in order to estimate some non-linear models, i need to derive a quite huge function numerically. one part of the target function includes a polynomial (which is created by some sums).
there are quite a lot of iterations in this process and my computer takes way to much time to compute (though it yields reasonable estimates). the profiler claims, that my handwritten sum-function is by far the most time-consuming part of the algorithm. this is my first matlab project, so im pretty new to it. maybe you can help to optimize it :)
function [output] = mysum(a,b,inputfun)
for i=a:b
if you want to know, how i use it. this is the polynomial:
function [ weights ] = wexpo(theta)
global lag;
for i=1:lag
weights(i) = exp(mysum(1,length(theta),#(k) theta(k)*(i-1)^k))...
exp(mysum(1,length(theta),#(k) theta(k)*j^k)));
If you can use Matlab functions:
function [output] = mysum(a,b,inputfun)
output = sum(inputfun(a:b))
I'm trying to use the bfgs optimizer from tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax and from jax.scipy.optimize.minimize to minimize a function f which is estimated from pseudo-random samples and has a jax.random.PRNGKey as argument. To use this function with the jax/tfp bfgs minimizer, I wrap the function inside a lambda function
seed = 100
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed)
fun = lambda x: return f(x,key)
result = jax.scipy.optimize.minimize(fun = fun, ...)
What is the best way to update the key when the minimization routine calls the function to be minimized so that I use different pseudo-random numbers in a reproducible way? Maybe a global key variable? If yes, is there an example I could follow?
Secondly, is there a way to make the optimization stop after a certain amount of time, as one could do with a callback in scipy? I could directly use the scipy implementation of bfgs/ l-bfgs-b/ etc and use jax ony for the estimation of the function and of tis gradients, which seems to work. Is there a difference between the scipy, jax.scipy and tfp.jax bfgs implementations?
Finally, is there a way to print the values of the arguments of fun during the bfgs optimization in jax.scipy or tfp, given that f is jitted?
Thank you!
There is no way to do what you're asking with jax.scipy.optimize.minimize, because the minimizer does not offer any means to track changing state between function calls, and does not provide for any inbuilt stochasticity in the optimizer.
If you're interested in stochastic optimization in JAX, you might try stochastic optimization in JAXOpt, which provides a much more flexible set of optimization routines.
Regarding your second question, if you'd like to print values during the course of a jit-compiled optimization or other loop, you can use jax.debug.print.
So I had to write a program in Matlab to calculate the convolution of two functions, manually. I wrote this simple piece of code that I know is not that optimized probably:
syms recP(x);
recP(x) = rectangularPulse(-1,1,x);
syms triP(x);
triP(x) = triangularPulse(-1,1,x);
t = -10:0.1:10;
s1 = -10:0.1:10;
for i = 1:201
s1(i) = 0;
for j = t
s1(i) = s1(i) + ( recP(j) * triP(t(i)-j) );
I have a core i7-7700HQ coupled with 32 GB of RAM. Matlab is stored on my HDD and my Windows is on my SSD. The problem is that this simple code is taking I think at least 20 minutes to run. I have it in a section and I don't run the whole code. Matlab is only taking 18% of my CPU and 3 GB of RAM for this task. Which is I think probably enough, I don't know. But I don't think it should take that long.
Am I doing anything wrong? I've searched for how to increase the RAM limit of Matlab, and I found that it is not limited and it takes how much it needs. I don't know if I can increase the CPU usage of it or not.
Is there any solution to how make things a little bit faster? I have like 6 or 7 of these for loops in my homework and it takes forever if I run the whole live script. Thanks in advance for your help.
(Also, it highlights the piece of code that is currently running. It is the for loop, the outer one is highlighted)
Like Ander said, use the symbolic toolbox in matlab as a last resort. Additionally, when trying to speed up matlab code, focus on taking advantage of matlab's vectorized operations. What I mean by this is matlab is very efficient at performing operations like this:
y = x.*z;
where x and z are some Nx1 vectors each and the operator '.*' is called 'dot multiplication'. This is essentially telling matlab to perform multiplication on x1*z1, x[2]*z[2] .... x[n]*z[n] and assign all the values to the corresponding value in the vector y. Additionally, many of the functions in matlab are able to accept vectors as inputs and perform their operations on each element and return an equal size vector with the output at each element. You can check this for any given function by scrolling down in its documentation to the inputs and outputs section and checking what form of array the inputs and outputs can take. For example, rectangularPulse's documentation says it can accept vectors as inputs. Therefore, you can simplify your inner loop to this:
s1(i) = s1(i) + ( rectangularPulse(-1,1,t) * triP(t(i)-t) );
So to summarize:
Avoid the symbolic toolbox in matlab until you have a better handle of what you're doing or you absolutely have to use it.
Use matlab's ability to handle vectors and arrays very well.
Deconstruct any nested loops you write one at a time from the inside out. Usually this dramatically accelerates matlab code especially when you are new to writing it.
See if you can even further simplify the code and get rid of your outer loop as well.
I would like to verify whether an element is present in a MATLAB matrix.
At the beginning, I implemented as follows:
if ~isempty(find(matrix(:) == element))
which is obviously slow. Thus, I changed to:
if sum(matrix(:) == element) ~= 0
but this is again slow: I am calling a lot of times the function that contains this instruction, and I lose 14 seconds each time!
Is there a way of further optimize this instruction?
If you just need to know if a value exists in a matrix, using the second argument of find to specify that you just want one value will be slightly faster (25-50%) and even a bit faster than using sum, at least on my machine. An example:
matrix = randi(100,1e4,1e4);
element = 50;
However, in recent versions of Matlab (I'm using R2014b), nnz is finally faster for this operation, so:
matrix = randi(100,1e4,1e4);
element = 50;
On my machine this is about 2.8 times faster than any other approach (including using any, strangely) for the example provided. To my mind, this solution also has the benefit of being the most readable.
In my opinion, there are several things you could try to improve performance:
following your initial idea, i would go for the function any to test is any of the equality tests had a success:
if any(matrix(:) == element)
I tested this on a 1000 by 1000 matrix and it is faster than the solutions you have tested.
I do not think that the unfolding matrix(:) is penalizing since it is equivalent to a reshape and Matlab does this in a smart way where it does not actually allocate and move memory since you are not modifying the temporary object matrix(:)
If your does not change between the calls to the function or changes rarely you could simply use another vector containing all the elements of your matrix, but sorted. This way you could use a more efficient search algorithm O(log(N)) test for the presence of your element.
I personally like the ismember function for this kind of problems. It might not be the fastest but for non critical parts of the code it greatly improves readability and code maintenance (and I prefer to spend one hour coding something that will take day to run than spending one day to code something that will run in one hour (this of course depends on how often you use this program, but it is something one should never forget)
If you can have a sorted copy of the elements of your matrix, you could consider using the undocumented Matlab function ismembc but remember that inputs must be sorted non-sparse non-NaN values.
If performance really is critical you might want to write your own mex file and for this task you could even include some simple parallelization using openmp.
Hope this helps,
i'm kinda new to vectorization. Have tried myself but couldn't. Can somebody help me vectorize this code as well as give a short explaination on how u do it, so that i can adapt the thinking process too. Thanks.
function [result] = newHitTest (point,Polygon,r,tol,stepSize)
%This function calculates whether a point is allowed.
%First is a quick test is done by calculating the distance from point to
%each point of the polygon. If that distance is smaller than range "r",
%the point is not allowed. This will slow down the algorithm at some
%points, but will greatly speed it up in others because less calls to the
%circleTest routine are needed.
for i=1:polySize
d = sqrt(sum((Polygon(i,:)-point).^2));
if d < tol*r
if testCounter == 0
circleTestResult = circleTest (point,Polygon,r,tol,stepSize);
testCounter = circleTestResult;
result = testCounter;
Given the information that Polygon is 2 dimensional, point is a row vector and the other variables are scalars, here is the first version of your new function (scroll down to see that there are lots of ways to skin this cat):
function [result] = newHitTest (point,Polygon,r,tol,stepSize)
result = 0;
linDiff = Polygon-repmat(point,size(Polygon,1),1);
testLogicals = sqrt( sum( ( linDiff ).^2 ,2 )) < tol*r;
if any(testLogicals); result = circleTest (point,Polygon,r,tol,stepSize); end
The thought process for vectorization in Matlab involves trying to operate on as much data as possible using a single command. Most of the basic builtin Matlab functions operate very efficiently on multi-dimensional data. Using for loop is the reverse of this, as you are breaking your data down into smaller segments for processing, each of which must be interpreted individually. By resorting to data decomposition using for loops, you potentially loose some of the massive performance benefits associated with the highly optimised code behind the Matlab builtin functions.
The first thing to think about in your example is the conditional break in your main loop. You cannot break from a vectorized process. Instead, calculate all possibilities, make an array of the outcome for each row of your data, then use the any keyword to see if any of your rows have signalled that the circleTest function should be called.
NOTE: It is not easy to efficiently conditionally break out of a calculation in Matlab. However, as you are just computing a form of Euclidean distance in the loop, you'll probably see a performance boost by using the vectorized version and calculating all possibilities. If the computation in your loop were more expensive, the input data were large, and you wanted to break out as soon as you hit a certain condition, then a matlab extension made with a compiled language could potentially be much faster than a vectorized version where you might be performing needless calculation. However this is assuming that you know how to program code that matches the performance of the Matlab builtins in a language that compiles to native code.
Back on topic ...
The first thing to do is to take the linear difference (linDiff in the code example) between Polygon and your row vector point. To do this in a vectorized manner, the dimensions of the 2 variables must be identical. One way to achieve this is to use repmat to copy each row of point to make it the same size as Polygon. However, bsxfun is usually a superior alternative to repmat (as described in this recent SO question), making the code ...
function [result] = newHitTest (point,Polygon,r,tol,stepSize)
result = 0;
linDiff = bsxfun(#minus, Polygon, point);
testLogicals = sqrt( sum( ( linDiff ).^2 ,2 )) < tol*r;
if any(testLogicals); result = circleTest (point,Polygon,r,tol,stepSize); end
I rolled your d value into a column of d by summing across the 2nd axis (note the removal of the array index from Polygon and the addition of ,2 in the sum command). I then went further and evaluated the logical array testLogicals inline with the calculation of the distance measure. You will quickly see that a downside of heavy vectorisation is that it can make the code less readable to those not familiar with Matlab, but the performance gains are worth it. Comments are pretty necessary.
Now, if you want to go completely crazy, you could argue that the test function is so simple now that it warrants use of an 'anonymous function' or 'lambda' rather than a complete function definition. The test for whether or not it is worth doing the circleTest does not require the stepSize argument either, which is another reason for perhaps using an anonymous function. You can roll your test into an anonymous function and then jut use circleTest in your calling script, making the code self documenting to some extent . . .
doCircleTest = #(point,Polygon,r,tol) any(sqrt( sum( bsxfun(#minus, Polygon, point).^2, 2 )) < tol*r);
if doCircleTest(point,Polygon,r,tol)
result = circleTest (point,Polygon,r,tol,stepSize);
result = 0;
Now everything is vectorised, the use of function handles gives me another idea . . .
If you plan on performing this at multiple points in the code, the repetition of the if statements would get a bit ugly. To stay dry, it seems sensible to put the test with the conditional function into a single function, just as you did in your original post. However, the utility of that function would be very narrow - it would only test if the circleTest function should be executed, and then execute it if needs be.
Now imagine that after a while, you have some other conditional functions, just like circleTest, with their own equivalent of doCircleTest. It would be nice to reuse the conditional switching code maybe. For this, make a function like your original that takes a default value, the boolean result of the computationally cheap test function, and the function handle of the expensive conditional function with its associated arguments ...
function result = conditionalFun( default, cheapFunResult, expensiveFun, varargin )
if cheapFunResult
result = expensiveFun(varargin{:});
result = default;
end %//of function
You could call this function from your main script with the following . . .
result = conditionalFun(0, doCircleTest(point,Polygon,r,tol), #circleTest, point,Polygon,r,tol,stepSize);
...and the beauty of it is you can use any test, default value, and expensive function. Perhaps a little overkill for this simple example, but it is where my mind wandered when I brought up the idea of using function handles.
I have values returned by unknown function like for example
# this is an easy case - parabolic function
# but in my case function is realy unknown as it is connected to process execution time
[0, 1, 4, 9]
is there a way to predict next value?
Not necessarily. Your "parabolic function" might be implemented like this:
def mindscrew
#nums ||= [0, 1, 4, 9, "cat", "dog", "cheese"]
You can take a guess, but to predict with certainty is impossible.
You can try using neural networks approach. There are pretty many articles you can find by Google query "neural network function approximation". Many books are also available, e.g. this one.
If you just want data points
Extrapolation of data outside of known points can be estimated, but you need to accept the potential differences are much larger than with interpolation of data between known points. Strictly, both can be arbitrarily inaccurate, as the function could do anything crazy between the known points, even if it is a well-behaved continuous function. And if it isn't well-behaved, all bets are already off ;-p
There are a number of mathematical approaches to this (that have direct application to computer science) - anything from simple linear algebra to things like cubic splines; and everything in between.
If you want the function
Getting esoteric; another interesting model here is genetic programming; by evolving an expression over the known data points it is possible to find a suitably-close approximation. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. Not the language you were looking for, but Jason Bock shows some C# code that does this in .NET 3.5, here: Evolving LINQ Expressions.
I happen to have his code "to hand" (I've used it in some presentations); with something like a => a * a it will find it almost instantly, but it should (in theory) be able to find virtually any method - but without any defined maximum run length ;-p It is also possible to get into a dead end (evolutionary speaking) where you simply never recover...
Use the Wolfram Alpha API :)
Yes. Maybe.
If you have some input and output values, i.e. in your case [0,1,2,3] and [0,1,4,9], you could use response surfaces (basicly function fitting i believe) to 'guess' the actual function (in your case f(x)=x^2). If you let your guessing function be f(x)=c1*x+c2*x^2+c3 there are algorithms that will determine that c1=0, c2=1 and c3=0 given your input and output and given the resulting function you can predict the next value.
Note that most other answers to this question are valid as well. I am just assuming that you want to fit some function to data. In other words, I find your question quite vague, please try to pose your questions as complete as possible!
In general, no... unless you know it's a function of a particular form (e.g. polynomial of some degree N) and there is enough information to constrain the function.
e.g. for a more "ordinary" counterexample (see Chuck's answer) for why you can't necessarily assume n^2 w/o knowing it's a quadratic equation, you could have f(n) = n4 - 6n3 + 12n2 - 6n, which has for n=0,1,2,3,4,5 f(n) = 0,1,4,9,40,145.
If you do know it's a particular form, there are some options... if the form is a linear addition of basis functions (e.g. f(x) = a + bcos(x) + csqrt(x)) then using least-squares can get you the unknown coefficients for the best fit using those basis functions.
See also this question.
You can apply statistical methods to try and guess the next answer, but that might not work very well if the function is like this one (c):
int evil(void){
static int e = 0;
if(50 == e++){
e = e * 100;
return e;
This function will return nice simple increasing numbers then ... BAM.
That's a hard problem.
You should check out the recurrence relation equation for special cases where it could be possible such a task.