Access SVN server over HTTP in Windows - windows

I have installed VisualSVN Server in a windows machine. And TortoiseSVN client in another server. I want to access the data of VisualSVN server through TortoiseSVN over http or https. How can I do that?
Please help

Just tell TortoiseSVN the URL of your repo:
Open VisualSVN Server Manager. Under repositories, select your repository, right click > Copy URL to clipboard.
Go to other machine, rigth click on folder where you want to checkout the code > SVN Checkout..., paste the above value in the field URL of the repository (TortoiseSVN might even pre-populate this for you from clipboard). Click OK.
That's all.


How to configure Visual Studio With Gitlab - Linux

I want configure visual studio code to push change's project to GitLab.
I'm using Linux. Every time that I try do push, show this message to me:
Username for '':
I generated ssh key and put in the GitLab user setting.
Git init, add. and commit works fine.
I generated ssh key and put in the gitlab user setting.
If Visual Studio is asking about https, that means the remote URL associated with your local Git repo is not an ssh one.
In command-line, go to your repo root folder, and type:
git remote origin set-url<yourAccount>/<yourRepo.git>
That will help Visual Studio Code pick the right URL (the one for which you registered your credentials through your public SSH key)
OR: you might want to keep your current https URL, but cache your GitLab username/password (since you don't want to have to enter them every time).
See "Use Git Credential Managers to Authenticate to Visual Studio Team Services" (it should apply to Visual Studio Code as well, and works on Windows or on Linux)

how to import project via ankhSVN from visual svn server?

We are two developers and want to share a project.
On one PC I have VisualSVN server installed (as a SVN server), TortoiseSVN (for adding project to repository), and ankhSVN (for Visual Studio, because it's easier than the others). I can create a repository and add a project to it. On the same PC I can get the project from SVN server using file://path. On the other PC I can browse the repository in a browser using https://PC2/sbn/prj/trunk, and also with repository browser in VS2010.
But when I want to import the project (file, open, open subversion project), I don't know how to address the URL file, because the https address does not work there.
Is there any special way to address that?
From repository Explorer select your host , add user and password and login to the server , then find your solution and then click on check out from svn , then you will be able to get the project from svn server .

what is the difference between tortoise svn repository and visual svn repository?

As far as I know, VisualSVN Server is a server while TortoiseSVN is a client. But I can also create repository with tortoise svn only, without needing Visual SVN.
What is the difference between the two or am I missing something?
The difference is that the repository you create with TortoiseSVN client is a local repository on your machine. But that repository is of the same kind as the one the Visual SVN server (or any other SVN server) uses. If you move your locally created repository to your svn server you can access it via the server instead.
An SVN repository is "just" a bunch of files and directories. You can access this repository directly (file: protocol) or through http, https, svn, etc.
TortoiseSVN just allows creating the repository. If you need to access it using another protocol than the file: protocol, you'll need a server (which TortoiseSVN doesn't provide).

How can I change the SVN URL in Visual Studio

In my office, I have a working repository, where I am able to work on my laptop to modify files and commit them to that repository. I am using a local URL for this, which points directly to the PC containing the repository. Additionally, we published this repository for external users as well, so they are able to make changes to the repository without being on our local network. All is working fine there. However, my laptop which normally using the local connection, now needs to be moved to one of those external locations. I would like to be able to change the URL in my solution in Visual Studio, without having to 'create project from SVN'
Navigate to View -> Pending Changes.
You can see the Pending Changes prompt at the bottom.Then Select the drop down on the top right and select other option. Provide the new URL and click on OK button.
Whay you need is relocate (NOT switch) to tell your working copy that the URL of the repository changed (from your local URL to the external URL).
In the thread Collin linked to is most likely the correct answer:
How to switch subversion repository in Visual Studio using AnkhSVN?
How to switch subversion repository in Visual Studio using AnkhSVN?

AnkhSVN Cannot Connect Due to Proxy

Alright, this might be a bit of a long shot, but I have having problems getting AnkhSVN to connect from Visual Studio 2005 to an external SVN server. There is a network proxy in the way, but I can't seem to find a way in AnkhSVN to configure the proxy and doesn't seem to be detecting the Internet Explorer proxy configuration. Is there any way to resolve this issue, or will it likely just not work?
You can also use TortoiseSVN for editting the proxy settings.
TortoiseSVN saves the settings in the registry in the common location that all Subversion clients (by default) use.
UPDATE: A proxy settings dialog is now implemented in the AnkhSVN daily builds.
It will be available in the next release.
Current version of AnkhSVN does not provide a GUI for proxy settings, but you can hand-edit the servers file (which is a simple .ini) and it should work.
Servers file resides in: C:\Documents and Settings\YOU\Application Data\Subversion (or wherever your APP_DATA is)
