I keep getting an error that my app needs to be verified when either I or another user try to authorize with OAuth2. What does that mean? - google-api

I received this error when trying to authorize my app with my own account:
Your project is trying to access scopes that need to go through the verification process.
If you need to use one of these scopes, submit a verification request. Learn More
When I use a different account, the error message is different:
This app hasn’t been verified to access:
Are you the developer? If this project needs these scopes, sign in to an account with access to edit your project and try again.
If not, contact the developer for help.

As per the announcement on May 11, 2017, publicly available applications with access to certain user data must pass review. If you see an access error for your app, submit a request using our OAuth Developer Verification form.
For personal-use apps and those you are testing, join the Google group Risky Access Permissions By Unreviewed Apps, which allows you to approve data access for personal and testing accounts. See the Google API Services User Data Policy for more information.
UPDATE: Corrected broken link to form.


Google API giving unauthorized token error

We have an application hosted in GCP which uses GSuite APIs to sync users from GSuite to our application and visa-versa using Service Account. It used to work well until recently some of our customers started facing issues.
We started getting
401 unauthorized. "Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method, or client not authorized for any of the scopes requested."
There as been no change in our application and neither in the list of permissions granted. Following are the list of api access granted :-
The affected GSuite domains were working perfectly until yesterday. Also there are some domains which still work without any problem.
Can somebody please suggest what could the problem be. Is there any change in the APIs recently? Any help will be much appreciated.
"Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method, or client not authorized for any of the scopes requested."
There are several ways to authenticate to Google.
web based applications
native applications
mobile applications
and service accounts
The clients you create for these types is different as is the code to use them. The message you are seeing above means that the code you are using does not match the type of client you have created.
Make sure your code is designed for use with service accounts and make sure that the credentials file you have downloaded from google developer console is in fact credentials for a service accounts.
Why it worked previously and suddenly stopped i cant tell you this is an error you will always get if your code does not match your credential type.
The last option would be to double check that all of those apis are enabled in the Google developer console for your service account project.

Error: invalid_scope google read contact

What is the reason for this error?
How can I fix this?
Error: invalid_scope
This app hasn't been verified to access: {invalid = [https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/]} Please contact the developer for assistance. Are you the developer? If this project needs these scopes, sign in to an account with access to edit your project and try again. If not, contact the developer for help.
We have enhanced our risk assessment for new web applications that
request user data. Based on this risk assessment, some web
applications will require a manual review before users can approve
data permissions. Until the review is complete, unverified apps will
display an error message instead of the permissions consent page.
See our earlier blog post on accessing user data, which outlines your
responsibility when requesting access to user data from your
application. Our teams will continue our constant efforts to support a
powerful, useful developer ecosystem that keeps users and their data

How does the Google Apps Marketplace SSO requirement work?

We're trying to figure out how to submit to the marketplace, but are not sure what we need to do to alter our existing signup flow to accomodate the SSO requirement
Our app was not originally built to be a marketplace app so our signup flow is built for individual users. We are already following the OAuth2 flow as outlined on this documentation page. However, its not clear to me how this works for an entire org when installing from the context of a marketplace app.
Does the admin grant access to all the individual scopes we currently request for the entire org at once? Is there need for some sort of service account or something since we currently are requesting offline access? I'd like to understand what changes we need to make to our server's signup flow in or whether it is just a scope / manifest mismatch.
We currently request the following scopes from an individual user when signing up.
['email', 'profile' ,'https://mail.google.com/', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar'],
Exact questions are...
What (if anything) do we need to do to alter our current individual-focused signup flow to accommodate a Google Apps Admin signing up their whole domain?
What scopes do we need to in our Google Apps Admin listing and how do they relate to the scopes we currently request from individuals?
There are not so many changes if you are already using three legged OAuth2.
The first change would be in you project in the developer console. There you need to enable the Marketplace SDK and make the necessary configurations. Here you will add the scopes that your app will request and those are the scopes that the admin will see when installing the app.
The admin will see the scopes your app is requesting, and he will decide if it's ok to install the application in the domain. If it is approved, then yes, the admin would grant access to the entire domain.
Offline access is part of the Oauth flow, after you receive the refresh token, you can continue refreshing the access token without having the user to grant access again.
It is not necessary to have a service account. The service account has two purposes:
To manage information related to the application. In this case the service account can have access to it's own drive to store and retrieve information that is related to the app functionality.
Impersonation of users. When using domain delegation of authority, you can use a service account to impersonate any user in a domain and act on it's behalf to make API calls.
To deploy your app, you also have to create a new project in the Chrome Web Store, with a manifest for Marketplace.
To answer your questions:
It's not necessary that you modify your current oauth flow. The admin will install the app in the domain, but when a user access to the app, the process for authentication is the same as individual.
The scopes in your Marketplace SDK configuration should match the scopes your app will use. This is mostly for security reasons, it wouldn't be safe if you install an app with some scopes and then the app uses different scopes.
You can try your app before actually deploying it by adding trusted testers in the chrome web store dashboard or in the Console API configuration. This way you can check if your flows and all the configurations were done correctly.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.

yammer client application external networks 401

I am creating a windows plugin which would access Yammer data like groups user follows etc, for this i created a client application and accessed yammer rest api using client id and access token i get after user allows my app to access his data in a consent page. I am able to successfully do all this when people of my network are trying to login but this does not work when the plugin is being used by people of other networks, I am able to receive the access token after the user gives his consent in user consent page, but when i try to access his data like fetching groups using rest uRL i get an error saying "{"response":{"stat":"fail","code":17,"message":"Attempt to access a protected resource failed."}}"
please be noted the client app i created is not yet deployed into Global App directory, I really doubt if this is the actual cause of the issue, because i think if this was an issue it should not have recognized the client id itself and would not have shown the external network users the consent page too. may be if i am wrong please correct me
To access users on other networks' data, your app must be globalized (even if you don't want it to be listed in the Global App Directory). Without the user's consent, your app is not allowed to attempt to login on behalf of the user, thus they see the popup for authentication, and then the auth process fails because the app is not globalized.

Google Apps Marketplace SSO requirement

I am considering developing an application for the Apps for Business Marketplace. I see that new rules takes affect on November 19th. Referring to the new documentation (https://developers.google.com/apps-marketplace/) I do not see that any SSO requirement exists. There is allot of talk about migrating to new sign on methods, but I see no mention of sign on requirements.
What are the sign on requirements as of November 19th?
If SSO continues to be required or if I publish before Nov. 19th, my application requires security token from my API, in order to carry out API exchanges. To get this token a user/pass exchange is required one time. They would never need to enter a user/pass for my app after that. Will a one time exchange for the security token be denied under a SSO requirement?
For example the statement regarding SSO that an app cannot do is:
The end user should not be required to enter a username and password when invoking an application from within Google Apps. (https://developers.google.com/google-apps/marketplace/sso)
In my case it would not be required for the user to enter every time, just on the initial creation of the account. After that I would retain the token from my site, encrypted with the Installed App.
Would my app be denied for requiring this one time exchange under the SSO policy?
You will have to use SSO (or should if at all possible) -- see this part of the documentation: Besides, that is a better practice and should make your users feel more trust for your application.
From what I gather (note that I'm building my first marketplace app) you should not prompt users to enter username/password on your site. I am creating user record & storing token behind the scenes. So the user sees Google authorization screen, agrees to let my app use some data, accepts and sign-in right away without any prompt to create an account. After this, user will not be prompted in the future because I have their google id linked to a user record.
From their site - https://developers.google.com/google-apps/marketplace/sso#user_experience
As long as you don't have any intermediate screen, your app should be approved.
