How to grep information? - shell

What I have:
more text
#user653434 text and so
more text
#user9659333 text and so
I'd like to filter this text and finally get the following list as .txt file:
It's important to get the names without "#" sign.
Thx for help ;)

Using grep -P (requires GNU grep):
$ grep -oP '(?<=#)\w+' File
-o tells grep to print only the match.
-P tells grep to use Perl-style regular expressions.
(?<=#) tells sed that # must precede the match but the # is not included in the match.
\w+ matches one or more word characters. This is what grep will print.
To change the file in place with grep:
grep -oP '(?<=#)\w+' File >tmp && mv tmp File
Using sed
$ sed -En 's/^#([[:alnum:]]+).*/\1/p' File
And, to change the file in place:
sed -En -i.bak 's/^#([[:alnum:]]+).*/\1/p' File
-E tells sed to use the extended form of regular expressions. This reduces the need to use escapes.
-n tells sed not to print anything unless we explicitly ask it to.
-i.bak tells sed to change the file in place while leaving a backup file with the extension .bak.
The leading s in s/^#([[:alnum:]]+).*/\1/p tells sed that we are using a substitute command. The command has the typical form s/old/new/ where old is a regular expression and sed replaces old with new. The trailing p is an option to the substitute command: the p tells sed to print the resulting line.
In our case, the old part is ^#([[:alnum:]]+).*. Starting from the beginning of the line, ^, this matches # followed by one or more alphanumeric characters, ([[:alnum:]]+), followed by anything at all, .*. Because the alphanumeric characters are placed in parens, this is saved as a group, denoted \1.
The new part of the substitute command is just \1, the alphanumeric characters from above which comprise the user name.
Here, the s indicates that we are using a sed substitute command. The usual form

With GNU grep:
grep -Po '^#\K[^ ]*' file
See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ


Escape "./" when using sed

I wanted to use grep to exclude words from $lastblock by using a pipeline, but I found that grep works only for files, not for stdout output.
So, here is what I'm using:
echo $lastblock | sed '1,/firstmatch/d;/.json/,$d'
I want to exclude ./ and .json, keeping only what is between.
This sed command is correct for this purpose, but how to escape the ./ replacing firstmatch so it can work?
Thanks in advance!
Use bash's Parameter Substitution
name="${lastblock##*/}" # strips from the beginning until last / -> 2.json
base="${name%.*}" # strips from the last . to the end -> 2
but I found that grep works only for files, not for stdout output.
here it is. (if your grep supports the -P flag.
echo "$lastblock" | grep -Po '(?<=\./).*(?=\.)'
but how to escape the ./
With sed(1), escape it using a back slash \
echo "$lastblock" | sed 's/^\.\///;s/\..*$//'
Or use a different delimiter like a pipe |
sed 's|^\./||;s|\..*$||'
with awk
echo "$lastblock" | awk -F'[./]+' '{print $2}'
Starting from bashv3, regular expression pattern matching is supported using the =~ operator inside the [[ ... ]] keyword.
[[ $lastblock =~ $regex ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
Although a P.E. should suffice just for this purpose.
I wanted to use grep to exclude words from $lastblock by using a pipeline, but I found that grep works only for files, not for stdout output.
Nonsense. grep works the same for the same input, regardless of whether it is from a file or from the standard input.
So, here is what I'm using:
echo $lastblock | sed '1,/firstmatch/d;/.json/,$d'
I want to exclude ./ and .json, keeping only what is between. This sed
command is correct for this purpose,
That sed command is nowhere near correct for the stated purpose. It has this effect:
delete every line from the very first one up to and including the next subsequent one that matches the regular expression /firstmatch/, AND
delete every line from the first one matching the regular expression /.json/ to the last one of the file (and note that . is a regex metacharacter).
To remove part of a line instead of deleting a whole line, use an s/// command instead of a d command. As for escaping, you can escape a character to sed by preceding it with a backslash (\), which itself must be quoted or escaped to protect it from interpretation by the shell. Additionally, most regex metacharacters lose their special significance when they appear inside a character class, which I find to be a more legible way to include them in a pattern as literals. For example:
echo "$lastblock" | sed 's/^[.]\///; s/[.]json$//'
That says to remove the literal characters ./ appearing at the beginning of the (any) line, and, separately, to remove the literal characters .json appearing at the end of the line.
Alternatively, if you want to modify only those lines that both start with ./ and end with .json then you can use a single s command with a capturing group and a backreference:
echo "$lastblock" | sed 's/^[.]\/\(.*\)[.]json$/\1/'
That says that on lines that start with ./ and end with .json, capture everything between those two and replace the whole line with the captured part alone.
You can use another character like '#' when you want to avoid slashes.
You can remember a part that matches and use it in the replacement.
Use [.] avoiding the dot to be any character.
echo "$lastblock" | sed -r 's#[.]/(.*)[.]json#\1#'
Just discovered today the tr command thanks to this legendary, unrelated answer.
When searching all over Google for how to exclude "." and "/", 100% of StackOverflow answers didn't helped.
So, to escape characters from the output of a command, just append this pipe:
| tr -d "{character-emoji-anything-you-want-to-exclude}"
So, a full working and simple sample:
echo "./2.json" | tr -d "/" | tr -d "." | tr -d "json"
And done!

Text processing in bash - extracting information between multiple HTML tags and outputting it into CSV format [duplicate]

I can't figure how to tell sed dot match new line:
echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | sed 's/one.*two/one/m'
I expect to get:
instead I get original:
sed is line-based tool. I don't think these is an option.
You can use h/H(hold), g/G(get).
$ echo -e 'one\ntwo\nthree' | sed -n '1h;1!H;${g;s/one.*two/one/p}'
Maybe you should try vim
If you use a GNU sed, you may match any character, including line break chars, with a mere ., see :
Matches any character, including newline.
All you need to use is a -z option:
echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | sed -z 's/one.*two/one/'
# => one
# three
See the online sed demo.
However, one.*two might not be what you need since * is always greedy in POSIX regex patterns. So, one.*two will match the leftmost one, then any 0 or more chars as many as possible, and then the rightmost two. If you need to remove one, then any 0+ chars as few as possible, and then the leftmost two, you will have to use perl:
perl -i -0 -pe 's/one.*?two//sg' file # Non-Unicode version
perl -i -CSD -Mutf8 -0 -pe 's/one.*?two//sg' file # S&R in a UTF8 file
The -0 option enables the slurp mode so that the file could be read as a whole and not line-by-line, -i will enable inline file modification, s will make . match any char including line break chars, and .*? will match any 0 or more chars as few as possible due to a non-greedy *?. The -CSD -Mutf8 part make sure your input is decoded and output re-encoded back correctly.
You can use python this way:
$ echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | python -c 'import re, sys;; s=re.sub("(?s)one.*two", "one", s); print s,'
This reads the entire python's standard input (, then substitutes "one" for "one.*two" with dot matches all setting enabled (using (?s) at the start of the regular expression) and then prints the modified string (the trailing comma in print is used to prevent print from adding an extra newline).
This might work for you:
<<<$'one\ntwo\nthree' sed '/two/d'
<<<$'one\ntwo\nthree' sed '2d'
<<<$'one\ntwo\nthree' sed 'n;d'
<<<$'one\ntwo\nthree' sed 'N;N;s/two.//'
Sed does match all characters (including the \n) using a dot . but usually it has already stripped the \n off, as part of the cycle, so it no longer present in the pattern space to be matched.
Only certain commands (N,H and G) preserve newlines in the pattern/hold space.
N appends a newline to the pattern space and then appends the next line.
H does exactly the same except it acts on the hold space.
G appends a newline to the pattern space and then appends whatever is in the hold space too.
The hold space is empty until you place something in it so:
sed G file
will insert an empty line after each line.
sed 'G;G' file
will insert 2 empty lines etc etc.
How about two sed calls:
(get rid of the 'two' first, then get rid of the blank line)
$ echo -e 'one\ntwo\nthree' | sed 's/two//' | sed '/^$/d'
Actually, I prefer Perl for one-liners over Python:
$ echo -e 'one\ntwo\nthree' | perl -pe 's/two\n//'
Below discussion is based on Gnu sed.
sed operates on a line by line manner. So it's not possible to tell it dot match newline. However, there are some tricks that can implement this. You can use a loop structure (kind of) to put all the text in the pattern space, and then do the operation.
To put everything in the pattern space, use:
To make "dot match newline" indirectly, you use:
So the result is:
root#u1804:~# echo -e "one\ntwo\nthree" | sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/one(\n|.)*two/one/'
Note that in this case, (\n|.) matches newline and all characters. See below example:
root#u1804:~# echo -e "oneXXXXXX\nXXXXXXtwo\nthree" | sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/one(\n|.)*two/one/'

Sed and dollar sign

"The Unix Programming Environment" states that '$' used in regular expression in sed means end-of-the line which is fine for me, because
cat file | sed 's/$/\n/'
is interpretted as "add newline at the end of each line".
The question arises, when I try to use the command:
cat file | sed '$d'
Shouldn't this line remove each line instead of the last one? In this context, dollar sign means end of the LAST line. What am I getting wrong?
$ is treated as regex anchor when used in pattern in s command e.g.
However in $d, $ is not a regex anchor, it is address notation that means the last line of the input, which is deleted using the d command.
Also note that cat is unnecessary in your last command. It can be used as:
sed '$d' file
In the second usage, there is no regular expression. The $ there is an address, meaning the last line.
Note that regex in sed must be inside the delimiters(;,:, ~, etc) other than quotes.
sed '/foo/s/bar/bux/g' file
sed 's~dd~s~' file
but not 'regex'. So $ in '$d' won't be considered as regex by sed. '$d' acts like an address which points out the last line.

Using the nul character in sed instead of "/"

I want to remove a line in a file containing a path. The path which should be removed is stored in a variable in a bash script.
Somewhere I read that filenames are allowed to contain any characters except "/" and "\0" on *nix systems.
Since I can't use "/" for this purpose (I have paths) I wanted to use the nul character.
What I tried:
sed "\\\0$var_that_contains_path"\\0d file.txt > file1.txt #not working
sed "\\0$var_that_contains_path"\0d file.txt > file1.txt #not working
How can I make this work? Thanks in advance!
I think you may be using the wrong tool for the job here. Just use grep:
$ cat file
blah /path/to/file.ext more
some other text
$ var='/path/to/file.ext'
$ grep -vF "$var" file
some other text
As you can see, the line containing the path in the variable is not present in the output.
The -v switch means that grep does an inverse match, so that only lines that don't match the pattern are printed. The -F switch means that grep searches for fixed strings, rather than regular expressions.
Since the filename can contain at least a dozen different characters which have special meaning for sed (., ^, [, just to name a few), the right way to do this is to escape them all in the search string:
Escape a string for a sed replace pattern
So for the search pattern (in this case: the path), you need the following expression:
the_path=$(sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^|[]/\\&/g' <<< "$the_path")

How to delete the string which is present in parameter from file in unix

I have redirected some string into one parameter for ex: ab=jyoti,priya, pranit
I have one file : Name.txt which contains -
I want to delete the records from the Name.txt file which are contain in ab parameter.
Please suggest if this can be done ?
If ab is a shell variable, you can easily turn it into an extended regular expression, and use it with grep -E:
grep -E -x -v "${ab//,/|}" Name.txt
The string substitution ${ab//,/|} returns the value of $ab with every , substituted with a | which turns it into an extended regular expression, suitable for passing as an argument to grep -E.
The -v option says to remove matching lines.
The -x option specifies that the match needs to cover the whole input line, so that a short substring will not cause an entire longer line to be removed. Without it, ab=prat would cause pratmesh to be removed.
If you really require a sed solution, the transformation should be fairly trivial. grep -E -v -x 'aaa|bbb|ccc' is equivalent to sed '/^\(aaa\|bbb\|ccc)$/d' (with some dialects disliking the backslashes, and others requiring them).
To do an in-place edit (modify Name.txt without a temporary file), try this:
sed -i "/^\(${ab//,/\|}\)\$/d" Name.txt
This is not entirely robust against strings containing whitespace or other shell metacharacters, but if you just need
Try with
sed -e 's/\bjyoti\b//g;s/\bpriya\b//g' < Name.txt
(using \b assuming you need word boundaries)
this will do it:
for param in `echo $ab | sed -e 's/[ ]+//g' -e 's/,/ /g'` ; do res=`sed -e "s/$param//g" < name.txt`; echo $res > name.txt; done
echo $res
