SAS Sorting within group - sorting

I would like to try and sort this data by descending number of events and from latest date, grouped by ID
I have tried proc sql;
proc sql;
create table new as
select *
from old
group by ID
order by events desc, date desc;
The result I currently get is
ID Date Events
1 09/10/2015 3
1 27/06/2014 3
1 03/01/2014 3
2 09/11/2015 2
3 01/01/2015 2
2 16/10/2014 2
3 08/12/2013 2
4 08/10/2015 1
5 09/11/2014 1
6 02/02/2013 1
Although the dates and events are sorted descending. Those IDs with multiple events are no longer grouped.
Would it be possible to achieve the below in fewer steps?
ID Date Events
1 09/10/2015 3
1 27/06/2014 3
1 03/01/2014 3
3 01/01/2015 2
3 08/12/2013 2
2 09/11/2015 2
2 16/10/2014 2
4 08/10/2015 1
5 09/11/2014 1
6 02/02/2013 1

It looks to me like you're trying to sort by descending event, then by either the earliest or latest date (I can't tell which one from your explanation), also descending, and then by id. In your proc sql query, you could try calculating the min or max of the Date variable, grouped by event and id, and then sort the result by descending event, the descending min/max of the date, and id.


Running distinct count in quicksight

I want to implement a running distinct count with Amazon Quicksight. Here's an example of what that would look like:
Running Distinct Count
I've tried runningSum(distinct_count, [Date ASC]), but this returns a sum of the distinct counts for each aggregated date field.
Can this be implemented in QuickSight?
You can use this workaround to get the same functionality as runningDistinctCount() as follows:
datetime=minOver({Date}, [{ID}], PRE_AGG),
[{Date} ASC],
This would give you the runningDistinctCount of ID's over the Date field. It achieves it by considering just the first time the ID appears in the dataset, counting these and finally doing a runningSum on these counts.

Distinct on two columns with same data type

In my game application I have a combats table:
id player_one_id player_two_id
---- --------------- ---------------
1 1 2
2 1 3
3 3 4
4 4 1
Now I need to know hoy many unique users played the game. How can I apply distinct, count on both columns player_one_id and player_two_id?
Many thanks.
By using union you can get unique distinct value.
$playerone = DB::table("combats")
$playertwo = DB::table("combats")

Using oracle loop to concatanete strings

I have someting like this
id day descrition
1 1 hi
1 1 today
1 1 is a beautifull
1 1 day
1 2 exemplo
1 2 for
1 2 this case
I need to do a funtion that for each day concatenate the descrtiomn colunm and return the result like this
id day descrition
1 1 hi today is a beautifull thay
1 2 exemplo for this case
Anny ideia about how can i do this usisng a loop in a function in oracle
You need a way of determining which order the values should be aggregated. The snippet below will rely on the implicit order in which Oracle reads the rows from the datafiles - if you have row movement enabled then you may get inconsistent results as the rows can be read in different orders as they are relocated in the underlying datafiles.
SELECT LISTAGG( description, ' ' ) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY ROWNUM ) AS description
FROM your_table
GROUP BY id, day
It would be better to have another column that stores the order within each day.

Select and sum multiple columns for statistic purposes with Laravel query

I have one table scores where I have saving users scores. It's looks like this
table `scores`
id | points | user_id
1 5 1
2 2 1
3 4 1
4 1 3
5 10 2
I want to select each user, sum his points and show as a ranking. The result from above should be
user_id | points
1 11
2 10
3 1
The query with which I came up is
$sumPoints = Scores::select( \DB::raw("sum(points) as numberOfPoints"), \DB::raw("count(id) as numberId"))->groupBy("user_id")->first();
The problem is in ->first() because it's return only one result.. it is working as must. If I try to use ->get() instead I've got Undefined property error. How should I use this?
The query which is working in phpmyadmin
SELECT count(id) as numberId, sum(points) as numberOfPoints FROM `points` GROUP BY `user_id`
You can use something like this
$sumPoints = Scores::select( \DB::raw("sum(points) as numberOfPoints"), \DB::raw("count(id) as numberId"))->groupBy("user_id")->get();
foreach($sumPoints as $point){
dd($point); //OR dd($point->numberOfPoints)

calculate the time difference for same column in Spotfire

I am a beginner for Spotfire. I have a problem about the difference calculation for the some column value. A sample table could be like this:
id timestamp state
1 7/1/2016 12:00:01 AM 1
2 7/1/2016 12:00:03 AM 0
3 7/1/2016 12:00:04 AM 1
4 7/1/2016 12:00:06 AM 0
5 7/1/2016 12:00:09 AM 1
6 7/1/2016 12:00:10 AM 0
7 7/1/2016 12:00:12 AM 1
I want to calculate the time difference for the timestamp when the state is 1,
the final table I want to have is:
id timestamp state time_diffence
3 7/1/2016 12:00:04 AM 1 3
5 7/1/2016 12:00:09 AM 1 5
7 7/1/2016 12:00:12 AM 1 3
it seems that I should identify an expression for the calculation, but I have not idea for the calculation just for one parameter :(. somebody could help me ?
still one more small question: what if the timestamp column value is just number value, how can i calculate the difference, is there any related function like DateDiff() here? for example:
id times state
1 12 1
2 7 0
3 10 1
4 11 0
5 6 1
6 9 0
7 7 1
the result could be :
id times state diffence
3 10 1 -2
5 6 1 -4
7 7 1 1
after running the code: i have the error as below:
for the row if it has the same time stamp as the last previous row, the difference will keep same as before, but actually the difference for the rows which have same time stamp would be as 0
thanks for your help :)
Assuming your data is sorted in ascending order by [timestamp] before you import it, you can partition using the Previous function with Over where the [state]=1.
Insert a calculated column with this expression:
If([state]=1,DateDiff("ss",Min([timestamp]) OVER (Previous([timestamp])),[timestamp]))
You will see it populated in your table like the below:
Then if you ONLY want to see the rows that have the difference you mentioned, on your table you can...
Right Click > Properties > Data > Limit data using expression >
And insert the expression: [time_difference] > 1
This will result in this table:
