Find host ip from a docker container running in boot2docker / osx - macos

I have just attempted to move an app into a docker container using boot2docker on OS X.
This app requires to connect to a mysql server running on the host system (not in the app's container or in another container).
Now I'm struggling with configuring the mysql hostname within the "dockerized" app: So far it just connected to localhost, but this doesn't work anymore because this no longer points to the host mysql is actually running on.
As a quick workaround, I have added my workstations private IP (10.0.0.X in my case) to the app's mysql connection config.
However I wonder:
Is there an automatic way to find the host's private IP address from within a docker container?

You can provide the IP and port through environment variables to the contained application.
Create a script in your container like:
export $MYSQL_HOST
export $MYSQL_PORT
# TODO: maybe your have to write some config files at this point
/ # use the enviroment variables e.g. in your app config.
Run your containerimage with:
docker run -e MYSQL_HOST= MYSQL_PORT=3306 your_image
Have a look at e.g.


Docker Desktop on Mac issue with ssh to centos container on localhost

I know there are similar questions on the SO but many of the suggestions have not worked for me. I'm running Docker Desktop for Mac and I startup a docker container I've built that has ssh configured and running (I use these to connect to AWS, Azure etc). I startup the container with something like (the ubc/jlbase/jlbase image has ssh configure... and the following all works on a linux machine with docker0 network in place)
docker run -P --name test -d ubc/jlbase/jlbase
docker inspect test |grep IP
ping -c *the_ip_from_above*
does not connect. From what I can find, this is a known issue with Docker on Mac... but the help and links I've found don't seem to solve the problem. Can someone tell me what I've missed?
You can say that this is a know feature of Docker on Mac, not an issue. Docker on Mac is running on a virtual machine inside macOS, so the IP address you receive is the IP of the container inside the VM, not on macOS.
To address the two issues from the question:
How to enable ssh
To be able to ssh on your container, you will need to have the sshd running in the container and to publish the port 22. Check here to see how you can try this with a container that is already prepared
How to ping
Since the docker is running inside a VM, to be able to route traffic to the containers, you will need to setup the network layer to route the traffic. One approach is to create a tunnel between the VM and the machine.
This is much more complex setup and will require a help of a CNF (Conteinerized Network Function). One of the simplest CNF that was created just for this problem is soctun which creates a tunnel between the host and the docker network layer.

Connect to a MariaDB Docker Container in a own Docker network remotly

Hi what I am actually trying is to connect remotly from a MySQL Client in Windows Subsystem for Linux mysql -h -P 3306 -u root -p and before that I started the Docker Container as follows: docker container run --name testdb --network testnetwork -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysqlRootPassword -e MYSQL_DATABASE=localtestdb -d mariadb/server.
The purpose why I put the container in a own network, is because I also have a dockerized Spring Boot Application (GraphQL-Server) which shall communicated with this db. But always when I try to connect from my built-in mysql client, in my Windows Subsystem for Linux, with the above shown command. I got the error message: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (115).
What I already tried, to solve the problem on my own is, look up whether the configuration file line (bind-address) is commented out. But it wont work. Interestingly it already worked to set up a docker container with MariaDB and connect from the outside, but now when I try exactly the same, only with the difference that I now put the container in a own existing network, it wont work.
Hopefully there some one out there which is able to help me with this annonying problem.
So far,
Now I tried the solution advice from a guy from this topic: How to configure containers in one network to connect to each other (server -> mysql)?. Futhermore I linked my Spring Boot (server) application with the "--link databaseContainerName" parameter to the MariaDB container.
Now I am able to start both containers without any error, but I am still not able to connect remotly to the MariaDB container. Which is now running in a virtual docker network with his own subnet.
I explored this recently - this is by design - container isolation. Usually only main (service httpd) host is accessible externally, hiding internal connections (hosts it communicates to deliver response).
Container created in own network is not accessible from external adresses, even from containers in the same bridge but other network (
Your container should be accessible on docker host address ( if run locally) and mapped ("-p 3306:3306") port - 3306. But of course it won't work if many running db containers have the same mapping to the same host port.
Isolation is done using firewall - iptables. You can list rules (iptables -L) to see that - from docker host level.
You can modify firewall to allow external access to internal networks. I used this rule:
iptables -A DOCKER -d -j ACCEPT
After that your MySQL containerized engine should be accessible using internal address and source (not mapped) port 3306.
it disables all isolation, dont't use it on production;
you have to run this after every docker start - rules created/modified by docker on the fly
not every docker container will respond on ping, check it from docker host (linux subsystem in this case) first, from windows cmd later
I used this option (in docker.service) to make rule permanent:
ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c '/etc/iptables/'
For docker on external(shared in lan) host you should use route add (or hosts file on your machine or router) to forward 172.x.x.x addresses into lan docker host.
Hint: use portainer project (with restart policy - always) to manage docker containers. It's easier to see config errors, too.

How to visit a docker service by ip address

I'm new with docker and I'm probably missing a lot, although i went through the basic documentation and I'm trying to deploy a simple Spring Boot API
I've deployed my API as a docker-spring-boot .jar file , then i installed docker and pushed it with the following commands:
sudo docker login
sudo docker tag docker-spring-boot phillalexakis/myfirstapi:01
sudo docker push phillalexakis/myfirstapi:01
Then i started the API with the docker run command:
sudo docker run -p 7777:8085 phillalexakis/myfirstapi:01
When i visit localhost:7777/hello I'm getting the desired response
This is my Dockerfile
FROM openjdk:8
ADD target/docker-spring-boot.jar docker-spring-boot.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","docker-spring-boot.jar"]
Based on this answered post this the command to get the ip address
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_name_or_id
So, i run it with container_name_or_id = phillalexakis/myfirstapi:01 and I'm getting this error
Template parsing error: template: :1:24: executing "" at <.NetworkSettings.Networks>: map has no entry for key "NetworkSettings"
If i manage somehow to get the IP will i be able to visit it and get the same response?
This is how i have it in my mind: ip:7777/hello
You have used the image name and not the container name.
Get the container name by executing docker ps.
The container ID is the value in the first column, the container name is the value in the last column. You can use both.
Then, when you have the IP, you will be able to access your API at IP:8085/hello, not IP:7777/hello
The port 7777 is available on the Docker Host and maps to the port 8085 on the container. If you are accessing the container directly - which you do, when you use its IP address - you need to use the port that the container exposes.
There is also another alternative:
You can give the container a name when you start it by specifying the --name parameter:
sudo docker run -p 7777:8085 --name spring_api phillalexakis/myfirstapi:01
Now, from your Docker host, you can access your API by using that name: spring_api:8085/hello
You should never need to look up that IP address, and it often isn't useful.
If you're trying to call the service from outside Docker space, you've done the right thing: use the docker run -p option to publish its port to the host, and use the name of the host to access it. If you're trying to call it from another container, create a network, make sure to run both containers with a --net option pointing at that network, and they can reach other using the other's --name as a hostname, and the container-internal port the other service is listening on (-p options have no effect and aren't required).
The Docker-internal IP address just doesn't work in a variety of common situations. If you're on a different host, it will be unreachable. If your local Docker setup uses a virtual machine (Docker Machine, Docker for Mac, minikube, ...) you can't reach the IP address directly from the host. Even if it does work, when you delete and recreate the container, it's likely to change. Looking it up as you note also requires an additional (privileged) operation, which the docker run -p path avoids.
The invocation you have matches the docker inspect documentation (as #DanielHilgarth notes, make sure to run it on the container and not the image). In the specific situation where it will work (you are on the same native-Linux host as the container) you will need to use the unmapped port, e.g.

Docker Mac alternative to --net=host

According to the docker documentation here
The host networking driver only works on Linux hosts, and is not supported on Docker for Mac, Docker for Windows, or Docker EE for Windows Server.
On Mac what alternatives do people use?
My scenario
I want to run a docker container that'll host a micro-service
The micro-service has dependencies upon databases that I'm also running via docker
I thought I'd be able to use --net=host on Mac when running the micro-service
But the micro-service port is not exposed
I can override the db addresses (they default to localhost) on the microservice.
But that involves robust --env usage
What's the simplest / most elegant solution?
The most simple and most elegant solution is to use docker named bridge network.
You can create a custom bridge network (default is bridge) like this:
docker network create my-network
Every container deployed inside this network can communicate with each other by using the container name.
$ docker run --network=my-network --name my-app ...
$ docker run --network=my-network --name my-database...
In the example above you can connect to your database from inside your application by using my-database:port. If the container port is exposed in the Dockerfile you don't need to map it on your host and you can keep all your communication internal inside your custom docker bridge network.
In most cases the application its port is mapped (example: -p 80:80) so localhost:80 is mapped on container:80 and you can access the app from on your localhost. If the app needs to communicate with a db you don't need to expose the port of the db and you don't have to map it on localhost as explained already above.
Just keep the communication between app and db internal in your custom bridge network.

Docker: MacOSX Expose Container ports to host machine

In my job I working with docker and the option --net=host working like a charm forwarding the docker container ports to the machine. This allows me to adding grunt tasks that use certain ports by example:
A taks for serving my coverage report in a port 9001
A local deployed version of my app served in the port 9000
A watch live reload the port 35729
For Unit testing runner use the 9876 port
When I begin to use Docker in Mac, the first problem that i had was: The option --net=host don't work anymore.
I researched and I understand why this is not possible (Docker in Mac runs in a own virtual machine) and my momentary solution it's use the -p option for expose the ports, but this limit to me to add more and more task that use ports because i need run the explicit -p command for each port that i need expose.
Anyone with this same problem? How to dealing with this ?
Your issue is most probably that you are using dockertoolbox or dhingy/dlite or anything else providing a full-fledged linux VM, which then hosts docker to run your container inside this VM. This VM has, of course, its own network stack and own IP on the host, and thats were your tools will have issues with. The exposed ports of the container are not exposed to OSX host localhost, but rather OSX Docker-VM-ip.
To solve those issues elegantly
Expose ports to OSX localhost from the container
First, use/install docker-for-mac instead of dockertoolbox or others. Its based on a special xhyve stack which reuses your hosts network stack
when you now do docker run -p 3306:3306 percona it will bind 3306 on the osx-host-localhost, thus every other osx-tool trying to attach to localhost:3306 will work ( very useful ) just as you have been used to it when you installed mysql using brew install mysql or likewise
If you experience performance issues with code shares on OSX with docker containers, check - it is compatible with docker-for-mac ( hint: i am biased on this one )
Export ports from the OSX-host to a containter
You do not really export anything in particular, you rather make them accessable as a whole from all containers ( all ports of the OSX-host-localhost)
If you want to attach to a port you offered on the OSX host, from within a container, e.g. during a xdebug session were your IDE listens on port 9000 on the OSX-host-localhost and the container running FPM/PHP should attach to this osx-localhost:9000 on the mac, you need to do this:
So you create a dummy loopback ip, so you can access your OSX-host ports from without containers using - this is portable and basically gives you all you need to develop like you have used to
So one gives you the connectivity to container-exposed ports to apps running on the mac and trying to connect to localhost:port
And the second the inverse, if something in the container wants to attach to a port on the host.
One workaround, mentioned in "Bind container ports to the host" would be to use -P:
(or --publish-all=true|false) to docker run which is a blanket operation that identifies every port with an EXPOSE line in the image’s Dockerfile or --expose <port> commandline flag and maps it to a host port somewhere within an ephemeral port range.
The docker port command then needs to be used to inspect created mapping.
So if your app can use docker port <CONTAINER> to retrieve the mapped port, you can add as many containers as you want and get the mapped ports that way (without needed an "explicit -p command for each port").
Not sure if docker for mac can support bi-directional connection later
I have two solution:
you can write a simple wrapper script and pass the port you want to expose to the script
use vagrant to start a virtual machine with network under control.
