What's the major difference between if statements and unless statements? - ruby

I am new to programming and I don't understand what the difference is. I am coding in Ruby.

if should be obvious: execute a block of code if the condition is true.
unless is the opposite: execute a block of code if the condition is false.

unless is equal to if not
for example:
a= false
unless a
puts "hello"
=> hello
if not a
puts "hello"
=> hello

One of the goals of Ruby language is to become more closer to the real English. And keywords if and unless are really good examples of that. Look at this:
if animal.can_speak?
animal.say 'Woof!'
# moreover, it can be transformed in one-line, which looks pretty awesome:
animal.say 'Woof!' if animal.can_speak?
unless is an opposite of the if and instead of writing:
if not animal.can_speak?
puts "This animal can't speak"
we can use unless, that usually considered as more natural way:
unless animal.can_speak?
puts "This animal can't speak"
# it also has one-line approach:
puts "..." unless animal.can_speak?


Can I recall the "case" in case?

I want to recall the case until user writes a or b. I do not want to use "case"
I just want to get input from user but not geting something else. If he writes something else, he should need to write until he writes a or b.
str = gets.chomp.to_s
case str
when "a"
print "nice a"
when "b"
puts "nice b"
puts "please do it again"
class person
attr_accessor :name , :surname #and other attributes
#There will be a method here and it will run when the program is opened.
#The method will create the first object as soon as the program is opened.
#The new object that the user will enter will actually be the 2nd object.
puts "What do you want to do?
process = gets.chomp.to_s
case process
when "add"
#in here user will add new objects of my class
when "list"
#in here user will show my objects
when "out"
puts "Have a nice day"
puts "please do it again"
In fact, if you look at it, many actions will be taken as a result of the user entering the correct input. what I want to tell is more detailed in this example. According to the input of the user, there will be actions such as calling methods, adding objects, etc.
I wrote most of the code on my computer. But still I couldn't solve my first problem.
Use Kernel#loop
There are a lot of ways to solve this problem, but let's start with a simple Kernel#loop wrapper around your existing code, as that's probably the easiest path forward for you.
loop do
str = gets.chomp.to_s
case str
when "a"
print "nice a"
when "b"
puts "nice b"
puts "please do it again"
# restart your loop when not "a" or "b"
# exit the loop if else clause wasn't triggered
Use until Control Expression
The loop construct above is pretty straightforward, but it requires you to think about where you need next and break statements for flow control. My own instinct would be to simply call a block until it's truthy. For example, the core logic could be shortened to:
str = nil; until str =~ /a|b/i do str = gets.chomp end; p str
This is a lot shorter, but it's not particularly user-friendly. To leverage this approach while making the solution more communicative and error-resistant, I'd refactor the original code this way:
# enable single-character input from console
require 'io/console'
# make sure you don't already have a value,
# especially in a REPL like irb
str = nil
until str =~ /a|b/ do
printf "\nLetter (a, b): "
str = STDIN.getch.downcase
puts "\nYou entered: #{str}"
While not much shorter than your original code, it handles more edge cases and avoids branching. It also seems less cluttered to me, but that's more a question of style. This approach and its semantic intent also seem more readable to me, but your mileage may legitimately vary.
See Also
Control Expressions
"I just want to do something until something else happens" is when you use some sort of while loop.
You can do this:
while true
str = gets.chomp
break unless str == 'a' || str == 'b'
puts "please do it again"
You can also use loop do:
loop do
str = gets.chomp
break unless ['a', 'b'].include?(str)
puts "please do it again"
puts "Nice #{str}."
Rubyists tend to prefer loop do over while true. They do pretty much the same thing.
One more thing. There's a simpler way to write out arrays of strings:
loop do
str = gets.chomp
break unless %w(a b).include?(str)
puts "please do it again"
puts "Nice #{str}."
It doesn't look a whole lot simpler, but if you have, say, 10 strings, it's definitely quicker to type in when you don't have to use all those quotation marks.
As your intuition was telling you, you don't need to use the case statement at all. Like trying to kill a flea with a sledgehammer. The most concise way to do your check is to check whether the input character is included in an array of the desired characters.

How to convert this if condition to unless?

if array.present?
puts "hello"
There is no else part to this.
How to write the above if condition using unless.
I'm asking this question because of this lint error:
Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code inside a conditional expression
Regarding your comment:
I'm asking this question because of this lint error
Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code inside a conditional expression
This means that instead of:
def foo(array)
if array.present?
puts "hello"
You are supposed to use:
def foo(array)
return unless array.present?
puts "hello"
See https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#no-nested-conditionals
If this is a Rails question (is it?), you can also use blank?:
def foo(array)
return if array.blank?
puts "hello"
There's no reason to.
Remember: unless is the inverse of if (or !if if you rather), and is only intended to make your code easier to read.
Using unless with your expression would be incredibly awkward, because you're now moving the actual body of work to an else statement...
unless array.present?
puts "hello"
...which doesn't make your code any easier to read if you had stuck with a negated if:
if !array.present?
puts "hello"
Don't use unless here. You lose readability in exchange for virtually nothing.
puts "hello" unless !array.present?
However, I would recommend:
puts "hello" if array.present?
unless array.present?
puts "hello"
OP requested one-liner modification:
something unless condition
puts "hello" unless !array.present?

When is the do keyword required in Ruby?

For example, does the presence or absence of do in the following code affect the behavior of the program at all?
while true do
puts "Hi"
while true
puts "Hi"
According to The Ruby Programming Language book Section 5.2.1:
The do keyword in a while or until loop is like the then keyword in an
if statement: it may be omitted altogether as long as a newline (or
semicolon) appears between the loop condition and the loop body.
So, no, it won't change the behavior, it's just optional syntax.
Let's find out!
For a quick answer we can look at Ruby's documentation and find http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.1/doc/syntax/control_expressions_rdoc.html#label-while+Loop which states that
The do keyword is optional.
Ok so these two examples are equivalent but are they identical? They might do the same thing but maybe there's a reason to favor one over the other. We can look at the AST these examples generate and see if there's any difference.
> gem install ruby_parser
> irb
> require 'ruby_parser'
=> true
> with_do = <<-END
while true do
puts "Hi"
=> "while true do\n puts \"Hi\"\n break\nend\n"
> without_do = <<-END
while true
puts "Hi"
=> "while true\n puts \"Hi\"\n break\nend\n"
> RubyParser.new.parse with_do
=> s(:while, s(:true), s(:block, s(:call, nil, :puts, s(:str, "Hi")), s(:break)), true)
> RubyParser.new.parse without_do
=> s(:while, s(:true), s(:block, s(:call, nil, :puts, s(:str, "Hi")), s(:break)), true)
Nope. These two examples execute the exact same instructions so we can pick whichever style we find easier to read. A common preference is to omit the do when possible: https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#no-multiline-while-do

Can't understand "unless" keyword in Ruby

I'm not a native English speaker. I know it sounds stupid nonetheless. I write in Python & C. But I can't quite understand how unless works.
Is it healthy to think of it from a logical standpoint? Eg, consider the if keyword: if condition. If condition is true, the code runs. What's the logical explanation for unless?
Is there any other way to think of it?
unless x is equivalent to if !x
Ruby unless modifier:
Syntax: code unless conditional
Executes code if conditional is false.
$var = 1
print "1 -- Value is set\n" if $var
print "2 -- Value is set\n" unless $var
$var = false
print "3 -- Value is set\n" unless $var
This will produce following result:
1 -- Value is set
3 -- Value is set
The easiest way is: unless is an opposite of if. It works in the same places (I think) as if:
foo = nil
puts "This will not show" if foo
puts "But this will" unless foo
if foo then
puts "This will not show"
unless foo
puts "But this will"
It looks nicer in the code if you write unless foo instead of if !foo - but that is only my opinion. In the longer form, you can even use else, but please, do not.
Here is a set of rules to follow to make the code more readable.
The way i think of it is to say:
"The block of code is going to be executed, unless the condition is true"
unless <condition>
hungry = true
unless hungry
puts "I'm writing Ruby programs!"
puts "Time to eat!"
This is the easy way to understand

is this a valid ruby syntax?

if step.include? "apples" or "banana" or "cheese"
say "yay"
Several issues with your code.
step.include? "apples" or "banana" or "cheese"
This expression evaluates to:
step.include?("apples") or ("banana") or ("cheese")
Because Ruby treats all values other than false and nil as true, this expression will always be true. (In this case, the value "banana" will short-circuit the expression and cause it to evaluate as true, even if the value of step does not contain any of these three.)
Your intent was:
step.include? "apples" or step.include? "banana" or step.include? "cheese"
However, this is inefficient. Also it uses or instead of ||, which has a different operator precedence, and usually shouldn't be used in if conditionals.
Normal or usage:
do_something or raise "Something went wrong."
A better way of writing this would have been:
step =~ /apples|banana|cheese/
This uses a regular expression, which you're going to use a lot in Ruby.
And finally, there is no say method in Ruby unless you define one. Normally you would print something by calling puts.
So the final code looks like:
if step =~ /apples|banana|cheese/
puts "yay"
The last two terms appear to Ruby as true, rather than having anything to do with the include? phrase.
Assuming that step is a string...
step = "some long string with cheese in the middle"
you could write something like this.
puts "yay" if step.match(/apples|banana|cheese/)
Here's a way to call step.include? on each of the arguments until one of them returns true:
if ["apples", "banana", "cheese"].any? {|x| step.include? x}
It's definitely not what you appear to be wanting. The include? method takes in a String, which is not what "apples" or "banana" or "cheese" produces. Try this instead:
puts "yay" if ["apples", "banana", "cheese"].include?(step)
But it's unclear from the context what step is supposed to be. If it's just the single word, then this is fine. If it can be a whole sentence, try joel.neely's answer.
The closest thing to that syntax that would do what you appear to want would be something like:
if ["apples", "banana", "cheese"].include?(step)
puts "yay"
But one of the other suggestions using a regex would be more concise and readable.
Assuming step is an Array or a Set or something else that supports set intersection with the & operator, I think the following code is the most idiomatic:
unless (step & ["apples","banana","cheese"]).empty?
puts 'yay'
I'll add some parentheses for you:
if (step.include? "apples") or ("banana") or ("cheese")
say "yay"
(That would be why it's always saying "yay" -- because the expression will always be true.)
Just to add another side to this...
If step is an Array (as calling include? seems to suggest) then maybe the code should be:
if (step - %w{apples banana cheese}) != step
puts 'yay'
