How to enable Intelligent code completion in EmbedXCode - macos

I have successfully installed [EmbedXcode][1] on my mac.
Downloaded EmbedXcode
Extracted and installed
Dragged to the Applications folder.
Note: Xcode 5 was installed on my mac even before i downloaded and installed ExbedXcode.
Note: Arduino was already installed before i downloaded and installed ExbedXcode.
Then i created a new project.
New ---> Project ---> OS X ---> embed xcode ---> embedXcode Sketch
Then i gave the name and selected the platform which was Lenardo.
Now, i build my project, and there was no errors found.
But, still i don't see the code change colour or Intelligent code completion being activated. How can i make this to work.
A Screen shot of my project as follows:

Firstly change the code the 'Type' in the property window on the right hand side to 'C++ source'
Then for even more code sense, get the file to successfully #include "Arduino.h"
Im struggling on that step, but have the first bit sorted………..
Sorted that, I've found that dragging arduino.h to root project directory helped. (Is there a limit to directory depth searched for autocomplete??)

Release 131 improves reference indexing for code-sense.
You need to launch a first compilation in order to have the main sketch declared as C++ code.
For more details, please refer to chapter 2 Create a New Project section 2 Prepare the Project of the User Manual (e-book, PDF).
Download embedXcode
I suggest using the contact form or the OneDesk portal.


AudioKit 4.11.2 Playgrounds: "No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds"

It has been a year since updating so I downloaded AudioKit 4.11.2 yesterday. I built all of the frameworks, including the AudioKit and AudioKitUI xcframeworks.
Then I began playing with the Playgrounds. Right away Xcode tells me the build failed because it can't find the AudioKit frameworks. It appears that the Search Paths that are set in the original project file need tweaking so I set it to "$(inherited)../Frameworks".
Now it builds but still will not run, saying on the import AudioKitPlaygrounds statement that there is No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds.
Odd, because that is the target of the build and it exists in the Derived Data Products folder.
Searching through StackOverflow shows that AudioKit has had similar problems like this in the past but none of the proposed solutions seemed relevant to my situation.
What other tricks are necessary to get the Playgrounds running? Shouldn't it build and run straight out of the box without messing with the project search paths?
My environment is:
macOS 10.15.6
Xcode 12.0.1
I ran through a similar problem with macOS 10.15.7, XCode 12.1 and AudioKit 4.11.2.
I got the same “No such module AudioKitPlaygrounds” message.
The "Build Active Scheme" option was unchecked in my File Inspector >> Playground Settings, so I checked it, rebuild the "Introduction and Hello World" .playground and it worked.
Edit (04/15/2021): David Thery gave a more complete answer in the following answers.
Also, make sure to:
run 'pod install' + automatically converting to swift5 in XCode
check "Build Active Scheme" as mentioned by Miguel FOR EACH single playgrounds you want to run.
run the playground with the play button in the editor, not the xcode main run button
If you want instead to use AudioKit in another XCode project, only two steps:
download AudioKit and AudioKitUI frameworks from here:
embed them in General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded content, as shown on the screenshot below.
How did you build the frameworks? The assumption when it comes to the paths in other projects (including Playgrounds) is that they have been built via the and scripts in the Frameworks directory.
The end result should be a set of XCFrameworks in that same Frameworks directory, which is in turn referenced by examples and the playgrounds project.
To anyone still experiencing this issue, I just found a really simple solution. I was opening my playground files directly from 'Open Recent'. Problem is, Xcode doesn't automatically look at the parent directory and included files. Just close Xcode and open the AudioKitPlaygrounds.xcodeproj from finder. When you open your playground files from there they should work properly.

Recommended hotpatch for Mathematica Link to NetLogo 6 didn't work

I have the same problem as the user who posted in "Unable to use Mathematica Link in NetLogo 6.0" (Unable to use Mathematica Link in NetLogo 6.0). For me, the Mathematica Link seems to work fine with Netlogo version 5.3.1. Even after I attempted the recommended hotpatch (which was the answer to the original posted question on this topic), still no luck (I get the same error message posted in the original comment cited above). I tried extracting the hotpatch in the NetLogo 6.0 directory and in the NetLogo 6.0 / app subdirectory... neither seemed to work. I'm using a PC with Windows 7.
Any advice on how to properly install the patch would be greatly appreciated.
This fix is packaged with 6.0.1 and instructions on using it can be found here. If it's easy for you to upgrade to 6.0.1 I would recommend doing that over trying to install the 6.0 fix. I have verified that the fix works for 6.0, although the installation instructions don't seem to be correct.
My configuration:
Windows 10 (don't have Windows 7 available, unfortunately)
NetLogo 6.0 64-bit
Windows 10 64-bit
The steps I took to install:
Before starting, go to your NetLogo installation directory and rename the "Mathematica Link" directory to "Mathematica Link - original" (or delete it, if you prefer).
When I downloaded the file, it extracted to somewhere in my Downloads folder. You may have to extract yourself, depending on your browser and OS configuration
I copied the enclosed "Mathematica Link" folder (the one with the space in the name, not the "MathematicaLink" folder at the top level) to the NetLogo directory (not the "app" directory as mentioned in the instructions).
I then opened Mathematica and ran the following commands:
File > Install > type: Package, source: From File, file: C:\Program Files\NetLogo 6.0.1\Mathematica Link\NetLogo.m, install name: NetLogo, install for this user only. Note that when selecting this file, Mathematica will use the last directory you opened, so when the file dialog opens, first navigate to the the top of the drive then navigate down to NetLogo 6.0.1 (using a NetLogo.m file from an older NetLogo version will almost certainly break Mathematica link, and this is a very easy mistake to make).
Entered in the notebook (cannot code block this): <
Entered in the notebook: NLStart["C:\\Program File\\NetLogo 6.0.1"] (note the double backslashes and no trailing backslash).
The NetLogo window will open after a noticeable delay (depending on your system speed and memory)
I wanted to consolidate troubleshooting steps for future readers. I've introduced a new version of NetLogo.m available here, which users should download for troubleshooting purposes (it will be distributed with future versions of NetLogo). Some steps to using this:
Mathematica will cache old "NetLogo.m" files. You can find where these caches are by using the following commands in Mathematica:
FileNameJoin[{ $BaseDirectory, "Applications" }]
FileNameJoin[{ $UserBaseDirectory, "Applications" }]
Visit the directories obtained in Step 1 and delete all "NetLogo.m" files from them.
Download the new version of NetLogo.m
Install the downloaded version of NetLogo.m (and run <<NetLogo`)
Run NLDiagnostics["C:\\Program Files\\NetLogo 6.0.1"] to determine what paths are being searched. This function will produce a hash as an output. The key missingJars should be an empty list ({}).
If you want to check java version, you can run NLJavaDiagnostics[]. The javaVersion returned should start with "1.8.0", the javaArchitecture returned should be "64".

How to add Core Plot as static library to Mac app?

I am working on a Mac App project using Xcode 5.0.2. Currently Core Plot 1.1 is integrated in the project. I did this following the instructions on the Core Plot project page: The Core Plot source code is integrated in my project and compiles alongside with my app.
Since I switched from Xcode 4 to 5 I have trouble starting my app. The receipt validation code that runs at startup cannot verify the apps receipt any more. The console shows a hint that the app is not signed properly:
storeagent[329]: Unsigned app (/Users/MyUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-gvgullbzaekzujejuhfssrnmmmit/Build/Products/Debug/
I found a hint that there is a problem signing nested bundles like Core Plot when using Xcode 5 on Mavericks.
Because of this I would like to integrate Core Plot as static library instead of as nested bundle. However the instructions on the Core Plot page (see link above) only describes this option for iOS projects.
Is it possible to use Core Plot as static library in an Mac App project as well? What would be the necessary steps to do this?
You have probably figured out a way to do this already, but as I was struggling with the same thing myself and the steps, while simple, don't seem to be explained anywhere I thought I would do so as an answer here. As you mentioned, this is not explained on the CorePlot Mac Setup Page, so it may cause complications or become obsolete down the road, but it is working for me as of right now. Steps are:
Download the latest CorePlot release
Copy the file Binaries/MacOS/CorePlot.framework into your project (drag and drop or by using "Add files to ..."
Make sure you enable "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)"
Make sure the new framework is added to the applications target membership
Set up the framework to be copied during build
Under Build Phases, add a Copy Files phase if there is none
Change the destination to "frameworks"
Drag the CorePlot.framework file from the Project Navigator into the file list

Adding a Library to your build and link path in XCode

I am tryingo to build a GUI application using the JUCE framework on MAC OSX.
I have dowloaded all the API's and got a small hello World program running fine.
However, when I add files to my Xcode project I get compilation errors that say that the Juce library files don`t exist. I would like to know how to get the library API in the build and link path in XCode so that it finds the neccesary files for compilation.
What I would do on Visual Studio going to properties and adding aditional library dependencies, is what I need to do in XCode but I don't know how.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Old question but maybe a useful answer in the future....
If you have the "Hello World" up and runnning, it should already be linked to the library. Are you using the introjucer? This should help get everything up and running for you. If you are, you need to add classes etc to the introjucer, as this sets up Xcode / VStudio for you. If not, (Presuming XCode 3 as you are using leopard) goto Xcode > Preferences. Scroll along to source trees, and add the path to the juce folder in there.

GHUnit/GHTestApp.h: No such file or directory

I'm very new to objective-c, xcode, and mac development in general (I
come from a java development background). I'm attempting to integrate
GHUnit into xcode to write some simple unit tests for an objective-c/
cocoa project I've recently been tasked with.
I've attempted to follow the directions here : for:
Installing (Mac OS X)
-- Installing in /Library/Frameworks.
I'm working with xcode 3.1.3 running under Mac OS 10.5.8
I have created the new Target "Tests", and Link Binary With Libraries
shows the GHUnit.Framework.
I've added the GHUnitTestMain.m to the project as the directions
describe. However, I get "error: GHUnit/GHTestApp.h: No such file or
directory" for the #import
I looked for this header file in the framework and I don't see it
included. #import is not causing any errors, and I
DO see this file in the framework directories.
Is the downloaded framework and the GHUnitTestMain.m out-of-synch with
each other? or have I missed something in the configuration?
As another note, in the directions:
"If your main target is an application, you will need to include these
source files in the Test project manually."
I don't understand what action is required from this statement. I
have no idea if it's related to my current compilation error.
Thanks for any help in sorting this out.
Make sure you downloaded the OS X version of GHUnit. The github page lists a few downloads for iOS aswell. At the time is the latest OS X version.
I encountered the same problem.
You might add the test class to the main application target. Uncheck the target and then, the error "GHUnit/GHUnit.h file not found" disappeared.
