How can I update Eclipse ADT plugin to 24 - eclipse-adt

This morning I updated the Android SDK Tool to 24, it needs ADT 24 , but nothing can be updated in Eclipse. What could I do.

Buddy, just set down the Android Version to use when rendering layout in Eclipse.
Eg: set API to 21 or lower...
Here is a snapshot:

The one of last is This was created for resolving some issues.

Download ADT:
Follow Below Steps in your eclipse :
1.In Eclipse go to Help
2.Install New Software ---> Add
3.inside Add Repository write the Name: ADT (or whatever you want)
4.Select Your Downloaded zip file Next
Find Attached screenshot for your reference


SpeechToTextV1 - Missing required modules SSCZLib, SSCommonCrypto

I am working on XCode 9.1 project that uses IBM Watson swift-sdk SpeechToTextV1 package. After upgrading swift-sdk to the version 0.19.0 and building XCode project the compiler error has occured: Missing required modules: 'SSCZLib', 'SSCommonCrypto' pointing to the import SpeechToTextV1 statement. swift-sdk updated via Carthage.
Cartfile content: github "watson-developer-cloud/swift-sdk".
command line update: carthage update --platform ios --no-use-binaries.
How can I include SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto modules into XCode project?
Please help. Thanks a lot.
Use carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries. It takes a while, but it works.
I'm afraid that I haven't been able to replicate the problem on my machine. I started with a new, empty Xcode project and was able to transcribe audio with the Speech to Text service.
I uploaded my app here. Can you try downloading it, adding your Speech to Text credentials, and running the app?
Please make sure that the newly compiled frameworks are the ones being used. Carthage does not place the frameworks in a custom location that is referenced in the project or workspace.
For me - in addition to building the library using --no-use-binaries flag - I also had to ensure that under my target's
Build Phases->Embed Frameworks
Build Phases->Link Binary with Libraries
SpeechToTextV1.framework is included
In addition - I found that these two files made all the difference inside the Carthage folder:
I could only get this to work after my project was directly referencing the Carthage folder. Deleting either of these two files caused the error to return.
The v0.21.0 release of the Watson Swift SDK fixes this issue. You should no longer have to add a link to the zlib folder in your project settings. However, you will need to copy Starscream.framework into your application in the same way that other frameworks are copied.
The solution was to externalize the Starscream dependency. Adding Starscream as a recursive dependency for the Swift SDK allows it to build independently with its own environment. When the Starscream library is copied into your application, it should automatically include the SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto dependencies.
We test each SDK before it's release, but this problem slipped past us. Our test machine happens to have other software that adds SSCZLib and SSCommonCrypto to the path, making it available to the Xcode build. It wasn't until we refreshed the machine with a new macOS install that we were able to replicate the problem. And with v0.21.0, that problem has been solved.
Sorry for your trouble and thank you for your patience while we tracked down the solution!

latest 'ADT BUNDLE' open as JUNO eclipse for windows 7 64 bit

I downloaded the latest adt bundle (adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140624), and uncompresed that zip file, but when i try to open that adt, it open as juno eclipse. can any body help me to resolve this prblem.
thanks in advance
ADT Bundle contains Eclipse, to start Android development you need the ADT and the bundle comes with both you don't have to spend time searching for the ADT and Eclipse
Same problem here, using OSX. The downloaded ADB dows not show the typical ADB buttons and other extension provided by the plugins, but just a plain Eclipse. Installing an older version of ADT (adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321) and updating won't help.
The package seemes somehow broken, some files like the ADT app icon, just aren't there. Other people experimented problems (Same problem; Other problem, also documented here).
I know it's not a real answer, but I just switched to Android Studio. I think the only other option is reverting to an older versione and wait for a new release.
To not get blocked I've continued to install the latest ADT Bundle 23.0.0 and adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140624 fresh on my system. Updated the SDK to the latest and continued to set "targetVersion as '19'" instead of setting it to 20 or 21.
That way you can proceed ahead with your coding and later when things get can implement that to new version. BTW, I've also selected 'Blank Activity / Empty Activity" during the project creation
Comment back if it makes sense or NOT until the problem gets resolved by Google... :)
The Bug thread about this issue can be tracked here : Latest ADT Bundle Bug Tracker

CodeIgniter support on netbeans 8.0

I am new in codeIgniter and trying to do the project in netbeans 8.0. The problem is, I can't download the plugin for codeigniter support. It shows some error like
"Some plugins require plugin PHP Annotation API to be installed."
I checked here for a solution and got this - ""
but the thing which I need is this - "".
this supports only up to netbeans 7.3.1
what should I do for netbeans 8.0. Please help
I already checked this question. But it is of Netbeans Version - 7. I am asking this question to find if there is an option in Netbeans 8, So this is not a duplicate
Alternate way,
Create folder "CI_Auto_Complete" in outside the project. (ie. like anther project)
place a php file called "CI_AUTO_COMPLETE.php",
copy and paste the code from
Add "CI_Auto_Complete" folder to the include path.
Right on click pjt --> properties --> include path --> Add folder.
Still there is no direct plugin available even though you can use auto complete class which will helps you for auto complete words.
copy the php code from
save the file into your CodeIgniter Project’s NetBeans folder (in the root, so in the same folder as and project.xml)
If you have NetBeans currently open you’ll need to restart it for the changes to take effect!

How to enable Intelligent code completion in EmbedXCode

I have successfully installed [EmbedXcode][1] on my mac.
Downloaded EmbedXcode
Extracted and installed
Dragged to the Applications folder.
Note: Xcode 5 was installed on my mac even before i downloaded and installed ExbedXcode.
Note: Arduino was already installed before i downloaded and installed ExbedXcode.
Then i created a new project.
New ---> Project ---> OS X ---> embed xcode ---> embedXcode Sketch
Then i gave the name and selected the platform which was Lenardo.
Now, i build my project, and there was no errors found.
But, still i don't see the code change colour or Intelligent code completion being activated. How can i make this to work.
A Screen shot of my project as follows:
Firstly change the code the 'Type' in the property window on the right hand side to 'C++ source'
Then for even more code sense, get the file to successfully #include "Arduino.h"
Im struggling on that step, but have the first bit sorted………..
Sorted that, I've found that dragging arduino.h to root project directory helped. (Is there a limit to directory depth searched for autocomplete??)
Release 131 improves reference indexing for code-sense.
You need to launch a first compilation in order to have the main sketch declared as C++ code.
For more details, please refer to chapter 2 Create a New Project section 2 Prepare the Project of the User Manual (e-book, PDF).
Download embedXcode
I suggest using the contact form or the OneDesk portal.

Blackberry Eclipse plugin for Mac installation voodoo needed

Has anyone successfully installed and run the Blackberry Eclipse plugin for MacOS?
Apparently, BB has not improved their Mac support much in the last year, since there was a question here about it last year.
I've followed their instructions to the letter, but they seem to assume that all you'll ever do in Eclipse is use their plugin. I want to move their plugin into an existing Eclipse installation.
I've copied the net.rim.* files from their Eclipse installation in to my /plugins folder, restarted, they show up in the list of installed plugins, but building an app always yields this error:
"Failed importing native project for BlackBerry. Missing Blackberry plugin. For more details see"
Here's the secret:
point Eclipse 3.6 Hellios to the following plug-in URL:
Eclipse/Help/Install New Software... Add, enter some name and the URL above, and it works.
