What is a browser event loop? - events

I have been doing some web application programming using GWT and have been confused by the term "browser event loop".
I have encountered situations where I need to execute deferred commands and "do something" after the browser event loop completes.
I would like to know as to what exactly it is and what happens during the event loop process and in which order?

A browser event loop is a thread started by the browser that is constantly scanning for and running different events, just like it sounds. As events occur they are put in the event queue and run in turn by the one event thread. Your javascript should not create its own loops waiting for it to complete or anything like that...it will block that one continuous event loop thread. Instead you would use something like setTimeout or setInterval and check for whatever conditions you are waiting for so the browser can do work while it 'waits'.
GWT is nice in that it can co-opt this process somewhat using the scheduler -- in your case where you want to run something after the event loop 'completes' you will probably want to use scheduleFinally or scheduleDeferred. It will inject a handler for a piece of code into the event queue so that it will run after all other code in the current execution context (current execution context == where ever you are in the current JavaScript object hierarchy with the window as the root object) is run but before the next event that is placed in the queue.


How to debug an asynchronous RFC - Starting new task...Performing...on end of task?

I am a beginner in SAP ABAP. I am debugging an asynchronous RFC (parallel processing). I have put a break-point in the calling portion of the RFC, an external break-point inside the RFC and an external break point in the form which is called at the end of task through perform. I am able to debug the RFC FM.
Another session opens up. But I am not able to debug the perform which is called after end of task. After the RFC is debugged, the control returns to the calling point of the FM. it doesn't go inside the form. When all the iterations are finished, then at the end it goes inside the perform. Why so? shouldn't the perform be executed in parallel?
Inside the perform I have written like RECEIVE RESULTS FROM FUNCTION XXX. But the debugger control is not going inside the perform after returning from the RFC.
You have given very little information on the overall program flow, but there's a part of the documentation that might be relevant to your case:
A prerequisite for the execution of a registered callback routine is
that the calling program still exists in its internal session when
the remote function is terminated. It is then executed here at the
next change of the work process in a roll-in. If the program was
terminated or is located on the stack as part of a call sequence, the
callback routine is not executed.
The time when the callback routines are executed can be programmed
explicitly or be reached implicitly:
The statement WAIT FOR ASYNCHRONOUS TASKS is used for explicit programming. As specified by a condition, this statement changes the
work process and hence executes the callback routines registered up to
this time. It waits for as many registered routines to end until the
condition is met (the maximum wait time can be restricted). Explicit
programming is recommended whenever the results of the remote function
are required in the current program.
If the results of the remote function are not required in the current program, the time at which the callback routines are executed
can also be determined by an implicit change of the work process (for
example, at the end of a dialog step). This can be a good idea, for
example, in GUI scenarios in which uses of WAIT are not wanted. In
this case, it must be ensured that the work process changes before the
program is ended. There is also a risk that, if the work process is
changed implicitly, not all callback routines are registered in time.
It is likely that the program issuing the call and registering the callback routine is either terminated or does not issue a WAIT FOR ASYNCHRONOUS TASKS so that the callback is only executed on the next roll-in.
Re-reading your question, you apparently assume that the callback routine will be executed in parallel to the program that has registered it. That is not the case, ABAP is not multi-threaded.

Exiting while loop in winapi

My problem is this. I have check box which when checked starts while loop. At that while loop there is createprocess function. While checkbox is marked as checked, function repeats it self again and again. Problem is that while loop is running I can't push check box again to change it's values and stop the process. I think that here is needed something like two parallel process working at the same time, but I am not sure. My question would be:
* Is there a way to access my controls while while loop is running?
* Or maybe I should use something else instead of while process?
Suggestions or some kind of example would be appreciated.
The problem is that you are running the loop in the same thread that owns the CheckBox, and that loop is blocking the thread from processing new messages. That is why you are not able to uncheck the CheckBox (or do anything else with your UI).
You need to either:
move the loop to a worker thread. When the CheckBox becomes checked, start the thread. When the CheckBox becomes unchecked, stop the thread. Do not block the dialog's thread at all. This is the best option.
break apart your loop and make it event-driven. When the CheckBox becomes checked, post a custom window message to yourself. When you receive that message, if the CheckBox is still checked then perform one iteration of your loop and then post the message back to yourself again. Repeat until the CheckBox becomes unchecked. This option does not require any threads, but your UI will still be blocked during each individual iteration (but you will be able to uncheck the CheckBox in between iterations), unless...
Keep your existing loop code, but add an inner loop that calls MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() after CreateProcess() succeeds until the spawned process has exited. While waiting, whenever MsgWaitForMultipleObjects() tells you that a new message is waiting, you can pump the message queue and dispatch any messages that are retrieved. This is the least desirable option, but it requires the least amount of changes to existing code.

Pumping Cocoa message loop from background thread

I have a Cocoa-based command line application that programmatically creates an NSWindow + NSView. It uses a nextEventMatchingMask loop to manually pump the event loop and dispatch events. This loop is called by some upper level code periodically to poll for input.
If I run everything on the main thread then this works fine in that the view receives input events correctly.
If instead I move the window creation and message loop to a separate thread then nextEventMatchingMask no longer returns any events and the view doesn't receive input.
I'm aware that only the "main" thread in a Cocoa app is supposed to handle events. This secondary thread however is the only thread that needs to talk to Cocoa, so I would like to use it as the "main" thread as far as Cocoa is concerned. Is this possible? I call NSApplicationLoad from this thread, and as far as I know this is the first Cocoa function called in the process.
If I can't specify which is the main Cocoa thread then, is there any other way to be able to create an NSWindow on a background thread and receive events for it? I can't do something like call NSApplication Run because I am not in control of the application's main loop. I just need to pull input events from the Window when the upper level code requests that I do so.
Maybe you need to start the runloop on the secondary thread. In your main thread, when you spawn off your secondary thread, call something like this:
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(launchThread)
toTarget:[ThreadHandler class]
In the ThreadHandler class, have something like:
+ (void)launchThread
NSRunLoop *threadRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
while (someThreadExitCondition && [threadRunLoop runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1]]);
This should start your thread runloop processing events. I'm not sure without testing whether this would allow you to process events for a window created in a secondary thread, but it might get you started on how to run the thread's runloop. You could even set up something like a Distributed Objects situation where you pump events from the main event loop through a NSConnection to the secondary thread (example). Hopefully this might at least give you another avenue to pursue.
That's not behavior I would rely on.
If you need to run your backend on a thread which is not restricted by a run loop, then run it on a secondary thread in order to run the UI from the main thread.
Alternatively, you could create another process...

without using DoEvents, how to detect if a button has been pressed?

Currently, I call DoEvents in order to check if Button Foo in Form Bar has been clicked. This approach works but it takes too much processing power, delaying the program.
I believe that the delay could be reduced if I could only check if Button Foo has been clicked, instead of all the other forms that DoEvents has to go through.
Any ideas on how can I check if Button Foo was clicked?
VB6 was not really designed for what you seem to be doing (some sort of long-running straight-line code that does not exit back to give the message loop control). Normally such a task would be delegated to a worker thread, and in VB6 this means some external component implemented in C++ most of the time.
There are only a very few kinds of approaches to take to do this for your ad-hoc logic:
Hacks creating separate threads via API calls, not very reliable in VB6 for a number of reasons.
A tricky thread-per-object ActiveX EXE implementing a class to handle your long-running workload.
A separate non-interactive worker process to be run and monitored by your GUI program.
That's pretty much it.
The prescribed method of doing this sort of thing is described in the VB6 documentation. You break your long-running loop up and invert the logic into a repeatable "quantum" of work (like n iterations of your processing loop), and maintain the state of your workload in Form-global data. Then you use a Timer control with its interval set to 1 or 16 (hardly matters, they normally take at least 16ms to trigger) and run your workload quantum within its event handler.
So if you simply had a loop that currently iterates 100,000 times doing something you might break it up so that it runs 500 times for each Timer tick. The quantum size will probably need to be tuned based on what is done within the loop - 500 is just a value chosen for illustration. You'll want to adjust this until it leaves the UI responsive without starving your background workload too much (slowing completion down).
If your code is heavy enough to not call DoEvents or just finish running periodically, then your app won't even know the button has been pressed. The DoEvents call allows windows, and your application to catch up on all notifications.
The correct way to resolve this is a worker thread (see this article on how to do something like this in VB6) but failing that, a periodic DoEvents is required and in turn, some re-entrancy blocking on the call into the long running code.

Is it possible for windows event and Windows timer event to execute re-entrantly?

I have "Update" method which is executes in event handler (button click), and in Windows forms Timer callback. Is it possible for two "Update" (re-entrancy) to be executing at the same time? That is, while the timer callback is executing (calling Update method), the user clicks the button, and the click handler executes Update.
Or, is it the case that, the two Update methods are completely serialized since both execute in the UI thread.
Or, is it the case that Update could put the thread in some kind of "Alertable Wait" (I am not very clear on this), and the Click Handler could execute an as APC?
You can see, I am totally mixed up on this...
Any explanations will be highly appreciated!
It depends on a sort of the timer used: one that executes on the main UI thread (System.Windows.Forms.Timer - re-entrancy is impossible) or one executed in its own thread (System.Threading.Timer - re-entrancy is possible).
