Spring SAML Security - Send request for 2 ADFS servers - spring

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How catch invoking the /saml/login endpoint?
Common question: how send request to 2 ADFS and add logic for choosing adfs url?

Configure each ADFS as a separate IDP by importing their metadata (provided they are indeed separate servers, not just a high-availability configuration of the same one) and (e.g.) let use choose which one to use - just like you can see in the sample application. But perhaps I misunderstood your question.


Is there any way to restric access to REST endpoint based on caller port?

There is a Spring Boot app running on a host, it exposes number of REST endpoints. One of these endpoints is providing sensitive information.
On the same host resides a client app, over which I have no control.
1 - Is there any way using Spring Security to limit access to the endpoint in question, based on client's port?
I cannot change anything in the client app, since it is a 3rd party app.
2 - is there any other way to limit access based on ports, like iptables rules?
No, it seems like it is not possible to limit access to endpoint based on the port of the caller, only using Spring Security.
Spring Security Doc
1 - However, using Spring Security one can limit access, based on the IP that the request is made - here.
2 - Also one can get the HttpServletRequest request object in the controller method and get the port that the request is made from, like:
//IP is also available
=> in the end what I need is doable.

secure service-to-service communication in an app generated using JWT authentication

I read the really interesting articles:
My question is: how can I implement secure service-to-service communication in an application generated using JWT?
I suppose AuthorizedFeignClient annotation is only available for applications generated using OAuth2.
Thanks, Mic
It depends on how strict you see "service-to-service" communication.
Case 1: "authenticated" is enough or you want to forward the user's permissions (authorities, roles...) to the next service
Then you can use #AuthorizedUserFeignClient to enable token forwarding. Here the first microservice act as the user when making requests to the second microservice.
Case 2: request microservice should have different permissions than the user
In certain situations, you want to have different access control rules, when a request is done by a microservice, not user.
This problem is not trivial and one of the core use cases for the OAuth2 way of microservice security.

Inter-service communication with Spring Boot and OAuth2

I am working on a micro-service architecture using Spring Boot. We have implemented OAuth2 in a Auth Server.
My question is - If two microservices want to communicate what should be the best way?
As of now, I have discovered below options:
If each microservice is verifying the token then we can pass the same token. But the problem is - in between same token can be expired.
If we use client_credentials grant then there we are having two issues: one is, we need to send the username in next microservice. Another one is, we need to request two times - first for getting the access token, next for actual call.
If we do the token verification in API gateway only (not in microservices) then from the API gateway we need to send the username in every microservices. And microservices implementation needs to be changed to accept that param/header.
Please suggest which option should I pick and if there is any better option please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Not an expert either, but
If we do the token verification in API gateway only (not in microservices) then from the API gateway we need to send the username in every microservices. And microservices implementation needs to be changed to accept that param/header.
could be changed this way:
You make authentication/authorisation the problem of the gateway.
When gateway authorizes the client, it attaches JWT token to every microservice request its going to make on behalf of the client (instead of sending username). JWT will contain all information that microservices might need. If the microservice will need to call other microservice, it will need to pass that token further with the request.
So the idea is - for EVERY request that comes through the gateway, a NEW JWT is being attached to the request. Then you don't have expiry problem and tokens are easy to verify.
I am not an expert on OAuth, but I have done a fair bit of work with microservices. When working with microservices, it is often a good idea to separate your services in such a way that:
They each know as little as possible about the concepts/concerns that they delegate to other services
Their dependency graph is acyclic, whether the services are microservices or part of a well-designed monolith
Take an example of Accounts and Orders. You could have the Accounts service know about users, authentication and authorization, sessions, and contact information. If a user wants to view an order, the accounts service could take all requests, ensure that the user is authorized to do so and then request the order directly from the Orders Service.
The downsides to this approach are:
The Accounts Service must pass all orders data through to the user client, which may result in code duplication and complexity
Changes to the Orders Service API may require changes to the Accounts Service to pass through new data
Upsides are:
The Accounts Service can authenticate with the Orders Service directly using a service-level authentication mechanism like an api token
The Orders Service may live on a private network
Another approach might be to have a third service responsible for identity. The client would make requests directly to the Accounts Service and Orders Service, which would each then ask a third service, let's call it an Identity Service, if a session is valid. If not, it would forward the user to authenticate (sign on) with the Identity Service. Then on each request from the client to the Accounts Service or Orders service, these services would check with the identity service if the session is still valid.
Advantages to this approach are:
The Accounts and Orders Services do not need to know about usernames and passwords
Each service simply provides the data it is responsible for directly to the client
Downsides are:
This architecture is a bit more difficult to set up
A third approach is to implement either of these approaches into a single service. In the case of accounts and orders, I might make an argument that they are very closely related and that splitting them out into separate services may not improve your architecture.
As I said, I am certainly not an expert in OAuth, but I have worked a fair bit with services and microservices.

No need HTTPS if i am going to use JOSE(JWT&JWE)?

I am recentlly finding a solution of Web Security, As far as i known the HTTPS will bring more security web, but i found another Security solution of JOSE(JWT&JWE) so i want to known, i use it in the future, can i just use HTTP only but without HTTPS ?
Your question is legit to me and I am sorry to see that you received downvotes.
As far as i known the HTTPS will bring more security web, but i found another Security solution of JOSE(JWT&JWE)
I think there is a confusion between the both technologies.
JWE is just a format that represents content using JSON based data structures and that provides integrity protection and encryption whereas HTTPS is a secured layer for the HTTP communication protocol.
JWE is not a replacement to the HTTPS protocol.
The use of one technology, the other one or both of them only depends on your application context. HTTPS may not be absolutely necessary in some contexts and the secured communication provided by other means.
You mentioned that you want to find a solution for a security application. A secured connection should be always used in that context.
You absolutely need HTTPS even if you are using JWTs and JWEs. HTTPS allows your client to verify that they are talking to the server they are expecting to talk to. It also protects the content of the communication, including the JWT/JWE tokens that you are using. Without HTTPS, anybody who can listen to the communication between your client and your server can impersonate your clients.
JWTs in particular can carry information about your user. You may not need to forward it to the authorization server that granted the token (if you are using an asymmetric signing key) and still have enough information about the identity and permissions of your user to grant or deny them access to the resources that you are protecting.

OAuth2.0 with horizontally scaled servers

I am writing a simple Spring REST api, which I plan to integrate with Oauth2.0 authentication for security. I am aware of the authentication flow and the refresh and access tokens.
My Question is if I horizontally scale my server app, how can clients talk to different servers with access tokens received from another server? Does the client have to authenticate with the other servers too?
Typically in such kind of a deployment you will have one Authorization server and all the other servers will accept the token, validate it with the Authorization server and then serve the request. Check the layout below. You can have a couple (at least 2) to avoid single point of failure of the authorization server.
So in the flow below client can go to server1, 2 or 3 but they will essentially do the same.
There are other ways but this simpler.
