Tabbing outside of handsontable cells - handsontable

We have a button at the bottom of handsontable. When the user tabs in the last cell, can we select the button instead of wrapping back to the first cell?
Here is the jsFiddle
var data = [
["", "Ford", "Volvo", "Toyota", "Honda"],
["2014", 10, 11, 12, 13],
["2015", 20, 11, 14, 13],
["2016", 30, 15, 12, 13]
var container = document.getElementById('example');
var hot = new Handsontable(container, {
data: data,
minSpareRows: 1,
rowHeaders: true,
colHeaders: true,
autoWrapRow: true,
autoWrapColumn: true
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<div id='example'></div>
<br />
<input type="button" value="Save"></input>

What I would do is capture the event, in your case .on('beforekeydown'), and check for the tab key. If pressed, check what cell the hot instance is currently on using hot.getSelected() and if it is the last cell, switch the focus to whatever button you want. Here is some detail of the code:
Handsontable.Dom.addEvent(containerTag, 'keydown', function(e) {
// On Tab, go to external button if last cell
if (e.keyCode === 9 && hotInstance) {
var selection = hotInstance.getSelected();
var rowIndex = selection[0];
var colIndex = selection[1];
if (rowIndex == lastRow && colIndex == lastCol) {
I haven't tested this code but this is more or less what you should be trying to do.

Here is a fix that work on multiple tables. Place a button inside the container and add a class name which make the button positioned outside the point of view. Works in 6.2.2
Handsontable.hooks.add('beforeKeyDown', function (event) {
// On Tab, go to external button if last cell
if (event.keyCode !== 9) {
var sel = this.getSelected();
var lastRow = this.countRows() - 1;
var lastCol = this.countCols() - 1;
if ((!event.shiftKey && sel[0][0] === lastRow && sel[0][1] === lastCol) || (event.shiftKey && sel[0][0] === 0 && sel[0][1] === 0)) {
var el = $(this.getInstance()).get(0).rootElement;
// Focus the activator button first -> otherwise, if the user has not tabbed into the table, it wouldn't skip to the next form element
var hotActivators = el.getElementsByTagName('button');
if (hotActivators.length > 0) {
.hotActivatorButton {
position: fixed;
bottom: 100%;
right: 100%;


Kendo treelist - trying to set a column template

I'm working with a Kendo treelist widget, and disappointed to see there's no rowTemplate option as there is on the Kendo grid.
I see a columnTemplate option (i.e. ), but this will affect the entire column.
However, I need to drill into each cell value and set a css color property based on a ratio ( i.e. If value/benchmark < .2, assign <span style='color:red;'> , but my color value is dynamic.
There's a dataBound: and dataBinding: event on the treelist, but I'm still trying to figure out how to intercept each cell value and set the color once I've done my calculation.
var treeOptions = {
dataSource: ds,
columns: colDefs,
selectable: true,
scrollable: true,
resizable: true,
reorderable: true,
height: 320,
change: function (e) {
// push selected dataItem
var selectedRow =;
var row = this.dataItem(selectedRow);
dataBound: function (e) {
var ds =;
var rows = e.sender.table.find("tr");
and this is where I'm building out the `colDefs' object (column definitions):
function parseHeatMapColumns(data, dimId) {
// Creates the Column Headers of the heatmap treelist.
// typeId=0 is 1st Dimension; typeId=1 is 2nd Dimension
var column = [];
"field": "field0",
"title": "Dimension",
headerAttributes: { style: "font-weight:" + 'bold' + ";" },
attributes : { style: "font-weight: bold;" }
var colIdx = 1; // start at column 1 to build col headers for the 2nd dimension grouping
_.each(data, function (item) {
if (item.typeId == dimId) {
// Dimension values are duplicated, so push unique values (i.e. trade types may have dupes, whereas a BkgLocation may not).
var found = _.find(column, { field0: item.field0 });
if (found == undefined) {
field: "field2",
title: item.field0,
headerAttributes: {
style: "font-weight:" + 'bold'
,template: "<span style='color:red;'>#: field2 #</span>"
return column;
**** UPDATE ****
In order to embed some logic within the template :
function configureHeatMapColumnDefs(jsonData, cols, model) {
var colDef = '';
var dimId = 0;
var colorProp;
var columns = kendoGridService.parseHeatMapColumns(jsonData, dimId);
// iterate columns and set color property; NB: columns[0] is the left-most "Dimension" column, so we start from i=1.
for (var i = 1; i <= columns.length-1; i++) {
columns[i]['template'] = function (data) {
var color = 'black';
if (data.field2 < 1000) {
color = 'red';
else if (data.field2 < 5000) {
color = 'green';
return "<span style='color:" + color + ";'>" + data.field2 + "</span>";
return columns;
Advice is appreciated.
In the databound event you can iterate through the rows. For each row you can get the dataItem associated with it using the dataitem() method (
Once you have the dataitem, calculate your ration and if the row meets the criteria for color, change the cell DOM element:
dataBound: function (e) {
var that = e.sender;
var rows = e.sender.table.find("tr");
rows.each(function(idx, row){
var dataItem = that.dataItem(row);
var ageCell = $(row).find("td").eq(2);
if (dataItem.Age > 30) {
//mark in red
var ageText = ageCell.text();
ageCell.html('<span style="color:red;">' + ageText + '</span>');
UPDATE: you can also do this with a template:
dataSource: dataSource,
height: 540,
selectable: true,
columns: [
{ field: "Position"},
{ field: "Name" },
{ field: "Age",
template: "# if ( data.Age > 30 ) { #<span style='color:red;'> #= data.Age # </span> #}else{# #= data.Age # #}#"

Performance issue when zooming (Leaflet 0.7.3)

I'm facing a performance problem with Leaflet (version 0.7.3). I'm working with an OSM map that I use to display a bunch of CircleMarkers linked by decorated Polylines (with arrow pattern every 25px). Loading take a little time but the main problem is that when I zoom the map I start facing severe lag (from the zoom level 16) and, beyond a certain limit (say 18 most of the time), browser just freeze and eventually crash (tested with chrome and firefox). I tried with a bunch of 1,000 linked markers, then I dropped to a set of around 100, but still the same concern... Of course, with 10 markers or less I don't have any problem.
Did you already face a similar trouble? How can I optimize Leaflet performances so that I can use an accurate zoom (beyond level 16) with more than 100 linked CircleMarkers ? I also wonder why performances are dropping so badly when zooming, while marker amount stay the same...
Thank you in advance for your answers,
Cannot get the PolylineDecorator plugin to work on jsfiddle.
But here is the code that generate markers :
Map initialization :
var map;
function initializeMap(){
"use strict";
var layer;
var layer2;
function layerUrl(key, layer) {
return "" + key
+ "/geoportail/wmts?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&VERSION=1.0.0&"
+ "LAYER=" + layer + "&STYLE=normal&TILEMATRIXSET=PM&"
+ "TILEMATRIX={z}&TILEROW={y}&TILECOL={x}&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg";
layer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors',
maxZoom: 18
layer2 = L.tileLayer(
{attribution: '© IGN'}
var baseMaps = {
"Terrestre": layer,
"Bathymetrique": layer2
map ='map', {
layers: [layer],
zoom: 8,
center: [42.152796, 9.139150],
zoomControl: false
//add zoom control with your options
position:'topright' //topleft
imperial : false
Data Sample :
var jsonData ={"12":[{"id_stm_device":"7","individual_name":"cerf3","latitude":"42.657283333333","longitude":"9.42362","temperature":null,"pulse":null,"battery":"20","date_time":"2015-03-17 15:37:12"},
{"id_stm_device":"7","individual_name":"cerf3","latitude":"42.657381666667","longitude":"9.42365","temperature":null,"pulse":null,"battery":"20","date_time":"2015-03-17 16:42:16"},
{"id_stm_device":"7","individual_name":"cerf3","latitude":"42.657381666667","longitude":"9.4236933333333","temperature":null,"pulse":null,"battery":"20","date_time":"2015-03-17 17:47:21"},
{"id_stm_device":"7","individual_name":"cerf3","latitude":"42.657283333333","longitude":"9.4237383333333","temperature":null,"pulse":null,"battery":"20","date_time":"2015-03-17 19:57:23"}],
"13":[{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.61683","longitude":"9.4804633333333","temperature":"17.45","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 07:45:20"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.538858333333","longitude":"9.48169","temperature":"14.37","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 08:00:29"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.458748333333","longitude":"9.500225","temperature":"14.46","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 08:15:49"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.3302","longitude":"9.5374583333333","temperature":"15.19","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 08:31:05"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.170133333333","longitude":"9.5272116666667","temperature":"15.48","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 08:46:20"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.07959","longitude":"9.47688","temperature":"15.97","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 09:01:31"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.076163333333","longitude":"9.4828633333333","temperature":"20.42","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 09:16:59"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.07194","longitude":"9.4908866666667","temperature":"17.36","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 09:32:17"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.072583333333","longitude":"9.4901516666667","temperature":"17.36","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 09:47:32"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.07238","longitude":"9.4904266666667","temperature":"19.38","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 10:02:42"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.072298333333","longitude":"9.4904983333333","temperature":"17.46","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 10:17:55"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.095093333333","longitude":"9.5148383333333","temperature":"17.47","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 10:33:12"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.112881666667","longitude":"9.5133133333333","temperature":"19.3","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 10:48:23"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.112875","longitude":"9.513285","temperature":"22.71","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 11:03:57"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.141096666667","longitude":"9.5078216666667","temperature":"23.73","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 11:19:12"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.282186666667","longitude":"9.5505183333333","temperature":"18.97","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 11:34:28"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.405126666667","longitude":"9.531145","temperature":"20.71","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 11:49:42"},
{"id_stm_device":"8","individual_name":"cerf5","latitude":"42.482063333333","longitude":"9.480665","temperature":"21.7","pulse":null,"battery":"80","date_time":"2015-04-08 12:05:07"}]}
var oJSON = JSON.parse(jsonData);
var colors = [
var classes = [
var lastMarkers = [];
var layers = new Array();
var polyline;
var decorator;
window.graphicsDevices = [];
var offsetLatitude = 0.003333;
var offsetLongitude = 0.011666;
Marker instanciation :
function printGPSOnMap(oJSON){
var nbKeys = 0;
for (var key in oJSON) {
var classe = classes[(key-1)%classes.length];
var color = colors[(key-1)%colors.length];
var positionInfo = [];
if (oJSON.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var aInfo = oJSON[key];
var marker;
var latlngs = Array();
var startMarker = lastMarkers[key];
if(startMarker !== undefined && startMarker != null) {
var myIcon = L.divIcon({className: "myCircle "+classe, iconSize : [ 20, 20 ] });
for(var i = 0; i < aInfo.length; i++) {
var oInfos = aInfo[i];
var sIdIndividual = oInfos["id_individual"];
var sLongitude = oInfos["longitude"];
var sLatitude = oInfos["latitude"];
var sTemperature = oInfos["temperature"];
var sPulse = oInfos["pulse"];
var sBattery = oInfos["battery"];
var sDatetime = oInfos["date_time"];
var sIndividualName = oInfos["individual_name"];
var id_device = oInfos["id_stm_device"];
var popupMsg = "...";
marker = new MyCustomMarker([sLatitude,sLongitude], {
icon : L.divIcon({
className : "myCircle "+classe + ((i == aInfo.length-1) ? ' myCircleEnd' : ''),
iconSize : [ 20, 20 ]
marker.bindPopup(popupMsg, {
showOnMouseOver: true
marker.bindLabel(key, {
noHide: true,
direction: 'middle',
offset: [offset[0], offset[1]]
lastMarkers[key] = marker;
if(latlngs.length > 1)
polyline = L.polyline(latlngs, {className: classe, weight: 2,opacity: 0.4}).addTo(map);
decorator = L.polylineDecorator(polyline, {
patterns: [
// define a pattern of 10px-wide arrows, repeated every 20px on the line
{offset: 0, repeat: '25px', symbol: new L.Symbol.arrowHead({pixelSize: 10, pathOptions: {fillOpacity:
0.76, color: color, weight: 1}})}
window.graphicsDevices[key] = [];
for(var i = 0; i < positionInfo.length; i++) {
if(latlngs.length > 1){
}//foreach key
Code for the custom marker :
var MyCustomMarker = L.Marker.extend({
bindPopup: function(htmlContent, options) {
if (options && options.showOnMouseOver) {
// call the super method
L.Marker.prototype.bindPopup.apply(this, [htmlContent, options]);
// unbind the click event"click", this.openPopup, this);
// bind to mouse over
this.on("mouseover", function(e) {
// get the element that the mouse hovered onto
var target = e.originalEvent.fromElement || e.originalEvent.relatedTarget;
var parent = this._getParent(target, "leaflet-popup");
// check to see if the element is a popup, and if it is this marker's popup
if (parent == this._popup._container)
return true;
// show the popup
}, this);
// and mouse out
this.on("mouseout", function(e) {
// get the element that the mouse hovered onto
var target = e.originalEvent.toElement || e.originalEvent.relatedTarget;
// check to see if the element is a popup
if (this._getParent(target, "leaflet-popup")) {
L.DomEvent.on(this._popup._container, "mouseout", this._popupMouseOut, this);
return true;
// hide the popup
}, this);
_popupMouseOut: function(e) {
// detach the event, "mouseout", this._popupMouseOut, this);
// get the element that the mouse hovered onto
var target = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget;
// check to see if the element is a popup
if (this._getParent(target, "leaflet-popup"))
return true;
// check to see if the marker was hovered back onto
if (target == this._icon)
return true;
// hide the popup
_getParent: function(element, className) {
var parent = null;
if(element != null) parent = element.parentNode;
while (parent != null) {
if (parent.className && L.DomUtil.hasClass(parent, className))
return parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return false;
Have you gauged performance in canvas mode?
Use L_PREFER_CANVAS = true before initializing your leaflet map container.Might be able to help you possibly.

Kendo UI Slider / how to disable keyboard input?

Is there a way to disable the keyboard events on Kendo UI Slider? Basically, I want to prevent changing the value of the slider when pressing left and right arrow keys. Is this possible at all?
Please note that slider is being dynamically inserted into the DOM as part of a KO custom binding handler.
ko.bindingHandlers.tone = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
if (valueAccessor().settingToneEnabled) {
var $el = $(element);
var tag = '<span class="dropdown mrgn-tp-md"><ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right text-center pddng-sm" aria-labelledby="tonedropdownMenu"><li class="pddng-lft-md pddng-rght-sm"><span id="tone-slider" title="tone"></span></li><li class="pddng-rght-sm"><i class="icon icon-delete"></i> ' + i18n['ps-deleteArticleToneLabel'] + '</li></ul></span>';
var $slider = $('#tone-slider', $el);
var $delLink = $('a.del', $el);
var $dropdown = $('span.dropdown', $el);
$('a.dropdown-toggle', $dropdown).on('click', function() {
$('.dropdown-menu', $dropdown).toggle();
change: function(e) {
var va = valueAccessor();
if ($.isFunction(va.handleUserInput)) {
showButtons: false,
min: -1,
max: 1,
smallStep: 1,
value: valueAccessor().value() || 0,
tickPlacement: 'none',
tooltip: {
enabled: false
$('.k-draghandle', $el).off('keydown');
$delLink.on('click', function(e) {
if ($delLink.attr('disabled')) {
var va = valueAccessor();
if ($.isFunction(va.handleUserInput)) {
$'slider', $"kendoSlider"));
$'deleteButton', $delLink);
$'dropdown', $dropdown);
} else {
$('<span href="" data-tone></span>').appendTo(element);
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var toneValues = {
'1': {
name: i18n['ps-tonePositive'],
val: 1,
css: 'icon-tone-positive'
'0': {
name: i18n['ps-toneNeutral'],
val: 0,
css: 'icon-tone-neutral'
'-1': {
name: i18n['ps-toneNegative'],
val: 0,
css: 'icon-tone-negative'
var $tone = $('*[data-tone]', element);
var val = valueAccessor().value() || 0;
var tone = toneValues[val.toString()] || toneValues['0'];
if (valueAccessor().settingToneEnabled) {
$('#tone-slider', element).data("kendoSlider").value(val);
You can try to remove the keydown handler.
See demo.

SAPUI5 Table - Remove Filter/Grouping/Sort?

I have a simple table (type sap.ui.table.Table) where I allow my users to sort, filter and group elements. However there is no possibility to remove sorting or grouping once it is applied? The filter could be removed by entering no value in the filter, but how do I remove sorting/grouping?
var oTableEmpl = new sap.ui.table.Table({
width : "100%",
visibleRowCount : 20,
selectionMode : sap.ui.table.SelectionMode.Multi,
navigationMode : sap.ui.table.NavigationMode.Scrollbar,
editable : false,
enableCellFilter : true,
enableColumnReordering : true,
enableGrouping : true,
extension : oMatrixLayout,
oTableEmpl.addColumn(new sap.ui.table.Column({
label : new sap.ui.commons.Label({
text : "Label",
textAlign : sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Center
template : new sap.ui.commons.TextView({
text : "{Value}",
textAlign : sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Center
visible : false,
sortProperty: "Value",
filterProperty: "Value",
This might seem easy, but in the table itself there is no option to remove anything. Does it really have to be removed by programming something?
Yes, there is only way to do this by coding. Basically you need to clear sorters and filters of the ListBinding, and then refresh the DataModel. For grouping, reset the grouping of Table and Column to false, after reset, set grouping of Table back to true.
//set group of table and column to false
var oListBinding = oTableEmpl.getBinding();
oListBinding.aSorters = null;
oListBinding.aFilters = null;
//after reset, set the enableGrouping back to true
I also attached a working code snippet. Please have a check.
<script id='sap-ui-bootstrap' type='text/javascript' src='' data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m,sap.ui.commons,sap.ui.table,sap.viz" data-sap-ui-theme="sap_bluecrystal"></script>
<script id="view1" type="sapui5/xmlview">
<mvc:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:layout="sap.ui.commons.layout" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.ui.commons" xmlns:table="sap.ui.table" controllerName="my.own.controller" xmlns:html="">
<Button text="Reset" press="onPress" />
<table:Table id="testTable" rows="{/}" enableGrouping="true">
<table:Column sortProperty="abc" sorted="true" visible="true">
<Label text="abc"></Label>
<Label text="{abc}"></Label>
<Label text="abc2"></Label>
<Label text="{abc2}"></Label>
sap.ui.controller("my.own.controller", {
onInit: function() {
var aTableData = [{
abc: 1,
abc2: "a"
}, {
abc: 6,
abc2: "b"
}, {
abc: 6,
abc2: "c"
}, {
abc: 3,
abc2: "g"
}, {
abc: 3,
abc2: "h"
var oTableModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
var oTable = this.getView().byId("testTable");
onPress: function() {
var oTable = this.getView().byId("testTable");
//set group of table and column to false
var oModel = oTable.getModel();
var oListBinding = oTable.getBinding();
oListBinding.aSorters = null;
oListBinding.aFilters = null;
//after reset, set the enableGroup back to true
var myView = sap.ui.xmlview("myView", {
viewContent: jQuery('#view1').html()
}); //
<body class='sapUiBody'>
<div id='content'></div>
For openui5 v1.78.7: If you want to delete these Filters from the table:
You can do:
var columns = this.byId("tableId").getColumns();
for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
var isFiltered = columns[i].getFiltered();
if (isFiltered) {
// clear column filter if the filter is set
You can clear sort filters with:
var columns = table.getColumns();
var sortedCols = table.getSortedColumns();
for (var i = 0, l = columns.length; i < l; i++) {
if (sortedCols.indexOf(columns[i]) < 0) {
Make sure you set back sort on row binding if you had any with:
table.getBinding("rows").sort(new Sorter(sPath, bDescending));

Photoshop UI Radio buttons in javascript

Having problems implementing radio buttons. I know radio buttons in CS2 can be problematic but I'm not sure where I am going wrong. I suspect I have a bracket or comma in the wrong place; but can't see it. Thank you.
var dlg =
"dialog {text:'Script Interface',bounds:[100,100,300,260]," +
"info: Group { orientation: 'column', alignChildren: 'center'," +
"radiobutton0:RadioButton {bounds:[50,30,150,40] , text:'layerName0', alignment: 'left' }," +
"radiobutton1:RadioButton {bounds:[50,50,150,90] , text:'layerName1', alignment: 'left' }}" +
"cancelBTN:Button{bounds:[110,130,190,150] , text:'Cancel' },"+
"processBTN:Button{bounds:[10,130,90,150] , text:'Ok' }}";
var win = new Window(dlg,"radio buttons");
win.radiobutton0.value = true;;;
Another thing: Is there a better way of writing UI elements as this format is rather ugly.
Here's the bare bones code that works.
var dialogBox =
"dialog { orientation: 'column', alignChildren: 'center', \
info: Group { orientation: 'column', alignChildren: 'center', \
rbtn1: RadioButton { text: 'Radio Button 1', align: 'left'}, \
rbtn2: RadioButton { text: 'Radio Button 2', align: 'left'}, }, }, \
} }";
win = new Window (dialogBox);;;
I think the radio button toggle is controlled by line 3 as commenting it out stops the radio buttons working correctly.
When I ran the code it threw an error on this line win.radiobutton0.value = true; Object is undefined. This is because the way you have the dialog structured the button is part of the info group within the window. The line should read = true;
This should toggle radiobutton0 on initially.
You don't have to use a resource string to craft the dialogs if you don't want. Individual elements can be added by creating a reference to the window object (or to a pallate or panel) and using .add()
For example:
var w = new Window ("dialog");
w.alignChildren = "left";
var radio1 = w.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "Radio Button 1");
var radio2 = w.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "Radio Button 2");
radio1.value = true; ();
This is the most thorough reference on ScriptUI that I've found.
Here's a nicer additive version of a dialogue box with radio buttons working as I want them to.
var w = new Window ("dialog");
w.alignChildren = "left";
var myButtonGroup = w.add ("group");
myButtonGroup.orientation = "column";
myButtonGroup.alignment = "left";
var radio1 = myButtonGroup.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "Radio Button 1");
var radio2 = myButtonGroup.add ("radiobutton", undefined, "Radio Button 2");
myButtonGroup.add ("button", undefined, "OK");
myButtonGroup.add ("button", undefined, "Cancel");
radio1.value = true;;
// ();
if ( == 1)
alert("You picked " + youSelected(myButtonGroup))
function youSelected(rButtons)
if (radio1.value == true)
// radio1 selected
return radio1.text
// radio2 selected
return radio2.text
