Grep (fgrep) bash exact match end of line - bash

I have the below example file
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/apersand $ file
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/file[with square brackets]
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/~$tempfile
017a3635ccb76250b2036d6aea330c80 /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/FileThree
217a3635ccb76250b2036d6aea330c80 /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/FileThreeDays
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/single quote's
I want to grep the last part of the file (the file name) but I'm after an exact match for the last part of the line (the file name)
grep FileThree$ files.md5
017a3635ccb76250b2036d6aea330c80 /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/FileThree
gives back an exact match and doesnt find "FileThreeDays" which is what I'm after but because some of the file names contains square brackets it I'm having to use grep -F or fgrep. However using fgrep like the above doesnt work it returns nothing.
How can I exact match the last part of the line using fgrep whilst still honoring the special characters above ~ / $ / ' / [ ] etc...or any other method using maybe awk...
using fgrep withou return both these files I only want an exact match (using the use of the $ above with grep), but $ with fgrep doesnt return anything.
grep -F FileThree files.md5
017a3635ccb76250b2036d6aea330c80 /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/FileThree
217a3635ccb76250b2036d6aea330c80 /home/abid/Testing/FileNamesTest/FileThreeDays

I can't tell all the details from your question, but it sounds like you can use grep and just escape the special characters: grep 'File\[Three\]Days$'
If you want to use fgrep, though, you can use some tr tricks to help you. If all you want is the filename (without the directory name), you can do something like
cat files.md5 | tr '/' '\n' | fgrep FileThreeDays
That tr command replaces slashes with newlines, so it will put each filename on its own line. That means that fgrep will only find the filename when it searches for FileThreeDays.
If you want the full filename with directory, it's a little trickier, but a similar approach will work. Assuming that there's always a double space between the SHA and the filename, and that there aren't any filenames with double spaces or tab characters in them, you can try something like this:
sed 's/ /\t' files.md5 | tr '\t' '\n' | fgrep FileThreeDays
That sed command converts the double spaces to tabs. The tr command turns those tabs into newlines (the same trick as above).

I would use awk:
awk '{$1="";print}' file
$1="" cuts the first column to an empty string, and print prints the modified line - which only contains the filename now.
However, this leaves a blank space at the start of each line. If you care about it and want to remove it, set the output field separator to an empty string:
awk '{$1="";print}' OFS="" file


How to convert separators using regex in bash

How do I modify my bash file to achieve the expected result shown below ?
var="$(<$filename)" | tr -d '\n'
sed -i 's/;/,/g' $var
Convert this input file
To this output file
How to convert separators using regex in bash
You would, well, literally, do exactly that - convert any of the separators using regex. This consists of steps:
most importantly, figure out the exact definition of what consists of a "separator"
writing a regex for it
writing an algorithm for it
running and testing the code
For example, assuming a separator is a sequence of of any of \n,;^"}!8- characters, you could do:
sed -zi 's/[,;^"}!8-]\+/,/g; s/,$/\n/' input_file
Or similar with first tr '\n' , for example when -z is not available with your sed, and then pass the result of tr to sed. The second regex adds a trailing newline on the output instead of a trailing ,.
Additionally, in your code:
var is unset on sed line. Parts of | pipeline are running in a subshell.
var=$(<$filename) contains the contents of the file, whereas sed wants a filename as argument, not file contents.
var=.... | ... is pipeing the result of assignment to tr. The output of assignment is empty, so that line produces nothing, and its output is unused.
Remember to check bash scripts with shellcheck.
For a somewhat portable solution, maybe try
tr -cs A-Za-z , <input_file | sed '$s/,$/\n/' >output_file
The use of \n to force a final newline is still not entirely reliable; there are some sed versions which interpret the sequence as a literal n.
You'd move output_file back on top of input_file after this command if you want to replace the original.

How to grep information?

What I have:
more text
#user653434 text and so
more text
#user9659333 text and so
I'd like to filter this text and finally get the following list as .txt file:
It's important to get the names without "#" sign.
Thx for help ;)
Using grep -P (requires GNU grep):
$ grep -oP '(?<=#)\w+' File
-o tells grep to print only the match.
-P tells grep to use Perl-style regular expressions.
(?<=#) tells sed that # must precede the match but the # is not included in the match.
\w+ matches one or more word characters. This is what grep will print.
To change the file in place with grep:
grep -oP '(?<=#)\w+' File >tmp && mv tmp File
Using sed
$ sed -En 's/^#([[:alnum:]]+).*/\1/p' File
And, to change the file in place:
sed -En -i.bak 's/^#([[:alnum:]]+).*/\1/p' File
-E tells sed to use the extended form of regular expressions. This reduces the need to use escapes.
-n tells sed not to print anything unless we explicitly ask it to.
-i.bak tells sed to change the file in place while leaving a backup file with the extension .bak.
The leading s in s/^#([[:alnum:]]+).*/\1/p tells sed that we are using a substitute command. The command has the typical form s/old/new/ where old is a regular expression and sed replaces old with new. The trailing p is an option to the substitute command: the p tells sed to print the resulting line.
In our case, the old part is ^#([[:alnum:]]+).*. Starting from the beginning of the line, ^, this matches # followed by one or more alphanumeric characters, ([[:alnum:]]+), followed by anything at all, .*. Because the alphanumeric characters are placed in parens, this is saved as a group, denoted \1.
The new part of the substitute command is just \1, the alphanumeric characters from above which comprise the user name.
Here, the s indicates that we are using a sed substitute command. The usual form
With GNU grep:
grep -Po '^#\K[^ ]*' file
See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ

bash, text file remove all text in each line before the last space

I have a file with a format like this:
First Last UID
First Middle Last UID
Basically, some names have middle names (and sometimes more than one middle name). I just want a file that only as UIDs.
Is there a sed or awk command I can run that removes everything before the last space?
Print the last field of each line using awk.
The last field is indexed using the NF variable which contains the number of fields for each line. We index it using a dollar sign, the resulting one-liner is easy.
awk '{ print $NF }' file
rs, cat & tail
Another way is to transpose the content of the file, then grab the last line and transpose again (this is fairly easy to see).
The resulting pipe is:
cat file | rs -T | tail -n1 | rs -T
cut & rev
Using cut and rev we could also achieve this goal by reversing the lines, cutting the first field and then reverse it again.
rev file | cut -d ' ' -f1 | rev
Using sed we simply remove all chars until a space is found with the regex ^.* [^ ]*$. This regex means match the beginning of the line ^, followed by any sequence of chars .* and a space . The rest is a sequence of non spaces [^ ]* until the end of the line $. The sed one-liner is:
sed 's/^.* \([^ ]*\)$/\1/' file
Where we capture the last part (in between \( and \)) and sub it back in for the entire line. \1 means the first group caught, which is the last field.
As Ed Norton cleverly pointed out we could simply not catch the group and remove the former part of the regex. This can be as easily achieved as
sed 's/.* //' file
Which is remarkably less complicated and more elegant.
For more information see man sed and man awk.
Using grep:
$ grep -o '[^[:blank:]]*$' file
-o tells grep to print only the matching part. The regex [^[:blank:]]*$ matches the last word on the line.

Using the nul character in sed instead of "/"

I want to remove a line in a file containing a path. The path which should be removed is stored in a variable in a bash script.
Somewhere I read that filenames are allowed to contain any characters except "/" and "\0" on *nix systems.
Since I can't use "/" for this purpose (I have paths) I wanted to use the nul character.
What I tried:
sed "\\\0$var_that_contains_path"\\0d file.txt > file1.txt #not working
sed "\\0$var_that_contains_path"\0d file.txt > file1.txt #not working
How can I make this work? Thanks in advance!
I think you may be using the wrong tool for the job here. Just use grep:
$ cat file
blah /path/to/file.ext more
some other text
$ var='/path/to/file.ext'
$ grep -vF "$var" file
some other text
As you can see, the line containing the path in the variable is not present in the output.
The -v switch means that grep does an inverse match, so that only lines that don't match the pattern are printed. The -F switch means that grep searches for fixed strings, rather than regular expressions.
Since the filename can contain at least a dozen different characters which have special meaning for sed (., ^, [, just to name a few), the right way to do this is to escape them all in the search string:
Escape a string for a sed replace pattern
So for the search pattern (in this case: the path), you need the following expression:
the_path=$(sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|[]/\\&/g' <<< "$the_path")

Finding a whole string using grep

I'm trying to find whole strings using grep. I am familiar with -w flag, but it gives me hard time since it refers a dot as a delimiter.
For example, I have a file named "a.txt" and a directory names a in some directory, this is what happens:
> ls | grep -w a
What I want it to find is only "a" and that's it.
How can I do that?
If you want a single a on a line, use
grep '^a$'
If you only take whitespace as the delimiter, use
grep '\([[:space:]]\|^\)a\([[:space:]]\|$\)'
(i.e. whitespace or beginning of the line, a, whitespace or end of the line).
use the x optin of grep
ls | grep -x a
A simpler approach too would be:
grep '^[[:space:]]*a[[:space:]]*$'
Something more friendly with variables is by use of awk. It would not interpret input pattern as regex.
awk -v v="$var" '{ sub(/^[[:space:]]*/, ""); sub(/[[:space:]]*$/, ""); }; $0 == v;'
