QueryDSL error duplicate class - spring-boot

I am using spring boot with query dsl to generate query classes for JPA objects
using the
plugin: "com.ewerk.gradle.plugins.querydsl"
The gradle compileQueryDsl task works fine.
When I run the gradle compileJava task
I see the Q classes being generated and then I get the duplicate class exception
In other plugins I have seen
options.compilerArgs = ['-proc:none',
helps Solve this issue.
Any suggestions to make this work.

Try doing a 'gradle clean' first...
(I resolved a similar problem using maven doing a 'mvn clean package' instead of 'mvn package')


Need help on java2wsdl using gradle

I have a java project to which I build it using gradle build and generate a war file.
Currently my requirement is to generate WSDL file at the time of build from java classes. I came to know about axis2-java2wsdl-maven-plugin and found the syntax of applying it in gradle. But I am not able to get the tasks list or the example of using this plugin in gradle to generate the WSDL file using this plugin.
Can anybody let me know of how to use this plugin or any other help so that I can generate WSDL file form my java classes.
Dependency section which I included in build.gradle:
repositories {
dependencies {
axis2-java2wsdl-maven-plugin is a maven plugin not a gradle one.
Moreoever, gradle plugins must be defined in a buildscript closure or a plugins one if you want to use the new plugins DSL.
Here, you are just using the maven plugin as a regular dependency for your project.
As far as i know, there is not "java2wsdl" gradle plugin.

Gradle: Dependency insight report cannot be generated because the input configuration was not specified

I'm trying to resolve dependency conflict in my gradle applicaiton. My top-level build.gradle is:
archivesBaseName = 'message-sender-rest'
apply plugin: 'paas-publish'
dependencies {
When I try to run gradle dependencyInsight --configuration compile, I get the following error:
* What went wrong:
Configuration with name 'compile' not found.
There is a whole bunch of lower level gradle files, but I guess that should just work using the top-level one, isn't it?
When i just try gradle dependencies, it returns pretty much nothing:
gradle dependencies
dockerBuild tag: dev.docker.orbitbenefits.capita/orbit/message-sender-rest:bOD-9656-ConfigServer-n0
Root project
No configurations
Any idea what I may be missing?
I was not specifying the module I wanted to inspect:
The project had a sub-project (module message-sender-server). Specifying the module name actually worked:
gradlew message-sender-server:dependencyInsight --dependency webmvc

How to get insight of a dependency for the "implementation" configuration?

Based on documentation (4.7.6 - Getting the insight into a particular dependency) we can get the insights for a particular configuration specifying the configuration itself.
In the example they are using as configuration compile, which is deprecated.
I tried to reproduce the same command replacing, in build.gradle, the compile configuration with the implementation configuration (as I got we are not supposed to use compile anymore).
But when I run:
gradle dependencyInsight --dependency groovy --configuration implementation
Gradle is returning:
Execution failed for task ':dependencyInsight'.
Resolving configuration 'implementation' directly is not allowed
My build.gradle file is the following:
apply plugin: 'java-library'
repositories {
implementation 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.10'
Does it mean I cannot get the insight of a dependency if I'm using implementation or is there another way to get it?
I had a similar problem, asked around and got this answer:
The configuration is compileClasspath. If you have variants, there is a configuration per-variant (e.g. for the release variant, your configuration would be releaseCompileClasspath).
No variants: gradle dependencyInsight --dependency groovy --configuration compileClasspath;
Release variant: gradle dependencyInsight --dependency groovy --configuration releaseCompileClasspath
There are a few ways to figure out the available configurations.
If you add configurations.each { println it.name } to your top-level gradle file, the next time you run a task, you'll also get a list of all of your configurations.
Run the dependencies task on your top-level module - this will output all dependencies for all configurations. It can be a lot of text, so you could pipe it into a text file for easier searching (gradle dependencies > dependencies.txt)
To get the list of available configuration that can be used with dependencyInsight, the easy way is the following :
Open gradle view in android studio View > Tool Windows > Gradle
Select and run task 'Your App' > Tasks > Android > androidDependencies
Then you have a list of all dependencies for all available configuration, just pick one and run :
gradle :mymodule:dependencyInsight --dependency okhttp --configuration flavourDebugCompileClasspath
Hope it helps

gradle bootRun > Use test classpath

The problem I was having, was that I wanted to include test classpath resources in SpringBoot's bootRun gradle task. Why? So that I could use a test profile with test resources, to mock integration points.
What I tried:
The spring boot documentation only offers the addResources = true option (I tried using customConfiguration as per the similar bootRepackage configuration, to no avail)
No additional options are visible by looking at the BootRunTask source code
The equivalent maven plugin has a plethora of options, including useTestClasspath (which isn't mirrored in the gradle version)
I came across the following solution, which solved this issue for me.
Basically, the BootRunTask extends the standard JavaExec task, which offers a classpath option. So, you can add the test classpath resources by using the following gradle configuration:
bootRun {
classpath = sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath

How do I run FlyWay clean with Spring Boot?

I'm using Spring Boot and FlyWay together. I added the FlyWay dependency to my Gradle build file like this:
dependencies {
I also added a db/migrations folder with an initial migration file. The migration works as expected. But now I want to clean by using the gradle flywayClean task. However, when I run this, I get an error saying the task can't be found. Is there another way I'm supposed to do this with Spring Boot?
To run gradle flywayClean, you have to apply the plugin: 'org.flywaydb.flyway'
See http://flywaydb.org/getstarted/firststeps/gradle.html
