How convert POJO to BSON with Google GSON? - gson

To convert a POJO to BSON with Jackson I know bson4jackson ( Is there an equivalent with Google GSON?
Thanks in advance.

Check this question
I have used gson as such:
convert to pojo:
Gson gsonObj= new Gson();
MyPojo mypojoObj = gsonObj.fromJson( someJsonString, MyPojo.class);
then convert to json string:
String s=gsonObj.toJson(mypojoObj);
Also there should be a 1-1 correspondence of all parameters' names in MyPojo and the json string. You can test it out. I believeOnly those that match are serialized.
for example if:
class MyPojo
public String xString;
public String yString;
then with:
MyPojor= gsonObj.fromJson("{\"xString\":\"1\",\"yString\":\"1\",\"zString\":\"1\"}", MyPojor.class);
return gsonObj.toJson(r);
you get:
you can test the case where a parameter is not requested for serialization.


Given an assignment to return specific data using Springboot reactive but the JSON is really complicated

I am new to Springboot reactive
I was asked to call the following endpoint and return todays weather data only:,70/forecast
I believe I need to use something like this...
Do I need to map out an entire java object to match the JSON at the endpoint? is there an easy way to perhaps just grab the a certain piece of the JSON?
How would I handle something like the #context annotation in the JSON.
The WebClient in spring boot automatically uses Jackson's ObjectMapper to unmarshall json to a java object when the content type of the response is application/json. So there is no need to pull in any additional libraries or have to write any specific unmarshalling code, unless you want to use an alternate json-to-java library.
When using Jackson, you don't need to map every field in the json to your java object. You can annotate your java class with #JsonIgnoreProperties to inform jackson to ignore any properties that may appear in the json but do not have a matching field in your java object.
An example WeatherClass in which you want only the #context and forecastGenerator unmarshalled would look something like this
public class WeatherClass {
private final List<Object> context;
private final WeatherProperties weatherProperties;
public WeatherClass(#JsonProperty("#context") List<Object> context,
#JsonProperty("properties") WeatherProperties weatherProperties) {
this.context = context;
this.weatherProperties = weatherProperties;
private class WeatherProperties {
private final String forecastGenerator;
private WeatherProperties(#JsonProperty("forecastGenerator") String forecastGenerator) {
this.forecastGenerator = forecastGenerator;
#context seems to be an array that can contain multiple types (both objects and strings in your example). I've used Object to work around this but obviously isn't the most graceful solution but should be adequate to demonstrate how Jackson works
Alternatively, you can unmarshall the response to a JsonNode, which you can then use to traverse the structure of the json without converting it to a java object. For example
String forecastGenerator = WebClient.create().get()
There are many other annotations provided by Jackson that can used to define how the unmarshaller functions. Too many to cover here. See Jackson Deserialisation Annotations

Get raw json string in Spring MVC Rest

Im have #RestController and this method. how can I get any json and then select the handler depending on the method and pass it there for processing
PS. I use GSON instead of JACKSON
You can use #RequestBody in your method and take a String parameter:
public AbstractJsonResponse(#PaqthVariable String method, #RequestBody String json) {
See here:
Mainly the part that says:
Annotation indicating a method parameter should be bound to the body of the web request

Jersey JSON POJO Mapping with Moxy

I am working with Jersey Web services (2.23) and use POJO mapping for the JSON-to-Object mapping (Jersey-media-moxy). I created a class as follows:
public class DataPush {
public String asset;
public String timestamp;
public Map<String,String> aspects;
I expected that instances of this object have the following structure:
Indeed, a further element "entry" is generated:
What is the most easiest way to get rid of the "entries" element?
I know I could write my own mapping, however I hope that there is a easy solution to manage this..
You can go to topic :
Jackson JSON – Converting JSON to Map on

Mock controller with an object parameter

I'm trying to test a method with this signature:
#RequestMapping(value="/Employee/{id}", method=RequestMethod.PUT, consumes="application/json")
public #ResponseBody Map update(#PathVariable Integer id,
#RequestBody HashMap<String, Object> information) {
The problem is that MockMvc param attributes accept only String parameters, is there a way to pass a HashMap or an instance class object to the RequestBody as parameter?
When I try to pass a HashMap as a string, I get a MismatchException.
You need to use Jackson for this. The idea is to deserialize your objects (doesn't matter that it's HashMap) into JSON string and pass it into MockMvc.
Here is tutorial how to do that. Just search for TestClass there and take a look how it is used. Skip the unit testing of GET requests.

GSON - Ignore parsing exception

Is there any way to force Gson to ignore any sort of parsing exception (just skip that field ) ?
Depending on the field you are looking for, you COULD just not serialize that object. For example:
public class test{
String somString;
Map<String,String> thisValueThrowsTheError;
Int somInt;
If you wanted to just IGNORE the Map object, you could do that like this:
public class test{
String somString;
Map<String,String> thisValueThrowsTheError;
Int somInt;
Gson won't see a name for that Map and it will skip that object.
Alternately (and ultimately the better solution) is just use a Deserializer to fix the issue that you have correctly. See this post as an example of a deserializer:
Gson deserialization - Trying to parse a JSON to an Object
