Using Condition statements with Makefile targets - makefile

Hello i'm trying to use condition statements in my makefile to have it execute different make targets, but it skips over the condition and goes right to the else.
He's a general example of what i'm trying to do
ifdef ($(RUN_TEST))
all: install run uninstall
all: install uninstall

You did not indicate on what system you are running the Makefile, as there are slightly differing make programs available. Make can be run on linux and windows and comes in different variants.
However, I have worked with most variants, and there is a common way you can resolve your problem. You have to realise that the makefile is not a program executed in the conventional sequential manner. It is a series of declarations or definitions of actions to be performed at some future time. You cannot read through it in a sequential manner like a program. In particular the definitions of dependencies are not executed and cannot be embedded within statements, even pre-processed statements.
The best way to achieve what you want it to put the dependencies in a variable and set that variable conditionally, like this:
if ($(RUN_TEST))
ALL=install run uninstall
ALL=install uninstall
all : $(ALL)
This should work on most implementations.

The GNU make ifdef operation takes the name of a variable to test; you are providing it the expansion of a variable. You want to write it like this:
ifdef RUN_TEST
ALL = install run uninstall
ALL = install uninstall
By using $(RUN_TEST) you're actually testing a variable named by the expansion of RUN_TEST. So for example if RUN_TEST is set to true, then ifdef $(RUN_TEST) actually tests to see if the variable true is defined or not.


Makefile expanding variables inside conditionals depends on order of definition

I want to define a variable differently depending on another variables value in a makefile. I thought using conditionals would solve the problem, like this in the makefile:
ifeq ($(BOOT_FLAG),installed)
.PHONY: all
#echo $(BOOT_TEST)
#echo $(BOOT_DEFINE)
I expected the output to be:
but I got this instead:
apparently the ifeq does not expand the BOOT_FLAG to installed
but setting of the BOOT_DEFINE variable manages to expand it correctly.
I read in the manual that:
"make evaluates conditionals when it reads a makefile. Consequently, you cannot use automatic variables in the tests of conditionals because they are not defined until commands are run"
but the BOOT_FLAG is not an automatic variable. Also if I move the definition of BOOT_FLAG to before the ifeq, then it works as I want it. However, I want to keep the current order of the definitions (and I don't understand why make does an exception to the order independence of the definitions when using conditions)
The answer is right there in the statement you quoted:
make evaluates conditionals when it reads a makefile.
Since make has evaluated the conditional when it read that line in the makefile, and the variable has not been defined when it read that line, there's no way that variables set after the conditional can take effect.
Just because the documentation lists one consequence of this behavior (the one that most people get confused by) doesn't mean that this is the only consequence of this behavior.
However, I want to keep the current order of the definitions
You can't.
(and I don't understand why make does an exception to the order independence of the definitions when using conditions)
It would be virtually impossible, and even if it could be done the resulting behavior would be almost indecipherable except in the most trivial situations. If you don't believe me, try to write down an algorithm describing how that could work. Remember to consider things like simple variable assignments, nested conditionals, variables used in target and prerequisite lists, variables that are intentionally reset in different parts of makefiles, etc.
ETA You could do it, by putting the ifeq into a define variable then using eval later, after BOOT_FLAG is set, to expand it. Seems gross to me but...
This is because makefile is evaulating the ifeq as it parses the file.
So when it gets to the ifeq..., then BOOT_FLAG is yet not set, so BOOT_TEST = no
Then you set BOOT_FLAG.
Then once all the variables are parsed, makefile will go through and run your rule - so in this case BOOT_DEFINE is evaluated to $(BOOT_FLAG) final value of installed
Try this:
$(info start - BOOT_FLAG=$(BOOT_FLAG))
ifeq ($(BOOT_FLAG),installed)
$(info after if - BOOT_FLAG=$(BOOT_FLAG))
$(info after assignment - BOOT_FLAG=$(BOOT_FLAG))
.PHONY: all
#echo $(BOOT_TEST)
#echo $(BOOT_DEFINE)
You will see various values printed at different times during the makefile parsing. On the first pass it evaluates the variables (and if's) and then on the second pass it can do the target rules.
As others noted the problem is that ifeq is expanded and evaluated in-place.
If you want to postpone the evaluation until some late moment, you must keep the whole expression inside of a recursive variable. Then the conditional could be implemented by $(if ...) function, instead of ifeq (okay, $(eval ifeq...) should also be doable, but... well, gross).
Of course, this is quite an overhead for such simple case, but nonetheless it could be done like this:
BOOT_TEST=$(if $(subst _installed,,_$(BOOT_FLAG)),no,installed)
.PHONY: all
#echo $(BOOT_TEST)
#echo $(BOOT_DEFINE)

Suppressing First Part of Output in Makefile

DEPRECATED_CHECK := $(shell grep "test454" tex/*.tex)
$(warning \test454 is deprecated. Use \test2 instead)
When I run this I get:
../common/Makefile.include:133: \test454 is deprecated. Use \test2 instead
That's fine, but I'd quite like to have only:
\test454 is deprecated. Use \test2 instead
Is this possible? Some sort of awk function? I think I need something with:
#echo \text454 is deprecated ...
But I don't know how to get this working with the basic purpose of my MWE, as it keeps complaining about missing separators.
Many thanks
You could use $(info ...) instead of $(warning ...). info doesn't prepend the file and line number.
just an aside -- I usually try to do those sort of checks as part of a sanity rule, and make everything depend on that rule instead of doing it at the top level. It gives you more flexibility that way. For example, if you didn't want to run the check when building clean, it becomes simple, or if you wanted to fail the build if a check failed, it becomes simple as well.
EDIT (adding more detail on aside)
Instead of doing an ifneq at the top level of make, you could add a target as so:
# ! grep -q "test454" tex/*.txt || echo "test454 is depricated"
.PHONY: sanity check
The add dependencies of your main targets to sanity check:
all maintarg1 maintarg2: sanity_check
This way the sanity check will be run before any of your main targets, and will output as desired. This is in my opinion, a cleaner way of doing the test. This way the test is only run if you are building any of your targets, and will not be run, if for example you are making clean, or if your makefile was included by a parent makefile, or in a bunch of other corner cases that might pop up in the future.
Just a quick note on the recipe syntax: the # is a make directive that tells make not to echo the command as it's run. The ! is bash syntax to inverse the return of grep (so ! grep returns false if the text is found, thereby causing the || part of the statement to be evaluated.). The .PHONY: sanity_check tells make to run the rule, even if a file called sanity_check already exists

How to programmatically define targets in GNU Make?

I am not aware of any way to define programatically targets in GNU Make. How is this possible?
Sometimes one can go away with alternate methods. The ability to define programatically targets in Makefiles is however a very important to write and organise complex production rules with make. Examples of complex production rules are found in the build system of FreeBSD or in Makefile libraries such as BSD Owl
The main differences between shell scripts and Makefiles are:
In a Makefile, the state of the program is given by the command line and the filesystem, so it is possible to resume a job after it has been interrupted. Of course, this requires to properly write the Makefiles, but even if this is rather hard, it is considerably easier than to achieve a similar effect with a shell script.
In a Makefile, it is ridiculously easy to decorate a procedure with advises or decorate it with hooks, while this is essentially impossible in shell scripts.
For instance, a very simple and useful pattern is the following:
build: pre-build
build: do-build
build: post-build
This presents the build target as a composite of three targets, one containing the actual instructions do-build and two other that are hooks, executed before and after do-build. This pattern is used by many build systems written for BSD Make, which incidentally allows programmatic definition of targets, so that one can write in a batch:
.for _target in configure build test install
.if !target(${_target})
${_target}: pre-${_target}
${_target}: do-${_target}
${_target}: post-${_target}
The condition introduced by the .if/.endif block enables the user to use its own definition of any ${_target}.
What would be the translation of that snippet for GNU Make?
FWIW here is the make equivalent syntax for
.for _target in configure build test install
.if !target(${_target})
${_target}: pre-${_target}
${_target}: do-${_target}
${_target}: post-${_target}
Basically, you want make to see something like this snippet:
build: pre-build
build: do-build
build: post-build
and similarly for configure, test and install. This suggests a loop with an eval somewhere:
define makerule =
$1: pre-$1
$1: do-$1
$1: post-$1
targets := configure build test install
$(foreach _,${targets},$(eval $(call makerule,$_)))
(to play with this, change eval to info). Careful with those closures!
FWIW, here's the expansion of the foreach:
make expands the list to be iterated over
${targets} becomes configure, build, test and install
We have $(foreach _,configure build test install,$(eval $(call makerule,$_)))
_ is set to the first value, configure.
make expands $(eval $(call makerule,configure))
To evaluate the eval, make expands $(call makerule,configure)
It does this by setting 1 to configure, and expanding ${makerule} which produces 3 lines of text:
configure: pre-configure
configure: do-configure
configure: post-configure
$(eval) goes to work, reading this text as make syntax
Note that the expansion of the $(eval) is empty! All its work is done as a side effect.
Wash, lather, rinse, repeat.
Please note: I have to agree with all the other commenters: your pattern is bad make. If your makefile is not -j safe, then it is broken (missing dependencies).
First this structure is invalid if you ever want to support parallel builds; if you invoke make with the -j option it will run all three prerequisite rules at the same time, because while all of them must be complete before build, none of them depend on each other so there's no ordering defined (that is, you don't say that pre-build must be complete before do-build can run).
Second, GNU make has a number of facilities for programmatically defining rules. One thing GNU make does not have, currently, is the ability to search the targets which are already defined, so there's no direct analogy to .if !target(...).
However, you CAN search whether a variable has been defined or not using the .VARIABLES variable. So one workaround would be to define a variable if you want your own target and then have your rule generator check that.

Evaluate automake variable only once

We are using automake & autoconf to build our multi-package software. I was wondering how to fill a variable with the output of e.g. shell-scripts once and reuse this, e.g. for needed include dirs
INCLUDES := -I`some-ext-config --incdir`
Using := instead of = here makes this variable filled once so some-ext-config will only be called once (AFAIK this comes from plain make). Of course INCLUDES is the depreciated cousin of AM_CPPFLAGS, but would I have used that one instead, the shell script would have been called for each compile.
Using INCLUDES instead of AM_CPPFLAGS is an acceptable solution for me (though I imagine there might be portability issues), but I have no solution for e.g. LDFLAGS for a libtool library
libmylib_la_LDFLAGS := `some-ext-config --ldflags` # will always be evaluated
What is the general solution inside automake if I want to make sure these external tools are not called multiple times? I would like to stay away from using an obvious AC_SUBST in since we have to make sure our packages can be build both from subdirectories (some in there) and with an recursive make from the top-level and a there which shouldn't need to know too much about the different subprojects.
:= is GNU-make specific, so you are advised to use just = in automake. If you do not want to run the shell script everytime INCLUDES (or AM_CPPFLAGS, does not matter, it would occur with either), then run the script in and use variable substitution via AC_SUBST. That is essentially what pkg-config would do — and come to speak of it, you could just use that instead of some-ext-config if there is a .pc file.
libfoo_CPPFLAGS=$(some-ext-config --incdir);
libfoo_LIBS=$(some-ext-config --libs);
AM_CPPFLAGS = -Iwhatever ${libfoo_CPPFLAGS}
bin_PROGRAMS = foo
foo_LDADD = ${libfoo_LIBS}
This is a more lengthy explanation of what I suggested in a comment to jørgensen's answer.
I understand your top-level must generate the makefiles of multiple sub-projects, and performs the required tests so that you don't have to run the configure in any subproject (a sub-configure serves only when you want to work on this particular sub-project).
In that case, you want to avoid duplicating as much stuff as possible from various I suggest you factor all the code of the sub-configure that must also be performed by the top-level configure in an m4 macro. This includes tests, AC_SUBSTS, and Makefile declarations.
For instance using only one-subproject. Here is a top-level ./
AC_INIT([toplevel], [1.0])
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign -Werror])
SUB1_COMMON([sub1/]) dnl Stuff from the subproject
With ./
SUBDIRS = sub1
Now here is sub1/ for the sub-project:
AC_INIT([sub1], [1.0])
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign -Werror])
With SUB1_COMMON defined in m4/common.m4:
[AC_SUBST([PYTHON3LIB], [`pkg-config --libs python3`])
And finally sub1/ is just:
# Build something.
The SUB1_COMMON contains all the code you want to share between the two files, and use argument $1 to relocate the config files appropriately. In this example, the variable PYTHON3LIB will be defined regardless of which configure were run.

How to include makefiles dynamically?

Is it possible to include Makefiles dynamically? For example depending on some environment variable? I have the following Makefiles:
And there is an environment variable APP_VER which could be set to,,,
But there will be only two different makefiles for 1.1 and 1.2 lines.
I have tried to write the following Makefile:
MAK_VER=$$(echo $(APP_VER) | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*$$/\1/')
include makefile$(MAK_VER).mak
all: PROD
But it does not work:
$ make all
"makefile$(echo", line 0: make: Cannot open makefile$(echo
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue.
As far as I understand make includes files before it calculates macros.
That's why it tries to execute the following statement
include makefile.mak
instead of
include makefile1.1.mak
You have two problems: your method of obtaining the version is too complicated, and your include line has a flaw. Try this:
include app$(APP_VER).mak
If APP_VER is an environmental variable, then this will work. If you also want to include the makefile called makefile (that is, if makefile is not the one we're writing), then try this:
include makefile app$(APP_VER).mak
Please note that this is considered a bad idea. If the makefile depends on environmental variables, it will work for some users and not others, which is considered bad behavior.
This should do it:
MAK_VER := $(subst ., ,$(APP_VER))
MAK_VER := $(word 1, $(MAK_VER)).$(word 2, $(MAK_VER))
include makefile app$(MAK_VER).mak
Try this:
MAK_VER=$(shell echo $(APP_VER) | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*$$/\1/')
include $(MAK_FILE)
echo $(MAK_VER)
echo $(MAK_FILE)
Modifying the outline solution
Have four makefiles:
The app.dummy.mak makefile can be empty - a symlink to /dev/null if you like. Both app.1.1.mak and app.1.2.mak are unchanged from their current content.
The main makefile changes a little:
MAK_VER = dummy
include makefile$(MAK_VER).mak
${MAKE} MAK_VER=$$(echo $(APP_VER) | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*$$/\1/') all
all: PROD now...
If you type make, it will read the (empty) dummy makefile, and then try to build the dummy target because it appears first. To build the dummy target, it will run make again, with APP_VER=1.1 or APP_VER=1.2 on the command line:
make APP_VER=1.1 all
Macros set on the command line cannot be changed within the makefile, so this overrides the line in the makefile. The second invocation of make, therefore, will read the correct version-specific makefile, and then build all.
This technique has limitations, most noticeably that it is fiddly to arrange for each and every target to be treated like this. There are ways around it, but usually not worth it.
Project organization
More seriously, I think you need to review what you're doing altogether. You are, presumably, using a version control system (VCS) to manage the source code. Also, presumably, there are some (significant) differences between the version 1.1 and 1.2 source code. So, to be able to do a build for version 1.1, you have to switch from the version 1.1 maintenance branch to the version 1.2 development branch, or something along those lines. So, why isn't the makefile just versioned for 1.1 or 1.2? If you switch between versions, you need to clean out all the derived files (object files, libraries, executables, etc) that may have been built with the wrong source. You have to change the source code over. So why not change the makefile too?
A build script to invoke make
I also observe that since you have the environment variable APP_VER driving your process, that you can finesse the problem by requiring a standardized 'make invoker' that sorts out the APP_VER value and invokes make correctly. Imagine that the script is called build:
: ${APP_VER:=} # Latest version is default
case $APP_VER in
MAK_VER=`echo $APP_VER | sed -e 's/^\(...\).*/\1/'`
*) echo "`basename $0 .sh`: APP_VER ($APP_VER) should start with two digits followed by dots" 1>&2;
exit 1;;
exec make MAK_VER=$MAK_VER "$#"
This script validates that APP_VER is set, giving an appropriate default if it is not. It then processes that value to derive the MAK_VER (or errors out if it is incorrect). You'd need to modify that test after you reach version 10, of course, since you are planning to be so successful that you will reach double-digit version numbers in due course.
Given the correct version information, you can now invoke your makefile with any command line arguments.
The makefile can be quite simple:
MAK_VER = dummy
include app$(MAK_VER).mak
all: PROD now...
The appdummy.mak file now contains a rule:
echo "You must invoke this makefile via the build script" 1>&2
exit 1
It simply points out the correct way to do the build.
Note that you can avoid the APP_VER environment variable if you keep the product version number under the VCS in a file, and the script then reads the version number from the file. And there could be all sorts of other work done by the script, ensuring that correct tools are installed, other environment variables are set, and so on.
