I've been doing development on the Beaglebone Black using the Cloud9 IDE for over a year now. It always worked for me until today when suddenly it started showing a blank white screen after the "Loading Your Workspace" screen. The Cloud9 IDE works fine when working directly in the BBB but not when I remotely access it from
I've tried the following to troubleshoot:
- Cleared all browser data, cookies, etc.
- Tried on two separate BBB with clean re-installation of Debian. This image always worked fine for me in the past. Both BBB show the same result.
- Tried the BBB on two separate computers, one Win7 and the other Win8.
- Tried on both Chrome and IE.
Everything I tried showed the same result. It really has me baffled! Can anyone offer some words of wisdom?
My only guess is that some client side script in the Cloud9 IDE is making a call to a server which is down at the moment. But, my understanding is that the Cloud9 IDE is completely contained in the BBB and makes no external calls from the client.
[[It's happening since i reset my laptop MSI GF63 Thin.!6gigs,RTX 3050 i7-10750H
I tried everything on internet but nothing can solve this.enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/SKRoR.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Jrzyo.png)
I tried everything on internet like file checker,safe boot etc.
I am getting more errors like msvcr100.dllenter image description here
And in msconfig windows services are stopped even they are blue ticked(enabled)enter image description here
In the Google Cloud Platform Console, upon clicking "Activate Cloud Shell," the bar for the command line shows up and displays "Provisioning your Google Cloud Shell Machine" and "Establishing your connection to Google Cloud Shell," but after that the entire box for the command line goes blank. It still has the option bar that displays the project name, option to open the text editor, etc. I tried going to the text editor hoping that the command line would show itself there, but the whole box remained blank.
Even worse, I started one of my virtual machines and used the SSH option from the console to connect to it, and the SSH window similarly went totally blank. Any ideas what's going wrong here? I'm using Firefox on Windows 10 and haven't had any issues using the Cloud Shell for months.
This was a browser compatibility problem between FF64 and the Google Cloud Shell terminal emulator library. The SSH-in-the browser feature inside Cloud Console is using the same terminal emulator, so it was affected as well. Both have now been fixed.
I had a similar issue. Google cloud shell doesn't work with Firefox.
I waited for a whole thirty minutes and nothing happened. Thirty! I switched to Chrome and the issue was sorted out immediately.
For the last week or so I've been developing an application to programmatically maintain some stuff online, to do so I need to launch iMacros from Firefox via Python.
Currently I am doing that in Python with this code, it has worked fine for a week:
firefoxpath = '"C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox//firefox.exe"'
macroCommand = firefoxpath + " imacros://run/?m=" + path_to_macro
There is some other stuff that cleans up processes in there and listens for errors too, but all that really matters right now is launching the macros
Today, after this worked for several hours of coding. I started getting this popup when attempting to launch via Python. (It's the popup Firefox gives when it doesn't know how to handle a file or URL).
Launch Application Popup:
It would seem that Firefox no longer thinks it can launch imacros files directly. However, the files play just find if you click "play" in the iMacros panel.
I've been troubleshooting for an hour and it doesn't seem like anyone online has had this problem before. Any ideas?
I managed to get this working by completely reinstalling windows on the problem machine. Before doing that, I reinstalled firefox a number of times, tried a portable copy of firefox, deleted firefox's registry entries, disabled multi-process windows in FF, uninstalled all plugins one by one, and tried the same thing as a different user (both with and without admin).
None of that worked, if anyone in the future encounters this bug I recommend just reinstalling windows on the problem machine.
I was using
Windows 10
Firefox 54
iMacros for FF 9.0.3
Python 2.7
God speed to anyone else who encounters this.
I have a very wierd problem and I dont know where to begin to fix it. I have tried my website on 8 computers using IE9 and for 2 of them the page doesnt show the correctly. I found out that when I take out the dropshadowextender it looks ok. So what I did is first try to go in cleared out all cookies, etc.. and then went into advanced settings to compare the ones that were working to the ones that were not, but that didnt work. I tried the site on all machines using FireFox on all computers and they work fine. My problem is what could it be causing those 2 computers to not show up correctly. I could see if it showed up wrong when I ran the site on all computers.
CSS3 Pie is a .htc file that, when placed on your server, provides extra code for IE so it can render many CSS3 styles on IE9, 8 and 7 properly.
Works well. Worth checking out.
Has anyone encountered the following problem: I have IIS7 running on my computer. On that same computer, I open IE7 and the website works (http://localhost/web.site/Default.aspx). Put that same url in Firefox 3 and I get the welcome screen of IIS7, a big image with IIS7 in the middle and 'Welcome' in several different languages. Clicking on the image leads you to http://www.iis.net/.
One browser accesses your server via, and another via your external IP.
Make sure virtualhost works with all network interfaces.
Perhaps your browsers have different locals set , only guessing as I have not used IIS7
Strange. That happened to me this morning (April 9, 2009), but the other way around. I was trying to get to Dell.ca. IE7 brought me to that IIS7 Welcome screen and Firefox brought me to the correct site. Happened 3 times before it corrected itself.
I do not have IIS anywhere on my network and my default home page is Google, which came up without a problem. The redirection occurred when I typed the new URL. I wonder if Dell is using IIS7...