afx[...].h missing in Windows 7 - visual-studio-2013

When I installed the dreamspark provided VS2013 Professional years ago I hadn't thought I would use c++ so I think I unchecked some things about c++ that I actually don't remember.
I don't have VS2013 Installer right now
Now, I've got a MFC application and when I try to compile it, throws an error saying afxwin.h No such file. And when I search in the files there isn't any file with that name.
I searched in SO and I found only posts saying you can't compile if you use VS Express but that's not my case. What should I do or download?
Anyone can help I'd be thankfull.

You have to install the VS2013 tools.


the service already exists in the service container

I recently installed Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate version on my machine. I'm just trying to create a sample windows form project and trying to open the designer / form by double clicking on Form1.cs and I'm getting this weird error message:
"the service already exists in the service container"
My system is already having Visual Studio 2010 which is working smoothly from a long time. I then installed Visual Studio 2012 which was giving the same problem as above. So I went ahead with installing VS 2013 hoping that I might be able to get rid of this issue, but no use.
Once I click OK on the error windows, I can see the following "message" in the bottom Error List window:
"The file 'C:\Users\ABCD\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\WebSite1\WindowsFormsApplication1\Form1.cs' does not support code parsing or generation because it is not contained within a project that supports code."
I have spent 2-3 days searching various blogs like these, all of which talk about previous version of Visual Studio like VS 2005 / VS 2008:
Form inheritance in Visual Studio 2008 doesn't work
I have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling VS 2013, again no use.
It would be really great if someone can help me out in fixing this.
I've just had the exact same error message.
After compiling the solution(F6 or Build->Build Solution) it worked fine for me.
To deal with your issue, please first make sure that you installed latest updates on your Windows 8 machine, and then repair VS2013.
During your repairing process, please temporally turn off your anti-virus/antispyware software and repair VS2013 with the Administrator privilege.
follow this link
The problem got resolved finally, after so many days and various frustrating tries to resolve the issue. I should thank Tim Atkins from Microsoft for helping me with resolving this issue.
Fix: When we tried 'gacutil /l', we found that there were 3 variants of; One from .Net 2.0 targetting MSIL, second from .Net 4.0 targetting x86 and last one also from .Net 4.0, but targetting MSIL.
On a working machine, there were only 2 entries, the .Net 4.0 one targetting x86 wasn't there. Hence we uninstalled this version using gacutil which did the magic. I was so relieved seeing the win forms popping up without any errors anymore :)
I changed the target framework from 4.5 to 4.6.1 and it fixed it for me. My assumption is sometimes when you change target framework back and forth and the process does not go through all the way (cancelling in the middle of changing it) - something happens that leads to this error. Hope that helps
I solved this be closing VS, deleting contents of the .vs folder where my solution is, restarting VS and recompiling.
Seems like one of those file/settings/caching problems that pop up now and then, might be after switching source branch.
VS2019, .net fw 4.6.2.
If your C drive (Where you are installing Visual Studio) does not have enough space, try moving some files from the C drive to another drives.

CMake says c compiler is broken

I've just attempted to use Firebreath and have followed their video tutorial for Windows and come across the error that says:
Check for working C compiler using Visual Studio 10 -- broken
And then says:
It fails with following output:
Change Dir:
And then lists the drive. This happens when running prep2010.cmd. I have found a post about it, but the forums won't let me log in and there is no answer. It's here: and is exactly the same error, I believe. The last post talks about running prep2010 from inside the vs2010 command shell. What does that mean?
Has anyone else had this error or know how it is caused? I have no idea how to approach it.
I know this is really old.. but in case someone else has this problem, the solution for me was to install service pack 1 for visual studio 2010
As I said in the comment above, this is not "FireBreath" that is saying your compiler is broken; the prep command uses CMake to generate the project files, and it is from cmake that the error comes.
In your start menu where Visual Studio 2010 is there should be a "tools" or "utilities" subfolder and in there somewhere there is a "Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt" link. That starts a command prompt with environment variables and path set up so that the vs2010 commands are all available. The error you're seeing is indicating that for whatever reason, CMake is unable to find visual studio 2010.
I don't know if using the vs2010 command prompt will help or not; it doesn't have any trouble finding vs2010 on any of my boxes. I can postulate that perhaps if you installed it to a nonstandard location, in a nonstandard way, or your registry got screwed up any of these things could potentially cause the issue that you are seeing. Also if you don't have vs2010 installed it would certainly cause this issue =]
I'd recommend first trying the vs2010 command prompt; if that doesn't work, you may have to try uninstalling and reinstalling vs2010. If that doesn't work, I'm out of ideas, and maybe someone who knows more about cmake will have a suggestion :-(
Service pack 1:
Configure cmake with generator: MSVC2010 x64
I also had MSCV 2010 x64 on windows 7 and installing service pack one also helped.
Also make sure that all your external dependancies are (x64) versions:
MSVC version:

How to debug with Visual C++ 6 on Windows 7 x64?

Surely the answer will be "you can't" or "use XP mode", but I'd like to know if it it possible.
The issue I have is that whenever I debug some application and hit a breakpoint, when I stop the debugger the debuggee remains stuck. It can't be killed, I can't attach another debugger (it says it is already being debugged). It won't go away until I close Visual C++.
This is hapenning on a Windows 7 64 bits install. VC has SP 6 installed.
My previous fix was horrible.
Finally, I developped a new fix, working perfectly with the english version of Visual Studio 6. (SP6 I think)
You need to check the version of the file DM.dll located into "Common/MSDev98/Bin"
The correct version is 6.0.9782.0.
link: (28KB)
how to install: replace "Common/MSDev98/Bin/TLLOC.dll" by the version downloaded.
Best regards.
Comment reposted:
You can try using Visual Studio 2008 with VC6 compiler. I recently blogged about this.
I developped a little fix for that.
You just have to copy the file "ShiftF5Fix.dll" into "Common/MSDev98/AddIns/" et load it from Visual.
It's an hugly fix.
If you modify your source file during debugging you have you answer "NO" to the poup displayed after you press "SHIFT+F5" to stop the process.
link :
Best regards
Another option would be to install daffodil.
This is an open source project to compile all versions of visual studio in VS2010.
Once this is configured you can use visual studio 2010 debugger to debug VC6 projects.
On the heels of Dr Holby, I implemented a leaner variant, with source code:
The code currently only understands sp4 (?) and SP6, but I think it'll cover most cases.
You only need to compile the source (1.cpp, 1.rc), rename your existing TLLOC.DLL (which btw stands for Transport Layer Local - as opposed to remote debugging) to TLLOC.old.dll, and drop in the one you compiled (~4KB). Should work like a charm for all 32-bit debugging needs, from Windows 95 to Windows 7 (and later).

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 & 2008 fails to create project, what other alternative do i have?

Visual C++ doens't work on my Vista. both 2010 and 2008 fails to create new projects. what alternative do i have ? I am sick of googling and trying out all the other hacks to fix it.
What other alternatives? If you're tired of trying the "hacks", I'd be looking at one or more of the following, in no particular order.
Use a different IDE.
Re-install Visual Studio.
Re-install Windows along with all your other apps (including VS).
Try installing Visual Studio in a newly created virtual machine.
Upgrade to XP :-)
Raise a support call with Microsoft.
Hire someone to fix the problem for you.
Provide more detail in this question.
Really, the possibilities are (figuratively) endless. There are any number of problems that could be causing this and the detail is a bit light on at the moment. What I tend to do is always have a fresh-install VM of XP lying around so I can test problems in environments that haven't been heavily changed from the originals.
No doubt we will be able to provide more help once the problem has been narrowed down some more. Sorry I can't help more than that at the moment.
I might guess that you are having trouble creating the projects because you don't have permission to the folder where you're trying to write them. Try right clicking on Visual Studio and saying 'Run as Administrator' then create the project.
You could use DevC++ or Eclipse as the compiler perhaps.

Error: The project type is not supported by this installation

I'm trying to open a silverlight project in Visual Studio 2008 and getting this error.
The project type is not supported by this installation.
Let me tell you I did installed:
Silverlight Tools 3
Silverlight SDK
And they were installed in the sequence they are mentioned here. Still I'm getting the same error.
Adding some more details which might be helpful in identifying the cause:
When I try to create a new silverlight project it gives me error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". And shows "...project creation failed."
I tried unistalling all of the things and installing them again. It really took a lot of time but didn't solved my problem.
Any help appreciated.
Open the project.csproj file with another editor, delete whatever you find between
I've had the same error when I tried to open a solution which required VB.NET, despite everything (to my knowledge) being C#.
If you've done a full install of VS then try this solution:
Let us know how it goes.
Do you know who the silverlight project was created by? If so, then contact them and ask them if they used VS 2008 or if they used VS 2010 beta 1/2 (VS 2010 has a lot more and better support for silverlight so it's probable)
If they used VS 2010, then just go to the microsoft website and download you a copy... it's free(right now)
(and if you'll be doing much silverlight development, I'd recommend downloading it anyway. It has code completion for XAML!)
run devenv /setup
