email' *.txt | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')"
VAR1="$(grep 'email' *.txt | cut -d '"' -f1-3)"
VAR2="$(grep 'email' *.txt | cut -d '"' -f5-)"
new desired line in text file to be... <version="AAA" email="NEW_TEXT" file="BBB">
awk -i inplace 'NR=='"$LINE_NUMBER"'{sub(".*",'"'$NEW_LINE'"')},1' *.txt
but I get this new line:
<version="" email="NEW_TEXT" file="">
what do I do wrong?
How can I prevent expand duouble quotes inside variable?
please better write me an working example, I had tried other topics, forums, posts....but I have no luck.
You cas use sed :
sed -i "s/email=\"[^\"]*\"/email=\"$VAR3\"/" myfile.xml
var3="text space % special < chars"
Note var3 may not contain & which is special replacement meaning in sed
sed -E 's|email="[^"]*"|email="'"${var3}"'"|' input.1.txt
[^"]* : Match longest string not having " till next ".

sed capture to get string between slashes

I have a filepath like this: /bing/foo/bar/bin and I want to extract only the string between bing/ and the next slash.
So /bing/foo/bar/bin should just produce "foo".
I tried the following:
echo "/bing/foo/bar/bin" | sed -r 's/.*bing\/(.*)\/.*/\1/'
but this produces "foo/bar" instead of "foo".
Try this command
echo "/bing/foo/bar/bin" | sed -r 's|.*bing/([^/]*)/.*|\1|'
use | as delimiters instead of / is proper in your case, reference from "Delimiters in sed substitution",
sed can use any character as a delimiter, it will automatically use the character following the s as a delimiter.
echo "/bing/foo/bar/bin" | grep -oP "/bing/\K(\w+)"

Search Replace Sed using wild card

Hello I'm sort of new to scripting and have the following problem
I need to replace 20069.1216.0
This works fine at replacing 20069.1216.0 with whatever is provided in $2
`xargs sed -i 's/String.20.........0/String.'"${2}"'/g'`
I need a way for sed to search for **"String.*\lib\net\"**where anything in between **String.** and **\lib...** is wildcard
This what i have tried
sed -i 's/String.*\/String.'"${2}"'/g'
sed -i 's/String.*\\/String.'"${2}"'/g'
sed -i 's/String.\(.*\)\\/String.'"${2}"'/g'
I'll assume that you call sed inside a function.
So try this code:
replace() {
echo 'HintPath..\packages\String.20069.1216.0\lib\net\Thoo.Tkc.dll/HintPath' |\
sed "s/String\.[0-9.]*/String\.${2}/"
replace dont_care filename
If your path may contain --SNAPSHOT this solution should work for you:
replace() {
echo 'HintPath..\packages\String.20069.1216.0--SNAPSHOT\lib\net\Thoo.Tkc.dll/HintPath' |\
sed "s/String[0-9.]*\(--SNAPSHOT\)\{0,1\}/String\.${2}/"
replace dont_care filename

How do I replace text using a variable in a shell script

I have a variable with a bunch of data.
file = garbage.txt //iiuhdsfiuhdsihf]sdiuhdfoidsoijsf
What I would like to do is replace the ] charachter in file with text. I've tried using sed but I keep getting odd errors.
output should be:
Just need to escape the ] character with a \ in regex:
sed "s/\(.*\)\]\(.*\)/\1$text\2/" file > file.changed
or, for in-place editing:
sed -i "s/\(.*\)\]\(.*\)/\1$text\2/" file
sed "s/\(.*\)\]\(.*\)/\1$text\2/" <<< "iiuhdsfiuhdsihf]sdiuhdfoidsoijsf"
# output => iiuhdsfiuhdsihfABCDEFGHIJKsdiuhdfoidsoijsf
There is always the bash way that should work in your osx:
filevar=$(cat file)
echo "${filevar/]/$text}" #to replace first occurence
echo "${filevar//]/$text}" #to replace all occurences
In my bash i don't even have to escape ].
By the way, the simple sed does not work?
$ a="AA"
$ echo "garbage.txt //iiuhdsfiuhdsihf]sdiuhdfoidsoijsf" |sed "s/]/$a/g"
garbage.txt //iiuhdsfiuhdsihfAAsdiuhdfoidsoijsf
