Linkedin Rest API suddenly stopped working - ruby

I'm developing a Rails app, which contains importing of profile information from LinkedIn to a Rails DB.
It works fine a lot of the time, but over the last 2 weeks it suddenly stopped working...
Default Application Permissions on LinkedIn is only r_fullprofile
I use linkedin gem as a wrapper
Fields to import - positions, educations, summary, languages, picture-url
Error, which I see in PROD logs:
LinkedIn connect failed: Scope NOT_AUTHORIZED : r_fullprofile
.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/oauth-0.4.7/lib/oauth/consumer.rb:178:in `request'
.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/oauth-0.4.7/lib/oauth/consumer.rb:194:in `token_request'
.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/oauth-0.4.7/lib/oauth/consumer.rb:136:in `get_request_token'
.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/linkedin-0.4.3/lib/linked_in/helpers/authorization.rb:22:in `request_token'
As I see in debug, for some reason request token and secret are nil,
so I decide that the API to authorize client with my linkedin-app does not work.
ALso, I found an answer on stackoverflow that some API rules were changed some time ago:
After May 12th, 2015, apps will no longer be able to request this
member permission without being specifically reviewed by LinkedIn for
compliance with the Apply with LinkedIn use case
( or some
other partnership program membership which grants access to that
But, does some analog of r_fullprofile permisson exists now, which give an access to get all profile information from linkedin?

Here is what I found in Developer Program Transition Guide:
Access to the r_fullprofile member permission now requires explicit approval from LinkedIn. Additionally, the focus of this permission has changed to become much more specific. Going forward, data received from the Profile API using the r_fullprofile permission can only be used to complement your company's careers pages, as described further on the Apply with LinkedIn page.
If you are already using member data provided by r_fullprofile and you believe your application meets new useage criteria, you will still be required to apply for permission on the Apply with LinkedIn page to maintain your application's ability to use the r_fullprofile member permission.
Here is a link for Apply with LinkedIn if you need it:
I have asked for restoring API-access from my application,
hope that LinkedIn support help me.
Use Apply with LinkedIn to:
Round out your knowledge about a candidate’s background, their recommendations, interests and who’s in their network
Incorporate a candidate’s full profile data in your careers site
Make it easy for qualified candidates to apply to your company’s jobs
And in a few days I received an answer that my access to API is restored!
Thanks LinkedIn Review Team, they are great guys!


Calendar API not auto accepting for new accounts

I generate a auth link like:
As you can see I call for the authorization as defined in the documentation here however, when I go to auth this is what I am presented with: and I thought this might be some new security thing from google but then I look at connecting to other sites and the account works just fine there.
This application is also fully verified for the consent screen.
While doing some comparison between my calls and other site's I notice that mine have /v2/ in the path while others do not. I have tried multiple individual google accounts with same result, but I always get a v2 redirect.
Anyone here know why this happens with v3 accounts and how I can solve it?
Unfortunately, this is the new default behaviour
It is realted to the new policy of More granular Google Account permissions with Google OAuth and APIs
It is being gradually introduced and is not related to either v2 or v3 accounts are being used but rather will eventually implemented for all accounts
Should the user not grant you all the scopes necessary for your Addon to run - you will need to handle it programmatically checking which scopes have been granted and requesting additional scopes if required
Best practive would be to make it very clear to your users PRIOR to the app installation that checking all checkboxes is crucial for the correct functionality of the app.
There is a very good stackoverflow post that explains the new change more in detail and includes many useful references.

Error: invalid_scope google read contact

What is the reason for this error?
How can I fix this?
Error: invalid_scope
This app hasn't been verified to access: {invalid = []} Please contact the developer for assistance. Are you the developer? If this project needs these scopes, sign in to an account with access to edit your project and try again. If not, contact the developer for help.
We have enhanced our risk assessment for new web applications that
request user data. Based on this risk assessment, some web
applications will require a manual review before users can approve
data permissions. Until the review is complete, unverified apps will
display an error message instead of the permissions consent page.
See our earlier blog post on accessing user data, which outlines your
responsibility when requesting access to user data from your
application. Our teams will continue our constant efforts to support a
powerful, useful developer ecosystem that keeps users and their data

I keep getting an error that my app needs to be verified when either I or another user try to authorize with OAuth2. What does that mean?

I received this error when trying to authorize my app with my own account:
Your project is trying to access scopes that need to go through the verification process.
If you need to use one of these scopes, submit a verification request. Learn More
When I use a different account, the error message is different:
This app hasn’t been verified to access:
Are you the developer? If this project needs these scopes, sign in to an account with access to edit your project and try again.
If not, contact the developer for help.
As per the announcement on May 11, 2017, publicly available applications with access to certain user data must pass review. If you see an access error for your app, submit a request using our OAuth Developer Verification form.
For personal-use apps and those you are testing, join the Google group Risky Access Permissions By Unreviewed Apps, which allows you to approve data access for personal and testing accounts. See the Google API Services User Data Policy for more information.
UPDATE: Corrected broken link to form.

Email from Google: Using a Google product name as the project in OAuth consent screen

I received this message for the second time and i still dont understand why. Can someone help me?
Action required: Critical problem with your Google Cloud/API project
Youtube API (id: tonal-topic-123301)
Dear Developer, We have recently
detected that your Google Cloud/API project Youtube API (id:
tonal-topic-123301) is using a Google product name as the project name
shown to users on the OAuth consent screen, which violates the Google
API Services: User Data Policy. You can fix the problem by revising
the project name and other relevant content so that the OAuth consent
screen shown to users accurately reflects the identity of your
application. To revise the project name visible to users, please take
the following steps:
Please review the Google API Services: User Data Policy, specifically
the following section- "Do not make false or misleading statements
about any entities that have allegedly authorized or managed your
application. You must accurately represent the company, organization,
or other authority that manages your application. Making false
representations about client credentials to Google or Google users is
grounds for suspension."
Sign in to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Select your project.
On the Home Page Dashboard, select Go to APIs overview under APIs.
In API manager, select Credentials on the left bar, then select OAuth
consent screen. Change the name in the field under Product name shown
to users and then click on Save. We will suspend your Cloud project in
3 days unless you correct the problem. Please submit an appeal if you
have any questions. Please note that you should be logged in as the
project owner to access the appeals page. For more help on submitting
an appeal or to learn more about the process check the Policy
Violation FAQ. Please take a moment to review the Google API Services:
User Data Policy, the Google API Terms of Service, the Google Cloud
Terms of Service and the applicable Terms of Service for the specific
Google API you are using so that you do not violate our terms and
policies in the future.
This is obviously a naming issue regarding something in the google product range.
You Should be able to re-name your project to solve this.
If not, try a Google forum or help pages.
The problem you are having is that Google does not allow you to use a Google product name as the name of your in your application. Users can become confused and assume your third party application was created by them.
How to fix it:
Go to Google Developer console find the credentials screen. Click on the Oauth consent screen tab at the top rename your application.
Note: If you don't do this google is going to shut down your application they are very picky about this.

Google+ API - Moments visibility

I am currently researching Google+ REST API to post to a user's stream.
The basic requirements are:
The post should be created without user's review using server side request (user should give his permission to post on his behalf in the future).
The post must be visible to all user's friends.
As i understand from reading the documentation, posting to the stream without actually getting permission in creation time from the user is impossible, however, creating 'moments' doesn't require permission upon-posting, so the user should give his permission when authorizing the app.
Since i didn't find anything that explains how can a moment be created to be visible to all user's friends - can someone who is familiar with this API explain how visibility of a moment is being determined and on which step? reference to an API documentation would be good as well, but i didn't find any.
The moment methods do not write directly to a user's Google+ stream. They instead write to a user's profile, and are not necessarily viewable by others depending on the user's preferred sharing settings.
Manage app activities in Google
During authorization the user chooses who their activity is visible to.
Once authorized a user should be able to see their own activities on Google+ and you can view other people's activities by clicking on an app from their profile about page.
