TeamCity services are running but I can't access the web interface. Any ideas for troubleshooting? - teamcity

I have TeamCity installed on a Windows Server 2012 machine. I installed teamCity default installation as service.
Later I added the Application Role and Web Server Role features to the Windows Server.
Now I can't access TeamCity's web interface (I got 404 error) although the TeamCity Server service is running, and the agents' service are running too.
Any ideas/directions on troubleshooting this ?

Credit to Ebeid Soliman El Sayed:
Ensure the following services are disabled as they conflict with port 80:
IIS / SQL Server Reporting Services (ReportServer)
Web Deployment Agent Service (MsDepSvc)
BranchCache (PeerDistSvc)
Sync Share Service (SyncShareSvc)
World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC)
Internet Information Server (WAS, IISADMIN)


.NET 6 webapp returns 503 error on random intervals

I published a simple .NET 6.0 web app with user authentication on my IIS 10.0 web server hosted on Azure.
The application read and write data from a SQL Server 2017 database hosted on another machine on the same virtual network of the web server.
Everything works fine but after a while, even though nobody is using the app, it stop working and send Http Error 503 Service Unavailable and I have to restart it every time from the application pool.
I enabled tracing on the event log, but I don't receive any message explaining this.
These are the application settings:
IIS application settings
I tried to follow these advices but none of them worked:
IIS HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable
503 “Service Unavailable” error for all apps after installing .NET Core 2.2 Runtime & Hosting Bundle for Windows
.Net core Service Unavailable after Publish to IIS
On the same web server I have other applications but this problem appears only on this one. None of the other apps is using .NET 6, most use .NET Framework 4.7/4.8 and another couple .NET Core 3.1.
I also tried to publish the application on Azure WebApp service and it has the same problem.
1. If you're deploying on IIS, we can install DebugDiag Tools and then use the DebugDiag collection to crawl the dump logs.
2. If you are using the azure app service, it is recommended to get dump in the azure portal.
My Suggestion
Enable Failed Request Tracing, and find which request will cause the Http 503.
Maybe this 503 is not a problem with the code, and it is possible to find some useful information in the log.
Check the EventViewer, try to find the useful info about the application.
Download the DebugDiag Tools, use debugdiag collection to collect the dump file when the issue occured, and use the debugdiag analysis to analyze the dump file and check the stacktrace.
My suggestion can't tell you the root cause directly, but it will help you to find it. You are also welcome to update the useful stacktrace information in the future, and there will be more people to help you.
I'm currently having the issue but using MySQL on a remote server.
Azure WebApp, Azure VM (IIS 10) and AWS EC2.
Http Error 503 Service Unavailable when the database connection timesout or fails to connect and the AppPool failed to restart.
No crashes when debugging in VS via console app.
I changed the hosting model to out-of-process and this solved the issue.
<aspNetCore processPath="%LAUNCHER_PATH%" arguments="%LAUNCHER_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="outofprocess">

starting Websphere portal

I have installed WebSphere portal in my local machine , it was running fine till now.Today i installed IBM HTTP server and suddenly my web sphere portal is not starting .
I have a WAS profile, web sphere portal server and ibm http server in my local machine which is running windows xp. All these are configured to run as windows service , now when i attempt to start the portal server i get below message:
WASService running at the same time for 'IBMWAS70Service -WebSphere_Portal_V$AIN' Service not started
Any input on this will be appreciated.
I restarted my machine and things worked fine :). Mostly likely there was some services created in windows services with same name or something of that sought which was rectified once i restarted my machine.

Web Deploy works with VS2010; fails with VS2012

With VS 2010 Web Deploy is functional and working without issue. At the same time, Web Deploy from VS 2012 fails, indicating that the server did not respond and suggesting this link.
This notes the following conditions, all of which are fulfilled.
You can ping the remote machine
That the msdepsvc or wmsvc service is started on the remote server.
Your firewall is not blocking incoming connections of your ports on the destination. If you used the default installation, then it would be 80 for msdepsvc and 8172 for wmsvc
Web Deploy is still functioning for VS2010.
How can this be solved?
Clearly an example of not reading all the documentation first. However, for those looking to understand some of the changes here's what I found.
VS 2012 uses the Web Deployment Agent Service and NOT the Web Management Service
Local deployment is to "http://Your Server/msdeployagentservice" and NOT :8172/msdeploy.axd
For a complete account of the many options GO HERE!
Hope this helps someone else.

Webmatrix Site Publish on Azure VM through Web Deploy

I am unable to publish my web application through Webmatrix 2. Can anyone throw some light?
I followed these steps:
a) Created a VM through Azure portal
b) Created endpoints for Web deploy on port 8172 and tcp port 80
c) RDPed to Win Server-08-R2-Sp1-Jun-12 and installed Web Platform 4.0
d) Installed IIS 7 Recommended Configuration
e) Installed Webmatrix 2 on Server which in turn installed Dot Net 4.0, Web Deploy
f) Installed IIS Role Services - Management Services and changed property to [Auto Start] and restarted
g) Edited [Permissions] for the Default Website Folder and added [Network Service] and set [Read/Write/Manage] permissions.
h) Verified that Web deploy and Web Management Service are running in Services.
i) Checked the website from browser and can see the IIS start up page
j) Ran ServerValidator UI application on the Server and it confirms that web management service etc. are running fine
k) After these steps when I put in all parameters in Webmatrix Publish Settings (my ac/ is Admin on Server) I get "Unable to establish connection" error.
Thanks in advance.
My guess is that the Web Deploy "handler" (or WMSvc) component was not installed becuase when you installed Web Deploy you had not yet enabled WMSvc (Management Service). The installer only tries the handler component when WMSvc is already installed. You should be able to remedy this by Changing the Web Deploy installation (from Add Remove Programs) and selecting the "IIS 7 Deployment Handler" (with child components Configure for Non-Administrator publishing and Management Service Delegation UI).
One way to avoid this in future would be to install instead the "Recommended Configuration for Hosting Servers" product in WebPI (a very large bundle of server-side items) or at least use the "Web Deploy for Hosting Servers" product (which will automatically make sure to install IIS with Management Service first). If you don't see "Web Deploy for Hosting Servers" by default, try searching for products with "Web Deploy" using the search box.

Not able to connect to TFS Server from TFS Proxy

In our office we have setup TFS for project development. The TFS Server is WIN 2003 server SP2 with VSTFS 2008 and is running fine. Now we need to setup a TFS Proxy server on client site for client to access. Before going for the client setup, I wanted to build and test proxy in our office on a dummy server (will call it Proxy server hereon) by keeping it on a different domain. OS configuration of the Proxy server is the same as TFS server. I have installed and configured TFS proxy on Proxy server to connect to TFS Server. Also we have built trust between the two different domains to enable communication. Now problem is that I am not able to at all connect to TFS server. I am trying to connect from Internet Explorer of proxy server using proxy service account. It gives me error: The page cannot be displayed. HTTP 500 - Internal server error. The page I was browsing was http://tfs:8080/VersionControl/v1.0/ProxyStatistics.asmx.
I think I have done all the required steps correctly to configure proxy as described in MSDN and also TFS installation guide. Here Proxy service account is a member of ‘Team Foundation Valid Users’ group. I am able to connect to TFS Server (specifying port) using Telnet from command prompt on proxy server as suggested by few sites. The TFS server web sites have been configured to use Integration Windows Authentication. Event Logs on both the servers are also not giving any error. Overall I’m not able to get it done.
Any ideas on what might be the problem???
I think the port number for accessing the proxy server is 8081.
I also do not know why you need to install the proxy server on the the client side. You only need the VS200x on the client side I assume but check on
