Keep different versions of one program - Visual Studio - visual-studio

I have a program. There are two versions of it, one has two lines commented out. I would probably do the same improvements to both codes, so in the end the difference will be the same two lines.
Now, I need an easy way to manage both. Currently, I have both in one project and I keep commenting and uncommenting the lines for each build. So, I have two possible solutions:
Keep two projects. This will be very unproductive. I need to do the same improvements to both projects.
Have a settings value. (e.g. a bool named isClient1) This is simple and good, I would set it to true or false when I'm building it, however it's no different from what I'm doing right now. Setting a value to true or false doesn't seem to be any easier than commenting/uncommenting two lines.
Is there an ideal way? (Visual Studio 2013)

You can try conditional compilation. With conditional compilation you can create a new "configuration" in your project such as "release2" and then specify a symbol for that configuration so that when "release2" is selected then those two lines will be commented or uncommented.
Take a look at this example here:


Swap text blocks in Visual Studio

Is there any built-in way to swap two arbitrary text blocks in Visual Studio? (I happen to be using VS2015).
Example: you have a method such as FooBar(target, source) and you decide it would make more sense to be FooBar(source, target). If you've called FooBar in a lot of places you might need to run multiple operations to swap the various pairs of variable names.
Having this done also within comments could also be useful.
While obviously you could do this with multiple search & replaces, or multiple Edit->Refactor->Renames (^R^R), those approaches are somewhat prone to error, and are more tedious.
If this doesn't actually exist within Visual Studio but another tool like Notepad++ (for instance) has this capability, that is almost as good.
These questions are similar but for more specific scenarios:
Does anyone know a visual studio keyboard short cut to swap around two sides of a statement?
Invert assignment direction in Visual Studio
Visual Studio has the built in functionality to reorder parameters. You can select this by using Edit > Refactor > Reorder Parameters.... Changing parameters in this form will update all the method calls in addition to the method. You can also request to preview all the changes which will be made.
More information here.

How to avoid implicit include statements in Rhapsody code generation

I'm creating code for interfaces specified in IBM Rational Rhapsody. Rhapsody implicitly generates include statements for other data types used in my interfaces. But I would like to have more control over the include statements, so I specify them explicitly as text elements in the source artifacts of the component. Therefore I would like to prevent Rhapsody from generating the include statements itself. Is this possible?
If this can be done, it is mostly likely with Properties. In the feature box click on properties and filter by 'include' to see some likely candidates. Not all of the properties have descriptions of what exactly they do so good luck.
I spent some time looking through the properties as well an could not find any to get what you want. It seems likely you cannot do this with the basic version of Rhapsody. IBM does license an add-on to customize the code generation, called Rules Composer (I think); this would almost certainly allow you to customize the includes but at quite a cost.
There are two other possible approaches. Depending on how you are customizing the include statements you may be able to write a simple shell script, perhaps using sed, and then just run that script to update your code every time Rhapsody generates it.
The other approach would be to use the Rhapsody API to create a plugin/tool that iterates through all the interfaces and changes the source artifacts accordingly. I have not tried this method myself but I know my coworkers have used the API to do similar things.
Finally I found the properties that let Rhapsody produce the required output: GenerateImplicitDependencies for several elements and GenerateDeclarationDependency for Type elements. Disabling these will avoid the generation of implicit include statements.

Visual Studio 2010 - Is there a plugin for customizing the compiler output?

Basically, our solution is composed of about 30 sub-projects.. and growing. Compiling this monster is fast and compiler warnings/errors/general output just scrolls by in a mishmash of ... well, poo. On unix it's easy to write a filter to "pretty-ify" the compiler output into something readable and, ultimately, useful.
Has anyone done this for VS2010? Something color coded as a minimum and one that would consolidate all the different projects would be ideal. Essentially, I'd love to have my compiler output displayed in a tree form with options to have all the children be closed unless there is a warning or error.
I also don't mind creating something for this or even having a macro that runs after the compiling is done that creates a more organized output of the whole mess.
Thanks in advance,
try vscommands 2010. It can colour the build/debug outputs and you can define your own formatting (warnings, errors, exceptions, code contracts ect.)

How can I mark a CA [SuppressMessage] as "blessed"?

Try as I might to keep [SuppressMessage]s to a minimum in the codebase, new ones continue to get introduced. I would like some way to say in the code "I've reviewed this [SuppressMessage] and it is 'acceptable'".
One thought was to create my own My.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute class which inherits from System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute, but that class is sealed.
I'm sure I could cobble together something with a comment near the attribute and a post-processing step, but I'd like to stick to what is available "in the box" with Visual Studio 2010.
Even if the attribute weren't sealed, a subclassing approach would not work since the code analysis engine screens for exact SuppressMessageAttribute instances. As current versions are written, the engine would completely ignore subclass instances.
Personally, I use the following approach for management of suppressions:
All "permanent" suppressions must
have a Justification property that
explains the reason for the
Where possible, permanent
suppressions must be placed in the
target code file. Otherwise, they
must be placed at the top of the
GlobalSuppressions file.
Temporary suppressions must all be
placed below a "Temporary
suppressions" header comment in the
GlobalSuppressions file, and they
should not be assigned a
All permanent suppressions are
subject to code review, in exactly
the same manner as the code itself.
I use difference detection to flag
code for review, so I can see which
suppressions have been added or
changed just as easily as I can see
which code has been modified.
Temporary suppressions must all be removed by a pre-defined phase of the project. After this point has passed, a rule that detects missing Justification properties is enabled.
If this sort of thing wouldn't work for you, another approach would be to use stand-alone FxCop to annotate your suppressed violations. Unfortunately, these annotations would reside outside your code base, but maybe that would suit you better if you want to prevent developers from "blessing" their own suppressions.
When you right-click on the CA warning in the errors list, one of the options given is Suppress Message(s) -> In Project Suppression File. When you select that, Visual Studio will add a line like the following to a GlobalSuppressions.cs file in your project:
[assembly: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Autofac")]
This keeps them grouped together and out of your code files. Is this what you are trying to get at?

Stop Visual Basic 6 from changing my casing

Very simple question that is apparently impossible to find a decent answer to: How can I make Visual Basic 6 stop changing my ^##*ing variable casing!?!
I know that the general opinion of a great many VB users is that this "feature" is actually quite helpful, but I doubt that they use it much with any source control system. This is absolutely INFURIATING when you are trying to collaborate on a project of any significant size with several other developers. If ignored, you produce thousands of false-positive "changes" to your files (even ones with no actual code changes!) that pollute the revision history and make it near impossible in some cases to locate the actual change that took place.
If you don't ignore it (like my office, where we have been forced to implement a "no unneeded case change" policy), you spend 5x the time you would normally on each commit because you have to carefully revert out VB's "corrections" on every file, sometimes reverting hundreds of lines to put in a one line change.
Surely there must be a setting, plugin, hack, etc. out there that can remove this unwanted "feature"? I am willing to take any method I can get as long as it doesn't require me to pick through piles of phantom diffs. And to squash a couple of complaints up front: No, I can't turn off case detection in my diff tool, that's not the point. No, we can't just make the case changes globally. We're working with hundreds of thousands of LOC being worked on by multiple developers spanning many years of development. Synchronizing that is not feasible from a business standpoint. And, finally: No, we cannot upgrade to or port to another language (as much as I would love to).
(And yes, I am just a tiny bit peeved at the moment. Can you tell? My apologies, but this is costing me time and my company money, and I don't find that acceptable.)
Depending on your situation adding
#If False Then
Dim CorrectCase
#End If
might help.
Here is a real world scenario and how we solved it for our 350k LOC VB6 project.
We are using Janus Grid and at some point all the code lines which referenced DefaultValue property of JSColumn turned to defaultValue. This was an opportunity to debug the whole IDE nuisance.
What I found was that a reference to MSXML has just been added and now the IDE picks up ISchemaAttributes' defaultValue property before the Janus Grid typelib.
After some experiments I found out that the IDE collects "registered" identifiers in the following order:
Referenced Libraries/Projects from Project->References in the order they are listed
Controls from Project->Components (in unknown order)
Source Code
So the simple fix we did was to create a dummy class/interface with methods that hold our proper casing. Since we already had a project-wide typelib we referenced from every project before anything other typelib, this was painless to do.
Here is part of the IDL for our IUcsVbIntellisenseFix interface:
interface IUcsVbIntellisenseFix : IDispatch {
[id(1)] HRESULT DefaultValue();
[id(2)] HRESULT Selector();
[id(3)] HRESULT Standalone();
We added a lot of methods to IUcsVbIntellisenseFix, some of them named after enum items we used to misspell and whatever we wanted to fix. The same can be done with a simple VB class in a common library (ActiveX DLL) that's referenced from every project.
This way our source code at some point converged to proper casing because upon check-out the IDE actually fixed the casing as per IUcsVbIntellisenseFix casing. Now we can't misspell enums, methods or properties even if we try to.
SIMPLE WAY: Dim each variable in the case that you want. Otherwise, VBA will change it in a way that is not understandable.
Dim x, X1, X2, y, Yy as variant
in a subroutine will change ALL cases to those in the Dim statement
I can sympathise. Luckily we're allowed to turn off case sensitivity in our version control diff tool!
It seems the VB6 IDE automatic case-correction occasionally changes case in variable declarations and references, perhaps depending on the order in which modules are listed in the VBP file? But the IDE doesn't tell you that the file needs to be saved. So the problem only shows up when you saved the file because of another edit. We briefly tried to prevent this by checking out all the files in a project and setting the case carefully, but it didn't go away.
I suppose you could list the variable names that are affected - the usual suspects are one letter names like "I", "X" and "Y", perhaps because they are used in standard event handlers like MouseDown. Then write an add-in that'll search for all declarations " As" and force the case to upper. Run the add-in on your modules before you check them in. You might be able to trigger the add-in to run automatically when you save in VB6.
EDIT: Something I've just thought of: adapt Fred's answer. From now on, every time you check in a file, add a block at the top to establish canonical case for the usual suspects. If nothing else, it's easier than reverting hundreds of lines by hand. Eventually you will have this block in every file & maybe then the problem will stop happening.
#If False Then
Dim I, X, Y ' etc '
#End If
I standardised the case across the codebase, normally by using the examples above (Dim CorrectCase), and removing it again.
I then triggered VB to save EVERY file, by doing a case sensitive search/replace of "End" with "End" (no functional change, but enough to get VB to resave).
Once that was done, I could then do a single commit to standardise the case, making it MUCH easier to keep on top of it at a later date.
In this example VB6 was changing the case of the following line following a typo I made when referencing a library: -
Dim MyRecordset As ADODB.REcordset
Ugly, and now every other instance of an ADODB.REcordset thus acquired the new misspelling. I fixed this as follows: -
Type in a new declaration as follows
Dim VB6CasingSucks AS ADODB, Recordset
Note the comma and space after ADODB. Hit [ENTER] for VB6 to check the line.
At this point all instances of REcordset change back to Recordset.
Delete your new declaration.
I don't know if this fix will help with enums/other variable names.
Specifically for controlling the case of enum values, there is a VB6 IDE add-in which may be helpful. Enums seem to have a slightly unique version of this problem.
As described in the link below:
The VB6 IDE has an annoying quirk when it comes to the case of Enum
members. Unlike with other identifiers, the IDE doesn't enforce the
case of an Enum member as it was declared in the Enum block. That
occasionally causes an Enum member that was manually written to lose
its original case, unless a coder typed it carefully enough.
However, if a project contains a lot of Enums and/or a particular Enum
has a lot of members, redeclaring the members in each of them can get
quite tedious fast. ...
...load and unload the add-in as needed via the Add-In Manager
dialog box. Usage is as simple as selecting the entire Enum block,
right-clicking and then choosing the "Lock Enum Case" context menu
I have a similar problem:
in a bas module there I wrote :
Private sub bla_bla()
Dim K as integer
End Sub
so in a class module the Dim k as integer will automatically be replaced by IDE become 'Dim K as integer' <-- it's not logical but then:
I correct the bas module become:
Private sub bla_bla()
Dim k as integer
End Sub
then magically the problem in the class module was solved (still be k and not automatically replaced by IDE become K). Sorry I'm poor in English
I don't think there's any to do it. The IDE will change the case of the variable name to whatever it is when it's declared. But, honestly, back in the day I worked on several large VB6 projects and never found this to be a problem. Why are people on your development team constantly changing variable declarations? It seems like you have not established a clear variable naming policy that you enforce. I know your upset, so no offense, but it might be your policies that are lacking in this regard.
Unfortunately, according to this SO thread, alternate VB6 IDEs are hard to come by. So, your best bet is to solve this problem via policy. Or move to VB.NET. :)
Wow. I've spent a lot of time programming in VB6 and I have no idea what you're on about. The only thing I can think you're referring to is that intellisense will change the capitalization of variable names to match their declarations. If you're complaining about that, I would have to wonder why the hell they've been entered any other way to begin with. And if that is your problem, no, there's no way to disable it that I'm aware of. I'd suggest you, in one go, check out every file, make sure the caps on the declarations and uses of variables all match and check back in.
