I am using the below code for fetching the font size of a "link" on IE.
However, if I use the same code on FireFox, QTP/UFT throws error:
object required "Object.CurrentStyle".
After alot of research and exploration I found that for FireFox it is not Object.CurrentStyle, but it is Object.Style which is an inbuilt function in QTP, and used below code
but I'm not fetching the results for the firefox
I had similar issues when switching between browsers. IE has a special style object that is not supported in other browsers. I suggest a more generic tactic, treat style for what it is - an html attribute. You could go pure DOM, but lets use the UFT test objects:
Step 1: find the html node you want to extract style from:
Set element = Browser("creationtime:=0").Page("title:=HelloWorld").WebElement("xpath:=//html/body/div[#id='something']")
Step 2: extract the style data
attributeValue = element.Object.GetAttribute("style")
attributeValue is now a string containing the style attribute data, it can be split, RegExp'd or what ever you need
will work only on IE not on FireFox, we may get the option to use "Style" in place of "currentStyle" for FireFox but that doesn't work properly. Also the FontSize is read as "FontSize" in IE and "font-size" in Firefox
To retrieve the required information form the application on Firefox
set FXObj= Browser("title:=Test_2").Page("title:=Test_2").Link("text:=link")
Set webElem = FXObj.Object
Set compStyle=Browser("title:=Test_2").Page("title:=Test_2").Object.defaultView.getComputedStyle(webElem, "")
fntsize = CompStyle.getPropertyValue("font-size")
Print fntsize
The FireFox DOM does not support all of the same methods as IE. I've solved similar problems of cross-platform testing by getting the "application version" property of the browser and using a function to determine the values I'm looking for based on the browser type.
It's not glamorous but it's saved a lot of heads for my team.
You can find the FireFox page/document DOM here.
I'm running automated testing in Ruby.
I'm trying to write a script that finds id with display:none (visible only in mobile form), and clicks it.
Here is my code:
def open_menu
page.find[:css, "a[id='mobile-nav-link']", visible: false].click
It gives me an error:
invalid selector: No selector specified
A quick search reveals similar code using round brackets, not square. I.e.:
def open_menu
page.find(:css, "a[id='mobile-nav-link']", visible: false).click
Selenium only interacts with elements the way a user would.
If the link is only visible in mobile, I would suggest one of the following.
View the page via the mobile URL.
It's possible that you may be able to use Ruby's javascript execute to either update the control to be visible, or set the value that indicates you are viewing the page via a mobile device.
Updating the control to be visible
This link discusses how to set an element to visible using javascript execute: Selenium Webdriver - click on hidden elements
This link discusses how to use ruby's javascript execute: How to execute Javascript in Ruby written Webdriver test?
Put the two together, and you get something like this?
def open_menu
elem = page.find[:css, "a[id='mobile-nav-link']", visible: false]
js = "arguments[0].style.height='auto' arguments[0].style.visibility='visible';"
driver.execute_script(js , elem)
page.find[:css, "a[id='mobile-nav-link']", visible: true].click
I'm not entirely familiar with Ruby syntax, so I make no guarantees it will work copy/paste.
I'm converting a standard browser based app that's working fine to a chrome-app.
Once the page loads up, it has already hit an error - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of null. This occurs after several hundred lines of JS have done their job but its the first time the code makes a reference to the document object, specifically document.getElementById('mainDiv').appendChild(...).
I can clearly see the div with the id="mainDiv" in the debuggers elements tab. Yet, document.getElementById('mainDiv') must be returning a null. Any attempt at putting in breakpoints fails as they are ignored. I've added them to the line that fails as well as to lines that lead up to it and breakpoints are never triggered. I've read some of the threads on SO and I'm certain the breakpoints issue is just a bug in the debugger, but not recognizing an id when I can clearly see it and the code when run in the browser works fine leaves me wondering what's going on. Is document in the browser different from document in the app version?
Any ideas?
If I choose "inspect background page", the breakpoints work but it still fails but in a different way. The elements tab does NOT show my html page, but the pseudo generated background one and I can't get the debugger to show my page at all.
Any enlightenment would be appreciated. I've searched and read what I could find, but much of the docs are clearly out of date.
You seem to be accessing the document object of the background page, instead of that of your POS.html file.
Try this:
'bounds': {
'width': screen.availWidth,
'height': screen.availHeight
}, function(appWin) {
var pageWindow = appWin.contentWindow;
var pageDocument = pageWindow.document;
pageWindow.addEventListener('load',function() {
// now use
// instead of
Also to inspect elements in your page right-click anywhere in the app window and select Inspect Element (this works only when the app was loaded as an 'unpacked extension')
Alternatively you can navigate to chrome://extensions and click the page link next to your app entry.
As lostsource mentioned, you're probably accessing the wrong DOM's document. You should think about the javascript in your app running in different global contexts, one for each page. There is (at a minimum) a page for the background page, and a page for each window.
Each of these pages runs in its own global context. This means global variables like document and window are different.
In the background page will be scripts which you load via the background manifest tag. When you open a window, it can also load its own script via script tags (make sure you do not use inline or block script tags, but use script src="foo.js". See http://developer.chrome.com/apps/contentSecurityPolicy.html).
The code that runs in the callback to chrome.app.window.create runs in the background page's context, so its document variable is for the background page's DOM, which is usually empty. Instead you can make it refer to the window's DOM using win.contentWindow as lostsource suggested, or add a page.js file with the script in it, and include it from the page via a script src='page.js' tag.
Is your call occurring after the load event, e.g. the JS called in a function set on window.onload?
How to handle google search ajax data using selenium (Type some string in google search, do not press enter key and check matching string data in search text box) ? How to get this data using selenium RC/Webdriver ?
If you know that the action of some event (e.g. sendKeys, onClick, whatever) is going to trigger some event - like an Ajax request - you should be using waitFor until your condition is met (see the Advanced Usage guide).
To avoid supplying a brittle timeout threshold on your test, you may want to call this in a Poll implementation, say once every 500ms 10 times for example, and then pass/fail accordingly
FitLibraryWeb has some nice, clean abstractions for this, but you'd need to use Fitnesse of course
Thank u friends .. I am able to run a google search from selenium example code using firefox driver : http://seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.html#introducing-the-selenium-webdriver-api-by-example
Now i am trying to click on 'Change Location' available in left side pane after getting the search result but no luck. Code sample :
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.name("q"));
WebElement expandLocation = driver.findElement(By.id("expand_location_link"));
Debug info:
In view source i am not able to see the element expand_location_link but is visible in element inspect section of firefox/chrome or after saving the page from browser to local system.
I'm building a UI in Google Sites using Apps Script and I am able to create a listbox. According to the documentation if you change the setVisibleItemCount to 1 it will become a dropdown box.
I have tried both 1 and 0.
Neither seems to make it a drop-down box. Using Firefox 13.0.1 to view. Have also tried Safari.
Anyone had any luck with this?
Code looks like this:
var vPanel = container.createVerticalPanel();
//List box
var lb = container.createListBox(true).setId('listbox').setName('listbox');
// add items to ListBox
for(var i=0;i<LIST_OF_PROJECTS.length;i++){
lb.setVisibleItemCount(1); //supposed to make it a drop-down but doesn't
This is all inside a Google Site and the page that is being displayed is a Apps Script Page. Perhaps you are NOT using Google Sites? Above code gives me a single line but no drop down arrow.
Could you post your relevant code please ?, It's working for me on firefox (slightly differently), chrome & safari. (see screen cap when I click the selector, SetVisibleItemCount is 1)
EDIT : One important point : to get the list acting as a dropdown list you have to choose 'disable multiple selection', in other words : createListBox(false) or no parameter... but not 'true' as it is in your code !! (now we know why it doesn't work in your case ;-)
With this parameter set to false , it works as expected in standalone webapp, embedded on site and linked to spreadsheet without any difference.
Don't call:
at all.
I'm doing some testing on Firefox toolbars for the sake of learning and I can't find out any information on how to store the contents of a "search" drop-down inside the user's profile.
Is there any tutorial on how to sort this out?
Since it's taking quite a bit to get an answer I went and investigate it myself.
Here is what I've got now. Not all is clear to me but it works.
Let's assume you have a <textbox> like this, on your .xul:
<textbox id="search_with_history" />
You now have to add some other attributes to enable history.
<textbox id="search_with_history" type="autocomplete"
This gives you the minimum to enable a history on that textbox.
For some reason, and here is where my ignorance shows, the onTextEntered event function has to have the param to it called "param". I tried "event" and it didn't work.
But that alone will not do work by itself. One has to add some Javascript to help with the job.
// This is the interface to store the history
const HistoryObject = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/satchel/form-history;1"]
Components.interfaces.nsIFormHistory2 || Components.interfaces.nsIFormHistory
// The above line was broken into 4 for clearness.
// If you encounter problems please use only one line.
// This function is the one called upon the event of pressing <enter>
// on the text box
function Search_Change(event) {
var terms = document.getElementById('search_with_history').value;
HistoryObject.addEntry('Search-History-Name', terms);
This is the absolute minimum to get a history going on.
I wanted to do the same thing - I found an answer here on the Mozilla support forums. (Edit: I wanted to save my search history out of interest, not because I wanted to learn how the Firefox toolbars work, as you said.)
Basically, that data is stored in a sqlite database file called formhistory.sqlite (in your Firefox profile directory). You can use the Firefox extension SQLite Manager to retrieve and export the data: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/5817
You can export it as a CSV (comma- separated values) file and open it with Excel or other software.
This has the added benefit of also saving the history of data you've entered into other forms/fields on sites, such as the Search field on Google, etc, if this data is of interest to you.
Gustavo's solution is good, but document.getElemenById('search_with_history').value; is missing a 't' in getElementById