How to find a css element on the page if it is display: none? - ruby

I'm running automated testing in Ruby.
I'm trying to write a script that finds id with display:none (visible only in mobile form), and clicks it.
Here is my code:
def open_menu
page.find[:css, "a[id='mobile-nav-link']", visible: false].click
It gives me an error:
invalid selector: No selector specified

A quick search reveals similar code using round brackets, not square. I.e.:
def open_menu
page.find(:css, "a[id='mobile-nav-link']", visible: false).click

Selenium only interacts with elements the way a user would.
If the link is only visible in mobile, I would suggest one of the following.
View the page via the mobile URL.
It's possible that you may be able to use Ruby's javascript execute to either update the control to be visible, or set the value that indicates you are viewing the page via a mobile device.
Updating the control to be visible
This link discusses how to set an element to visible using javascript execute: Selenium Webdriver - click on hidden elements
This link discusses how to use ruby's javascript execute: How to execute Javascript in Ruby written Webdriver test?
Put the two together, and you get something like this?
def open_menu
elem = page.find[:css, "a[id='mobile-nav-link']", visible: false]
js = "arguments[0].style.height='auto' arguments[0].style.visibility='visible';"
driver.execute_script(js , elem)
page.find[:css, "a[id='mobile-nav-link']", visible: true].click
I'm not entirely familiar with Ruby syntax, so I make no guarantees it will work copy/paste.


Capybara wait until button is enabled?

Surprised I actually haven't come across this, but I have a simple button that is disabled until a dropdown is selected. Sometimes the page isn't fast enough to "enable" the button to be clicked on after the previous dropdown is selected causing it to fail.
I could throw in a "sleep" of a second or two and fix this, but that seems like a lazy/poor way to do this.
Is there a way in capybara (or purely selenium) that I can make it wait until the button is actually enabled? I'd like to throw this is the page model method for this button (as im trying to avoid API specific methods/selenium/etc... in the actual test specs (Although I can if I need to).
FWIW this is specifically for Ruby's capybara framework but pure selenium is fine as well.
Assuming the button you're referring to is actually a button (<button> element, or <input> element with type submit, reset, image, or button) then Capybaras :button selector will (by default) wait for it to be non-disabled.
find(:button, 'button_value').click
If any of the finder or action methods aren't waiting long enough for a specific element you can always increase the maximum wait time for a specific finder/action by passing a :wait option
find(:button, 'Something', wait: 10).click
If you're not using selector types (if not, why not) and instead are just using raw CSS to locate the element then you can use the :enabled pseudo class along with your existing CSS and something like
find('#my_button:enabled', wait: 10).click
If the element you're calling a button isn't actually a button but some other type of element (<a> etc) styled to look like a button, then you'll need to explain exactly how you're disabling the "button".
In Python you can do something like this:
def wait_until_clickable(driver, xpath, timeout = 1):
while timeout > 0:
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
return element
timeout = timeout - 0.1
return False

Cannot find link using Capybara and Rspec while writing an integration test

I am trying to find a link by CSS classes and ids but always getting an error: Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find css ...
The actual piece of code is:
find('#bucket_resources_containers > #user_base_widget.widget >
div.widget_header > div.right.may-
edit.control.button.add.icon.add_options > a.tasksy.options').click
The page source is: enter image description here
You gave us the answer in your comment, the element was not visible.
Short answer: find_link(selector, visible: :all).click
As capybara shows in the documentation:
By default Capybara will only locate visible elements. This is because a real user would not be able to interact with non-visible elements.
Only locate visible elements is an smart design of capybara, it avoids thinking that a user would be able to find the element.
The find_link method documentation doesn't help much when finding for hidden links because it only show these options: wait, href, id, title, alt, class:
#find_link([locator], options = {}) ⇒ Capybara::Node::Element
But you see on the finding documentation there was a visible option:
find_link('Hello', :visible => :all).visible?
find_link(class: ['some_class', 'some_other_class'], :visible => :all).visible?
This option visible comes from #all method, where you can see here. It can have these values:
true - only finds visible elements.
false - finds invisible and visible elements.
:all - same as false; finds visible and invisible elements.
:hidden - only finds invisible elements.
:visible - same as true; only finds visible elements.
So, in your case, you could use visible: false, if you really mean it to be hidden, or visible: :all if you don't care about the visibility.

links opening in new window - Cheezy page-object ruby gem with selenium

I'm new to page-object and selenium, but so far it's all been going ok. The last elements I'm testing for this page are social media links.
To check that the links are correct i usually click them and then use selenium's driver.current_url to check that the url of the window is what we'd expect for that link, but these social media buttons are opening links in a new window (this is just to their static facebook page rather than a login etc) which causes the test to fail
is there a way of either:
1-forcing the link to open in the current window, or
2-extracting the target url from the link_element?
this is what the tests look like atm:
def test_facebook_button
assert #testpage.facebook_icon?, 'Facebook button not found'
sleep 5
assert #browser.current_url == '<facebookurlforsite>', 'Facebook link does not open expected URL'
if not i'm guessing i'd just use the actual selenium methods as some sort of exception to manually grab the properties of the link, i'd rather not some elements be in the page model and some out in the test itself but i can see how it's probably necessary
If you are just checking that the link navigates to the right URL, checking the link's href attribute will be the quickest. The PageObject::Elements::Link elements have an href method for this.
Assuming that facebook_icon_link is your link defined by an accessor method, you would call:
In other words, the assertion could be written as:
assert facebook_icon_link_element.href == '<facebookurlforsite>'

SitePrism: sometimes find elements, sometimes doesn't while Capabara can

I am using Capybara and Selenium for testing my website. I also use with Site Prism for Page Object model. I can make every thing work now, however, I don't understand why sometimes actions with page elements donot work, while using "natively" Capybara work.
For example, I have a Page object:
class MyPage < SitePrism::Page
element :sign_in_link, :css, 'a.signin-link'
element :join_link, :css, "a.join-link"
and its implementation:
#mypage =
# It works at first, then after some repeated test round, it doesn't work sometimes, with error: NoMethodError <br>
While I use:
find(:css, 'a.signin-link').click #=> always work, but not Page Object model
So, why it happens? Have anyone experienced this problem?
By default site_prism disables Capybaras implicit waiting behavior while finding elements. This means to have the same behavior as your capybara example you would need to do
#mypage =
You can read more about this in the site_prism README under "Using Capybara Implicit Waits"
Another options is to use site prisms "Load Validations" feature to ensure pages are loaded before starting to click on their elements

How can I know what element is clicked in IE?

I'm automating IE with watir, and I want to know what html element(s) are clicked (selected). Can this be done using watir? win32ole? In a last chance, without ruby?
Something like:
Click a button -> button with id=213 and class=btn_class was clicked.
Click a text field -> text field with id=123 and value=my_text was clicked.
Try one of the recorders, Selenium IDE for example.
I'm not sure if I completely understand either, but would a custom function like this work?
def click(item, how, what)
#browser.item(how, what).click
puts "#{item} with #{how}->#{what} was clicked"
click("button", ":id", "awesome")
Edit: If you're attempting to identify page elements so that you can then use them in a Watir script, the Developer Toolbar is perfect for this application, much like Firebug for Firefox.
Your comment to me & your response to Zeljko appear to contradict each other. If you want to use WATIR for this task, the code above will execute a mouse click and post the information to console. The only other way to get information is to locate the object in WATIR and fish for more details:
object = #browser.button(:name, /myButton/)
object.height, etc.
#browser.divs.each do |div|
puts, div.title
I'd recommend a strong look at the capabilities of the various developer tools, such as are provided with Chrome, Firefox, and IE. those are generally the best means to get this kind of information.
Watir is really about driving the browser, and getting info out of the DOM. it's not really setup to report on manual interactions with the browser.
