Using Make with force snippet to override other file - makefile

I've been trying to get a makefile, a, to include another makefile, b, if the target specified is not found in file a. I'm using this snippet to try and achieve this, but from echos I've put into the file I can see that makefile b is being accessed even when the target is found in a and run.
The snippet I'm using from the link above is:
frobnicate > foo
%: force
#echo "No target found locally, running default makefile"
#$(MAKE) -f Makefile $#
force: ;
Specifically I'm getting "Nothing to be done" outputs when makefile b is being used, and makefile a is behaving as expected. This is shown below:
$ make all # all target appears in both make files
No target found locally, running default makefile
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/user/currdir' # (b)
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `Makefile'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/currdir'
Local all # (a)
Is there a better way to be doing this?
addition: After adding another echo to the % rule, I've found that $# is "Makefile", when it should be the target trying to be built.

I don't really understand your question based on the example you gave; there is no "a" or "b" in that example, just one Makefile.
However, the behavior you're seeing is due to GNU make's re-making makefiles capability. When you create match-anything pattern rules as you've done, you have to consider that every single target or prerequisite that make wants to build will match that rule. That's a large burden.
You can avoid having remade makefiles match by creating explicit rules for them, such as:
Makefile: ;


How to let Makefile see target from another file

I have such Makefile with a content for creating a script:
.PHONY cluster-run
make $(TARGET) --just-print >>;
And another one
.PHONY nn-model
include Makefile
I have two separate Makefiles for readability, because their content is big and I have another '*.mk' files, like,, etc.
I launch as follows:
make -f cluster-run TARGET=nn-model
But make gives an error:
make nn-model --just-print >>;
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `nn-model'. Stop.
make: *** [cluster-run] Error 2
For me such behaviour is strange because target nn-model actually exists. How can I fix this problem?
First you should never use raw make in recipes. Always use the $(MAKE) variable.
Second, the problem is because when you run the sub-make you don't provide the -f option:
make nn-model --just-print >>;
Because of that, it reads Makefile but not, and so there's no rule to build the target nn-model.
Remember if you run a sub-make like this it's starting an entirely new make process with a clean slate: none of the targets defined in the parent make process are known to the sub-make when it starts.
I don't know what you mean by target nn_model actually exists but there's definitely no file named nn_model or you wouldn't get that error.
So what's happening is that when you build cluster-run it invokes a recursive make, which reads Makefile, and asks it to build $(TARGET) (which will include nn-model).
Notice that the recursive make is a new make and does not inherit variables or rules from the parent make, so this make instance has no clue how to build nn-model If you want the child make to see this, then the child make must include the parent one...

Make command using default target name 'Makefile'

Why is the following makefile using Makefile target?
Initially I have the following makefile which worked as expected when invoked as make abc xyz -s.
echo $#
I would get
Now after adding an empty rule named test.
%:: test
echo $#
the following invocation
make abc xyz -s
results in
Why am I getting Makefile as my output even though I am giving only abc and xyz as targets? Thanks in advance.
Because make always tries to rebuild the build files before building the actual targets. If it finds a rule for Makefile and if it is out-of-date, it will be rebuilt and reloaded and the requested targets will be built according to the new makefile. This is a feature so that if the build-files are themselves generated (rather common with autotools, cmake and similar), it won't use stale build instructions.
For more details see GNU Make Manual section 3.5
In the specific examples above the rule has target % and that matches absolutely anything, including Makefile. So make will find it as rule for remaking makefile and will evaluate it.
Now in the first case Makefile exists and is newer than all of it's dependencies trivially because there are none and none of it's dependencies need to be remade also because there are none. So make will conclude that Makefile does not need to be remade.
In the second case however Makefile exists, but it's dependency test needs to be remade. So make runs the (empty) rule and than comes back and runs the rule for Makefile. Because make does not check the timestamps after making dependencies. It simply assumes that when it remade them, the dependent targets need to be remade as well.

error using makefile, targets and %

I'm trying to debug the following code:
TESTS=$(shell cat yoursourcefile)
all: $(TESTS)
%: compile_design
compile $#_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
simulate $#
I got this error:
makefile_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
as if makefile is a target
this error disappears when I add a character or more before %:
T%: compile_design
compile $#_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
simulate $#
This works but implies that all my targets starts with "T" which is not always the case.
My questions are:
what's exactly the function of % here ?
How to get rid of this error?
As suggested, I added
makefile: ; $#:
at the end, so I have now:
TESTS=$(shell cat yoursourcefile)
all: $(TESTS)
%: compile_design
compile $#_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
simulate $#
makefile: ; $#:
then when I do:
make all
I get [all] error2 all_tb.vhd >> log_file.log
but all_tb.vhd does not exist !
The %: compile_design rule is a "match-anything" pattern rule. It says "hey make, if you ever want to build any file, with any name, then you can do it by running these commands. Oh and by the way, if you have a file you want to build and it's older than the compile_design file, then you need to rebuild it". Generally you want to avoid match-anything rules, but if your target names truly have no specific pattern, you can't.
When you add the T before it then it tells make that instead of any file, that rule can only build files that begin with T.
The reason make is trying to rebuild the makefile is that GNU make has a special feature that allows it to remake its own makefiles. So after it reads its makefile it will try to re-make it. Normally this has no effect because there's no rule to build a makefile, but here you've added a rule that you've told make can build anything. Adding the T keeps the pattern from matching Makefile because Makefile doesn't begin with T.
The simplest thing for you to do is define an explicit rule for the makefile: make always chooses an explicit rule, if it exists, over an implicit rule like a pattern rule:
Makefile: ; #:
This creates an explicit rule that does nothing (: is the shell built-in command that does nothing).

Get error for "make: Nothing to be done for 'target'"

Let me illustrate it with an example.
mkdir test
cd test
touch target
make target
This will result in: make: Nothing to be done for 'target'.
So make tells me there is nothing to do. This is because make did not find a rule to make target, but because the target already exists make tells me there is nothing to do.
Now, I don't want that. I want make to give me an error when it cannot find a rule for target, even though the target already exists.
I have tried the following:
echo '.DEFAULT:
echo make: *** No rule to make target `$#'. Stop.
false'> Makefile
But this does not stop the make when making multiple targets.
The problem is, that make assumes the target name is also a file which will be build by the given commands.
But sometimes this is not true (e.g. think of "clean").
To tell make that some targets don't build this file, you need to make them "phony". Put the following line into your Makefile:
.PHONY: target
If you think about it, you would end up with a chicken-and-egg situation (or infinite regress). Suppose you managed to have a rule that said 'You must have a rule to create target before it is legitimate', then you'd have a rule that says 'target depends on X' for some other file X. That's written:
target: X
command to build target from X
But then you'd be back to the starting point: you'd also want a rule to create X. How can you do that? You might have a rule that depends on nothing and magically creates the file X when it is needed:
command to build X from nothing
Without a rule like that, you have an infinite regress.
So, make is designed to ensure that files exist and are up to date. If a file exists and there are no rules - implicit or explicit - to specify how it is made, then the file is up to date. What you are seeking to do is not possible.
Actually this sounds like a perfectly reasonable (if misguided ;-)) request. You will have to explicitly list every source file with a rule with an empty recipe though.
Here you go:
Makefile: ;
.PHONY: dodgy
dodgy%: dodgy; $(error You must provide a rule for $*)
%: dodgy% ;
The proof of the pudding:
$ rm aa
$ make aa
Makefile:4: *** You must provide a rule for aa. Stop.
$ touch aa
$ make aa
Makefile:4: *** You must provide a rule for aa. Stop.
Note that the line Makefile: ; is necessary. After all, the first thing make tries to do is rebuild the Makefile.
Note also that the catch-all pattern rule is non-terminal. This can be a massive performance hit. As the manual says about match anything rules "They are very useful, but it can take a lot of time for make to think about them."

Implicit Makefile Targets explains implicit targets:
There are some actions that are nearly ubiquitous: for instance, you might have a collection of .c files that you may wish to execute the same command for. Ideally, the name of the file would be the target; using the implicit target ".c" you can specify a command to execute for any target that corresponds to the name of a .c file (minus the .c extension).
However, when I try it, the implicit target is simply ignored. My test makefile is as follows:
echo "In default."
echo "In .bar."
make: *** No rule to make target `', needed by `Default'. Stop.
What am I missing?
echo "In default."
echo "In .bar."
You may be asking about old-style suffix rules - for example this rule:
cc -c $<
tells make how to build a .o file from a .c source. The form with the '%' is known as a pattern rules and is more "modern". I suggest you read the GNU Make manual, which is very informative about such stuff, and easy to read.
