Execute a task after queue completion in laravel - laravel

I have a queue like the following in laravel,
Mail::queue($notificationCreated->template, $data, function ($message) use ($data) {
$message->to($data['email'], $data['first_name'])->subject($data['subject']);
Is it possible to execute a task after queue completes it's execution, i.e in my case after sending a mail.

Something like this is not present in the API because that's not the point of Queue.
It's asynchronous so after calling Mail::queue you immediately get back control and code execution continues. That does not mean the actual job has been executed, just that it's been scheduled.
And there's no way of writing a Mail::whenJobIsComplete there because that would mean the whole execution of your code would have to stop and wait for the job to be completed. There no way this could work asynchronously.
You could however periodically poll for completed jobs and execute code when that happens. There's build-in functionality for polling for failed jobs in the API.
But the best approach would be to write your own custom queue listener,
and adding functionality besides the handleWorkerOutput call.
Again, this is asynchronous, this code will run at some indeterminate point in the future, not even close to the place where you initially called Mail::queue.


Springboot+Job Framework

My requirement is whenever we call certain RestAPI from UI/Postman, At backend it should trigger JOB that perform several operations/task.
Assume some POST Rest API is invoked -
It should invoke "Identify-JOB"(performs several activities)- Based on certain condition, It should invoke PLANA-JOB or PLANB-JOB
1> Suppose PLANA-JOB is invoked, on the success of this JOB, it should trigger another JOB called "finish-JOB". On the failure it should not invoke another JOB "finish-JOB"
Can you please help here how can i do this?
You can use async processing and that'll trigger the first job and that task will trigger the next set of tasks.
You can build them like AWS step functions
You can use Rqueue to enqueue async task and that'll be processed by one of the listeners.

Batching in golang

I want to implement my program to handle batching which can improve the efficiency of the process.
I confused if I set a function to wait for seconds and then process all the messages received from a client, how can I do that without interrupting the infinitive loop. e.g.
msg <- listenUDP
And also I am not sure if I make batching function can wait without interrupting the for loop, when a new 'msg' received and batching function still running. Will the system call a new batching function? If do so, how can I force the system to use the existing batching function rather than call a new one?
Based on the details you have given, one possible approach is that you can maintain an in-memory list of events yet to be processed and then invoke a separate goroutine to process each batch after a specified time or if the list reaches a specific size.
That way your infinite loop can continue to process messages while you process messages in batches. Based on the requirement you can have communication between the main goroutine and batch goroutines
It is dependent on the implementation actually. For example, you can spawn a worker thread and then forget about it i.e. the main goroutine just continues to receive messages. The pseudo-code for that could be like below:
for each event received:
check if the time limit has crossed or if the message list has crossed
if yes then spawn a new goroutine and forget about it
if not push the message to list and continue to the next message

Does async task gets killed before its completion if so what happens to life cycle of calling activity when async task is stopped?

I have an Activity A which has a task that needs to be performed in background. So i'm sending the task to async. What happens to activity life cycle when the
is called i.e async task is killed.
According to Android Developers to stop AsyncTask,
A task can be cancelled at any time by invoking cancel(boolean). Invoking this method will cause subsequent calls to isCancelled() to return true. After invoking this method, onCancelled(Object), instead of onPostExecute(Object) will be invoked after doInBackground(Object[]) returns. To ensure that a task is cancelled as quickly as possible, you should always check the return value of isCancelled() periodically from doInBackground(Object[]), if possible (inside a loop for instance.)
and for "what will happen to life cycle of calling activity" i dont know much, you can see here for life cycle of an activity, but as the async task is performed in background the activity will continue to work, but after stopping the asynctask according to documentation found in android studio
The default implementation simply invokes onCancelled() and ignores the result. If you write your own implementation, do not call super.onCancelled(result).
you can do your own implemetation of how to handle after stoping from async task, and after this may be the activity life cycle will be resumed and work normally.
I am not confirmed about this, but let me know if i am wrong somewhere.

dbms_scheduler job chain exceptions

I'd like to find the best way to handle exceptions (failure of any steps) from an Oracle scheduler job chain (11gR2).
Say I have a chain that contains 20 steps. If at any point the chain exits with FAILURE, I'd like to do a set of actions. These actions are specific to that chain, not the individual steps (each step's procedure may be used outside of scheduler or in other chains).
Thanks to 11gR2, I can now setup an email notification on FAILURE of chain, but this is only 1 of several actions I need to do, so its only a partial solution for me.
The only thing I can think of is have another polling job check the status of my chain every x minutes and launch the failure actions when it sees the latest job of the chain exited with FAILURE status. But this is a hack at best imo.
What is the best way to handle exceptions for a given job chain?
The most flexible way to handle jobs exceptions in general is to use a job exception monitoring procedure and define the jobs to generate events upon job status changes. The job exception monitoring procedure should watch the scheduler event queue in a loop and react upon events in a way you define.
Doing so takes away the burden to have to create failure steps for about each and every job step in a chain. This is a very powerful mechanism.
by lack of time: in the book is a complete scenario of event based scheduling. Will dig one up later.

What is a browser event loop?

I have been doing some web application programming using GWT and have been confused by the term "browser event loop".
I have encountered situations where I need to execute deferred commands and "do something" after the browser event loop completes.
I would like to know as to what exactly it is and what happens during the event loop process and in which order?
A browser event loop is a thread started by the browser that is constantly scanning for and running different events, just like it sounds. As events occur they are put in the event queue and run in turn by the one event thread. Your javascript should not create its own loops waiting for it to complete or anything like that...it will block that one continuous event loop thread. Instead you would use something like setTimeout or setInterval and check for whatever conditions you are waiting for so the browser can do work while it 'waits'.
GWT is nice in that it can co-opt this process somewhat using the scheduler -- in your case where you want to run something after the event loop 'completes' you will probably want to use scheduleFinally or scheduleDeferred. It will inject a handler for a piece of code into the event queue so that it will run after all other code in the current execution context (current execution context == where ever you are in the current JavaScript object hierarchy with the window as the root object) is run but before the next event that is placed in the queue.
