Can I recall the "case" in case? - ruby

I want to recall the case until user writes a or b. I do not want to use "case"
I just want to get input from user but not geting something else. If he writes something else, he should need to write until he writes a or b.
str = gets.chomp.to_s
case str
when "a"
print "nice a"
when "b"
puts "nice b"
puts "please do it again"
class person
attr_accessor :name , :surname #and other attributes
#There will be a method here and it will run when the program is opened.
#The method will create the first object as soon as the program is opened.
#The new object that the user will enter will actually be the 2nd object.
puts "What do you want to do?
process = gets.chomp.to_s
case process
when "add"
#in here user will add new objects of my class
when "list"
#in here user will show my objects
when "out"
puts "Have a nice day"
puts "please do it again"
In fact, if you look at it, many actions will be taken as a result of the user entering the correct input. what I want to tell is more detailed in this example. According to the input of the user, there will be actions such as calling methods, adding objects, etc.
I wrote most of the code on my computer. But still I couldn't solve my first problem.

Use Kernel#loop
There are a lot of ways to solve this problem, but let's start with a simple Kernel#loop wrapper around your existing code, as that's probably the easiest path forward for you.
loop do
str = gets.chomp.to_s
case str
when "a"
print "nice a"
when "b"
puts "nice b"
puts "please do it again"
# restart your loop when not "a" or "b"
# exit the loop if else clause wasn't triggered
Use until Control Expression
The loop construct above is pretty straightforward, but it requires you to think about where you need next and break statements for flow control. My own instinct would be to simply call a block until it's truthy. For example, the core logic could be shortened to:
str = nil; until str =~ /a|b/i do str = gets.chomp end; p str
This is a lot shorter, but it's not particularly user-friendly. To leverage this approach while making the solution more communicative and error-resistant, I'd refactor the original code this way:
# enable single-character input from console
require 'io/console'
# make sure you don't already have a value,
# especially in a REPL like irb
str = nil
until str =~ /a|b/ do
printf "\nLetter (a, b): "
str = STDIN.getch.downcase
puts "\nYou entered: #{str}"
While not much shorter than your original code, it handles more edge cases and avoids branching. It also seems less cluttered to me, but that's more a question of style. This approach and its semantic intent also seem more readable to me, but your mileage may legitimately vary.
See Also
Control Expressions

"I just want to do something until something else happens" is when you use some sort of while loop.
You can do this:
while true
str = gets.chomp
break unless str == 'a' || str == 'b'
puts "please do it again"
You can also use loop do:
loop do
str = gets.chomp
break unless ['a', 'b'].include?(str)
puts "please do it again"
puts "Nice #{str}."
Rubyists tend to prefer loop do over while true. They do pretty much the same thing.
One more thing. There's a simpler way to write out arrays of strings:
loop do
str = gets.chomp
break unless %w(a b).include?(str)
puts "please do it again"
puts "Nice #{str}."
It doesn't look a whole lot simpler, but if you have, say, 10 strings, it's definitely quicker to type in when you don't have to use all those quotation marks.
As your intuition was telling you, you don't need to use the case statement at all. Like trying to kill a flea with a sledgehammer. The most concise way to do your check is to check whether the input character is included in an array of the desired characters.


Different Messages For Different User Inputs

How do I put a message (string) for a specific answer (user input) and another message for another answer? For e.g.
puts "Did You Like My Program?"
feedback = gets
if feedback = "Yes"
puts "We're Glad!"
elsif feedback = "No"
puts "We Will Try To Improve!"
What should I change, add, or modify?
Your problem is that, when you compare, you have to use ==, not =.
When you input on command line, you always use Enter. It produces \n at the end of the string. So you need to remove it with chomp.
Also, to filter user input, I suggest this variant:
feedback = nil
until %w[y n].include?(feedback)
puts 'Did You Like My Program? Y/N'
feedback = gets.chomp.downcase
if feedback == 'y'
puts "We're Glad!"
puts "We Will Try To Improve!"
Brief explanation:
The code uses Array#include? and String#downcase.
%w[y n] is equal to ["y", "n"].
The until-loop executes the code while the condition is false.

Need clarifying of exit and abort script Ruby

I am writing a little practice program with if and else. The code is as follows:
puts "What is your name?"
user_name = $stdin.gets.chomp
print "Hello #{user_name}! Welcome to Puzzles and Riddles v.1!"
puts "There are two doors \n 1. Riddles \n 2. Puzzles. \n Which door do you go through?"
answer_1 = $stdin.gets.chomp
answer_1 == "1"
puts "You have taken the Riddle room!"
print "Here is your riddle: \n You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. \n What am I?"
riddle_1_answer = $stdin.gets.chomp
riddle_1_answer == ( riddle_1_answer == "An onion" ) || ( riddle_1_answer == "an onion" ) || ( riddle_1_answer == "Onion" ) || ( riddle_1_answer == "onion" )
puts "The correct answer is: An onion! \n You have advanced to round two."
puts "Sorry, your answer is incorrect. Think about it."
puts "Riddle 2. \n What has 4 fingers and a thumb, but is not living?"
riddle_2_answer = $stdin.gets.chomp
Now if the user got riddle_1_answer wrong how would I make it so that the program exits/aborts?
I tried adding exit(0) to the else section and it would terminate the program but would also come up with an error. So I'm not sure if the error is causing the program to end or its the exit(0) command
It's obvious from your question, the sample code, and your answers to #AndrewMarshall, that you need some guidance.
Here you go.
First, ruby is one of many programming languages, and there is a reason why many experienced programmers end up gravitating to it: ruby is object-oriented, expressive, powerful, and reasonably concise without being unnaturally terse. So, if you are going to learn ruby, learn by reading lots of good ruby code, from which you'll learn good practices.
Second, appearance matters because it impacts or enhances readability and comprehension. A good appearance lends to improved readability and more rapid comprehension. A bad appearance does the opposite.
The lack of alignment of the if, else, and end tokens in your code is bad; it made it hard to see the structure of the code's logic.
There are many rules of thumb in programming. Here are a few such rules that apply to most languages:
use alignment and indention properly
always think about "edge cases" (or errors)
limit and isolate complexity (use functions, modules, classes, & methods)
Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
So let's apply those two principles to your code and transform it a bit.
The first two lines:
puts "What is your name?"
user_name = $stdin.gets.chomp
What if the user enters CTRL-D (EOF)?
What if the user enters an empty line?
Is an error acceptable? An EOF on STDIN returns a nil, which causes an error on the chomp.
Is an empty string (zero length) name acceptable? If not, what should we do about it?
When there are complexities on doing something relatively simple, like getting a user name, encapsulate the complexities in a function or method, so the code needing the user name is not made confusing by the complexities of getting it.
Here's a replacement. First, let's manage the details (and complexities) of getting a user name within a small function.
def get_user_name
name = ''
while name.size == 0 do
print "What is your name? "
name = gets
exit(1) if name.nil? # exit program on EOF
Notice that we don't use chomp on name until after we've made sure that it isn't nil. Many programs react to EOF on input by exiting, aborting, or continuing on without any more questions. In this example, we'll just assume the user wants to quit.
Notice also that we used strip! instead of chomp!? That's because strip! will remove both leading and trailing whitespace, including the trailing newline.
Notice also that we didn't use $stdin.gets, but instead just gets? This is because the default object for gets is $stdin.
Probably a better approach to managing exceptional situations within small functions (methods), is to raise an exception, and let the higher level application logic decide how to manage it. With that in mind, here is a revised definition:
def get_user_name
name = ''
while name.size < 1 do
print "What is your name? "
name = gets
raise "End of input" if name.nil? # raise exception on EOF
Now, that get_user_name is defined, we can use it wherever we need a user name. We know that EOFs are managed, and we know that we won't get an empty string.
user_name = get_user_name
Now, let's do the rest of your original code, but aligned and indented properly.
print "Hello #{user_name}! Welcome to Puzzles and Riddles v.1!"
puts "There are two doors \n 1. Riddles \n 2. Puzzles. \n Which door do you go through?"
answer_1 = $stdin.gets.chomp
if answer_1 == "1"
puts "You have taken the Riddle room!"
print "Here is your riddle: \n You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead. \n What am I?"
riddle_1_answer = $stdin.gets.chomp
if riddle_1_answer == ( riddle_1_answer == "An onion" ) || ( riddle_1_answer == "an onion" ) || ( riddle_1_answer == "Onion" ) || ( riddle_1_answer == "onion" )
puts "The correct answer is: An onion! \n You have advanced to round two."
puts "Sorry, your answer is incorrect. Think about it."
puts "Riddle 2. \n What has 4 fingers and a thumb, but is not living?"
riddle_2_answer = $stdin.gets.chomp
Now that the alignment and indentation is correct, it's easier to see the logic, and its flaws. It's also easier to see a pattern of logic, and whenever you see a pattern, then DRY it up, and make methods (functions) to encapsulate the repetition.
But first, let's fix the obvious bugs.
The if expression is broken. Look at it again, and you'll see this:
if riddle_1_answer == TEST1 || TEST2 || TEST3 || TEST4
where I've used TESTn to replace the various case-sensitive tests you had.
This if expression will always fail because the value of riddle_1_answer will never be true or false and the result of the various TESTn expressions will always be true or false. I'm pretty sure you wanted this:
if TEST1 || TEST2 || TEST3 || TEST4
Second, when testing for a string value, it's not necessary to test all case variations. Just downcase the answer and test on lowercase test values (unless case-sensitivity is important). Alternatively, if simple character string tests aren't sufficient, then use a regular expression and use the i option for case-insensitive matching. Example:
if riddle_1_answer =~ /(?:an )?onion/i
Will test for "an onion" or "onion" in upper, lower, and mixed case.
Perhaps more important than these little errors, one should look to avoid repetition. The general pattern appears to be:
Ask a question
Accept an answer
Check the answer
Change the program state based on the answer
When you see things like this, you should start thinking of arrays and hashes. Arrays are used when the values can be numerically indexed, and hashes are used when you want to get values associated with varying keys. Then, a simple loop can be used to iterate across the values of the array or hash.
So, seeing the pattern above, it becomes more clear that we will need a method to prompt for the question, get the answer, deal with a possible EOF and empty strings, validate non-empty answers, possibly repeating the question & answer when needed.
So let's define a little method to get an answer
# prompt_and_get_answer PROMPT, ANSWERS_DATA
# issue PROMPT, and get an answer, which must be one of the
# values in ANSWERS_DATA array, or one of the keys of the
def prompt_and_get_answer prompt, answers_data
ans = ''
while ans.size < 1
print prompt
ans = $stdin.gets
if ans.nil?
raise "End of input"
if answers_data.class == Hash # hash?
answers = answers_data.keys.sort
answers = answers_data.sort
matches = answers.grep(/#{ans}/i) # match possible valid answers
case matches.size # how many items found?
when 0
puts "#{ans} is not a valid answer. Use one of:"
puts answers.join(', ')
ans = ''
when 1 # return the match or the value of the matching key
ans = answers_data.class == Hash ? answers_data[matches[0]] : matches[0]
puts "#{ans} is ambiguous; be more specific to match one of:"
puts answers.join(', ')
ans = ''
Now, we can use this method with a prompt as an argument, and get an answer, knowing that it's not going to be an empty answer and it's not going to be an EOF.
First, let's name the questions, and let's show the prompts as they would appear on output, without using the explicitly escaped newlines (\n).
$prompt1 = <<EOQ
There are two doors
1. Riddles
2. Puzzles
Which door do you go through?
$answer1 = [ '1', '2' ]
$prompt2 = <<EOQ
Here is your riddle:
You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I am dead.
What am I?
$answer2 = [ 'onion' ]
ans1 = prompt_and_get_answer $prompt1, $answer1
if ans1 == '1'
elsif ans1 == '2'
raise "Bad answer to prompt1"
def do_riddles
while true
ans = prompt_and_get_answer $prompt2, $answer2
if ans == 'onion'
puts "yay! you're right!"
puts "nope. Try again"
You can see from this that we've used methods (functions) to break the logic into smaller pieces, and to separate the details of getting answers from the details of testing them.
Later, we can see how to use tables and hashes to build up a list of questions.
Good luck.

Looping through a case statement in Ruby?

I am trying to determine the best way to loop through a case statement until a user provides a certain input (in this case, exit).
So far, my code works with a while loop, but it seems a little redundant when I have input = gets.chomp over and over.
Here's a bit of abbreviated code:
input = gets.chomp
while input.downcase != 'exit'
case input.downcase
when 'help'
puts "Available commands are..."
input = gets.chomp
#more when statements go here...
puts "That is not a valid command. Type 'HELP' for available commands."
input = gets.chomp
puts "Goodbye!"
I'd write it like:
loop do
input = gets.chomp.downcase
case input
when 'help'
puts "Available commands are..."
# more when statements go here...
when 'exit'
puts "That is not a valid command. Type 'HELP' for available commands."
puts "Goodbye!"
A loop is designed for this sort of case, where you just want to loop cleanly, and then eventually break out on some condition.
For ultimate clarity in what the code is doing, I'd put the exit immediately after reading the input, instead of being embedded in the case statements. It's a minor thing, but is useful to remember if you're coding and others have to help maintain it:
loop do
input = gets.chomp.downcase
break if input == 'exit'
case input
when 'help'
puts "Available commands are..."
# more when statements go here...
puts "That is not a valid command. Type 'HELP' for available commands."
puts "Goodbye!"
Why don't you change the while to:
while (input = gets.chomp.downcase) != 'exit'
Note that this also means that instead of using case input.downcase, you can use case input, as it has already been made lowercase.
edit: my roots in C betray me...
As mentioned in the comments, this is not a particularly "ruby-esque" solution. It also causes a stack trace when gets returns nil. You might prefer to split it into two lines:
while (input = gets)
input = input.chomp.downcase
break if input == 'exit'
case input
# when statements
puts "That is not a valid command. Type 'HELP' for available commands."
I separated the "exit" from the case criteria for a couple of reasons:
It was part of the loop logic in the question, so it's (arguably) more readable to keep it separate from the other cases.
I didn't realise that break behaves differently in Ruby case statements to other languages that I am more familiar with, so I didn't think it would do what you wanted.
You could equally well do this:
while (input = gets)
case input.chomp.downcase
when 'exit'
# other when statements
puts "That is not a valid command. Type 'HELP' for available commands."
edit: I am delighted to hear that like Perl, Ruby also has the $_ variable, to which the value of gets will be assigned:
while gets
case $_.chomp.downcase
when 'exit'
# other when statements
puts "That is not a valid command. Type 'HELP' for available commands."
You can even get rid of input by exiting the loop with break instead of checking the result in the while condition
while true
case gets.chomp.downcase
when 'exit'
when 'help'
# stuff
# other stuff

use of ! in Ruby

I am new to ruby! And i am trying to learn the use of "!" .
I am aware that ! is included to so that the user's string is modified in-place; otherwise, Ruby will create a copy of user_input and modify that instead.
But in the following case for both the programs i am getting the same output.Why?
print "Please Enter your Input"
user_input = gets.chomp
print "Please Enter your Input"
user_input = gets.chomp
In Ruby, bangs (!) are used to inform the programmer that the method they are calling is destructive. It's Ruby's way of saying "Hey! This method is going to change the object it is called on!". A number of safe methods in the String, Array,Enumerable`, etc classes have destructive counterparts.
my_str = "Hello, World!"
my_str.downcase # => "hello, world!"
my_str # => "Hello, World!"
my_str = "Goodbye, World!"
my_str.downcase! # => "goodbye, world!"
my_str #> "goodbye, world!"
As you can see, while both methods return the string's lower case variant, downcase! actually changes my_str permanently.
It's a very convenient aspect of Ruby that I wish more languages offered.
I think it's also worth mentioning that, because destructive methods work in-place, they are generally faster and more memory efficient than their safe counterparts who have to return new objects. Therefore, my_string.downcase! should be preferred to my_string = my_string.downcase whenever possible.
print "Please Enter your Input"
user_input = gets.chomp
user_input value is what the user entered, in lowercase
print "Please Enter your Input"
user_input = gets.chomp
user_input value is what the user entered
The difference resides in the value of user_input, not in what gets printed.
Both methods behave the same, but the returned objects are different.
downcasereturns a modified copy of user_input. In other words, user_input stays the same.
downcase! returns user_input modified. Note that this can be more memory efficient, since you don't generate a copy of user_input.
In both cases, they return a downcase version of user_input. That's why you have the same output.
To learn more about bang methods in Ruby, see this blog post.

Program not entering in if-else block in Ruby

If i give input as 1 or 2, regardless of that program goes in default. Tried comparing input with "1" and 1 both. Same result.
My first Ruby program, plz excuse for naivety.
def getInfo
puts "Info"
def getMoreInfo
puts "MoreInfo"
def switch
if $choice == "1" #intentionally in ""
elsif $choice == 2 #intentionally without ""
puts "default"
def callMainMenu
puts "Choose the operation:"
puts "[1] Get some Info"
puts "[2] Get some moreInfo"
You need to use the destructive version of chomp if you're going to assign it like that.
$choice = $choice.chomp
In order to debug this, what I'd do is add puts $choice.inspect at the beginning of your switch method to see exactly what's in the variable. That said, I believe the problem here is that you're calling $choice.chomp instead of $choice.chomp!. The former will return the result, and the latter will change the variable in place.
When you change $choice.chomp to $choice.chomp! and get rid of the // (change those to #), then you'll have something working. Keep refining it , it is not perfect yet.
Use $choice.chomp!. chomp without ! does not alter $choice. It returns a new string. This a naming convention in Ruby.
