Unable to install (re-install) Toad DB2 - installation

When I try to re-install Toad, i get the following error message:
"The Toad for DB2 installer has detected an existing 64-bit DB2 environment on your computer. This installation of Toad for DB2 includes a 32-bit DB2 client. However, DB2 does not allow both 32-bit and 64bit DB2 Environment to exist on the same computer."
I am using Windows 7 (64bit) and just uninstalled Toad prior to this installation. (Trying to re-install toad)

O and here is the solution. Hope this can help others as well:)
Opened registry, looked for the keys
Just renamed the IBM Folder into something else
After that the 64 bit Toad setup will pass the checking for any installed IBM software. And there you go! :)


ODAC 18c Release 1 ( Installer crashing

I am trying to install ODAC 18c Release 1 ( and when I click on the Setup.exe it shows the black screen(command prompt ) and there after nothing is coming. The universal Installer is not at all loading.
Currently I am using Windows 10 Enterprise edition ,
VS 2015 , 2017 Professional editions are installed.
My Machine is 64 bit
Other than the above I have installed ODTwithODAC1120320_32bit also in my system.
No idea why the installer is crashing.
I could see a prerequisite like
Access to an Oracle Database Server (Oracle 11g Release 2 or later)
is needed for the instillation in installation guide. In fact my oracle database server is located in some other place and we are accessing that from my location , so I need only client for accessing that. I am not sure what they meant by
Access to an Oracle Database Server (Oracle 11g Release 2 or later)
Do I need to install the Oracle database 11g+ ?? Do the crashing issue is because of some other reasons ?
Can someone help me to resolve this ?
Methods I have tried so far :
Open the install folder directly and click on the oui.exe directly
Disconnect internet and try to install
Run the installation exe in elevated rights mode
Kill the java.exe from task manager and try to install
None of the above methods are working.
And finally I found the reason.
I didn't have a _JAVA_OPTIONS in the system variables. I have added that and run the installer as run as administrator.
The variable value should be -Xmx512M

Proper Oracle ODBC Driver Installation on 32 bit Windows 7

I am using an Excel VBA application to connect to an Oracle 12c database.
Excel is 2010, 32 bit, in Windows 7.
Many have advised Oracle Instant Client, but this has not worked for me. The installation requires a number of configuration steps that I cannot perform due to administrative restrictions on my workstation.
However, I have installed the ODAC 12.2c Release 1 and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (, available HERE. This package includes the Oracle ODBC driver which works for my application. However, it contains several other components that I do not need, and throws some errors during installation that are disconcerting.
Can anyone tell me which of the following components I actually need to select in order to get the ODBC Driver?
Since I cannot get InstantClient to work with my companies restrictions, I'm now aiming to use this package, but hopefully to slim it down to just the component I need. I'm doing trial and error, but it's messy. The installation takes a long time and there's no uninstaller, so I have to manually delete the files after installation.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
The smallest solution is to download the
Instant Client Package - ODBC: Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications (instantclient-odbc-nt-
from Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows 32-bit
You can also download the ODAC with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio from ODAC Developer Downloads - Oracle Universal Installer
Get the full 32-bit Oracle client installer (not the ODAC) from here:
Do an silent install using this reponse file (edit as needed and save as client_install_32.rsp in the same directory as setup.exe)
Response file
setup.exe" ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OracleClient12201x32 -waitforcompletion -nowait -silent -responseFile client_install_32.rsp
The key config entry is this:

Oracle ODBC - missing drivers?

I installed
ODAC 11.2 Release 3 and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (
from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/dotnet/utilsoft-086879.html
but i still do not see Oracle driver in the ODBC Manager... please help.
i checked the ODBC Drivers in the Registry, and only found SQL there... maybe i downloaded the wrong thing? someone please point me in the right direction.
Call "c:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe" from the start/run box or from the command prompt, so
the drivers are more likely to appear. I´ve been through similar problems with Oracle Instant Client (basic and ODBC) 32-bit driver not appearing at the ODBC Admin Window. I was able to configure a Data Source to Oracle 11g Express by calling "c:\windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe" this way.
I can't access the page you referenced to read about it, but to install the Oracle ODBC driver you can install the Oracle Instant Client. This page gives some good instructions on how to do it. Once the instant client is installed, the Oracle ODBC driver should show in the ODBC Manager. Note that you do not need a full client install to use the ODBC driver.
Run cmd with elevated privileges to install odbc_install.exe.

Unable to set up ODBC after installing ODAC (Xcopy)

We are trying to use ODAC Xcopy to minimize the footprint of installing Oracle 11g Client. Currently, we use the Oracle 11g Admin install (~700mb). I've tried using the ODAC Xcopy, and that works. However, the only issue I now have is that I cannot set up an ODBC on the target system by just installing the ODAC Xcopy. After installing ODAC (Windows XP fyi), I go to Control Panel-->Admin Tools-->Data Sources (ODBC)-->System DSN-->Add-->Microsoft ODBC for Oracle. I get the following error: "The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3 (or greater) client software installation. You will be unable to use this driver until these components have been installed." I've tried editing the registry and creating the same keys that the Oracle Admin install creates, but still no luck. I'm not sure how to get past this. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Shouldn't you be using the Oracle Driver instead of the Microsoft ODBC driver? Microsoft's driver will require the SQLNet drivers which come with your full client install. There should be an additional ODBC driver available after installing the Oracle ODAC. Go to the Drivers tab of the ODBC Adminstrator and you should see something along the lines of "Oracle in OraClient11g_home1" with a version of 11.something. That's the driver you should make your DSN from. I've only used the 10g ODBC install (which could be minimally installed with a selection of "Instant Client").
I would advise you stick to the full installer, which takes care of all the configuration tasks (registry, DLL registrations, etc..), but do a custom install using a response file.
Get the correct version of Oracle client installer (not the ODAC) from here:
the Oracle client bitness has to match your executable's.
Do an silent install using this reponse file (edit as needed and save as client_install.rsp in the same directory as setup.exe)
Response file
setup.exe" ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OracleClient11201 -waitforcompletion -nowait -silent -responseFile client_install.rsp
The key config entry is this:

ODBC x64 oracle problem

I have a workstation with Windows 2008 x64, MS Access 2007 and Oracle 11g x64
I use Access to connect to Oracle via ODBC.
I am the administrator (in the administrator group) on the workstation. I run Access as administrator but when I want to make an ODBC call to Oracle it does not work.
How do I do it:
I start MS Access and creates a direct query. In the properties dialog I go to add new and the Select datasource dialog appears. I then use machine datasource and click New, System datasource - but the driver for Oracle is not there.
Regards Robert :-)
Solved! Create a Virtual PC (Hyper-V) and install the 32 bit version of OS and client - it works!
If you want to use the Oracle supplied ODBC driver, you need to install the oracle client. The default client install does not include the driver, so you either need to add it when you do the install or re-run the universal installer to add it later.
To get the Oracle ODBC driver for 10g (don't know about 11):
run the client install. You will be given 4 options for installation type: InstantClient, Administrator, Runtime, and Custom.
select "InstantClient" (it's not in the Runtime install)
You must install this in a new oracle home.
Once the installation is complete, you should see the Oracle driver in your ODBC control.
I can se the Oracle driver in the standard ODBC administration but when I start this from within MSAccess the driver does noe appear. This means that the x64 driver is not present. if I look in the registry the Oracle driver is noe existing under the HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI key like the ones for SQLServer
