Proper Oracle ODBC Driver Installation on 32 bit Windows 7 - oracle

I am using an Excel VBA application to connect to an Oracle 12c database.
Excel is 2010, 32 bit, in Windows 7.
Many have advised Oracle Instant Client, but this has not worked for me. The installation requires a number of configuration steps that I cannot perform due to administrative restrictions on my workstation.
However, I have installed the ODAC 12.2c Release 1 and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (, available HERE. This package includes the Oracle ODBC driver which works for my application. However, it contains several other components that I do not need, and throws some errors during installation that are disconcerting.
Can anyone tell me which of the following components I actually need to select in order to get the ODBC Driver?
Since I cannot get InstantClient to work with my companies restrictions, I'm now aiming to use this package, but hopefully to slim it down to just the component I need. I'm doing trial and error, but it's messy. The installation takes a long time and there's no uninstaller, so I have to manually delete the files after installation.
Thanks for any help you can provide!

The smallest solution is to download the
Instant Client Package - ODBC: Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications (
from Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows 32-bit
You can also download the ODAC with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio from ODAC Developer Downloads - Oracle Universal Installer

Get the full 32-bit Oracle client installer (not the ODAC) from here:
Do an silent install using this reponse file (edit as needed and save as client_install_32.rsp in the same directory as setup.exe)
Response file
setup.exe" ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OracleClient12201x32 -waitforcompletion -nowait -silent -responseFile client_install_32.rsp
The key config entry is this:


oracle client 11g for windows 7, there are no files that call "prereq" and "refhost.xml"

I need oracle client 11g for using Toad.
My OS is windows 7.
To install oracle client 11g, I downloaded it from oracle site.
When i installed that, there was error that didn't install.
So I searched solution, and found it.
But the problem is that there is no file that call "prereq" in stage folder.
I attach capture my situation.
enter image description here
how can i find "prereq" folder?
I downloaded "" from oracle site.
Almost everything that needs an Oracle 'client' can use Oracle Instant Client.
You just need to know whether the application requires the 32-bit or 64-bit client. Then download the 'Basic' package and unzip it. Add the directory to PATH. On Windows you will also need the correct VS Redistributable from Microsoft installed. These are given on the Instant Client download pages, or use dumpbin /dependents oci.dll to find which Microsoft redistributable library is needed by your version of Instant Client.
Some applications may require other configuration, and/or Oracle header files. The headers are in the Instant Client SDK package.

ODAC for visual studio 2013

There are a lot of ODAC download at the Oracle website but I want to know what is the right ODAC to download for my VS 2013? I have a Windows 7 64-bit OS.
And also, do I need to install ODAC on BOTH my laptop (where I will create my project) and to the Oracle database server?
When I'm trying to connect to my Oracle database, it throws me this error:
System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater
so I read other blogs saying that I should install ODAC, but these blogs example are using either VS2005 or VS2008, but mine is VS2013
Start with easy answers:
No, you don't have to install any ODAC on Oracle database server (most likely they might be installed anyway by default)
It does not matter at all which Visual Studio you have, regarding Oracle installation they are all the same.
Now regarding your error:
"Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle", i.e. System.Data.OracleClient is deprecated for ages, you should not use it in new projects. You should use the Oracle provider "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" (ODP.NET), so by downloading ODAC from Oracle you have been on the right path.
When you like to use ODP.NET you also have to install an Oracle Client, otherwise it does not work (this requirement is also valid for System.Data.OracleClient, that's the actual error you get).
You can either install "Oracle Instant Client" and ODP.NET or download full Oracle Client where you can make a "Custom" installation. There you have to enable component "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" at least.
It is important to have everywhere the same architecture, i.e. Oracle Client, ODP.NET and your application must be all the same - either x86 or x64 ("AnyCPU" means x64 on nowadays 64-bit Windows). In case you have to support both x86 and x64 follow this instruction to install x86 and x64 on one machine.
Another possibility is to use the "ODP.NET Managed Driver", this one is just a single .dll and does not require any further Oracle client installation. Unlike "ODP.NET" the "ODP.NET Managed Driver" does not depend on the architecture, i.e. it works for both x86 and x64.
It does not matter whether your database is 32-bit or 64-bit. This applies for everything mentioned above.

Getting BIDS 2008 R2 to connect to Oracle using MSDAORA on Windows 8

I have a new dev machine, and I need to support legacy SSIS packages. The new machine is Windows 8 64 bit with a SSD primary drive (C:) and a regular HDD for data (D:). On it, I have installed BIDS 2008 R2 (and all the tricks to get it to work with TFS2010), as well as VS2010, ODAC 32 bit and 64 bit (I think??), Oracle Client (SQLDeveloper).
I can get the following to connect just fine to an Oracle database:
VS2010 with MSDAORA
VS2010 with ODAC
VS2010 with ADO.NET
Test connection using .udl file with Oracle OLE DB Provider (MS provider does not show up as an option here)
SQLDeveloper (Oracle's Client Tool)
What I CAN'T seem to do is get BIDS 2008 R2 to connect to Oracle using ANY method (MSDAORA, ADO.NET, ODAC).
The problem seems isolated to my machine, I can otherwise open, view, validate, connect and run these packages on other machines with no issues.
I have tried the following:
Ensured any/all TNSNAMES files are correct and identical (taking working copies from other machines, and let's not forget, this works fine in VS2010)
Created ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN Environment Variables and pointed them to various directories within D:\app\username\product\11.2.0
Checked registry manually to make sure no other references to ORACLE except for the entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE
Unistalled/Reinstalled SQL Server 2008 R2 components
Every "solution" offered in every thread in every search I have tried
Thrown chicken bones and offered sacrifices to pagan deities
After each attempt at a fix, I still get the following error when trying to Preview a SQL Command in the Data Flow:
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01019"
Yes, I know I need to drop MSDAORA in favor of ODAC, and if ODAC worked in BIDS 2008 R2 I would certainly do it. However, I can't get anything to connect to Oracle there (even though, as mentioned above, it connects fine in various other tools)
I have two "client_n" directories in D:\app\username\product\11.2.0. As mentioned, I have tried pointing my environment variables to various paths inside. It seems like the correct path for ORACLE_HOME should be just D:\app\username\product\11.2.0, correct?
Has anyone had any luck getting BIDS 2008 R2 to connect to Oracle while on WINDOWS 8 with VS2010 also installed? It seems to me like it's a simple Oracle connection issue, I just don't know enough about Oracle to troubleshoot.
Any other ideas to try?
BIDS is x32 (even on an x64 machine), so you will need to install the Oracle Client x32 edition, Full Install.
We were able to get it to work, though I believe that we installed too much software. (I have not been able to test it with only the ODAC drivers.)
Install the Oracle Client 32 & 64-bit drivers.
Install the Oracle ODAC 32 & 64-bit drivers.
In BIDS use the native Oracle connection, and not the Microsoft driver.

Unable to set up ODBC after installing ODAC (Xcopy)

We are trying to use ODAC Xcopy to minimize the footprint of installing Oracle 11g Client. Currently, we use the Oracle 11g Admin install (~700mb). I've tried using the ODAC Xcopy, and that works. However, the only issue I now have is that I cannot set up an ODBC on the target system by just installing the ODAC Xcopy. After installing ODAC (Windows XP fyi), I go to Control Panel-->Admin Tools-->Data Sources (ODBC)-->System DSN-->Add-->Microsoft ODBC for Oracle. I get the following error: "The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3 (or greater) client software installation. You will be unable to use this driver until these components have been installed." I've tried editing the registry and creating the same keys that the Oracle Admin install creates, but still no luck. I'm not sure how to get past this. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Shouldn't you be using the Oracle Driver instead of the Microsoft ODBC driver? Microsoft's driver will require the SQLNet drivers which come with your full client install. There should be an additional ODBC driver available after installing the Oracle ODAC. Go to the Drivers tab of the ODBC Adminstrator and you should see something along the lines of "Oracle in OraClient11g_home1" with a version of 11.something. That's the driver you should make your DSN from. I've only used the 10g ODBC install (which could be minimally installed with a selection of "Instant Client").
I would advise you stick to the full installer, which takes care of all the configuration tasks (registry, DLL registrations, etc..), but do a custom install using a response file.
Get the correct version of Oracle client installer (not the ODAC) from here:
the Oracle client bitness has to match your executable's.
Do an silent install using this reponse file (edit as needed and save as client_install.rsp in the same directory as setup.exe)
Response file
setup.exe" ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OracleClient11201 -waitforcompletion -nowait -silent -responseFile client_install.rsp
The key config entry is this:

Installing Oracle 10 ODP.NET on Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 64bit

I've tried to install "Oracle10g Release 2 ODAC (64-bit) for Windows x64" from:
on Windows 2008 server 64bit, but it crushes right after i run the setup.exe with the following error:
Problem signature: Problem Event
Name: APPCRASH Application
Name: javaw.exe Application
Version: Application
Timestamp: 42a019e4 Fault Module
Name: StackHash_5c81 Fault Module
Version: 6.0.6001.18000 Fault Module
Timestamp: 4791adec Exception
Code: c0000374 Exception
Offset: 00000000000a6e97 OS
Version: 6.0.6001. Locale
ID: 1037 Additional Information
1: 5c81 Additional Information
2: fa1981fc0da3377cbbec45e762388188
Additional Information 3: 7698
Additional Information
4: 7defb6f15001721d919a359fb7888c17
Read our privacy statement:
can anyone direct me to a version that i can install the latesr version of ODP.NET for Windows 2008 server 64bit?
Best regards,
Guy Bertental
It's a really tricky. Before installing ODP.NET you need to already have working connection setup to oracle database. That means:
Step 1:
Oracle install client (never succeeded with that, not recommended) or Oracle client (succeeded on Win7 ultimate 64bit, file, installed with "Runtime" option selected). After client install make sure you can connect. From command line try "tnsping yourtnanamesentry" to check if tnsnames is ok, and after that "sqlplus username/pwd#yourtnsnamesentry" to check if you know valid user and password and really can connect. Memorize or write down oracle home name and path you choosed during install.
Step 2:
Install ODP.NET (I did with file Use exactly the same oracle home name, but different path during installation.
Step 3: try connecting with visual studio. For "server name" I used this: "oraclexe:1521/xe". That means I have machine called "oraclexe" which has oracle listener on port 1521, and database with instance name "xe". It's so-called "EZCONNECT" name.
I'm not sure if Step 1 is really needed or not, because maybe step3 really uses just oracle instant client.
I know, it is real pain, but this works. It took me 2 days to connect to oracle, and I had to install almost 1GB of downloaded oracle software. They could and should make that much, much, much, much easier. Like one-click install that just works. This is shame how complicated client install is.
Donwload and install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) on your development computer.
Delete former references to Oracle.DataAccess on your project.
Add the new reference pointing to this new version.
In Visual Studio, after adding the reference select it, then choose properties to check the setting. Set “Specific Version” true , then check that “Copy Local” is false.
Build your solution using ANY CPU target.
Next, prepare your server. Install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) . When installing, select the RUNTIME OPTION.
Finally, deploy your solution to your server, as you always use to do. This time it should work.
The trick is to have the same ODAC version ( on both the development and deployment enviroments. This ODAC contains the Oracle.DataAcces.Client which you should reference on your code to access classes like OracleConnection, OracleDataReader, etc.
I had problems because I had developed using ODAC (32 bits, latest at this time) but there's no x64 version for this ODAC.
So, always use the latest stable ODAC version which has 32 bits and 64 bits version if you are going to develop on 32 bits and deploy on 64 bits.
Hi Ran into your problem, solution is get a copy of ( run this & it will install the client.
Unpack then go to All Programs->OracleHome->Oracle Installation Products & run the Universal Installer. When the installer runs at the Specify Source Location browse to the Stage directory created when you unpacked then install as normal.
There is a but this will not talk to Oracle 9 dB's so the above will resolve talking to legacy dB's.
Guy- have a look at this, it may help. Getting Oracle client working is a pain at the best of times, x64 must make it harder.
I had unexpected crashes in my application using Instant Client on Windows Server 2008 x64. After reading a few posts about the lack of support for this platform, I upgraded the client to and it works like a charm !
So I would be surprised if ODP .NET would be stable on Windows Server 2008 x64, if you ever managed to install it. IMHO, your options are :
use another provider (Microsoft+client v11.1, or DataDirect...).
go with the beta version if you dare...
