How to get insight of a dependency for the "implementation" configuration? - gradle

Based on documentation (4.7.6 - Getting the insight into a particular dependency) we can get the insights for a particular configuration specifying the configuration itself.
In the example they are using as configuration compile, which is deprecated.
I tried to reproduce the same command replacing, in build.gradle, the compile configuration with the implementation configuration (as I got we are not supposed to use compile anymore).
But when I run:
gradle dependencyInsight --dependency groovy --configuration implementation
Gradle is returning:
Execution failed for task ':dependencyInsight'.
Resolving configuration 'implementation' directly is not allowed
My build.gradle file is the following:
apply plugin: 'java-library'
repositories {
implementation 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.4.10'
Does it mean I cannot get the insight of a dependency if I'm using implementation or is there another way to get it?

I had a similar problem, asked around and got this answer:
The configuration is compileClasspath. If you have variants, there is a configuration per-variant (e.g. for the release variant, your configuration would be releaseCompileClasspath).
No variants: gradle dependencyInsight --dependency groovy --configuration compileClasspath;
Release variant: gradle dependencyInsight --dependency groovy --configuration releaseCompileClasspath
There are a few ways to figure out the available configurations.
If you add configurations.each { println } to your top-level gradle file, the next time you run a task, you'll also get a list of all of your configurations.
Run the dependencies task on your top-level module - this will output all dependencies for all configurations. It can be a lot of text, so you could pipe it into a text file for easier searching (gradle dependencies > dependencies.txt)

To get the list of available configuration that can be used with dependencyInsight, the easy way is the following :
Open gradle view in android studio View > Tool Windows > Gradle
Select and run task 'Your App' > Tasks > Android > androidDependencies
Then you have a list of all dependencies for all available configuration, just pick one and run :
gradle :mymodule:dependencyInsight --dependency okhttp --configuration flavourDebugCompileClasspath
Hope it helps


How to excplude module cxf-rt-transports-http

I have the following dependency in build.gradle:
compile ('org.apache.cxf:cxf-bundle:2.4.2') {
exclude module: 'log4j-over-slf4j'
I would like to also exclude the module that contains transports-http because of a conflict between libraries (using HTTPConduit). I tried to exclude it, but I don't think I have the right module name
The dependencies task will give you a dependency report where you can see what transitive dependencies are being pulled in.
./gradlew dependencies --configuration compileClasspath
If you were to examine the output of that task, you'll see that org.apache.cxf:cxf-bundle does not appear to bring in cxf-rt-transports-http. So you'll need to examine your project to figure out where the duplicate dependency is.
Gradle also offers a means to handle version conflicts as well:

Gradle: What is the difference between the tasks 'build' and 'buildSearchableOptions'?

I am building a plugin in IntelliJ and Gradle, and have the following question:
What is the difference between the predefined tasks build and buildSearchableOptions in Gradle?
I can see that :buildSearchableOptions is called as part of :build and that it produces its own JAR file.
They come from two different plugins.
Assuming a Java project, the build task comes from the java plugin which in turn comes from the life cycle/base plugin:
The buildSearchableOptions task comes from the org.jetbrains.intellij plugin:

Gradle: Dependency insight report cannot be generated because the input configuration was not specified

I'm trying to resolve dependency conflict in my gradle applicaiton. My top-level build.gradle is:
archivesBaseName = 'message-sender-rest'
apply plugin: 'paas-publish'
dependencies {
When I try to run gradle dependencyInsight --configuration compile, I get the following error:
* What went wrong:
Configuration with name 'compile' not found.
There is a whole bunch of lower level gradle files, but I guess that should just work using the top-level one, isn't it?
When i just try gradle dependencies, it returns pretty much nothing:
gradle dependencies
dockerBuild tag: dev.docker.orbitbenefits.capita/orbit/message-sender-rest:bOD-9656-ConfigServer-n0
Root project
No configurations
Any idea what I may be missing?
I was not specifying the module I wanted to inspect:
The project had a sub-project (module message-sender-server). Specifying the module name actually worked:
gradlew message-sender-server:dependencyInsight --dependency webmvc

I need debugging tips for a broken project dependency

It's configured the same here as it is everywhere else. In fact I use an import for configuring integration tests. I've done everything I can think of including a rename of local integration test tasks and configurations, including looking at the dependency tree, including running with --debug. Yet for some reason Gradle insists that the property integrationTest doesn't exist on the sourceSet for an inter-project dependency:
integrationTestCompile project(':components:things-components:abc-stuff').sourceSets.integrationTest.output I'm not particularly fond of this syntax and I've already griped up a storm about inter-project test dependencies and how they should be in a test utility component. However, I'm doing it this way because this appears to be what IntelliJ will accept. Writing like this causes trouble:
integrationTestCompile project(path: ':components:things-components:abc-stuff', configuration: 'integrationTest')
How can I figure this out? I just don't get why only one project has this issue.
For the record, I've also tried:
integrationTestCompile project(path: ':components:things-components:abc-stuff', configuration: 'integrationTestCompile')
The issue is that Gradle hasn't been told to make a jar for you that you can consume in your other project.
integrationTestCompile project(':components:things-components:abc-stuff').sourceSets.integrationTest.output
Gets the classFiles and the dependencies, thats why its working using that notation. If you want to use the configuration notation you will need to tell gradle to publish a jar on the integrationTest. The jar doesn't have to be published to a repository, but will be used for the internal builds.
You can do this by doing:
configurations {
task integrationTestJar (type: Jar) {
baseName = "${}-integ-test"
from sourceSets.integrationTest.output
artifacts {
integrationTest integrationTestJar
If you end up doing this in a log of projects, I would recommend writing a quick plugin that does this for you.

Filter output of Gradle's dependencies

In Maven, when performing a mvn dependency:tree you can specify a filter argument like so:
(See filtering a dependency tree)
There doesn't seem to be an equivalent option for the dependencies command in Gradle.
Is there way of doing this?
As far as I know the only filtering option available is for a configuration:
gradle <your-module>:dep --configuration compile
You can use depdendencyInsight task to achieve something close to what you are looking for. However, it may not be the same as what maven's dependency:tree can produce.
Refer :
Assuming your build.gradle has multiple configurations -
In order to filter library say commons-codec, for each configuration, you could run the following -
gradle -q dependencyInsight --dependency commons-codec --configuration scm
gradle -q dependencyInsight --dependency commons-codec --configuration compile
As of Gradle 4.9, this is what I have observed -
the parameter --dependency is mandatory
only 1 value can be provided for --dependency
the parameter --configuration is optional
the default value of --configuration is compileClasspath
